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Radio Tools

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Updated: 10-08-2004; 15:16:39.

 Martedì, 10 agosto 2004

Are we finally getting there?
The last months on the web have been quite multimedial.

It has been subtle, no big revolutions or announcements, but it's getting quite interesting.

I'm talking about the web finally getting multimedial. I find Dave Winer's audio posts great. David Weinberger did a video post. The Gillmor Gang is rocking on ITConversations. There is the OpenMedia initiative. There is an interesting group on videoblogging.

I don't think that it's only a matter of tools. These tools have been available for quite a while. What we are seeing now is smart people using these tools in creative and innovative ways. It's a kind of feeling that only now I realize I had been missing for some time, the kind of feeling that makes me want to plug in cameras and microphones and do something new.

 Martedì, 3 agosto 2004

Hope is on the way for Radio users
Steve Kirks is the product manager for Radio at UserLand. Very good news.

I like Radio, it was a very innovative product, we wrote tools for it and we are hosting Radio UserLand sites for Italian, French and German users.

Still, I have been thinking about moving my weblogs to some other platform, mostly because I want to feel the excitement of new features. Radio is doing for me today exactly what it was doing last year, which is okay, but how about all those great new features that we were getting during Radio's first year?

But where to move to? Manila? MT? Word Press? I don't know, I've seen them all, they are very good products but none fully convinced me. The main reason is that I'm very comfortable with Radio and I very much like the idea of running the application locally and not on some remote server.

Running server applications is good in many cases, it's what we do for a living, but a blogging tool belongs to the desktop (and anyway, I can access my copy of Radio running on my office's Mac from anywhere in the world). I can drop a full bunch of files in a folder and the get automagically rendered and upstreamed to my weblog, this is something I'm doing all the time I cannot live without.

For some time we have also been thinking about developing our own tool since Radio felt an abandoned product (no updates, bug fixes and new features for a while). This is why the news of Steve joining UserLand as Radio pm is great, it gives us hope and motivation to support a product which imho has still a lot to say.

 Venerdì, 30 luglio 2004

Save to blog
Very interesting discussion going on at Roland Tanglao's about intergation of desktop and network apps via a Save to blog feature. [via Marc Canter]

 Mercoledì, 28 luglio 2004

Clipboard Sharing
Just found on MacOS X Hints: ClipboardSharing is a Mac OS X application that allows you to share clipboard contents on the network.

Downloaded and installed. It seems to work well. It might be the ultimate solution for all my dual Mac usage problems (I always have something I need on the other Mac).

I'm afraid that this is the kind of feature that most likely Apple will incorporate some future version of MacOS X. Meanwhile congratulations to Erik Lagercrantz for the great idea and implementation.

 Martedì, 27 luglio 2004

Calibrating points of view
While I was trying to wake up this morning I heard on the radio some news about the DNC going on in Boston. I realized that I was looking forward for reports from the few bloggers I know who are participating.

Of all DNC bloggers I only know (in the sense that I read regularly and have had a few conversations with) Dave Winer and David Weinberger. While reading their weblogs this morning I'm wondering why I find their words much more interesting than what all mainstream media are saying and writing.

A few possible answers:
  • In these years reading them writing about stuff I had opinions about I have been able to "calibrate points of view". I don't agree with everything they say but I tend to have a pretty clear feeling about our relative positions.
  • They are their own publishers, nobody is controlling or editing what they write but themselves.
  • They don't have any "let's rule the world in order to sell more diapers ads" hidden agenda.
  • They are normal people. They wrote the convetion was boring, journalists didn't.
  • ...
Congratulations to Suw
Congratulations to Suw for her new blog at Corante: Strange Attractor.

 Martedì, 20 luglio 2004

RSS = DoS?
RSS Traffic Burdens Publisher's Servers. The popularity of RSS feeds is testing the web infrastructure of at least one publishing company, which likens the impact of newsreader traffic to a denial of service attack. [Netcraft]

RSS file polling is currently using 44.8% of the bandwidth for my little weblog, I can only imagine what happens on a major news site. What does this mean? Too many rss readers downloading the whole file and not only the tiny http header? Maybe RSS readers should by default not read news at the top of the hour?

Is anybody working on a solution?

 Venerdì, 16 luglio 2004

Last Monday STES went very well. The great speakers and the "Late Night Show" format worked perfectly, helping to start a lot of conversations which I think most participants found interesting and useful.

The whole room agreed on doing it again: we're seriously thinking about it.

Thank you to all participants who have made this event great. Kudos to Matt for the hard work and the good results.

Agosto 2004
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