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*bats eyelashes* [29 Dec 2004|11:43pm]
[ mood | lazy ]

Do this and perhaps I shall grace you with a real update.

1. Who are you?
2. Are we friends?
3. When and how did we meet?
4. Did you ever have a crush on me?
5. Would you kiss me for free? How about for $50 dollars?
6. Give me a nickname and explain why you picked it.
7. Describe me in one word.
8. What was your first impression of me?
9. Do you still think that way about me now?
10. What reminds you of me?
11. If you could give me anything what would it be?
12. How well do you know me?
13. When's the last time you saw me?
14. Ever wanted to tell me something but couldn't?
15. Are you going to put this on your blog and see what I say about you?
16. What makes you want to fill this thing out?
17. What's your most vivid memory of me?
18. What's your favorite movie? Would you recommend it to me?

haha Update coming when I can get my lazy ass started.

1 spark

[02 Nov 2004|07:07pm]
[ mood | excited ]
[ music | That Thing You Do - The Wonders - "That Thing You Do" ]

ATTN: Faith, Brianna, and anyone else that may be interested.

Last year, Johnny Depp said his inspired portrayal of the perpetually stoned peripatetic Jack Sparrow in "Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl" was based on channeling the spirit of the drug-booze-and-age-addled Rolling Stones guitarist Keith Richards.
Now, London's Guardian newspaper reports that Richards will honor Depp's psychedelic vision by making his acting debut playing Jack Sparrow's dad in the sequel, "Pirates of the Caribbean: Treasures of the Lost Abyss." - ZAP2IT.COM

I'm actually not too sure what to think, now that my original reaction of utter excitement and racing up the stairs to see if Brianna was still online has subsided. The title of the sequel sounds mighty sequelly and I wonder just how well Keith Richards can act.

In other news, I think I'm going to be changing journals. The new journal name would be [info]girardi (named after the family in "Joan of Arcadia"). Maybe I'll have time this weekend to update and transfer what I need to.

You all are most definitely out of the loop, but this is my fault. Let's just leave it as: I had a photoshoot, I'm going to be at a talent convention with models, and I'm going to record a demo.

1 spark

:( [12 Oct 2004|12:11pm]

October 12, 1998

Six years ago today, Matthew Shepard was murdered for being homosexual.

What will you do to end the silence?

Click here to post this on your own page or weblog
5 spark

I love Mallory Roberts! :O [06 Sep 2004|11:44pm]
[ mood | tired ]

Yay for long weekends.

Saturday I chilled. I am a lazy bum, I swear. Around 8 p.m., we were watching Hildago, and Mallory called!!! So I got ready and went over to her house. We watched some Noggin' and then Kevin came down and we ended up playing Fusion Frenzy on Xbox. I lost. Then we listened to stories about Mallory's stupid school. Then we played Clue. I won.

Matt came in once when Mallory and I were watching television in their dad's office after Kevin went to bed. It was dark. I always try to talk to him but everything comes out weird. :(

Mallory always makes me laugh during church. Especially when she knocks things over.

After church, my family took the both of us out to eat. We ate at Applebee's. Then we went to the Apple Festival. Are you seeing a pattern?!! lol. We walked for a while. It was hot and there were no cute boys, just lots of apples. You'd think everyone would've been all over us in our skirts, but no. How sad.

Then we took her home and I went home and I proceeded to get absolutely nothing done. In fact, my homework still isn't done! Hurrah for procrastination, I say.

I don't want to go back to school tomorrow.

2 spark

"We're from Alabama." [12 Aug 2004|02:58am]
[ mood | awake ]

Monday I woke up late. (Actually I don't remember that part, but I'm making a pretty safe guess there.) I did half of one Biblical allusion. I am by far the best student ever. Then I packed, ate, hung out with my RP friends in a chatroom, and cleaned my room, but not in that order. Sara's mom brought her over and we ran around trying to get everything ready to go to Heather's. Then we picked up Mallory and I made them all listen to my Michael Jackson tape.

Mom and I were talking in the car about how I used to love Michael Jackson (stfu, he was hot stuff back then XD) and she said that once my friends Bridget and Ellen (they were sisters) told our parents, "He's lovely." I was a weird kid. :X

When we got to Heather's I made everyone go on the trampoline. After hopping around for a bit, we had to go back inside to get ready. We put on lots of makeup and ball gowns and then Missy styled our hair really fancy. We took some pictures, then headed out to Gaffney to eat someplace. Everywhere was closing, so we ended up at Ruby Tuesday's.

As we entered the restraunt, Mallory was really tired, so she said to me, "Do not let me speak to them," meaning the waiters. We were all sitting in the waiting area, all dressed up, and a couple waitresses were like, "Where are you from?" No one said anything...and all of a sudden Mallory was like, "We're from Alabama." It was sooooo amusing.

Then us two and Sara ordered these hot Boneless Buffalo Wings and they burnedddddd. XD

So afterwards we all went over to Wal-Mart. Mallory, Sara, Brianna, and I decided to walk across the parking lot! So we were walking in our ball gowns, waving and smiling at everyone. There are eleven of us girls and we had to go into Wal-Mart to buy trash bags and brownie mix, so we were all wandering around. Daryl and I were going full-on Paris and Nicole. I was like, "Wal-Mart? Do they sell walls here?" and Daryl was like, "Okay, we have to find bin liners." "Pin?" "Bin. Liners." <-- Trash bags.

We all hopped in the back of the truck right after getting out of Wal-Mart and were making our slow way down the parking lot when this guy stops in his car and yells, "Got any room for me back there?" and I yelled at him, "Sure!" and everyone looked at me funny. *shrugs* He wasn't going to really come up there! XD

And I want to update about Tuesday too but I don't feel like doing an lj-cut because I want you to read ALL OF THIS so I guess I'll do that tomorrow. :P

3 spark

OMG! [08 Aug 2004|06:29pm]
[ mood | excited ]
[ music | Michael Jackson - "I'm Bad" ]

My dad finally found my Michael Jackson - "Thriller" tape!!! I've been looking for it for forever!! I remember listening to this in New Jersey and watching Michael in concert on television...I was such a big MJ fan XD

So now I'm dancing around and cleaning my room.


[03 Aug 2004|07:42am]
[ mood | in pain :( ]

New layout! Spider-Man 2. Tell me if it looks okay or like complete shit (I know it isn't good.). Oh, and I haven't yet done the mood theme, so if you do look at it, disregard the random Harry Potter characters. XD

My jellyfish sting has been itching like CRAZY. I'm gonna need to put more solaircane on it. It's so...ew. And itchy. I'm going nuts.

Omg omg I've got this thing in the back of my mouth that was probably formed by being squeezed by two brackets (on my braces -- and I know ew for semi-descriptiveness) and it hurst so baddddddd. But thankfully...I'M GETTING MY BRACES OFF!!! TODAY!!!! STARTING IN LESS THAN 20 MINUTES!

Which reminds me, I should go get ready to venture into public.

4 spark

[27 Jul 2004|04:09pm]
raye is the best.

but this is [info]washu

i am talking to raye right now :D

i h4xx0red into her lj to steal coupons.

the end.
5 spark

from [info]ba55cadet [13 Jul 2004|02:33pm]
[ mood | amused ]

Livejournal Family!
LJ Username
Favorite Color
Husband tranceorange
Mother br0wneyedbaby
Father aajwind
Sister dragonguyver
Brother grayprodigy
Dog thedanz
This quiz by Rikku - Taken 16412 Times.
New - How do you get a guy to like you?

6 spark

... [08 Jul 2004|11:34pm]
[ mood | owwwww :( ]
[ music | Hoobastank - "Crawling in the Dark" ]

My brother hit me in the head with a large dish.

8 spark

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