

[half mast]

halvstang.JPGFlags are all at half mast today. I think it’s for the Swedish foreign minister, who died this morning. She was stabbed in a department store yesterday, and the assassin has not been found. The flags could have been for the victims in the World Trade Center two years ago, or for the US-backed coup on the democratically elected socialist government of Chile in 1972. As Eirik writes, this date is getting bloodier and bloodier.

Filed under:world — Jill @ 19:33 [ ]

1 Comment »

  1. We had a 9/11 candle lit in the English Dpt today here in Stockholm. By lunchtime it was a 9/11 - Anna Lindh candle. Everyone is completely stunned by what’s happened.
    In class my students were rather subdued and it felt rather strange to be teaching a class on “Tragedy” & Shakespearian drama given what was on everyone’s mind.

    Comment by jon — 11/9/2003 @ 21:50

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this season on jill/txt

Je suis prof de la université, dear readers, quite a fresh one too, having earned my PhD less than a year ago. This autumn I'm teaching a grad course on digital culture and I'm trying to write articles about networked, distributed, viral fictions. I'm also starting up ELINOR, the new Nordic network for electronic literature, and helping to organise a conference which doesn't have a website yet. Add to this an eight year old daughter, a lover abroad and a newfound desire to move to Paris and you have jill/txt: complicated and I love it!



i'm reading this

Dr Jill Walker, Dept of Humanistic Informatics, University of Bergen

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