DrugSense Media Awareness Project Drug Policy Central
Drug Policy Central Drug Policy Central
Web Design, Hosting
and Internet Services

Drug Policy Central (DPC) was founded by DrugSense /MAP to support the efforts of those involved in global drug policy reform by providing affordable web and internet services.

Non-profit organizations dedicated to drug policy reform that lack funding can benefit from a grant application process.

We provide a wide variety of services including; hosting, web design, email lists and management, databases, email accounts, newsfeeds, forms, various levels of technical support and much more.

Please visit the Resources and Support section to see what we offer, then use the Quote Form to begin the process.

MAPDrugSenseDrug Polciy Central
Mail Lists

Support DPC Clients

DrugSense provides hosting, tech support and internet services to over 130 drug policy reform organizations worldwide using a sliding scale based on each organization's ability to pay.

You can now make a donation to help offset the costs of internet services for your favorite DPC client.

Donate Here