posted by j
on Thursday August 05, @06:13PM
from the how-long-until-is-is-quietly-pulled? dept.
brossow writes "Apple today released Xcode 1.5 with little fanfare. The list of changes includes gcc 3.3 and speed improvements. Xcode 1.5 requires OS X 10.3+ and is available only to Apple Developer Connection (ADC) members."
posted by Trollaxor
on Thursday August 05, @12:45PM
from the iPhoto-4.0.2-was-a-figment-of-your-imaginations dept.
osm writes "I was delighted to see that iPhoto 4.0.3 is now available. Thank you."
Thank you, osm. Apple's updated iPhoto page reads
This update addresses several issues with using multiple text rules in Smart Albums and it also eliminates some problems with creating iPhoto books in the German and Dutch languages. Additionally, 4.0.3 keeps users informed about new version of iPhoto that have become available.
posted by j
on Wednesday August 04, @07:46AM
from the par-for-the-course dept.
The iPhoto 4.0.2 update that was released on Monday to address "minor issues wiuth Smart Albums and European books, and provide notification when new versions of iPhoto are available" has been removed from Software Update. A web page with the download link has also disappeared. No explanation has been offered yet.
posted by j
on Wednesday August 04, @07:43AM
from the OS-options dept.
Anonymous Coward writes "The IBM PowerPC 970 CPUs are well-designed, high-performance chips that ship in millions of end-user systems under Apple Computers' Power Macintosh G5 moniker. These CPUs greatly lower the bar for 64-bit computing on the desktop and on small servers. Currently, Terra Soft's beta Y-HPC is one of only two 64-bit Linuxes that run on G5s. As their names imply, the G5-enabled betas -- both 32- and 64-bit versions -- are for evaluation only. This article is an early look at the promise of Linux on a G5 and is intended for developers interested in trying out this combination in anticipation of production-ready releases to come."
posted by j
on Tuesday August 03, @07:05AM
from the creative-marketing dept.
Mike Rose writes "DealMac is reporting that Delta's low-fare Song carrier is offering a "50 Years of Rock" promotion; fly one qualifying round trip & get 100 iTunes song downloads, fly three round trips and get an iPod Mini. (Two trips gets you a Les Paul Junior Guitar.) What better excuse to take the family to Florida? Many restrictions apply, so read the fine print."
GUI Asterisk Tool Released For Internet Telephony Application
posted by acaben
on Tuesday August 03, @06:01AM
from the et-phone-home dept.
Anonymous Coward writes "I have just finished the first OSX GUI tool for Asterisk, the open source telephony server and a download link to the pre-release can be found on the Wiki. Much like Apple's setup assistants, this is an Assistant for newbies to add new extensions and phones to their Asterisk configuration when running Asterisk on OSX. Information on that is also on the Wiki above. For the curious, the assistant will be released as open source under the GPL. "
posted by acaben
on Tuesday August 03, @05:56AM
from the only-on-the-mac dept.
Carlos Camacho writes "Over the Edge Entertainment has been interviewed by iDevGames about their upcoming engine dubbed "Unity." Unity is set to be released in the first-quarter of 2004, in three versions, starting at $200-300. The entire interview can be read at iDevGames."
posted by acaben
on Tuesday August 03, @05:53AM
from the pronounced-yech-i-believe dept.
Kelly McNeill writes "Rio announced a new MP3 player, The Rio Carbon to compete with the iPod mini. Slightly lighter and touted with pver twice the battery of the the iPod mini, Rio will be fighting an up hill battle as the iPod and iPod mini dominate the portable music player scene. Like the Mini, Carbon will sell for $250. Editorial contributor, "Bav" offered the following piece to osOpinion/osViews, which details the pluses and minuses to the iPod's latest bit of competition."
posted by acaben
on Monday August 02, @09:01AM
from the by-beleaguered-apple,-of-course dept.
Jerry Tuttle writes "There is a fascinating essay titled Convergence Kills claiming it is a matter of time until the iPod is replaced by mobile phones, but the real Apple strategy is centered around their iTunes store and Fairplay digital rights management software becoming pervasive. His claims may or may not be bolstered by a Motorola agreement and the announcement of new 1" hard drives on the way for mobile phones."
posted by Cannonball
on Sunday August 01, @05:21PM
from the hope-you're-feeling-better,-Steve dept.
bedouin writes "Just passed by Google News and saw this Reuters articles. In an E-mail sent from his hospital bed, Jobs writes that he has underwent surgery for a cancerous tumor in his pancreas. While this sounds potentially fatal, Steve's cancer is a more rare form, that can be surgically removed. While he recuperates Tim Cook will reside as an interim CEO. Mr. Jobs is planning to return to Apple next month." On behalf of all the MacSlash staff, we wish a speedy recovery to Steve!