Friday, February 7th, 2003 |
2:22 am |
veggy meals in the mornin oh oh oh does my stomic hurt I had like3 or4 veggy gordidas and I want to puke it's worse then the drunk ill I sware to god and it's snowin outside tonight's so hard to diside should I route for the day off and enjoy bein lazy or for schools to be open since I have an audition at the end of the day and it'd be good to be warm for that shit...If I can get some rest on this stomic about turn over and vomit then everythin will be chill but....oh god least I've got modjo "No More Tears" which fcukin rocks and a half ...natE sick as fcuk |
Tuesday, January 28th, 2003 |
12:25 am |
yay computer ready cd's the best thing in the world is to put a cd in your computer and for the computer to know th e title and all the song names. it just makes life so good. I'm sick now but this weekend was great so I'm alright with it new roomie totally bought me soup and jello and then made me the jello he rocks the house see. I got to hear an awsome jazz band at a club that doesn't long as you look nice . Which I always do sooooo...I got tipsy with dance friends and when they had to go I went to visit a girl friend upstairs and she had a cute friend the two of us ...he and I had some great talks about sex and penis envy and everything else in between the guy smoked like a chimney 12 cigarattes (is that how you spell it) in two fcukin hours. sunday roles around and I'm gettin ill like no other helpin teach's move shit from house to house free furniture yes yes yes.. sick and now here we are Current Mood: sickCurrent Music: dZihan & Kamien |
Thursday, January 23rd, 2003 |
8:19 am |
pickin up the pieces so I called the lady who gave me the offer at jeoffery and wouldn't you believe it was's all kinds of all good thought cause this is like one less thing that I could be doin..and she said that the only reason the offer was retracted was cause I'd not danced in like 3 years which makes total sence to me and was my reason for rejecting her offer in the first place. on a lighter note dance rocks my sock I'm auditioning for the ballet thingy here at Uarts and who knows whats next life is love and I'm like just one big ass heart symbol that you just down loaded for an e-valentine natE Current Mood: happyCurrent Music: charels webster |
Wednesday, January 22nd, 2003 |
5:26 pm |
a week or so later where to start I think is the question. first my first summer program audition of the session happened this last monday and it was pretty bad I was off on everything and then some my dumb brother who's four years younger then me and like ten times better got the number after me so they see one king and then another not to mention the fact that we were the only two tall guys in the audition so we look alike and we're towering above the rest ...needless to say it wasn't so hot for me. on a lighter note however, I went to the joffery accademy to take a couple classes with my friend as a nice warm up and at the end of the second class they offered me a place in their company "woot woot" I turned them down and they asked me to come to their school and I turned them down and they asked about the summer and I turned them down ....I'm kickin myself now and I may go crawling back and ask for them to reconsider I'm so afraid of jumping into something before I'm ready and I'm so worried about missin my boat it's like I just don't fcukin know anywho that's me in a nut shell b's and g's and yo's and woh's and natE |
Saturday, January 18th, 2003 |
1:32 am |
earily morning philly wake up call local time 122 but I guess they'll let you all know that I think I'm tired but I could be just strung out. it's been really nice lately dancing is slowly getting better but I'm still in a lot of pain for the past couple of injuries and they don't seem to be slowing one piles on another on another. but I can't complain my apartment rocks and I'm dancin all the mother fcukin time. auditions are startin up real soon and I'm a little scared although I trust what ever happens to be what should happen for example BW's car got bust to fcuk and he's stuck for a month or two on his way to LA, with friends! what luck and that's the way I plan to work it with the summers this year although they hold what I do with myself next year. the choices I'm seriously considering are San fran, maime, or seattle. I figure none and if so very few check out this journal know a days but if you do I'd love some input that is suggestions...
whistlin while I'm twirken natE in a hat comin back |
Friday, August 10th, 2001 |
3:32 am |
theres' a spider in my bed well I realy shouldn't be writing right now I should be asleep but oh well...tonight/today was phenominal absolutly without a dought grand without fault swimming, mexican, shopping...and the a night at the clubs ...danced my fuckin ass off saw the syricuos (sp) crew that johN intoduced me to at alosha's house in syricous (sp) and they were tearin the shit up I did a little dance and sang a little song Igot down tonight down tonight....god damn does industry have the best floors for dancing I thought vibes had good floors they ain't got nothin on no body industry is odviously a liquor pushing club the dance floor is out classed in size by the bar that's strike one strike two is there bouncers suck a big one harder then one could want ...the girl from syrcous (sp) annA I think was offerd a drink she claims she thought it ws soda but it wasn't and she was seen and then thrown out say what... then this ass hole comes up to me while I'm conversing at the bar puts a hand on my shoulder and leads me to the door there he X's my hands as big as he can (thanks fucko) and when I start bitchin at him since if I'm not carfull I'll end up with X on my hands for days and he says theres the door what the fuck,....not even good dance floors are worth that kind of treatement ..I wish I coudl remember what he looked like I'd like to give him what for next time I see him what I fuck head... say soo many kats at industry and then we left for vibes we got there and i was o so empty ..welll not empty but definatly with plenty of oom to dance and I go tto listen to one last set by annalize (sP) and it was as phat as ever just exquisit. battled eriC something like three times only oncedid I actually hold my own against him but the fact tat I was completely spent by that point might have had somehting to do with it met loads of cute cute cute girls most of whom are frinds of the notoric B.M.W. and they where all devin and great dancers ...saw the little asian girl how dances so well and is also a classical dance we danced but she was drunk and tried to make out with me I backed off and made arrangments to meet up with her at GAIII which is swift aproacing and I need to get tickets to got tired and on the vibes floors my feet felt like lead so I got briaN to take me home there I watched a greater part of the game and hear you now find me exasted and ready for bed and then my last m&p; class in the morning which shall be grand without a dought night all natE |
Monday, August 6th, 2001 |
3:51 pm |
I thinkit's been awhile all I want to talk about is sunshine good day sunshine good day sunshine good day sunshine I take a walk the sun is shining down burns my feet as they touch the ground ...anyway sunshine=the shit I met soo many cool kids there these girls from buffalo I hadn't seen since GAII and GAIII or as meghanN (sp) and I desided that it was gatue a new poke mon but gathree dosesn't sound as good so whatever but I danced like never before I was completely ...Imiss dacning outside during the day and I'm working to make it a part of my daily rutten .. not to trumpit my horn however I think I was the best dancer out there I haven't gotten so many complements on my dancing since I used to travel the hippy show seen there are ofcourse a lot of better dancers like eric but none that where willing to dance under the light of day ...anyway I got free beer and pizza from complete strangers who were in aw of my skilz' and though I needed refreshment cool kats and good times I loved it .... not really up to update much more take ite easy folks and forgive me the braggin ...natE |
Friday, August 3rd, 2001 |
1:43 am |
long time no lj well where last we left off I was being quite the drama queen a shought out to jennA and an oppoligy for what I said sorry doll... so tonight went to java's and sat around talking to folk good times to be certain... this cutie mikE from my H&A; class came to me and said I had my birthday party last night and I wanted you to come but I didn't have your number "swoon" I promply gave him my number and asked about russia which has been on my mind ever since gap started pushing michromini skirts which was all the rage only 3 years earilier in st petersburg. so then we talked about russia and H&A; and sat around smiling excenged emails and numbers and hopefully I'll be hearing from him real soon... so the conversation goes on and talking to joweL (sp) he askes one of those questions "are you gay" which recieved my normal responce "no bi" and he procceds to tell me that I'm no one those so attractive makes you want to.. I can't remeber what exactly he said but it was not polite and much appriciated makeing two people to through themselves at me in the past two days the other being this girl mollY who disided that we would pee in a cup together. came in with briaN whitE who had some peeps he hadn't seen in some time so he went to see them play and I went with lukE to vibes ... phat as hell second week in a row that I've had a blast a mother fuckin blast when I arrived I was wisked from girl to girl each remembering my grooving and giveene (sp) (and here I get really pompous sounding no dought) and danced with me and flirted and talked I couldn't keep my attention on one or te other it was stuppendous (and my love for today had a rain cload over it) party party party dance dance dance...briaN whitE showes up and looks none to happy after offering me a beer, which I turned down cause the rice I'd eaten was threatening o make an oncore appearence and I wanted none of that. I danced and socialized and then found briaN looking ready to go I siad I'd go to not cause I was ready cause the set that I love sooo much was just starting and that equals natE bustin a mad groove but I thought this would be good for briaN to talk it out with someone who represents the problem or is at least walking amoung the problem with young eyes. best conversation all night I loved it althought a little upsetting but whatever it's important to know your history as I've ben told b many snobby ravers how travel the older circle when I looked like some upstart crashing the scene, which I am. the theory of why things are was touched upon but not as deeply as it could have been one thing that johN has taught me is when not to delve any deeper trhen whereits at. now I'm listening to my roommates discusse whether or not girls shit oh how the mighty have fallen it seems like at one point beer was used to help make it easier to discous life but now it's just a distraction to a distraction in the midst of the biggest distraction I can think of god damn life is the shit ...........jennA next time you leave do say good night won't you....... I love the world for all is right and wrong and blacka nd whitE and I can feel like I've got something to add to it even thought I'm a 19 year old bi guy who is more then confussed about basic things that I should be getting over at this point as I near the time when I'm no longer a teenager march 1st comes fast and I'm slow to change night natE |
Tuesday, July 31st, 2001 |
2:02 am |
adults and children you know how your taught that when you make a commitment you stick to it well that's at least they way I was raised. sometimes I forget that I'm dealing wiht kids who have never lived on there own before and have no concept since they are so attached to their emediate environment that they couldn't even jump state. and the issue of prioreties some people would rather have a place to live then a computer =... infact I meet some nice black lady tonight who had no computer in her apartment but then there are some of us who feel that computer equals freedom but I guess thats what you get aya in a few years we'll not even need more then a cubical and a bed and we'll have everything hooked up it just goes to show you that the thing we dislike the most in other people is our most prominent characteristic although tI should have seen it comeing but whow did I ever get fucked and this wonderful girl who I've known for a micro fractio of the time comes to the rescque oh and jenna suckme you fuckin bitch night natE |
Saturday, July 28th, 2001 |
12:09 am |
kickin myself in the ass cause nothin seemed to have gone today I don't think I was supposed to do nothing todya but that's whaat I did do absostinkinlutly nothin. sucks it hard is all I got to say and the last bit of nothn that I did I actually had the option to have done somethin but turned it down god damn it lukE gave me a call and said that he'd be headin off to java's but that his car was all but full and the gewball that I'd cunsumed earlier today had my witts lost in a merk of this and that and nothing at all and so when he corrected the statment that therewas no room to one of there is some room i turned him down thinking I'd justa ct reeally dumb at java's. stupid natE whatever just the entire day was a bust taht is incomperision to yestereday why so up and then so down life as a roller coaster on and on and. thought I'd get out of the house had a master plan, plan one plan wo both feel through and left me here with nothing to do not to mention that I don't really feel liek going to aaroN's party tomorrow I don't know why either since I haven't chilled with foto kids since july 3rd and that was a while back damn it johN get your ass out of canada...gonna go now room mate's are drunk and I'm not interested in being on he computer any more life and so on and. natE |
Friday, July 27th, 2001 |
2:16 am |
can we say good day good day I think that I just entered alittle bit of my entery but I wasn't qute done. just in case the recap is as follows ate with dave and had a fuckin good conversation and prior the luming test that was to ruin my night. after lunch went on a shopping spree and shopped shpped shpped fun fun fun shirt for work shirt for natE shoes and a pants then 5 cd's and then told about so meany meany more from petE this kid at java's but I've got a job so soon they'll all be mine all mine ah hah ha ha hah. then to my first day of work which was a lot better then expected I'm a bus boy ugh I feel kinda stupid but whatever... we make something like 15% of the tipes plus minimum wadge and usually they don't give it to the bussers on the first day but I happened to have done a real good job so they tipped me phat phuckin phat... one of the servers fought all the way but eventually he hooked it up. I'm working with oh so many cute girls an dno guys but I also realize today that I don't want a realationship I don't think I need one. then after that I got off two hours early thing just keep on getting better and better... I got home and this chill girl emilY I think her name is was sitting on the porch doing the test she and I finished it fast fuckin fast as hell. folks from the house kame home and I went to chill with them called johN and all of assudedn I was gonna go clubbing. I got to java's and have never had so much fun talkin it up but then johN comes along and thinking that one of the kids didn't want any part in the conversation and he was trying to end it for "my own good". whatever johN but not like that could ruin my good mood. briaN whitE this is a shout out to briaN whitE where are you you didn't show up at that club you know the one with the music and the dancing (where are my nouns). the club was phat I've never danced so hard.. or at least not as hard as I've done while I was rollin but it was better then rollin cause all I needed was teh good tunes at vibes (that's the name of the club). dance dance dance dance I met some kids who are b boys and hold compititons. They loved my pop so I need to get workin on it so I can compete eventually I'm gonna be outta town for the first one but there's another one and I'll be ther maybe not as a contestent but gettin my shit together so I can start competein. good end to the night johN tells me that there are all these kids who dig me and that I'm completely oblivious but like I said while I was dancing it hit me I don't want a relationship at least not right now god but maybe later or soon or something whatever watching titen AE and it's shil I just hope tomorrow I feel as good as I do today ... one last shout out to briaN whitE gime a call so we can chill hopefuly on the beach this sunday peace to all the dudes and dudets Im' out and havin a good time nighty night natE |
Thursday, July 26th, 2001 |
2:37 am |
neat night at the jar interesting day all in all chilled around for most of it which is what my brain wants the less exerisoun the better right now I'm just not at my peak it doesn't make sence it's like I can't have conversations this cute boy walks up and starts talking to me at Java's and I can't even keep a desent conversation going. hopefully I'll see him again in a couple of days or whenever I next go out there. I really don't know when tat will be cause johN leaves for a wedding this friday and so I can't invite him to java's for coffee and cute guy scouting and then back to my place for bear with bobbO jesS and breE the third of whom would be pretinent in johN's plan oh well. johN was in rare form tonight jsut a chipper chearful free forall if you ask me. and as a pre note to all thsi java's fun I played 3 games of chess one of which I lost due to a single stupid move the second one I almost lost to a single stupid move but hten my apponent made an even sillier at the end that cost him the game and the third game I beat him out right which is cool caue the kids hard core and I'm learning so much from the games withhim... anywho after java's and poor kellY dealing with her ex we that is lukE kellY and I when to the bug jar on iambrianwhite 's recomendation it was phat. never been to the bug jar before so it was a unique experienc eand quite a warm one I danced my ass off but didn't through any of the new supper smooth moves I've been working on into the mix cause I'd never danced with these folks before and was a little uncomfterble. soon thought soon natE's bag o crak will contain quite a few more sly moves oh yeah. saw briaN whitE and discussed possible beach rave which is the shit cause the last time a broke out on the beach was in houston adn I've been complaining about how I miss a good beach rave fuckin fuckin phat no dought. walked and talk with kellY which was good cause I really don't know the girl and she's pretty chill speaking of which I'm going to bed becasue chill and bed have a coralition really they do natE Current Mood: energeticCurrent Music: rain on te sill |
Wednesday, July 25th, 2001 |
11:29 am |
new pln of attack alright up until this point I have just written, written whatever I felt like with out attention to comas periods or speeling. hewever I've decide since I cna't understand a thing I say when reading my back logs that it's time to change. time to at least us periods if I'm not going to capitoliz people at lezst need to know when to pause. so this is the first in the new addition from bbking natE |
12:06 am |
nother night nother oh wait I did do something to ngiht hurry mylife isn't a binine (sp) as I thought it was johN took me out for a night a Java's he was in rare form to be certain we armresseled and made snide remarks backa dn forth all night even though he was being a bitch he would smile and do his giggle chortal chuckel thing whcih was stuendous since he's been so busy being listless and thinking about jeraD to really party plans have been set for thursday and vibes it is and if I don'tget a take home test tomorrow I'm all up for my fishing trip that is if lj ever delivers this message since lj is sucking my dick recently at javva's I met this boy petE who looks gay acts ga and is straite whatever but he's a crazy music reconusor and I've decided that I'm going to Bjorkwhen she comes throught with him and that's as good as that... a reacap of the day included printing and sweating like a pig god the darkrooms suck with no ac it's unbarable I think I might have to put my creativity on hold in excange for some ac (something I though I';d never hear myself say) workin on some fly new shiat which is all but chill... met bilL duboiA (butchered that one) the head of the photo school adn he is an intimidating old man.. howevr I impressed him wiht my grrades and my understanding of what I need to live ie money and that fine art photo was not the way to make it he and I are working out something where I come out of RIT with a minor in printing which means that I am set up for a job as a very desirable printer because of my photo background ie I know what a photographer wants from there print whay becaus eI am one.. or at least I/d like to think I am so a god day indeed now an early bed time will suite me just fine nighty night natE Current Mood: tiredCurrent Music: nada none zippo (not just a lighter any more) |
Tuesday, July 24th, 2001 |
10:04 am |
strangness my my day two of a no show teacher I told john online last night that I couldn't go to java's even though I'd written it in my lj but now that's all changed I guess I won't have a test until wensday which might affect toe fishing so anyone involved in that should be forwarned... what I'm getting at here is that I want to go to java's to night and luke john whoever if you wouldn't mind stoppin by the ol house I'd be much apreciative... oh and I thought it was my imagination but the situation on the roommate front is changed greatly they seem to be making ammends or at least not being so cady and that makes me happy so hopefully the world is on the up an up natE Current Mood: bitchyCurrent Music: library shit |
Monday, July 23rd, 2001 |
11:07 pm |
oh well nother day nother nothin entiry oh lover boy oh what did to night oh hey boy set my alarm turn on my charm that's cause I'm a good ol fashion lover boy.... oh love oh lover boy yeh what ya did to night hey boy when I'm not with you think of you always when I'm not with you think of me always think of wme always ... school of lover boys... yeah good ol queen queenin along at a mrry queen speed I'l pay the bill you taste the wine come on and get it lover boygonna liten to that one again anyway things boring and relaxing no M&P; today skrewy teacher forgot to schledual meetings and classes at different times .. I've got a meeting with bill deuboa the head of teh photo progam and I'm geting a little squemish about that one but whatever just need to go in there and make a good impression so I think I can handle that... any one for going to java's tomorrow nudge nudge wink wink someone needs a ride yeah I rinted to day for the firsttime in ages and it was great .. except for the fact that I was realy hot in the big print dark room and by the end I smeeled farly rank to be certain... (never thought darkroom work could be smelely) think i'm geting off line now night all natE Current Mood: relaxedCurrent Music: queen lover boy |
1:47 am |
wheelin and dealin this entry is going to be pretty boring considering that the onlly two things I did to day where make a pair of pants which I hope to dabeu sometine in the near future at some swank club or another and second played a game of monopoly which was a fucking blast since I playedit like a game and didn't get upset when I stated to loss johN came in late to the gfame and eh wanted to team up with me and me being the idiot that I am said no what the fuck was I thinking any who he ended up hooking sam up... that is pulling him out of a pinch twice which saved him and eventually lead to total domination him but all in al it was a very very lazy day ...which suites me just fine natE |
Sunday, July 22nd, 2001 |
4:34 am |
tired cheese heads stumbling across the front stup at 4 in the morning uggh grand concert the coolest par of incident id that theyencompou such a wide and varied age group so there are 4o and 5o year olds partying around with us so even old braiN whitE would'n't feel out of place (heh ehheh) the concert was incredible and I'm itching for another incident met this 27 year old who when I started jammin out to this cover of a pauL simonE song the guy turns to me and starts talkin about how he never imagined any one under 23 to know simonE he was so down with me that he gave me the reast to his Cheary or something in any event I got properly warmed off of just that which was chill and at this poiont we were plasterd up against the stage jammin to "Under AfricanSkies" he turned out to be a teacher but since I gave him a hit offf the pipe that was going aroudn he wouldn't tell me where all I know is it's a Rochester city middle school whatever he was chill saw nicK who wasdoing well enough ... but the best part of the night was the sun we got lost (drove past the turn) and as we turned around the sun burst out from behind the cloads lighting the world with rays that were incredible and for the rest of the night the sun looked like an eye because of the way the cloud cover was working all in all a pretty fat night natE Current Mood: exhaustedCurrent Music: pauL simonE Under African Skies |
Saturday, July 21st, 2001 |
4:16 pm |
trying to be more what's the word direct in the past two nights and being some what successful. went out the past two nights for clubbing and Java's... Java's which at first I dreaded as being this terrible place where disscussion never reached anything above the leave of pety chit chat proved to be wrong and I'm hoping it will continue in this trend since I'm getting into sudo intellectual conversation something that I've not had in over 3 weeks ever since mark the roommae who's room I now occupy left and all this stupid whit with the roommates started up. making it kinda like a bastion for good something or other.. loads of fun... clubbing on the other hand hasn't been all it's craked up to be Thursday I hadn't feed myself well enough to dance much and my supper cool bowling shoes where hurting my big toe on my left foot which sucked royally and last night was the first night in WEMF whichmeant no one who was anyone was around... that is except for johN briaN and myself how are of course the only people how are cool enough tot stay behind when WEMF is going to be as good as it will be... briaN leaves tonight so whatever and speaking of tonight I'm going to string cheese and nick a kid I haven't seen since the end of RIT and who won''t be coming back next year is gonna be tere fuckin fuck yeah I'm soked beyond belief I just hope I see him... last night had a talk over the online with johN but I"m not certain if I wanted to have it then or am happy about having it now but that's all good there's not much you can do about things that have since happened and tonight probubly means stoned and chilling with fuckin good fuckin tunes hurray.... natE Current Mood: calmCurrent Music: string cheese live from buffalo |
2:39 am |
you know what I love the worl I can't imagine a better place to be hen hear and now it seems like nothing else is as siticfying as knowing I am and that after all the work that went into H&S; I can gome out of it and I think I sum it up when i say I create therefor I am and wha I create althought not as beautiful as what I've created in the past however it proves my intericasies which is good enough fo me so shine on you crazy dimonde and just keep on being night folks natE
Current Mood: passive Current Music: David Bowie Let's Dance |