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ELF:  Green Activism & its Discontents

Last month, the FBI issued a warning to law enforcement organizations to be on the lookout for terrorist activity. Not exactly shocking these days. But in this case, the source of the warning was unusual. What had the FBI worried was not al Qaeda or another Timothy McVeigh, but something called the Earth Liberation Front. (read more)

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Check out the 2004 Index of leading Environmental Indicators for the US. 

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BMW project uses landfill gas for electricity
07.22.2004 - More than a year after BMW Manufacturing Co. announced plans to convert landfill gas to electricity, officials say the project has exceeded expectations...

Friends of the Earth laments passing of UK bureaucracy
07.22.2004 - Friends of the Earth reacted with alarm today (Wednesday 21st July) at proposals that could seriously set back official nature protection efforts in England...

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Hazardous Waste

hæ-z&r-d&s wAst

1. n. Resources used to implement outdated, ineffectual, and inefficient regulations in the name of environmental protection.

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