Islamic graves desecrated
Another Brick In The Wall: Are Palestinians cashing in on the "fence"?
Thursday, August 5, 2004
PEACEKEEPER: Rodríguez helped prevent unrest.
A Cool Head in a Crisis
As the recall vote on President Chávez looms, a psychiatrist tries to keep Venezuela calm
Read the Story
TIME: Crackdown in Caracas
Art Tamara de Lempicka
Travel Afghan journey
Health Seasonal change
N o t e b o o k  |  T h e  M i d d l e  E a s t
Another Brick In The Wall
Are Palestinian companies cashing in on Israel's security "fence"?

B u s i n e s s  |  B a n k i n g
Banks Without Borders
Will the first big European cross-border banking merger spark sweeping consolidation?

C o v e r  |  O b e s i t y
Fight Against Flab
It's not just fast food and no exercise. The craving for sweet, fatty fare is in our genes

A r t s
Not Just Horsing Around
The Last Victory serves up some interesting moments, but doesn't look deeply enough

B u s i n e s s  |  O i l
Troubled Waters
Kazakhstan could be among the top five oil producers by 2015, if the state doesn't get in the way

E u r o p e  |  R u s s i a
From Russia With Hate
Inspired by al-Qaeda, Russia's neo-Nazis have declared war on ethnic minorities

N o t e b o o k  |  F o o t b a l l
Learning To Love Glasgow Celtic
The U.S is an open goal for the latest kick in the grass

E u r o p e  |  C z e c h  R e p u b l i c
The Hot Springs Are Getting Hotter
The Czech town of Teplice is finding it difficult to come to terms with a mosque

B u s i n e s s  |  E l e c t r o n i c s
Getting Religion
LG Electronics take on the world

E u r o p e  |  W o r k i n g  W e e k
Not Working
Can Europe afford a 35 hour week?

Aug. 2, 2004

Jul. 26, 2004

Jul. 19, 2004

August 9, 2004 | Vol. 164, No. 5 Cover:
How We Grew So Big
New Hatred
Pumped Up
News in Brief
This issue:
Table of Contents
Lovin' Las Vegas
How Sin City got back into the (guilt-free) adult entertainment business—and why it attracts tourists from around the world
The Innovation Specialists
From Net entrepreneurs to nanotechnologists, meet 10 leaders of today's tech revolution
Euro 2004
The UEFA championships in Portugal gave Europe a much-needed kick
Breaking The Ice
Freezing seas and a solar eclipse shared in the company of inquisitive penguins
A Low Carb Diet for the Planet
New ways to cut harmful CO2 emissions
Read TIME's exclusive election  coverage
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