Because You're Paranoid Doesn't Mean They Aren't Really Trying to Get You
Tuesday, August 10, 2004
It’s still The Kissinger Commission
Having Joe Lieberman and Susan Collins lead “bi-partisan” efforts to break the logjam in Congress over post 9/11 intelligence “reform” is the equivalent of having two Republicans running the show. Collins is already on the advice line with the discredited Kissinger. Are Baker & Botts and The Carlyle Group next on her rolodex? And as long as we're being "bi-partisan" maybe Porter Goss and Bob Graham can tell the American people a little more about their breakfast with Pakistan's intelligence chief the very moment the Saudi terrorists were slamming into the towers.
posted by Groom Lake
5:07 AM
Lot of Good Stuff Here
Check out October/November Surprise? By Tom Engelhardt.
Yes, it's long but worth the effort--a chronicle of all sorts of things that seemed obvious not so long ago, a chastening reminder to us all of how history plays with mere mortals' illusions.
posted by John McCreery
3:26 AM
Dozens Throng To See Squanderer-In-Chief
Well, I'm watching Bush's "town hall meeting" in Annandale, VA, on CSPAN just now. It *looks* impressive, but according to this news report, there were "more than 600" supporters present -- WOW! (Visible minorities countable on one hand.)
Folks, Kerry and Edwards are drawing 10K-20K-30K+ crowds. Regularly. Everywhere they go.
Nope, it's clear that the ONLY thing we have to worry about is getting "Diebolded" on the vote count.
posted by Michael Scott
1:48 AM
Monday, August 09, 2004
God is a Republican
Apparently, it was God who told Alan Keyes, a two-time presidential candidate who lives in Maryland, to run for the U.S. Senate in Illinois. Can you spell "Carpetbagger," boys and girls?
posted by Jerry Bowles
6:31 PM
Nader off California ballot
Unsafe at any speed is morphing into unsafe on any ballot. Consumer advocate Ralph Nader didn't make the cut in California and if the trend continues those who bother to vote in America won't have him to kick around anymore. Nader tried to get the Green Party to make him their candidate, but the greenies rejected that one too... maybe the money the GOP usually throws to the greens this time of year isn't coming through.
posted by Groom Lake
4:36 PM
The Domo Factor: Why Bush Will Lose
"Domo" is my term for a downwardly mobile person.
I have many domo friends (and I hope they're not reading this item, since they don't know what I call them behind their backs).
A friend of mine is starting a new job today, at $11 an hour. He used to have a manufacturing job that paid considerably more. Now he says, "I never thought I'd be happy to make $11 an hour."
Another friend of mine called me over the weekend. An acquaintance of hers, working as a temp secretary in a hospital, is being evicted from her apartment and wanted to know if I knew of any women's shelters that would take her in. (My advice was: She should spread the word around to all the people she knows to find out if anyone would let her rent a room in a house on a month-to-month basis. There are many people out there who could use an extra $300 a month to pay the mortgage.)
These are just stories from the last two days. There are many stories like this in my circle of middle-class acquaintances living in northern Massachusetts and southern New Hampshire.
So many domos. And so many people like me--stuck in neutral. My company gave no raises this year and is outsourcing jobs to India.
One thing is for sure: If every domo voted for John Kerry, he'd win in a landslide.
posted by Vicki Meagher
12:49 PM
Come, Let Us Reason Together
A report on how the US blew the most important al Queda sting so far by identifying a vital source, from the BBC:
National Security Adviser Condoleezza Rice strongly denied that US officials were responsible for the leak.
"We did not, of course, publicly disclose his name," Ms Rice told CNN television on Sunday.
She said Mr Khan's identity had been given "on background" - that is for the journalists' information, not publication. Since when do government officials provide journalists details of top secret operations "on background." Condi is either stupid or lying or both.
posted by Jerry Bowles
11:53 AM
For All You Poll Junkies
The following pragraph is cross-posted with permission of the author, Gary Suwannarat, Chair of Democrats Abroad Thailand.
I hope that you are following these two sites--Sam Wang's pollcalc: I am a bit of a numbers junkie, and while I'm not buying my party hat yet, this Princeton statistician's calculations have to worry the Bush camp: probability of .98 of a Kerry victory had the election been held yesterday, with new polling information from NM and NJ showing Kerry developing a real lead in NM. it's updated daily, depending upon the availability of new polling information. The other site is electoral vote.com , which shows daily changes in likely electoral vote totals based on state polling information--the only thing we should be looking at. National polls are junk."
Note the consistency between Wang's calculations and the conclusions of Larry Sabato, the consultant quoted in the Birmingham News.
posted by John McCreery
7:48 AM
Sleeping with the enemy... our "allies" the Pakistanis
Porter "I used to be a contender" Goss and Bob "book of lists" Graham aren't talking about that breakfast they had with Pakistan's Inter-Service Intelligence (ISI) honcho on September 11, 2001. They were breaking bread even as the second plane hit the towers. But, hey, what we worry... Rice-a-Roni says that most of the intelligence about Al Qaeda the Paks are feeding us (some via the Brits)was "perhaps from after 2000." Pepe Escobar's Asia Times piece on the Pakistan-Al Qaeda connection is required reading.
posted by Groom Lake
3:40 AM
Family Values (4)
Do men want Stepford wives? The answer, according to Rosalind Chait Barnett and Caryl Rivers is "No."
Men's mate preferences change when situations change. Today, a woman's paycheck may be more appealing than her perfectly-baked brownies. Men's wages have been stagnant or declining for 15 years now, and the "family wage" of the industrial age has been replaced by the job insecurity of the global age.
Most couples require two paychecks to stay in the middle class, a math lesson that is not lost on men.
Judge Richard Posner, author of a book on the economics of mating, "Sex and Reason," suggests, "economics is not divorced from mate selection. People change their behavior as costs and benefits change."
J-Date, the popular online national dating service, automatically requests information on women's incomes, because their male clients ask for it.
Mary Balfour, director of Drawing Down the Moon, an executive dating agency based in London, says that college-educated and professional men in their 20s and 30s now want women who match their intellect and earning abilities. "It is only those in their 50s and 60s who tend to take a deep breath when introduced to powerful women," she says.
Democratic candidates married to smart, independent, self-supporting women may be riding a major historical trend.
posted by John McCreery
3:25 AM
What is her job again?We all know about the al Qaeda operative who was working with Pakistan, making real and useful contacts for them, and who was rendered useless when his name was published in the New York Times. We know about this because Reuters told us, after talking to Pakistani officials (Juan Cole is providing detailed and damning coverage in his blog). Were U.S. officials the first to "out" him, or did they merely confirm what Pakistan revealed? Frankly, I think either is gross incompetence, but apparently, this is all I should expect, considering this exchange between Wolf Blitzer and Condi Rice on Late Edition: BLITZER: Had he been flipped, in the vernacular, was he cooperating with Pakistani intelligence after he was arrested?RICE: I don't know the answer to that question, as to whether or not he was cooperating with them. WHAT?? She doesn't know? I know! How does the President's National Security Advisor constantly get away with making statements about her own incompetence on national news programs? (Yes, that's a rhetorical question. Don't strain yourselves.)
posted by Opus (& Louise)
2:49 AM
Unabashed Solicitation
It's campaign season. Everybody and his brother wants your hard-earned dollars. Me, too. Please get out your plastic, click Contribute to Democrats Abroad, and help us get out the overseas vote to put John Kerry in the White House and take back the House and Senate, too.
Democrats Abroad is the Democratic Party state committee that represents the five to seven million American citizens who live and work outside the United States. Why give your money to us?
*The Republicans have Dan Quayle running around the world saying that the overseas vote could swing this election. *We Democrats abroad are inclined to agree. In 2000, the difference in Florida was 537 votes. We already have more than 400 Florida Democrats on our roles in the UK alone. *Since the start of this year, we have grown from 30 to over 70 country committees, including start-ups like Donkeys in the Desert, our committee in formation in Baghdad. *Republicans say that Americans overseas tend to vote Republican. We say that they are talking through their hat. Not only is our membership growing by leaps and bounds. Every time we hold bipartisan voting assistance events, we've got people lining up at our tables, while their folks sit twiddling their thumbs.
To make a long story short, we are doing so well that we have become, would you believe it, a targeted state, asked to participate in a coordinated campaign. Our assignment is to raise US$167,000 for get-out-the-vote advertising in international media and IMHO we ought to be able to do much better than that.
It sure would help, though, if friends and friends of friends, would join us in this effort. So once again, let me fall on my knees and beg, plead, cajole--Please get out your plastic, click Contribute to Democrats Abroad, and help us get out the overseas vote to put John Kerry in the White House and take back the House and Senate, too.
John McCreery is, among other things, International Vice Chair of Democrats Abroad
posted by John McCreery
2:18 AM
Keep on Fighting, Keep on Fighting
If your Republican friends seem a little down at the mouth, it could be news like this, reported in The Birmingham [Alabama] News.
But don't relax for a second. We want an absolutely, positively, totally crushing landslide, and we don't want to feel sandbagged because we left something undone.
posted by John McCreery
2:11 AM
30th Anniversary... Nixon Resigns
After a visit from a GOP congressional delegation that told him it was time, an increasingly isolated, martini-saturated, cottage cheese and ketchup eating Richard M. Nixon resigned the presidency thirty years ago today. We now have a sitting president who has done far worse than Nixon in terms of lying to Congress and the American people about his unilateral war in Iraq. We now have a Democratic challenger who avoids discussing the wrongness of the Bu$h "war of lies" in Iraq on the campaign trail because it is too divisive. Let's see if Shrum, From and the rest of the "brain trust" think it's too divisive to mention Watergate while on the hustings today.
posted by Groom Lake
12:37 AM
Sunday, August 08, 2004
Go Get 'Em, Howard! YEAARRRGH!
Here's a bit of "must-see TV" for today: On CNBC's "Topic A" this evening, Dr. Howard Dean is guest-hosting in place of Tina Brown. Dean's guests include: Bev Harris, of blackboxvoting.org (who will demonstrate how quickly and easily touchscreen voting can be hacked into, and the results changed); California Sec. of State Kevin Shelley; Jon Stewart, of "The Daily Show"; and comedienne Margaret Cho.
Something tells me the Good Doctor had a hand in selecting his guests . . .
posted by Michael Scott
3:23 PM