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Challenge #3 Awards [17 Jun 2004|09:55pm]


Challenge #3 Awards! Sorry they're a tad bit late; I'm going out of town tomorrow morning so I've been a little scatterbrained!

Awards behind the cut )

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[16 Jun 2004|07:04pm]


I need you all to please vote, there aren't enough votes to really tally them up yet. Since I am going to be on vacation for awhile I would like to post the awards tonight... so please vote, here.

And I only have one entry for challenge #4, go here to enter.

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Challenge #4 - "Some Sorta Fairytale" [14 Jun 2004|09:51am]


Blend Challenge #4 - "Some sorta Fairytale" [You can reply "sorta" with "sort of" if you so desire]
Start Date: Monday, June 14th
End Date: Monday, June 28th [I will be out of town that weekend, so I had to extend the due date]
Voting Begins: Tuesday, June 29th
Email Entries to Reply to this post to let me know you sent it.

Number of entries - 5
Last updated - Sunday, June 20; 5 PM.

Challenge #3 Voting - Go here to vote.

9 comments post comment

[14 Jun 2004|09:25am]


Alright, well no one took me up on my extension. So I'm going to go ahead and post the voting.

I am going to start a new challenge while the voting is taking place. Check the next post for the details.

Remember, you can vote even if you haven't entered. And please don't vote for yourself. And vote for one blend in each category.

Onto the voting! )

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[11 Jun 2004|09:29pm]


Hey, I only have about 7 entires. So I'm going to go ahead and extend it out until I get at least 2 more entries. Sound good? Nothing past Sunday though. If you guys needed ideas I'm going to go ahead and list some below.

x. Relationships on tv, movies, books.
x. Friendships
x. Actual ships; historical, movies, etc.

Note// I'm making all of the entries public from now on because I think a lot of people aren't signed in when they come here so they are under the incorrect understanding that there are no challenges happening. If you have any questions or comments feel free to post them! Thanks! Hope everyone's having a spectacular summer. And congrat's to all of the Seniors who graduated! ^_^!

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[02 Jun 2004|11:44am]


Challenge #2 Awards! Congrats everyone, and thank you to those who entered!

Challenge 3 has started; enter here.

Awards behind the cut )

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Challenge #3 - "I will go down with this ship" [31 May 2004|09:57am]


Blend Challenge #3 - "I will go down with this ship"
Start Date: Monday, May 31
End Date: Friday, June 11th
Voting Begins: Saturday, June 12th
Email Entries to Reply to this post to let me know you sent it.

Number of entries - 6
Last updated - Friday, May 11; 9:30 PM.

Challenge #2 Voting - Alright, I'm giving you until the end of tonight [Monday] to finish voting. Go here to vote.

17 comments post comment

Challenge 2 Voting [29 May 2004|01:13am]


Sorry this is a little late here... I had a 300 point essay due, so I decided to let you guys have a little extention time--thanks to those of you who used it!

Some of you sent your blends in and either didn't tell me what category you wanted to be entered into. Or picked a category that you can't enter (as in a mod choice one). So I just put you into the categories with the least about of blends entered into them.

Don't vote for yourself please. Vote once in each category using the number on the thumbnail.

Entries behind the cut )

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[28 May 2004|06:10pm]

Hey, since I only have about 5 or 6 entries for this challenge I am extending it out until midnight tonight (West coast time). So please gets your blends in as soon as possible!!! Thanks!
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Challenge #1 Winners [18 May 2004|07:37pm]


Alright, here are the winners for challenge 1. Sorry it took me awhile to post these, I tried to do it yesterday but my internet decided to be dumb and die everytime I went onto livejournal so I didn't have much of a say in the matter. *laughs*

Anyways, winners behind the cut and thanks to everyone who entered!

p.s. - Like an idiot I didn't put the contest number and challenge on the banners... I just realized that as I was posting this.... if anyone wants me to do that I can, just let me know.

Congrats! )

12 comments post comment

Challenge #2 - "You may say I'm a dreamer, but I'm not the only one" [16 May 2004|05:55pm]

Note: Instead of replying to the comment with your blend, from now on you will be emailing it to Please follow the template in the userinfo, if you have any questions let me know. Reply to this post to let me know you sent it in, so I can make certain I got it. Thanks!

Challenge #1 - "You may say I'm a dreamer, but I'm not the only one"
# of Entries - 5
Last Updated - Friday, May 28th


Challenge Begins - Sunday, May 16th
Challenge Ends - Thursday, May 27th
Voting Begins - Friday, May 28th
Voting Ends - Sunday, May 30th

Questions? Refer to the userinfo, if they are still unanswered email Sydne at
18 comments post comment

Challenge #1 Voting [16 May 2004|02:14am]


I'm sort of dissapointed in the lack of entries, but oh well. Here are the blends.

You vote for your favorite in each category. The blend number is on the thumbnail that you click the enlarge, in the bottum left corner. You use the number to vote. Only vote once in each category. And don't vote for yourself. If you didn't enter, you can still vote.

Also, since there was only one entry for Sweet Tooth this week I cut the category [for the week] and moved the one entry to Eye Candy, I hope that is alright with the creator of the blend...

Lastly, Sugary Goodness #2 has the name of the character on it as well as the quote. Although this technically wasn't suppose to be acceptable I'm going to let it slide this time because the person did not understand what I had said.

If you have any questions email me or leave it in your comment.

EDIT// Someone turned their entry in about 10 minutes after I posted this, I'm going to go ahead and add it. So if you would like to look at it and change your vote that is okay, if you want to leave your vote as is that is okay too.

Remember, don't vote for yourself! Thanks! )

1 comment post comment

Extension [14 May 2004|08:56pm]

[ mood | amused ]
[ music | Guinea Pig squeeling! ]

Alright, seeing as how I am not at home tonight I am going to have to postpone the voting until tomorrow [Saturday], giving you one more day to get all ofyour entries in. As of now I only have 7 or 8, so this gives you a good chance of winning an award.

Hope this is okay with everyone. ^_^ If with it? haha, thanks!

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[12 May 2004|12:34am]

FYI the Challenge ends tomorrow [Thursday] at Midnight! I only have 7 blends!!! Dissapointing outcome for the about of members and the amount of time given... hope to see more come flying in within the next two days!!
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Information Update [03 May 2004|11:57pm]

I changed a few things in the rules and entering, just letting everyone know. They are as follows.
x. You only have to use 2 pictures, not 3.
x. Nothing smaller than 250x250 pixels, nothing larger than 700x600 pixels.
x. Best Typography category added to winning.
x. When entering post which category you are entering into as your subject.

That's it, just a few little updates-- nothing major, most of them make your life much more simple as well as mine. ^_^!
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Challenge #1 [01 May 2004|11:58pm]

[ mood | enthusiastic ]

Challenge #1 - "I'm the one they love to hate"
# of Entries - 9 [See list below to make certain I recieved yours]
Last Updated - Friday, May 14th


Challenge Begins - Sunday, May 2nd <-- Note: Date Changed!
Challenge Ends - Saturday, May 15th <-- Note: Date Changed!
Voting Begins - Sunday, May 16th <-- Note: Date Changed!
Voting Ends - Tuesday, May 18th <-- Note: Date Changed!

The List
x. ladyofr0han
x. daybeforelast
x. mrsotown
x. __breatheyouin
x. princess2k19
x. __androidx
x. Insta_punk
x. ponchki
x. _vorona

Questions? Refer to the userinfo, if they are still unanswered email Sydne at
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Introctuctions [30 Apr 2004|11:06pm]

[ mood | accomplished ]

Alright, I see that many of you have graciously decided to join in on the fun, so I am going to go ahead and let you comment here and introduce yourselves to one another if you would like. Totally not necessary, just many people like to.

Also, one question, would you like to see this communities posts friends only or public? I know some people would prefer friends only so they know only members can see their blends and not random people, reducing the liklyhood of someone running off with their blend. However many others don't care, so I am going to ask you to decide. Thanks.


I'm your mod, Sydne, and I am fairly laid back and nice but if someone goes around breaking the rules I am going to get a little annoyed with them and may semi-yell at them. Just a forewarning, don't break any of the rules, k? They are totally simple which is why I shouldn't even have to say this but I am going to just to be on the safe side.

Also I am an extremely busy person. I will be making you personal banners as awards, so you are just going to have to be patient and wait until I am able to make them. I have about 5+ extracurricular activities, as well as moding roughly 6 other communities, and plus I do have a life other than livejournal. So this is just me forewarning you that I can procrastinate but things always get done.

Let’s see, what else? I don’t think there is much more to say, I just want this to be a fun environment for graphic members to come to. And if you have any questions feel free to email me, the address is in the info page! ^_^!

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