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Fast fact of the day

A 2003 study of 45 local TV stations found that in 7,560 hours of programming over one week, only 13 hours were devoted to local public affairs shows examining issues of governance or politics, less than one half of one percent.
Source: Alliance for Better Campaigns
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August 12, 2004

War? What war? Time Warner to launch Pentagon channel A Wi-Fi thief unmasked: guess it's time to move on Also starring (your product name here) The Post on WMDs: an inside story Kurtz explains his critique of 'Wash. Post' Iraq coverage 'Washington Post' says Iraq coverage was flawed Iran protests journalists' arrests in Iraq Ferreting out copyright scofflaws Congressional economists tackle copyright issues Broadcasters must be made to serve the public interest We're all journalists now FCC seeks to lift stay on radio ownership limits Kerry and the FCC, forcing the issue Fear Is good Into the memory hole Must-download TV Spectrum swap plan scrutinized News Corp. board OKs plan to move to U.S. Viacom unites foreign TV sales Bridging a digital divide
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