Shot by both sides

Dangerous centrist extremism


Essential training

It's possible that I've gone mad. I seem to agree more or less completely with Patrick Crozier's ideas on what to do with the UK railways - pretty much, deregulate them completely.

The only change I&#39d make would be to keep TfL and the regional Passenger Transport Executives: local is good...

Posted by John B on 8/5/04 5:36:43 AM Permalink

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I guess claiming you're addicted to the Internet is easier than shooting yourself in the foot, as far as ways of getting sent home from military service go.

Although the real question the story raises is what the hell Finland's doing with a conscript army - are they going to hold off the Russians with sheer manpower?

Posted by John B on 8/5/04 5:07:08 AM Permalink


False start

So Jamie and Tim nearly had me fooled. But no: Maggie hasn't yet joined Ronnie, erm, wherever they may end up (somewhere warm, one might presume).

Posted by John B on 8/4/04 12:44:34 PM Permalink

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Good bias

If the press is going to come up with dubious statistics covering economics and the EU, I guess it's slightly better if they're pro- rather than anti-Euro.

But in the realms of sensible argument, we seem to be beyond the phase of using economics to sway the Euro case. From the economic research, it appears that the likely positive or negative economic impact of joining is smaller than the margin of error in forecasters' figures - respectable economists are entirely split on the cost/benefit analysis.

This means we need to make our Euro decision based entirely on personal prejudice and conjecture, which has the pleasant side-effect of making life much more fun. Since it would make travelling in Europe easier, would save my employers forex and hedging costs, would mean we had an exciting set of foreign coins to look at, would make it much harder for swivel-eyed loons to pull us out of the EU, and more generally woud annoy the swivel-eyed loons a lot, I support the Euro.

Posted by John B on 8/4/04 8:57:11 AM Permalink

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Three terms?

Unemployment-fearing British Spin has an excellent post on what might happen if someone with John Kerry's qualities and CV were to lead America at a time of crisis.

Posted by John B on 8/3/04 11:54:54 AM Permalink

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Greasy wops

Stereotypes in advertising are good - in that within the time and space constraints of an ad poster, skilful use of stereotypes can be the most effective way of making a point.

The recent &#39don't eat smelly food on the Tube' advert, which featured a sweaty Mediterranean butcher setting out his stall of meats on a London Underground train, is a good example.

The advert was funny and memorable; and given the fact that Mediterranean butchers' shops *actually do* feature large quantities of highly tasty but highly malodorous meats, it's also entirely inoffensive.

Italian Embassy official Guido Cerboni unfortunately disagrees, making an official complaint to London Underground that the advert impugns Italians (quite why Italians rather than the Greeks, Turks or French, I don't know). Sadly, rather than telling Mr Cerboni and his whining countrymen to go and fuck themselves, London Underground has agreed to withdraw the poster.

My views on the permissibility of complaining about advertising (or indeed, 'taste and decency' issues in general) are simple: all complaints made to the relevant authorities should be taken extremely seriously. However, anyone who makes such a complaint should be instantly committed to a lunatic asylum and not released for at least 12 months. If people are not sufficiently offended to accept this bargain, then there is no reason to pay any attention to their complaints.

Posted by John B on 8/3/04 10:27:33 AM Permalink

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Best lyric ever

"I can still hear the songs you used to play / From that Summer of Love in 68 / Seems it's turned into a Winter of Hate..."

For double interactivity, name the artist and song, and give your alternative &#39best lyric ever' nomination - 'lyric' here is used meaning something along the lines of &#39couplet'. The winner gets a copy of Babylon Zoo's second album, subject to undisclosed terms and conditions.

Posted by John B on 8/3/04 7:04:16 AM Permalink

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Listen: he speaks truth

Right. This comment is the best explanation of why we should ignore government 'there may be terror ahead' warnings and get on with our lives. Chris Lightfoot for PM...

Additionally, it's interesting to note that - despite the right wing's self-proclaimed hostility to &#39big government&#39 and its claims that liberals are the naive one, it&#39s the rightists who are more likely to believe all this &#39we are at war&#39 bullshit. We&#39re &#39at war&#39 with a few nutcases. They&#39ll probably blow up some more buildings and kill a few thousand more of us. And while it obviously makes sense to try and catch them, as members of the public it really isn&#39t important enough to get worked up about. </p> <p><small><i>Posted by John B on 8/3/04 6:57:16 AM <a href='full_post.asp?pid=303'>Permalink</a></i></small></p> <p><a href="full_post.asp?pid=303#comments">Write a comment</a></p> <h2>Dry wit award</h2> <p>The SBBS dry wit award doesn&#39t go to humorless libertarian Abiola Lapite (incidentally, the only person with whom I&#39ve ever had a flame war, after I - somewhat uncharitably - suggested that he was a tinfoil-hatted loon). <br><br><a href="">Abiola says</a>, &quot;A little known fact: Ireland is the only country in the world ever to have been completely converted to Christianity without blood (usually mostly that of those to be converted) being shed in the process.&quot; <br><br>No, the winner is commenter (and <a href="">worm lover</a>) Andrew Brown, whose response is simply: &quot;subsequent theological discussions were not entirely bloodless, though.&quot;<br><br>Thank you very much and good night.</p> <p><small><i>Posted by John B on 8/2/04 12:15:36 PM <a href='full_post.asp?pid=302'>Permalink</a></i></small></p> <p><a href="full_post.asp?pid=302#comments">Only one comment so far</a></p> <h2>Quote of the day/week/month</h2> <p>&quot;I always thought the White House was just handicapping itself so the Clash of Civilizations wouldn&#39t look fixed&quot; - <a href="">Get Your War On</a> explains the President&#39s articulacy troubles</p> <p><small><i>Posted by John B on 8/2/04 10:47:34 AM <a href='full_post.asp?pid=301'>Permalink</a></i></small></p> <p><a href="full_post.asp?pid=301#comments">Write a comment</a></p> <h2>Seriously, fuck off</h2> <p>If Eon hire <a href="">ridiculous Aussie Eric Banana</a> to be the next Bond, then I&#39ll burn down their studios. Jesus, even Heath Ledger would be a better choice....<br><br><i>Update: apparently our Eric <a href="">hasn&#39t been approached to be Bond</a>, and would turn it down if he were. Just as well.</i></p> <p><small><i>Posted by John B on 8/2/04 7:33:52 AM <a href='full_post.asp?pid=300'>Permalink</a></i></small></p> <p><a href="full_post.asp?pid=300#comments">Write a comment</a></p> <h2>Untergrundbahnstadtplan</h2> <p>As a great fan of stupid interlingual puns and the Tube map, imagine my delight to see the <a href="">two combined</a>. Never let it be said that the Austrians have no sense of humour.<br><br>Relatedly, have you noticed that if you view the <a href="">geographically accurate Underground map</a>, it looks almost exactly like the Harry Beck map drawn by a drunk and then stretched round the inside of a crater? <br><br>Not that I&#39ve ever made a drunk draw the Harry Beck map and then strech it round the inside of a crater. That would be wrong.<br><br>(via <a href="">ein Englischmann&#39s Schloss</a>)<br><br><i>Update: as Horst points out in the comments, I&#39ve been confusing my Franks and my Harrys - fixed now...</i></p> <p><small><i>Posted by John B on 7/30/04 1:53:42 PM <a href='full_post.asp?pid=299'>Permalink</a></i></small></p> <p><a href="full_post.asp?pid=299#comments">2 comments</a></p> <h2>Lies, damned lies, etc update</h2> <p>Online IT rag The Register has discovered yet another way to rig opinion polls: create an online poll using <a href="">multiple radio boxes</a> which appear to cover several different categories, but which actually only allows a single vote. So when you vote in the final pseudo-category, you don&#39t notice that you&#39re clearing any previous attempts at voting.<br><br>This meant that Rush and Heart (the two contenders in the Unpleasant Canadian Pomp Rock pseudo-section at the far bottom of the poll) were <a href="">voted IT professionals&#39 favourite rock bands</a>, alongside the less suprising likes of Metallica and Radiohead.<br><br>I&#39m sure Diebold are taking notes - so US voters should be wary if their presidential voting screen is divided into several categories, and the bottom one appears to feature a head-to-head choice between GWB and Osama Bin Laden (and yes, I know that Chimpy&#39s people are already trying to spin the contest as if it were...)</p> <p><small><i>Posted by John B on 7/30/04 10:21:20 AM <a href='full_post.asp?pid=298'>Permalink</a></i></small></p> <p><a href="full_post.asp?pid=298#comments">Write a comment</a></p> <h2>In the press</h2> <p>Hooray - I&#39m <a href="">on the BBC</a>! <br><br>It almost makes up for staying up til 2AM working on a database about chilled food. D&#39you know how boring chilled food is? Very.</p> <p><small><i>Posted by John B on 7/30/04 9:34:44 AM <a href='full_post.asp?pid=297'>Permalink</a></i></small></p> <p><a href="full_post.asp?pid=297#comments">Write a comment</a></p> <h2>I do not need this shit when my acupuncturist is out of town</h2> <p>I believe that if you mention the Onion on a blog, it&#39s compulsory to point out that it used to be good and is now just shrill and unfunny. Or is that the Poor Man? - it&#39s so easy to get these things confused. <br><br>Nonetheless, the Onion still prints excellent articles. Anyone who knows or works with rich PC types will, I trust, find <a href="">this one</a> true and extremely funny.<br><br>Incidentally, you miserable bastards, what&#39s with the lack of blog-birthday congratulations? Everyone else gets them... [sulk]</p> <p><small><i>Posted by John B on 7/30/04 7:21:13 AM <a href='full_post.asp?pid=296'>Permalink</a></i></small></p> <p><a href="full_post.asp?pid=296#comments">4 comments</a></p> <h2>The other stupid 'war on'</h2> <p>Before the &#39War on Terror&#39 became the most popular way for <a href="">incompetent</a> and <a href="">dishonest politicians</a> to cower <a href="">idiots</a> into voting for them, there was another, similar campaign.<br><br>Like the &#39War on Terror&#39, the &#39<a href="">War on Drugs</a>&#39 was not a war, did not target all (or even the most harmful) drugs, did nothing to stop the drugs it did target, and chiefly involved taking very poor people in extremely fucked countries and making them <a href="">even worse off</a>. It also involved <a href="">suspension of the rule of law</a>, indefinite detention of people who&#39d done <a href="">little or nothing wrong</a>, and (least importantly, but still rubbishly) imposing futile restrictions on western people&#39s ability to live their lives.<br><br>As fat gaylord <a href="">Johann Hari points out</a>, although John Kerry is likely to be slightly less appalling than Dubya in War on Terror terms, he&#39s a big fan of the War on Drugs. This is worrying and bad, especially given the <a href="">deranged puritanism</a> that&#39s taking hold on this side of the Atlantic.<br><br>Nonetheless, it seems reasonable (if distasteful) to endorse drug stupidity over blowing-up-the-entire-world stupidity.</p> <p><small><i>Posted by John B on 7/29/04 7:06:47 AM <a href='full_post.asp?pid=295'>Permalink</a></i></small></p> <p><a href="full_post.asp?pid=295#comments">Write a comment</a></p> <h2>He can't get no sleep</h2> <p>Dennis Kucinich has not only an excellent name, but also enough of a sense of humour to try and run for US president while being left-wing. Better still, from his <a href="">Dem convention speech</a>, he appears to be something of a fan of <a href="">UK hip-hoppers Faithless</a>.<br><br>Plagiarism is a weapon of mass destruction too, y&#39know...</p> <p><small><i>Posted by John B on 7/29/04 6:39:59 AM <a href='full_post.asp?pid=294'>Permalink</a></i></small></p> <p><a href="full_post.asp?pid=294#comments">Write a comment</a></p> <h2>Self-indulgence</h2> <p>Congratulations to <a href="">Norm</a> and <a href="">Tory Boy</a>, on reaching the grand old blog-ages of one and two respectively (I was hoping to coin the phrase &#39blog-years&#39, but apparently someone has <a href="">beaten me to it</a>).<br><br>In a similar but more self-indulgent vein, congratulations to myself for reaching my first blog-anniversary. One year ago today, SBBS <a href="">got off to a poor start</a> and went downhill from there... Still, 1000 people a week can&#39t be wrong (and other demonstrably counterfactual assertions).<br><br>Also, thanks to the perenially interesting <a href="">Harry&#39s Place</a> for blogrolling me. Although I disagree strongly with <a href="">Harry&#39s comments on comments</a>, at least until someone creates a trackback protocol that works properly. What&#39s the point of replying to someone if you don&#39t know whether or not they&#39re going to read it?</p> <p><small><i>Posted by John B on 7/29/04 6:26:00 AM <a href='full_post.asp?pid=293'>Permalink</a></i></small></p> <p><a href="full_post.asp?pid=293#comments">Only one comment so far</a></p> <p>If your appetite still isn't sated, you can <a href="default.asp?show=all">click here</a> to view the full post archive (may take a while to load...)</p> <p>Shot by both sides is copyright (C) John Band 2004 and made available under a <a href="">Creative Commons License</a>. It would validate as HTML 4.01 Traditional with valid CSS, but for some sillyness about ampersands in URLs. All content managed using <a href="full_post.asp?pid=37">SBBS</a>.</p></td> <td width="29%" align="right" valign="top" class="sideBar"> <h6>Recent posts:</h6> <a href="full_post.asp?pid=310">Essential training</a><br> <a href="full_post.asp?pid=309">Demob</a><br> <a href="full_post.asp?pid=308">False start</a><br> <a href="full_post.asp?pid=307">Good bias</a><br> <a href="full_post.asp?pid=306">Three terms?</a><br> <a href="full_post.asp?pid=305">Greasy wops</a><br> <a href="full_post.asp?pid=304">Best lyric ever</a><br> <h6>Recent comments:</h6> <a href="full_post.asp?pid=309#comment282">Richard</a><br> <a href="full_post.asp?pid=309#comment281">Richard</a><br> <a href="full_post.asp?pid=302#comment279">JonnyB</a><br> <a href="full_post.asp?pid=299#comment278">Horst</a><br> <a href="full_post.asp?pid=299#comment277">Chris Lightfoot</a><br> <a href="full_post.asp?pid=293#comment276">Frank</a><br> <h6>View archives:</h6> <a href="default.asp?show=08/01/04-08/31/04">August&nbsp;2004</a><br> <a href="default.asp?show=07/01/04-07/31/04">July&nbsp;2004</a><br> <a href="default.asp?show=06/01/04-06/30/04">June&nbsp;2004</a><br> <a href="default.asp?show=05/01/04-05/31/04">May&nbsp;2004</a><br> <a href="default.asp?show=04/01/04-04/30/04">April&nbsp;2004</a><br> <a href="default.asp?show=03/01/04-03/31/04">March&nbsp;2004</a><br> <a href="default.asp?show=02/01/04-02/29/04">February&nbsp;2004</a><br> <a href="default.asp?show=01/01/04-01/31/04">January&nbsp;2004</a><br> <a href="default.asp?show=12/01/03-12/31/03">December&nbsp;2003</a><br> <a href="default.asp?show=11/01/03-11/30/03">November&nbsp;2003</a><br> <a href="default.asp?show=10/01/03-10/31/03">October&nbsp;2003</a><br> <a href="default.asp?show=09/01/03-09/30/03">September&nbsp;2003</a><br> <a href="default.asp?show=01/01/00-09/01/03">Older posts</a><br><div class="SideBar"> <h6>Blogkeeping:</h6> <a href="rss.xml">View RSS feed</a><br> <a href="access_stats.asp">View referrer stats</a><br> <a href="mailto:john@stalinism.localhost?subject=RE: Shot by both sides&amp;body=My high-powered antispam solution means you need to replace 'localhost' with 'com' in the 'to' box. 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Apparently that's a Poor Boy">The Poor Man</a><br> <h6>Together they stand:</h6> <a href="" title="Soundtrack by Morricone, Vangelis, Kraftwerk and Whigfield">A Fistful of Euros</a><br> <a href="" title="Promising Scot - I think he'll go far">Adam Smith Institute</a><br> <a href="" title="Wavers between sane and not so">Biased BBC</a><br> <a href="" title="What do you get if you cross 10 philosophers and a website?">Crooked Timber</a><br> <a href="" title="Curated by Harry Hatchet. Possibly not his real name.">Harry's Place</a><br> <a href="" title="Bold experiment, and I'm not just saying that as a member">Living in Europe</a><br> <a href="" title="Oxford's so right wing these days">OxBlog</a><br> <a href="" title="A hotbed of leftism">PolitX</a><br> <a href="" title="I put on my tinfoil hat and I boarded the plane">Samizdata</a><br> <a href="" title="Libertarians who like trains. 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