Friday, August 6, 2004
Bush greets voters at a rally last week in Springfield, Mo.
How Bush Plans To Win
To lure swing voters and dim Kerry's convention glow, the President tries an upbeat message: his second-term agenda
Read the Story

The Audacity of Hope
John Kerry chooses a unifying campaign for the Presidency

Can Kerry Channel Reagan?
The parallels are closer with Kerry and the 40th President
Who's the Education President?
Bush and Kerry stress their differences on education, but there are a lot of similarities in their plans

Blaming Frist
Republicans grow restless over a legislative logjam

Performances Of The Week

Premium Content The Not So Favorite Son
How John Kerry learned the language of politics in Massachusetts — and how his home state learned to accept, if not love, John Kerry

Can the Dems Retake the House?
The math is tight, but some party members think they can

Questions for Joe Biden
The senator talks to TIME about Kerry, Bush and foreign policy

Dems and the Third Way
At a partisan convention, Evan Bayh talks about finding common ground

Premium Content "Everybody Has Their Burdens"
The Democratic candidates wives talk to TIME about life on the campaign trail

Premium Content Inside The Mind Of John Kerry
The Democratic candidate deals in shades of gray, which means reaching a decision can be a long and winding road.

Premium Content Inside the Inner Circles
Meet the ever-expanding group of advisers who make up the Kerry brain trust

Premium Content The Campaigning Clan
The children of the Heinz and Kerry families go out on the trail together

Aug. 2, 2004

Jul. 26, 2004

Jul. 19, 2004
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Convention Dispatches
Reports from TIME's journalists at the Boston DNC
Democratic Party Polaroids
TIME photographer Christopher Morris takes a personalized look at the convention (updated 7/30)
Opening Night
TIME's photographers record the first day of the convention
Behind the Scenes
Backstage with the Kerry campaign before the big speech
Up Close, Personal
Images from filmmaker George Butler's upcoming John Kerry documentary
More Election Photo Essays >>
"Dick Cheney can be President."
— George Bush, when asked how Dick Cheney matches up to John Edwards
More Quotes from the Campaign
What Makes John Kerry Tick?
How the Democratic contender can win over the electorate
The Contenders
How Kerry's choice of John Edwards changes the 2004 campaign
Candidates on the Issues
Bush and Kerry on health care, foreign policy and the big issues for the U.S.

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