Thursday, October 3rd, 2002
6:59 pm - LJ
ok.... damn this thing.... every time i sign in it kicks me out when i load my friends page so i havent read journals in a while... and if this lets me post i will be quite confused....
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| Sunday, September 8th, 2002
1:05 am
i've kind of given up on livejournal.... actually on the internet all together...
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| Wednesday, August 14th, 2002
7:05 pm
| Friday, August 9th, 2002
10:51 pm
welcome ian...
now it's your responcibility to keep me entertained... ;)
i enjoyed the play yesterday, your dancing was wonderful... just remember to smile, you looked so damn serious...
did you hear me scream for you? it was horrible i wasnt ready cause you didnt bow in order and it was VERY high pitched... oh well, it's the thought that counts...
(comment on this)
| Tuesday, July 23rd, 2002
8:21 pm
| Monday, July 15th, 2002
1:34 am - Oh I almost forgot!
1:32 am - I knew this would be my result...
| Friday, July 12th, 2002
1:54 pm - Car shopping from hell is finally over...
remember that cavalier LS i talked about a couple months ago?
well... my dad bought a 97 cavalier for himself, and after i drove it a couple times i hated it so much that i didnt want to get a cavalier...
so i bought....
whoo hoo!
it's a little more than we planned on spending (ahem, about $4,000 more) but i would only let my mom buy it if i could pay the difference between the two, and i pay insurance...
so... jamie is going to be doing a lot of working this year...
but im happy! :)
(1 comment | comment on this)
| Thursday, July 4th, 2002
7:34 pm
| Saturday, June 8th, 2002
4:07 pm
grrr i cant wait to see jayme...
tuesday tuesday tuesday (it cant come fast enough)
that is all.
(comment on this)
| Thursday, June 6th, 2002
10:41 pm - I'm disappointed...
18 I act like I'm 18. This test was brought to you by David - Part of the David and James phenomenon. Take it here.
(comment on this)
| Tuesday, June 4th, 2002
1:43 pm - whoo hoo, look col
| Sunday, May 19th, 2002
2:22 pm
my mom is here to help me pack up some of my stuff before i really move out and guess what she surprised me with?!?!!!!
shes buying me a new car!!
a NEW car!
a real NEW car!!
( a 2002 4 door chevy cavalier LS )
ok, shut up whoever laughed, true, its not the most luxurious car in the world and its definately not my type, but its NEW and its MINE.... now the problem.... do i pick black or indigo blue???
(5 comments | comment on this)
12:58 pm
weeeee... i got tickets to bonnaroo!
actually, i've got two... the deal was i was supposed to buy jaymes and hed pay me in cash cause he didnt have enough $ to get both so id get em...
there was problems with the website and we both had places to go... so he didnt wanna get stuck without a ticket so he bought his when i wasnt here...
but i had already bought him one and he didnt know...
so now we have three
im going to either sell mine on ebay (where theyre going for $500) or give it to a friend for face value... who knows...
it would be sweet to make that much money though... it would almost cover all transportation and food costs!!
(6 comments | comment on this)
| Thursday, May 16th, 2002
12:00 am
i went to the esp labs for my 4 hour printing lab this morning at 8am... i signed into a work station at 8:03am.....
i didn't sign out until 9:48PM...... thats PM people.... over 12 hours.....
it ended up taking 5 extensions people.....
i was surprised you could even do that!!
so after scanning and printing for 12+ hours.... i now have two fourty eight pages books...
kick ass.
im leaving friday the 24th.... im sad.... only cause i'll miss my friends and the facilities.... ahhhhh the facilities!!
thats it, im buying my own printer....
hope everyone does well with finals and shit!
(1 comment | comment on this)
| Tuesday, May 7th, 2002
11:23 am
i really have no willpower what so ever...
i am basically failing this quarter in every way possible (ok, only drawing and art & civ... i do have an A in photo but only cause im a natural ;) )
but the thing is that im basically failing because i like to do NOTHING...
my weekend starts 12:01pm Friday and doesnt end until... eh... Tuesday at noon, there i have a INTENSE 4 days just getting shit done to turn in (which doesnt often happen) and then the weekends i crash again...
if im going to take gunther next year im going to have to get my act together...
mmmmm... maybe not...
did i mention next year i have no classes on Mondays OR Fridays?!??!!
the vicious cycle continues.
maybe i should just be a bum
(2 comments | comment on this)
| Sunday, April 21st, 2002
2:20 pm
| Wednesday, April 10th, 2002
11:15 am
grrrrrr i am here in the esp lab with nothing better to do than write in this journal and not really write much of anything... interesting arent i?
(2 comments | comment on this)
| Monday, April 8th, 2002
8:30 am
yeah so, i think we're back together... so far he's being exactly how i wished he always was... but it has only been three days, hahaha, oh well...
i got up this morning and shot at 4am until 8am... crrrrrrraaaaaaazzzzyyyyyy
im going to bed now ;)
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| Sunday, April 7th, 2002
12:42 am - Wow, this test is too accurate!!!