What is this site about?
All Consuming is a website that visits recently updated weblogs every hour, checking
them for links to books on Amazon, Barnes & Noble, Book Sense, and other book sites. Every book on
this site has a list of all the weblogs that have mentioned it, and every weblog that has mentioned
books in the past also has a page here listing which books it has mentioned. If you have a weblog,
search for it here to see if we've picked anything up from it yet.
This site was inspired by Book Watch, and
uses web services from Weblogs.com, Amazon.com, Technorati.com, and
Alexa.com. A web service is basically a system that lets websites talk to
each other, sharing information between each other without the intervention of pesky humans. All Consuming
also has a web service, available in SOAP and
REST flavors.
Sign up to create a list of books you're currently reading, have read, or plan
to read. You can also make a list of your favorite books. You can also display this list on your own site
by including a small snippet of javascript on your site (and you don't need to know any HTML).
XML? RSS? We cache most of our content in xml and rss, so have a look through this directory for
a list of available feeds. Archived feeds are kept here. As I continue to work on this site,
one thing I'd like to do is make the xml a little more presentable... but most people that know what to do with xml probably won't care too much
about the presentation. So there you go. Do something interesting.
If you're a developer and you're interested in learning more about how this site works,
I wrote an article for O'Reilly a while ago titled All Consuming Web Services.
I also wrote 3 chapters in Amazon Hacks
(#47, #48, and #100) about how this site interacts with Amazon in particular.
If you like this site, and want to contribute to server costs, we accept donations through PayPal.
During the last 30 days we've received $5 in donations from the following people:
Junio Tomato (site info).
If you'd like to be notified of major updates to this site, enter your email address below:
Who am I?
I'm Erik Benson, and I have a weblog of my own over at
erikbenson.com. I can be contacted at erik at allconsuming dot net.
The news portion of this site is powered by Movable Type.