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User:necronomiphiles (261333)  
Name:Lovecraftian Horrors
Location:Providence, Rhode Island, United States
About:This is a community for those interested in H.P. Lovecraft and the world of the Cthulhu Mythos. Who knows, perhaps the Great Old Ones shall rise again when the stars are right. . . .

(maintained by [info]automatism)

Interests:148: 1920's, abdul alhazred, al azif, aliens, antarctica, apparations, arcane lore, arkham, arkham asylum, artifacts, astral projection, astrology, august derleth, azathoth, black magic, blasphemous, book of dead names, book of eibon, book of the dead, books, boston, brian lumley, call of cthulhu, cats, chaos, clark ashton smith, cosmos, creatures, creepy, cryptozoology, crypts, cthulhu, cthulhu mythos, cults, curses, daemons, dagon, dark, darkness, death, deep ones, demons, devils, disciples, disturbing, dreamlands, dreams, dunwich, egypt, elder gods, evil, fantasy, fear, folklore, frank belknap long, freakyness, ghouls, gods, gory stuff, great old ones, grimoires, grotesque, h p lovecraft, h r giger, hallucinations, hastur, hexes, horror, horror writers, hounds of tindalos, innsmouth, insanity, insomnia, ktulu, lovecraft, macabre, madness, magic, magick, marduk, massachusetts, miskatonic university, monoliths, monsters, morbid, mysticism, mythology, mythos, myths, necromancers, necronomicon, new england, nightgaunts, nightmares, nyarlathotep, occult, oddities, old musty books, old ones, other dimensions, other worlds, outer gods, outer space, prophecies, prophets, providence, pseudopods, pure evil, reading, rhode island, rlyeh, robert bloch, robert e howard, ruins, runes, salem, scary stories, sci-fi, shoggoths, short stories, shub niggurath, slime, space travel, spells, spooky, squids, stars, sumerian religion, sumerians, surreal, symbols, tendrils, tentacles, terror, the crawling chaos, the dunwich horror, the mad arab, the old ones, tiamat, time travel, tombs, tomes, unknown things, weird stuff, werecreatures, wickedness, witches, writing. [Modify yours]
Members:146: ___cocaineblues, _crow365__, _kaligari_, _skorpion_, _vitabrevis_, afrodave, aimlessangel, anders_, angelica_autumn, angelle_n_brian, anul, archmage, arcticpaw, argucide, arkhamradio, asura, azimerthemad, badnoodles, baphemetis, baronmind, barradingirxul, birgittesc, blackgarden, bloodyxdelerium, brotherviper666, caesarcole, canis_latranz, cathexis, chaoticerotic, chasearkham, chuthulu, cthulance, darkamber, darkewolf, darkindestod, datura_q, deadrose_black, die_aufopferung, direwraithe, draco_alatus, dreadtemujin, dubpulse, duchesswebb, eiregoth, elder_sign, euclideanspace, fernblatt, feyeleanor, friskedlizard, frosty_smash, fuchsianoctua, gamingnut, geoectomy, ghostdog_, girls_alone, gsv, headinclouds, heiregulus, helrunar, horrordiva, hrothulf, i_am_smrat, iiudian, implicit, izorpo, jack_burroghs, joshunderwood, kadath1920, kamyk, kathverbs, kennit, kesherz, keziahsaid, ladygloomcookie, ladylinder, li0nhearted, liamtheruiner, lor772, lost_grey_girl, lost_guide, malloryiii, meglimir, merz_mag, metaphorge, midgardsorm, mistress_fran, mobilesuithomer, mokie, mr_eleganza, my_dark_life, mypoeticsuicide, nastynel, necrodiac, ohnefuehlen, ominousthomas, onebloodymess, onikoneko, order_not_chaos, pagan_n_proud, papajoemambo, pentameterpunk, phi_one_zero, poisonedgrace, primroseport, psycat, richard_j_price, rifumi, rodeogalkat, safagianlily, scaevus, serpentinesylph, seventhe, skullhuntre, soma_satori, sosostris2012, spectre_general, squirrelmadness, stainedwithrain, subtech, superbesos, tagplazen, taibhse, tashkal, the_mad_jester, theangeldante, thecameraeye, thedrune, thesilentman, thoth93, titaniablue, tpunk, tricomri, trouble166, uberdorque, ultharkitty, undivine, unknownkadath, ununquadium, vulfgrl, weekend, wickeddream, wolfsamurai, x_antichrist_x, xaemyl, xoas, zeke_hubris
Watched by:405: 1001nuits, _amnesiac_, _crow365__, _kaligari_, _skorpion_, _vitabrevis_, a_narchist, adunaphel, aethyrflux, affectsofxero, aimlessangel, alcoholocaust, alendrel, allamistako, alobar, amberite, anders_, angelbob, angelle_n_brian, angusog42, anitka, anthion, anul, apricotiguana, archmage, arcticpaw, argucide, arisbe, arithon, arkhamradio, ashub, asoundgirl9, asura, atalantapendrag, aweigle, aylan, azimerthemad, azry, badlydrawngoy, badnoodles, baphemetis, baronmind, barradingirxul, bcr19374, bi_sex_ualcat, bibliolokust, bindusara, birgittesc, blackgarden, blacktherion, blackthorne6, blame01, bloodyxdelerium, bobbotron, bones_boy_talks, brotherviper666, burningroses, caddmanchopper, cadmus, caesarcole, caliban, caliprea, canis_latranz, caprine, cathexis, catholicsin, celeloriel, chaoticerotic, charlesks, chasearkham, chebutykin, chuthulu, cicuta, cityofdoors, cluegirl, corpsecandle, corwinok, courier5, coweatman, cowsaremagical, cpip, cr0wgrrl, cranilingus, crystaldreaming, cthulhu_fhtagn, cuthalu, dallendoug, damike, dancingshaman, dark_submission, darkamber, darkewolf, darkindestod, darkphoenixrisn, darkwyccan, darkyoung, datura_q, david_newton, ddr_ho, deadlilith, deadrose_black, dedbutdrmng, deludedshadow, demonalissa, desu, dibzva, die_aufopferung, direwraithe, djymm, draco_alatus, dragonguyver, dreadtemujin, dreams_in_verse, driveinsaturday, drokk, dubpulse, duchesswebb, eater_of_flesh, elder_sign, eldritch00, elionwyr, elspethdarkrose, emmeke, erratica, essentialsaltes, euclideanspace, evolvd, explodi, exquisiteapathy, fairygothmother, fermi, feyeleanor, fezmonkeh, fiddichwhore, fiendishthingy, flagpolesitta, floydtheater07, fnordx, fred_smith, fried_octopus, friskedlizard, frog_rider, frosty_smash, fuchsianoctua, gallerae, gamingnut, gauntgirl, ghostdog_, gimpyone, glexian, ...
Member of:3: goth, horror_movies, kranioclast
Account type:Free Account

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