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Below is information about the "angry inch" community on LiveJournal. To join this community, click here. You may leave the community at any time.

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User:angryinch (305661) angryinch
Name:angry inch
About:lift up your hands

note: this is a hedwig and the angry inch community. please stay on the subject of hedwig, or something at least mildly hedwig related. thank you.
Interests:54: 17-year-old jesus freaks, all sewn up, angry inch, bathtub scenes, bilgewaters, blue-ish pain, creation, crypto homo rockers, deny-me-and-be-doomed, drag, exquisite corpse, gender-bending, glam rock, glamor, glitter, glitter eye-makeup, hansel, hed-heads, hedwig, hedwig-and-the-angry-inch, i'm going to guam!, immortal love, john cameron mitchell, korean sgt's wives, licorice drops & jellyrolls, lift up your hands, love, love hurts, midnight radio, miriam shor, musicals, my other half, oven-baked music lessons, rainbow carnage, rock & roll, sex changes, so optimistic, stephen trask, strange rock & rollers, sugar daddy, surprising depth & emptiness, sweet-tooth, tear me down, the origin of love, the tree of knowledge, tommy gnosis, trailor-park romance, transsexuals, transvestites, undeserved commercial success, warped bras, wicked little town, wigs, yitzak. [Modify yours]
Members:708: View Members .
Watched by:352: 7equalsfive_, _amour_propre_, _inpieces_, _leavemealone_, _peterwinslow, _urchin, _violentcupcake, aedammair, agentfroot, alicefanclub, allery, aloneinthedark9, alpha_shell, ames224, amoo161, andispandex, angel_red, angeluspixy, annetangent, anniethrax, anotheryourself, antigravitylove, aquafrogge, ashleybrooke, atlkevin79, atter, avetta, badgebunny, beatleed, beautifullydrab, beautywish, belishabeacon, bertrande, bitterflesh, bl00dyvalentine, blackblue, blackhalo1, blackmettalic, blue_blitzkrieg, boadicea_iceni, bobby_lewis, bohemian_charm, boidykefaggot, boy_next_door, boymaenad, bradwinkle, bumblepuppy, bunnybaggins, burning_candle, butressofwinser, cal333, call_me_crash, carrie_bear, cat23, catacombkitten, catgurl, charlotta83, cherrybombbrat, chne, cibomattoluvr, cindyecstasy, corey_thomas, creaturekind, cupcakeclouds, cynderblue, daizy_fae, dammitchloe, darkened_girl, deadpoet83, deadvalentine, deadyawn, death_by_steve, deathovmaiden, deeplyjaded, defaultcrush, defenestr8r, delicata77, delicatebrbrian, dementedforever, denyedanddoomed, discoragasm, distantsun, distillerskid, dizzyskitzo, dumbwaiter, dumdeedum, eatther0ses, edunne, elizard100, elndiva, emiwenis, englishbobgirl, ennuigrrl, erotocism, evelynhoney, everything_girl, eyesliketwenty, fadetofear, falconmitsukai, falltofast, feliciamorbid, fiercerose, fighting_puck, filmkunst, fishnetaubrey, floridita, flown, flyswatter, forever_slash, frogprincess_19, frozen2late, fuckmeimtwee, gaewiccanboi, geishaboi, geoffspelunker, ghost_people, ghsblackrose, girlschool, glitterdecay, goddess_abigor, gothiedoll, guitargoddess37, haixo, hammycd, hapgood, haraku, hazeleyedart, headache042, headsgoboom, hedhead514, hedwig_n_furter, hedwigsstalker, hedy, hellodali, icequeen178, icespark, iheartmytho, ilikepotatoes, inanis_sum, indigopaper, irfeisty, itsumopinku, ixheartxsublime, janabanana74, jaytspeth, jessenigma, jett_black, jonnie5, jossdoll, jsmusic, ...
Member of:1: velvet_goldmine
Account type:Free Account

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