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Below is user information for la Sirène Silencieuse. If you are this user, you can edit your information (or choose what information is considered public) at the Edit Info page.

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User:skellerina (1029146) skellerina
The Interior of an Abyss Illuminated
The Alchemy of Shadows
Name:la Sirène Silencieuse
Website:Beauty and Ruin
Location:Atlanta, Georgia, United States
Bio:The power of accute observation is commonly called cynicism by those who have not got it.
~George Bernard Shaw.

I often feel like a Pre-Raphaelite maiden out of time and place,
Sometimes the Innocent, sometimes the Siren, sometimes the Drowning Ophelia,
Stirring beneath the frozen waters...
Or just making splashes in the cesspool of life.

Art History major/French minor, recently graduated from college and eventually looking for an art museum job. Next year I will probably be attending graduate school to work on my doctorate. I am fairly antisocial but sometimes I enjoy going to gothic/industrial clubs and concerts. Especially if the Cruxshadows are in town. I can also be seen at the Dawn Look-a-Like Contests at DragonCon in Atlanta.

Most of my entries are friends only. Also visit my deadjournal [skellerina] for (hopefully) more frequent and less boring entries, or my greatestjournal [mephistophelia], for somewhat deeper thoughts.
Memories:6 entries
Interests:150: adobe photoshop, aesma daeva, aesthetics, alchemy, alice in wonderland, american mcgee's alice, ancient mythology, anne rice, archetypes, architecture, art, art history, art museums, bella morte, blood upon snow, bloodrayne, bodies of water, books, bouguereau, bram stoker's dracula, brom, car rides at night, cirque du soleil, claire voyant, cloudy or rainy days, cold beauty, cold weather, collide, comics, corsets, costumes, covenant, cruxshadows obsession, cry for dawn, cultivation in solitude, dante's inferno, dark angels, dark beauty, dark fairy tales, darkness, david bowie, daydreams, death, delerium, demons, diary of dreams, dragoncon, dream, dreamers, edgar allan poe, edward burne-jones, edward gorey, european history, feminism, foreign languages, fragile beauty, french, french poetry, fuseli, gargoyles, gary numan, gothic architecture, gothic cathedrals, gothic/industrial/darkwave music, graphic design, graveyard photography, graveyards, gustave moreau, halloween, hamlet, hating children, historic cemeteries, hobbit molesting, italian, jack the ripper, jacques-louis david, jekyll & hyde, jewelrymaking, joan of arc, john bellairs, joseph michael linsner's dawn, kinuko y. craft, lady death, last dance, latin, liberals, linsner, london after midnight, m. c. escher, magritte, mermaids and sirens, monuments, moonbathing, morpheus, museum studies, neil gaiman, neoclassicism, new orleans, night, nightcrawler, nosferatu, notre-dame de paris, ophelia, orpheus and eurydice, pandora's box, paris, persephone, philosophy, philosophy of art, photography, piranesi, pre-raphaelite art, pre-raphaelite maidens, pro-choice, quiet dignity, remedios varo, renaissance art, rodin, rogue, romanticism, roses, salvador dali, sandman, sisters of mercy, six feet under, sleepy hollow, slinkys, stained glass windows, stargate, surrealism, suspiria, switchblade symphony, symbolism, tears in rain, the cruxshadows, the endless, theater of tragedy, tim burton, train whistles at night, travel, vampire hunter d, vampires, victor hugo, violin, vnv nation, vodka, waterhouse, william blake, wings, winter. [Modify yours]
People34:aicilla, ballatetta, bathorycountess, bohemianqueen, carrion_penguin, chalmita2004, crowlee, demonesque, demonicanevil, dreamthrum, fashionista189, feys_world, fieryredhead, fluxeia, fnordx, hazelwitch, infiniteapathy, jaila, lady_almalthia, lady_monaghan, luthienpotter, moogleporn, mythic_morgaine, obsidienne, poetinthemaking, psycho_dog, sagesoul, scarletserpent, tattered_angel, thelonerealist, uminomamori, valiskeogh, velvetfaery, vermicious_knid
Communities14:alice_gothica, american_mcgee, art_discussion, asexuality, dawn_lookalikes, greatpoets, literaryquotes, museumpeople, overanalysis, prb, seeking_ophelia, sublimethinking, thecruxshadows, thedreaming
Account type:Free Account

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