NOW they tell us! Jebby's Purge List tactic UNEQUAL TREATMENT of would-be-voters.

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Posted by Lord of Flies on July 11, 2004 at 09:51:39:

We FINALLY find out where the 'democrat felon's list' disparity occurred.

Where else, but in the Kathrine Harris Felon's purge PROCESS!

"... Hispanic Republicans outnumber Hispanic Democrats by about 100,000 voters in Florida. But more than 90 percent of the approximately one million registered blacks there are Democrats.
The exclusion of Hispanics from the purge list explains some of the wide discrepancy in party affiliation of voters on the felon list, which bears the names of 28,025 Democrats and just 9,521 Republicans, with most of the rest unaffiliated. ...""

Not surprisingly, the Bautisettes were PREFERENTIALLY treated under Bush.

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