Welcome to Reality Parenting!
It's been a while since I sat back, observed the world kid-less, and thought just for myself. I am currently reveling in a two-week vacation from my children. Holy shit ... I really AM a person under all the inherited flab and distraction! My house isn't blown apart like so many Afghani villages, I actually had a cocktail without wondering if my teenager could tell and I'm listening to the music I want to hear. Is there any going back? Well, yeah of course there is. Out of pure necessity, obligation and, as much as I wish it weren't so, ultimate need for my children to be back in my arms again. All said, parents need a vacation from their kids. This is my first in 14 years. Ya think it's long overdue?! God yes. Reality Parenting is a byproduct of said vacation. As a matter of fact, it evolved on the very first day. This says a lot for that much needed time away from the clawing oppression of being a parent. The creativity comes back; the mind clears and eureka happens all by itself. Let's see if we can turn this web site into something of a revolution. Naturally, I'll need your help. As in: support the site, visit the sponsors and send everyone you know the link! You can also subscribe to free Reality Parenting updates and information by sending any email here: Sign Me Up! You have probably figured out from the first few paragraphs that this is not your daddy's (or mommy's) parenting site. This is Reality Parenting. As in what really goes on in homes, behind locked doors and insulation. Like the fact that we scream at our kids when the world can't see or hear us lose it completely; as in parental profanity and second-hand smoke; frozen dinners and sugared cereal for dinner because we just can't deal with another night of cooking something only one-third of the household will be happy with; dressing our babies in offensive but hilarious T shirts; being human, people in our own right and understanding that there are plenty more of us out there than the conservative right would have us believe. Let's go forth and be real parents, shall we? The most important aspect of parenting is loving our kids, foibles and all; treating them with the respect we would like in return and with a gentle, kind compassion. Reality Parents don't hit or humiliate their children ... they just admit to being what and who they are, no apologies. Think you fit this category? Then, by all means: Enter Reality Parenting! |
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