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Transcript for "This Week," June 20, 2004

  Chronicle of Our Nation's Crisis (the Bush Administration)

Thursday, August 5, 2004

Show Me
A couple of days ago the people of my state-of-origin, Missouri, voted to ban gay marriage in the state by 72 to 28 percent.. Proposition 2 ("Shall the Missouri Constitution be amended so that to be valid and recognized in this state, a marriage shall exist only between a man and a woman?") brought out a record number of voters. According to the Springfield News-Leader,

Turnout was at its highest level since the state began tracking it 24 years ago — at least 42.8 percent of Missouri's nearly 3.5 million registered voters cast ballots — according to the office of the secretary of state.

Voter turnout also broke records in several counties, including Greene, where the number of ballots cast Tuesday was comparable to recent non-presidential November general elections.

I've read some analysis suggesting this vote indicates a swing to Bush in one of the larger swing states. To which I say, maybe. But maybe not.

Tuesday was a primary day in Missouri. I've been looking at the numbers, and for what it's worth:

  • 241,956 more people voted in the Democratic primary than the Republican primary.
  • 41,574 more people voted for Proposition 2 than voted in the two gubernatorial primaries combined.
  • Rasmussen Report poll released on the same day as the primary has Missouri "leaning Bush," but by only 4 points, which is pretty much where it's been for a while. 

What does this mean? Maybe nothing. But it may mean that gay marriage isn't all that much of a "wedge" issue. We can assume that some portion of people who voted "yes" on amending the state Constitution would not be in favor of amending the federal Constitution, for example. And Senator Kerry says he is opposed to gay marriage but thinks it is a state issue. Also, we can assume that many Democrats who voted "yes" may not base their vote for President on that one issue and still plan to vote for Kerry.

The numbers also suggest that lots of voters who rarely vote crawled out of the woodwork to bash gays. Whether they will crawl out of the woodwork again to vote for Bush remains to be seen.  


3:31 pm | link

Faux Nooz Strikes Again
I picked this up on Kausfiles, of all places -- scroll past Teresa is a liability, Kerry didn't get a bounce, time for Dems to panic blah blah blah, and read the part that starts Franks: Kerry Was Right About 'Nam!
Fox's Sean Hannity didn't look too happy today when now-retired Gen. Tommy Franks backed up John Kerry's old claims of atrocities in Vietnam.... After Hannity had detailed Kerry's charges--which included stories of beheadings and the shooting of innocent civilians--Franks agreed with them. The "things Kerry said are undeniable," the general told his surprised host, explaining that "things didn't go right" in Vietnam. ...
Kaus goes on to say that the official transcript has Franks saying, in effect, that he didn't think the things Kerry said were undeniable. However, if you can stomach looking at Sean Hannity's face for a couple of minutes (keep Pepto Bismol handy) and look at the video, Franks really did back up Kerry's stories of atrocities, much to Hannity's surprise.
I don't have a direct link to the video, but you can go to this page and scroll down to "the General speaks" in the right-hand column, and click on "part 3." No point sitting through the whole thing.
It's remarkable to me that so many are still in denial about the Vietnam atrocities. It was common knowledge in the late 1960s and early 1970s, as the draftees came home and talked about it. The My Lai Massacre was one of the few cases in which their was solid documentation.
Hannity goes on to read statements by Kerry from 2002 in which he explained why he would vote for the war resolution, followed by Hannity rolling his eyes over Kerry's opposition to the war now. What Hannity doesn't say, of course, is that Kerry's biggest fault was that in 2002 he chose to believe what the Bushies were saying about nuclear capability and WMDs. Duh.  

7:28 am | link

Wednesday, August 4, 2004

(I'm gong to free associate for a while. I hope you won't mind. I will get to a point eventually.)
This morning I stumbled onto this essay by Terry Heaton, which I thoroughly enjoyed. I'd like to add a little to it.
I want to skip down a few paragraphs to the part about tribes, because here the author is close to something important but not all the way there. Start with the paragraph that begins,
In the Postmodern worldview, people are united through the concept of tribes, where attraction takes center stage.
On the surface this sentence may not make sense, especially for people like me who have yet to figure out what postmodernism is. However, it caught my eye because I have long made sense of current human civilization by seeing it as made up of vast, overlapping tribes. It is helpful here to provide a definition of tribe, which Heaton does:

tribe n 1 group of (esp. primitive) families or communities linked by social, religious, or blood ties, and usually having a common culture and dialect and a recognized leader. 2 any similar natural or political division. 3 usu. derog set or number of persons, esp. of one profession etc. or family. (Oxford)

The difference between a tribe and a mere association is that the tribes you belong to (you may belong to several) make up a big part of your self-identity. Put another way, a tribe is an association with an institution or other group of people that your ego attaches to. So, when your tribe is threatened, particularly by another tribe, the ego reacts as if the self is threatened.

Further, long-held tribal identities are nearly impossible to shake loose; most people cannot divorce themselves from a tribe without going through all manner of existential angst.

For example, a person raised Catholic may come to disagree with most Church teaching but hesitate to switch denominations because it just plain feels uncomfortable. That discomfort comes from a primordial part of the subconscious warning us it's dangerous to leave the tribe. We might be eaten by saber-tooth tigers, or something.

I see the joining of tribes as an instinct given us by our early hominid ancestors that is hardwired into our species. Human beings can no more avoid joining tribes than they can avoid breathing. We form tribal identities with families, with communities, with nations, with ethnic or racial groups, and with institutions (religions, football teams, political parties). Tribes also form around philosophies or ideologies.

There are even tribes of people who are opposed to tribes. These people can be identified by how much they quote Ayn Rand to show how uniquely individual they are.

Freepers are an obvious example of a postmodern tribe. They will defend their Freeper fellows and leaders, such as George Bush, beyond all logic and reason, and they will do so with all the fierceness (and lack of intellect) of a wolf defending his pack. No facts, no argument, can shake their absolute faith that the Right is right. For individual Freep, Freepery is an extension of themselves, and if you discredit Freepery, you challenge a Freeper's very existence. It may be easier to reason with a wolf than with a Freeper.

Postmodern tribes differ from ancient tribes in that they are less geograpically based than they used to be. These days it's possible to join a tribe of people scattered about the entire planet. Although we still may classify Americans by city, state, or region -- Southerners, Yankees, Westerners, New Yorkers, Texans, Hillbillies, Hoosiers, etc. -- these identities mean less today than they did a century ago, and a century from now they may be gone entirely.

Many have commented on the Red State-Blue State nonsense within which our current political struggles are framed. Voting patterns do not neatly fall within state borders. What we're really looking at are tribal populations, which still tend to be more concentrated in some regions than in others. Over time, this will change. Even the "solid South" must eventually break up and become more tribally diverse.

Finally, I get to what may be an important point: I believe support for George W. Bush is based almost entirely on tribal loyalty and identity. Mostly he's got a couple of mega-tribes, such as what's loosely called the Religious Right, which is actually made up of several overlapping, socially conservative Christian tribes. And he's got a mega tribe called "political conservatives," which is made up of anti-government, anti-socialist, anti-tax, anti-multicultural (we used to call these people "bigots"), and anti-modernism tribes, among others.

IMO most members of these tribes will stick with Bush no matter how badly he screws up, because he's their tribal leader, and tribes must be defended at all cost. If you lose your tribe, other tribes will catch you and cook you in a big pot and decorate their huts with your shrunken head.. 

Bushism leaves real conservatives in an uncomfortable position, however. Their tribal instincts tell them to be loyal to the "conservative" tribe, but reason tells them Bush ain't no conservative. On the other hand, the pull of tribal loyalty may be strong enough to keep them from voting for Kerry. This will be an interesting group to watch in the coming weeks.

But what about support for John Kerry? I believe support for Kerry is based less on tribal identity than on an expectation he can perform the job of President of the United States well, or at least a damn sight better than Bush. We liberals and progressives and Democrats for the most part, I think, do not (yet) consider John Kerry to be our leader. He's more like the knight we've hired to go out and slay the dragon.

However, the ferocity with which we dislike the Bushies does come, at least in part, from our tribal loyalties.  The Bushies really do want to catch us and cook us in big pots, etc. We are not imagining this.

Some commentators have made a big deal of the perception that most likely Democratic voters are less excited about Kerry becoming President than they are about getting rid of Bush. But what this really says is that support for Bush is based on primordial emotions, mostly fear, while support for Kerry is based more on judgment and reason. 

We don't need to apologize for that.

11:23 am | link

Cry Wolf 6:09 am | link

Tuesday, August 3, 2004

That Socialist Rag
Business Week has an interesting take on the Democratic convention. I don't agree with it 100 percent, but I do like the evaluation of television coverage:
The TV networks. The broadcast networks get one of the most valuable pieces of corporate welfare that exists anywhere: free use of our nation's broadcast spectrum. In exchange, they owe the public a little bit of public service. That means real coverage of public affairs issues. And it should mean extensive coverage of political conventions and Presidential debates. By opting to air just one hour of the Democratic convention on three of the convention's four nights, ABC, NBC, and CBS let the public down. The once-venerable Big Three networks missed the highlight of the convention -- Barack Obama's fabulous keynote address -- and they skipped newsworthy speeches by Jimmy Carter, Wes Clark, Max Cleland, and many others. Their pathetic efforts at voiceover sophistry and punditry in Boston -- and an equally paltry presentation slated for New York -- give them a couple more well-deserved black eyes.
Cable TV. CNN, the leading purveyor of news to Democratic voters, also ended up with egg on its face. All too often, the self-described trusted news source, opted to show its viewers the yakking faces of its own TV personalities rather than the action on the floor. For example, the network missed most of the electric speech by Clark. Sometimes, less commentary and more news would be good news. Fox -- CNN's conservative competition -- was so relentlessly negative that it might as well have advertised its coverage as a donation from media mogul Rupert Murdoch to the Republican National Committee and the Bush campaign. Thank goodness for C-SPAN!

10:53 am | link

Most of the al Qaeda surveillance of five financial institutions that led to a new terrorism alert Sunday was conducted before the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks and authorities are not sure whether the casing of the buildings has continued, numerous intelligence and law enforcement officials said yesterday.
More than half a dozen government officials interviewed yesterday, who declined to be identified because classified information is involved, said that most, if not all, of the information about the buildings seized by authorities in a raid in Pakistan last week was about three years old, and possibly older.
"There is nothing right now that we're hearing that is new," said one senior law enforcement official who was briefed on the alert. "Why did we go to this level? . . . I still don't know that."
Oh, but we know. This is all leading up to an attempt to ban protesters from Manhattan during the RNC Convention.
Updates: See also Billmon here, Kevin Drum here, and uggabugga here and here. Stirling Newberry says "We should get the warning about 911 any day now."
And always, Paul Krugman.
koolaid.jpgAnother update: Talk about freaking unbelievable ... this poor idiot child defends the Bushies by saying " 'not new' does not equal 'no threat.'" Nobody, of course, said there was "no threat." As I described below, New York City has been on high security alert -- armed National Guard, bomb sniffing dogs, security checkpoints -- ever since 9/11. This is a good thing. But you don't terrify people half to death on three-year-old "intelligence." Not something a wingnut could possibly understand, of course.
6:49 am | link

Monday, August 2, 2004

Eat Dat Crow!
Remember that long-ago time (last Friday) when the wingnuts were crowing about an ABC/WaPo poll that showed people trusted Bush (52 to 37 percent) to protect the U.S. from terrorism?
Well, now there's a new ABC/WaPo poll that says people think John Kerry is "better qualified to be commander-in-chief," by 52 percent to 44 percent.
Eat dat crow, Bushies! Eat it eat it eat it!
On the other hand, you'll notice the new news story about the new poll leads with a caution that Kerry didn't get much of a convention bounce, but then goes on to say that Kerry's position as a candidate is much stronger in several ways than it was before.
Today's Egg on the Face Award goes to Robert Moran of National Review Online, who said today,
That dull thud you hear may be the John Kerry flop of 2004.
The media wanted a post-convention bounce for the Democrats' presidential nominee. The Washington Post, acting as political consultant, highlighted the rosy findings of its convention focus groups among swing voters. They tried.

But polling suggests that the Boomer centric "Boston Me Party" that nominated John F. Kerry, may have been a flop. The most recent CNN/USA Today/Gallup poll, conducted Friday and Saturday (the best time to measure a possible post-convention bounce), actually found Bush ahead of Kerry 50 percent to 47 percent among likely voters and behind Kerry by three points among registered voters in a two-way race. In a three-way race this research found Bush ahead 50 percent to 46 percent among likely voters and tied at 47 percent among registered voters.

Note that this poll also has a 4-point margin of error. So much for the three-point lead. 

NRO must switch allegience from ABC/WaPo to CNN/USA Today/Gallup because the latter is the only poll that puts Bush ahead. The most recent ABC/WaPo, American Research Group, CBS/New York Times, Newsweek, and Zogby polls all show Kerry moving ahead.

This is no time to be complacent. We've got several weeks to go. I've seen enormous shifts in poll numbers as Election Day approaches. Still, the Dems are off to a good start. Smells like victory to me.

6:54 pm | link

Just Another Day in New York
Is this just another bogus security alert? Who knows?
Al Qaeda allegedly is planning to bomb the financial district, again. New York Newsday says the streets around Grand Central Station are closed, also, and Grand Central is nowhere near the financial district. Newsday has a photograph of a van being searched. The building in the background is Saint Patrick's Cathedral, which is even further away from the financial district than Grand Central.
New Yorkers may be feeling a bit more trepidation than usual, but I'll bet not that much. New York City has been on perpetual high security alert since 9/11. The armed National Guard and NYPD bomb-sniffing dogs and security guards that ain't lettin' you go noplace unless you can prove you got business there are just more things to maneuver around, like the sidewalk vendors and subway musicians. Fuhgeddaboudit
Notice that Newsday had to find a tourist to get a usable person-on-the-street quote.
New Yorkers have also learned to live with little inconveniences like being stuck on a halted subway because of a security alert and the occasional evacuation because a bomb-sniffing dog fixated on some abandoned package. (Bomb or bacon? I always wonder.)
New Yorkers shrug it off, but it's a constant reminder that we aren't really much safer from terrorism than we were on September 10, 2001. I wonder if some Red State citizens were to wake up to armed National Guard and sniffer dogs and security checkpoints, would they still trust Dubya so much?
The real fun is in speculating what political motivation lies behind this alert. Was Tom Ridge ordered to cry wolf to distract the electorate from John Kerry? Do the Bushies plan to manufacture an excuse to ban protesters from Manhattan during the RNC convention? (My money's on the latter.)

7:39 am | link

Sunday, August 1, 2004

Gender and Other Wars
Molly Ivins wrote today:

... the one topic the D's, in their determined-not-to-be-negative mode, are avoiding like said skunk is Iraq. ... The more or less official Democratic line is whether you were for the war or against it, the administration screwed up the implementation beyond recall, which I suppose works politically and has the added virtue of being true.

Nonetheless, I don't think it gets us far enough: We spent at least 20 years after Vietnam arguing about what we needed to learn from that experience, and I don't want to see the lessons of Iraq confused.

It is not just a matter of Use Overwhelming Force and Have an Exit Strategy (two lessons from Vietnam). It really is much more important to understand why we should not have invaded in the first place.

Not just a case of bad information on the WMD, on the supposed ties to al Qaeda, on the nonexistent nuclear program, etc. We need to get it through our heads that the real mistake was invading in the face of almost universal opposition from the rest of the world.

There may be a time and place where we will have to act unilaterally, but this wasn't it. Painfully, clearly not.

I'm sure I've said this before, but to this day there are people who insist we could have "won" in Vietnam, without considering what "winning" would actually look like (occupation and insurgency without end) and what the point might have been. These are the same people who today think we already have "won" in Afghanistan and Iraq, and those pesky insurgents are just die hards who won't face reality.

The more things change, the more they stay the same.

Pope: Women Are Holsteins

The Pope declares gender war in the name of ending gender war:
The Vatican yesterday depicted what it claimed were women's characteristic traits: 'Listening, welcoming, humility, faithfulness, praise and waiting.'
So does this men men's characteristic traits are self-absorption, hostility, arrogance, unfaithfulness, derision, and impatience?
... 'women, in order to be themselves, must make themselves the adversaries of men'. Such confrontational thinking was 'leading to harmful confusion ... which has its most immediate and lethal effects in the structure of the family'.
Women become adversaries of men when men try to keep us in a tiny gender-role box. It's not good for men to live in tiny gender-role boxes, either.

Gender war also encouraged a perilous blurring of the distinctions. 'To avoid the domination of one sex or the other, their differences tend to be denied, viewed as mere effects of historical and cultural conditioning.'

Translation: Women should just accept being Holsteins.

Such a view ignored qualities that arose from a woman's unique ability to give birth. This 'allows her to acquire maturity very quickly, and gives a sense of the seriousness of life and of its responsibilities.

Men are not supposed to sense the seriousness of life and of its responsibilities?

 A sense and a respect for what is concrete develop in her, opposed to abstractions which are so often fatal for the existence of individuals and society,' says the first high-level pronouncement on gender issues since the Pope's 1995 'Letter to Women'.

I believe there are traits, such as aggressiveness, that may be more pronounced in one gender population than the other, but variations among individuals are stronger than variations between sexes. I also believe that dogmatic and  ideological rigidity equals brain death. 
When dogmatists and ideologues try to enforce control, yin and yang will become unbalanced.  But when dogmatists and ideologues butt out, yin and yang will find harmony. This is something the Taoists figured out 25 centuries ago. Maybe someday the rest of us will catch up.

7:16 pm | link

History Lesson
Howard "Leave the Money on the Night Stand" Fineman just said (on the Chris Matthews Show) that no presidential challenger ever unseated a commander in chief. I assume he meant in time of war.
This ignores the fact that, in at least two instances I can think of, the sitting commander in chief withdrew from the presidential race in time of war. Harry Truman might have run for re-election in 1952, but the Korean War and the (rightful) dismissal of General MacArthur had so weakened him politically that he abdicated his position as Democratic standard bearer to Adlai Stevenson. General Eisenhower, who pledged to "go to Korea" and settle the matter, was the winner.
And in 1968, Lyndon Johnson could take no more and stepped away from the campaign. Herbert Humphrey lost to Richard Nixon, who had dropped broad hints he had a "secret plan" to win the Vietnam War (D.R.: Maybe he didn't say that, but he did leave the impression).
Iraq is turning into a fiasco of Vietnam proportions. If the news media were doing the same job reporting events that was done during Korea or during Vietnam, by now Bush would be so discredited he might be stepping down, also, were he not a monomaniacal a--hole.
Going further back, most historians believe Abraham Lincoln was losing the 1864 campaign until General Sherman took Atlanta in September and made the Civil War look, finally, winnable.
The lesson might be that war presidents are darn near unseatable if the electorate supports the war. If it doesn't, that president is in big political trouble.
What will happen when a war president seeks reelection at a time when most of the electorate is turning against the war? I don't believe that has ever happened before.

12:00 pm | link

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"To announce that there must be no criticism of the president, or that we are to stand by the president, right or wrong, is not only unpatriotic and servile, but is morally treasonable to the American public." --Theodore Roosevelt, 1918


The War Prayer

I come from the Throne -- bearing a message from Almighty God!... He has heard the prayer of His servant, your shepherd, & will grant it if such shall be your desire after I His messenger shall have explained to you its import -- that is to say its full import. For it is like unto many of the prayers of men in that it asks for more than he who utters it is aware of -- except he pause & think.

"God's servant & yours has prayed his prayer. Has he paused & taken thought? Is it one prayer? No, it is two -- one uttered, the other not. Both have reached the ear of Him who heareth all supplications, the spoken & the unspoken....

"You have heard your servant's prayer -- the uttered part of it. I am commissioned of God to put into words the other part of it -- that part which the pastor -- and also you in your hearts -- fervently prayed, silently. And ignorantly & unthinkingly? God grant that it was so! You heard these words: 'Grant us the victory, O Lord our God!' That is sufficient. The whole of the uttered prayer is completed into those pregnant words.

"Upon the listening spirit of God the Father fell also the unspoken part of the prayer. He commandeth me to put it into words. Listen!

"O Lord our Father, our young patriots, idols of our hearts, go forth to battle -- be Thou near them! With them -- in spirit -- we also go forth from the sweet peace of our beloved firesides to smite the foe.

"O Lord our God, help us to tear their soldiers to bloody shreds with our shells; help us to cover their smiling fields with the pale forms of their patriot dead; help us to drown the thunder of the guns with the wounded, writhing in pain; help us to lay waste their humble homes with a hurricane of fire; help us to wring the hearts of their unoffending widows with unavailing grief; help us to turn them out roofless with their little children to wander unfriended through wastes of their desolated land in rags & hunger & thirst, sport of the sun-flames of summer & the icy winds of winter, broken in spirit, worn with travail, imploring Thee for the refuge of the grave & denied it -- for our sakes, who adore Thee, Lord, blast their hopes, blight their lives, protract their bitter pilgrimage, make heavy their steps, water their way with their tears, stain the white snow with the blood of their wounded feet! We ask of one who is the Spirit of love & who is the ever-faithful refuge & friend of all that are sore beset, & seek His aid with humble & contrite hearts. Grant our prayer, O Lord & Thine shall be the praise & honor & glory now & ever, Amen."

(After a pause.) "Ye have prayed it; if ye still desire it, speak! -- the messenger of the Most High waits."

·   ·   ·   ·   ·   ·

It was believed, afterward, that the man was a lunatic, because there was no sense in what he said.

[Mark Twain, 1905]


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