


Decluttering bookshelves has turned up many old scribblings. A notebook from 1998 is full of blog posts, though I hadn’t yet realised that blogging was the name of my native genre. Here’s a quotation from Shelley Jackson’s Patchwork Girl that would have been an epigraph for my thesis if I’d remembered it:

If you think you’re going to follow me, you’ll have to learn to move the way I do, think the way I think; there’s just no way around it. And then you’ll have trouble telling me apart from yourself.

That’s what computers do. Technology. Pens, too, for that matter.

Filed under:networked literature — Jill @ 10:25 [ ]


  1. my computer, my self
    Jill Walker has a great entry about a quote from Shelly Jackson’s book Patchwork Girl. (Which I’m going to have to read…) If you think you’re going to follow me, you’ll have to learn to move the way I do, think the way I t…

    Trackback by mamamusings — 19/9/2003 @ 13:34

  2. Jill seems to be writing as “txt/jill” today.

    The quotation from Patchwork Girl could be the introductory quotation to your defense lecture in November. “If you think you’re going to follow me, you’ll have to learn to move” I like how it positions the relations between text, self and others in the realm of wish and will, pure and practical reason. And the clever resistive reader/listener will by the end of the quotation move to problematize “following” as opposed to “flow along with” or better yet “flow through".

    txt > jill > txt

    Good luck with the preparations and rediscoveries.

    Comment by Francolis Lachance — 19/9/2003 @ 16:30

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this season on jill/txt

Je suis prof de la université, dear readers, quite a fresh one too, having earned my PhD less than a year ago. This autumn I'm teaching a grad course on digital culture and I'm trying to write articles about networked, distributed, viral fictions. I'm also starting up ELINOR, the new Nordic network for electronic literature, and helping to organise a conference which doesn't have a website yet. Add to this an eight year old daughter, a lover abroad and a newfound desire to move to Paris and you have jill/txt: complicated and I love it!



i'm reading this

Dr Jill Walker, Dept of Humanistic Informatics, University of Bergen

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