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Below is user information for Paul Henman. If you are this user, you can edit your information (or choose what information is considered public) at the Edit Info page.

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User:henman (171317) Paid User henman
Paul's Page
Motor sport, music, malt whisky and more ... mostly Friends Only
Name:Paul Henman
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on his/her cellphone/pager.
Website:Paul and Kerri's Place
Location:Toronto, Ontario, Canada
ICQ UIN:ICQ status 9015516 (Add User, Send Message)
Yahoo! ID:Yahoo status pah57 (Add User, Send Message)
A very abridged history:
1985-88 Lancaster University, Lonsdale College B.Sc. (Hons) Computer Science with Operational Research
1988-92 ICL, Stevenage Carrier400 (X.400 email) project
1992-96 Uniplex, Hemel Hempstead porting (20+ UNIX systems) team leader
1996-2001 Systematic (SSEL), Camberley multiple projects manager & QA manager
2001 Emigrated to Toronto, Canada
{employer's name withheld} project management
2002 Married Kerri; honeymooned in South Africa; no kids; 3 cats

Communities I have created: ... I didn't realise I'd started so many!

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Version: 3.12
GCS d- s++:+ a C++(+++) UL++++ P L++>+++ E--- W++ K+ o K++ w--- !O M- V-
PS+ PE++ Y+ PGP>++ t-- 5- X- R tv- b>++ DI++ D++ G+ e++ h--- r+++ y+++

[The Geek Code v3.12] [Geek Code Decoder Page]

Other places of personal interest:

All is full of love.

Family Guy
Family Guy is love.

Natalie Portman
Natalie Portman love.

South Park
Oh, my GOD . . . they killed Kenny! South Park is Love!

(Colour bars found via [info]colorbar_love.)

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Memories:254 entries
Interests:149: 1966, apache, audioscrobbler, badminton, beer, bjork, björk, black sabbath, britain, c, c programming, canada, cartography, cartoons, classic rock, computers, concerts, creative nomad, css, deep purple, digital photography, driving fast, drums, england, f1, family guy, fast cars, fedora, formula 1, formula one, friendster, futurama, gadgets, gigs, glaciers, grand prix, great britain, hard rock, heart problems, heavy metal, henman, hosting, html, humour, internet, iron maiden, islay, it security, javascript, jobs, lacrosse, lake district, lakes, lamborghini, lancashire, lancaster, lancaster university, led zeppelin, linux, live bands, live concerts, live gigs, live music, magritte, malt whisky, maple leafs, maps, marillion, monty python, motor racing, motor sport, motorsport, movable type, mp3s, mpfc, music, mythbusters, nigella lawson, nomad zen xtra, north west, north west england, opera web browser, orkut, ozzy, ozzy osbourne, palm, pda, penguins, photographs, photography, photos, pink floyd, pints, pizza, planning, project management, project planning, projects, pubs, puns, real ale, redhat, rene magritte, rock, rock music, rugby, rugby union, rush, salvador dali, scotch, scotch whisky, simpsons, single malts, sisyphus, snow, software development life cycle, south park, spicy food, standards, strong bad, surreal art, surrealist art, sushi, techie toys, technology, terry pratchett, thai food, the prisoner, the simpsons, the west wing, thunderstorms, toronto, toronto maple leafs, uk, united kingdom, unix, uptime, urban legends, vexillology, web design, web hosting, web servers, web standards, west wing, whisky, wine, world rally championship, wrc, xhtml. [Modify yours]
People102:664, aereon, alcestis, alen, alicenwndrln, andysoft, another_chapter, apriljoy, azhreia, badmammajamma, baylee, bigbull, bigkev, blaisey, bonbonskin, brutus_007, buckra, canuckgirl, catherine, celestial_chaos, circlek, cmstrick, codedragon, colinarium, corto, crasch, crazeespain, cyn, demolitiondonna, designdiva, dewhitton, duck_poet, ducks, ehme, entjie, erratic0101, evilkitty21, fantasygoat, geeksoup, heckonwheels, henman, henmansite, hilts, hutta, indigobluejelly, insaniac, inspectorjury, jax50, jax50pics, kanga2roos, kimmee, kitiara, ladyfire, ldy, lizvang, lonita, luker, luminia, macdatty, maggie_mae, marieofroumania, marnanel, mbilson, millax, mondo_wang, mrfreeze, neonkiss, paparon, paulandkerri, photognome, princessblondie, queenkirs, quixotique, reens, risquewritings, robont, sassylass, scottbateman, sickboy, somecanuckchick, sourpuss, starcowboy, status, stephaniekaye, strangebru, sunyata__, symph, technodummy, thatthingido, the_boys, thespian, thetech, toyota27, transientmind, true_nexus, under_the_ivy, watership, white_tigress, with_gusto, x_clickclick_x, xgirl96, zang
Communities74:1966, _black_sabbath, _urban_photos, amazingrace, antipodeans, april_10th, badminton, browserfriendly, cd_collections, cityscapes, classicrock, combat_evolved, computerhelp, deluded_fool, diyhosting, dragonboat, east_toronto, f1, f1_daily, featureannounce, fedora_linux, formula1, hornayholiday, ironring, itjobs, itprofessionals, jenson_button, jensonbutton, job_hunting, jude_fest, lancaster_uni, leslie_ville, linux, lj_backend, lj_maintenance, lj_nifty, ljarchive, logjam, maple_leafs, marilliondotcom, monarchy, news, opera_browser, paidmembers, photochallenge, progrock, projectmanager, purplepimphat, rhlinux, rock_chicks, rogers_att, rogers_cable, singlemalt, sjpersonality, so_busted, strange_bru, syn_promo, syn_quest, thefridayfive, timhenman, toronto, toronto_bash, toronto_jobs, toronto_music, torontophoto, torontorockcity, turnmeonstories, ubergeeks, warningsigns, weather_pics, webdev, where_in_to, wrcnews, xxx_mas
Feeds11:bruce_schneier, dyndns_news, dyndns_status, eljaydee, epod_feed, geeketiquette, henmanbkmks, henmantnkgkwish, pah57scrobbler, redflagdeals20, tojob_crglst
Mutual Friends:70: 664, aereon, alcestis, alen, andysoft, another_chapter, azhreia, badmammajamma, bigbull, bigkev, blaisey, bonbonskin, brutus_007, canuckgirl, catherine, celestial_chaos, cmstrick, corto, demolitiondonna, designdiva, dewhitton, duck_poet, ehme, entjie, geeksoup, henman, henmansite, insaniac, inspectorjury, jax50, jax50pics, kanga2roos, kimmee, ladyfire, ldy, lizvang, lonita, luker, macdatty, maggie_mae, marieofroumania, millax, mondo_wang, mrfreeze, neonkiss, paparon, paulandkerri, photognome, queenkirs, quixotique, reens, robont, sassylass, scottbateman, sickboy, somecanuckchick, sourpuss, stephaniekaye, thatthingido, the_boys, thespian, thetech, toyota27, true_nexus, under_the_ivy, watership, with_gusto, x_clickclick_x, xgirl96, zang
Account type:Permanent Account

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