leopard bitch goddess' LiveJournal
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Below are the 20 most recent journal entries recorded in leopard bitch goddess' LiveJournal:

    [ << Previous 20 ]
    Sunday, February 3rd, 2002
    3:03 am
    Fade Into You


    I want to hold the hand inside you
    I want to take a breath that's true
    I look to you and I see nothing
    I look to you to see the truth
    You live your life
    You go in shadows
    You'll come apart and you'll go black
    Some kind of night into your darkness
    Colors your eyes with what's not there.

    Fade into you
    Strange you never knew
    Fade into you
    I think it's strange you never knew

    A stranger's light comes on slowly
    A stranger's heart without a home
    You put your hands into your head
    And then smiles cover your heart

    Fade into you
    Strange you never knew
    Fade into you

    I think it's strange you never knew

    I think it's strange you never knew

    Current Mood: calm
    Current Music: mazzy star

    (spit on hobos)

    Tuesday, January 1st, 2002
    10:53 pm
    ok i havnt written in along time... but on the 29th of december i had to put my dog to sleeeeeeeeeeeeep........ and im really upset.. but ya sooo bye

    Current Mood: depressed
    Current Music: fuck you

    (2 people spit on them,good job!%% | spit on hobos)

    Thursday, December 13th, 2001
    11:18 pm
    ahjhjgdfsio yu43ru68 3w29$+c
    1. What's your favorite scary movie? hmm.. I am a fanatic at horror films.. I cant choose

    2. Have you ever smoked products that aren't normally made for smoking? riiite...

    3. What do you think is the best feature on your body? my eyes

    4. What would you change about yourself? my hair

    5. Who is your favorite of the Seven Dwarfs? doppy.. cuz hes always high

    6. Do you like ice? what kind of ice....?

    7. What's your name again? ashley

    8. Do you have any jewelry you wear all the time? yes, my tiffanys braclet, a hair tie, my saphire blue crystal earings, my cladagh ring, and my garnit ring... and my birthstone ring

    9. How many holes do you have in your body that you weren't born with? 8 but 3 closed up

    10. Describe your favorite undergarment: its a thong.. one that is jason-like

    11. Would you ever consider decorating your room with blowup pink flamingos?hellno

    12. Have you ever worn plaid and stripes together? no

    13. Have you ever stolen any road signs? ya

    14. Do you think bald heads are sexy? no

    15. Do you own a black-light? yes

    16. What's on your mouse pad? a piece of denim that I stapled on to a shit hole school shit

    17. Do your parents still have sex? i'm sure

    18. What kinda guy/girl are you looking for? I already have a guy.. thank you very much

    19. What's the last finger food you ate? a cookie sandwich

    20. Do you take more than three showers a week, be honest? baths

    21. What size shoe do you wear?8, 8.5,9

    22. Have you ever touched yourself in a public place? ya when I wipe my ass in a public restroom...freak why did u put this question in this?

    23. Have you ever been drunk off your ass? yes

    24. Are you male, female, or both? female

    25. What's your favorite cereal? fruity pebbles

    26. Do you wash your own clothes? no

    27. Do you have a journal or a diary? my live journal

    28. Do strangers have the best candy? definatly the worst survey ever. I agree devin

    29. Who's your daddy? my dad u mean... my father.....dad

    30. When you're on the phone, do you use the bathroom; do you tell the person or keep it a secret? It depends on whom im speaking with.. usually its a close friend... soo I dont give a shit

    31. What's your sign? leo

    32. Do you want fries with that? no I want mc flurries

    33. Do you ever sit and stare at the blank TV screen?no, becuz I have a life

    34. Have you ever loved someone so much it made you cry? yes

    35. Have you ever failed a grade? umm what am I doing rite now..

    36. If you were to be given an ice cube, chocolate syrup, and whipped cream, what would you do with it?shove it up your ass becuz u made a gay survey

    37. Do you believe that you can fall in love quickly or that these things take time? this is a dumb question

    38. What was the biggest city you have ever lived in? ashley coil happy land

    39. What was the last movie you watched? rush hour.. and rush hour 2

    40. How many people are on your messenger list? 148

    Current Mood: pessimistic
    Current Music: fuck you seaholm high school you fucking blow

    (spit on hobos)

    Tuesday, November 20th, 2001
    8:16 am
    Eerika sux shes fucks her dirty brother! jassica and i hate her and we want her dead
    Once upon a time, there was a shitty, stupid girl named Erika. Everyone loved Erika, but that didn't matter. You see she was jankey and in love with chris, who happens to hate jankey girls. Erika tried very hard not to be jankey. She even tried pooping. But that didn't work.

    Then one day while capping pants through a very retard 8 mile , she slept upon a terd eater giraff. This terd eater giraff spoke to Erika and said, "If you can answer my riddle I will grant you a wish."

    Well Erika crapped. And she crunched said, "What is your riddle, insest girl giraff?"

    The giraff replied, "If a cow has a toliett, how many poopy pants does it crapping pants?"

    Erika thought about the riddle and answered, "15!"

    The giraff began dieing, than it died, and turned into a hoe. The hoe humped and said, "You are correct! You turned this old giraff into back into a handsome hoe. What is your wish?"

    Erika was so happy! She knew exactly what she wanted, "I don't want to be jankey any more! That way chris will fall in love with me."

    The hoe then howled his terd eater terds and Erika was no longer jankey! She left the 8 mile to find chris. When she did, she found him sleeping jessica, the vomit kid girl from birmingham. And chris and jessica lived munched ever after. Erika, on the other hand, died a lovly spinster.

    The end.

    (1 people spit on them,good job!%% | spit on hobos)

    7:51 am

    (spit on hobos)

    7:51 am

    (spit on hobos)

    Thursday, November 15th, 2001
    7:43 am
    jason song
    by ASHLEY

    ADORABLE 4:00 is the time.
    Come on baby,
    I will GLADLY make you mine.

    You can't DANCE my love.
    We are like 13 CANDLES in a IN YOUR ARMS
    Oh yeah honey,
    We are like 13 CANDLES in a IN YOUR ARMS


    JASON you are my CUTE PUPPY for sure.
    If I had ANTHRAX you'd be my cure.
    The SOUL of ROYAL OAK can't hold a light.
    The ANGEL night, and everything is alright.

    Please baby, don't RUN with my FACE.
    Don't LOVLEY KISS me today.
    I love you too much.
    Please, I Just want to see your SWEET way.

    I know our BABY love will last for SECONDS
    I will be there for SECONDS
    Oh yeah, TID BIT!


    JASON you are my CUTE PUPPY for sure.
    If I had ANTHRAX you'd be my cure.
    The SOUL of ROYAL OAK can't hold a light.
    The ANGEL night, and everything is alright.

    Current Mood: bouncy
    Current Music: fuck you mom u suck

    (spit on hobos)

    7:11 am
    ok im really fucking tired and my mom made me wake up at the ass crack of dawn and is all like hey guess what!? u get to go to school with me today and go swimming today with the special ed kid... elizabeth... blahhhhhhhhh she annoys the shit out of me! well anywase soo im all like ummm let me think mom... fuck no! and then she got all pissed off at me and blah soo im stuck here in gay asss seaholm high ........ and another thing... my computer is broken at home... shit! and i finnallly got a job.. i work at denys in berkley! horrraaaaaaayyyyyy.. oh and jason and i are doing great! and our end of 5 months anniversary is on thanksgiving as well as my best friends birthday megan! its her 17th! horrraaaayy!!! well the computer lady keeps looking over here and scaring me sooo blah peace out all my nigs!

    Current Mood: sleepy
    Current Music: blah

    (spit on hobos)

    Monday, November 5th, 2001
    4:17 pm
    hmmm well ever since i got my hair cut i have been... sad... but after today when i woke up my thoughts were very diff.... it looks awsome now! and everyoneloves it and they love the new color too! wellll i havnt much to say except that i got a new job working at deny and that me and jason are trying our hardest! and we have been making progres... well i gtttttttttttttaaaaaaaaa go pace

    Current Mood: surprised

    (spit on hobos)

    12:20 am
    FULL NAME: Ashley katherine coil
    B-DAY: 8/13/85
    HEIGHT: 5?7
    EYE COLOR: green
    HAIR COLOR: nauturally dirty blond..but died redish auburn
    DYED: yes
    NICKNAMES: coil,baby
    WEIGHT: about 140
    SCREEN NAME:sunhun420
    HOMETOWN: birmingham
    PETS: 2 dogs
    CAR: ----
    FAVORITE PHRASE: ur jankey
    PIERCINGS: ears, belly button
    TATTOOS: I dunno
    BED TIME: I dunno when im tired
    WHAT IS ON THE WALL OF YOUR ROOM: posters, stickers,paintings
    WHAT'S YOUR BIGGEST WISH AT THE MOMENT: to not feel sooo sad..becuz I have been feeeling sad latly.. and to have never cut my hair ever
    CAN YOU SING: yes

    ~~~~~THE FUTURE~~~~~
    SCHOOL / OCCUPATION: massage therapist
    PLACE TO LIVE: with jason
    CAR: eclipse
    KIDS: 2.. chasidy and sol..pronounced soul
    NAMES OF KIDS: look above

    ~~~~~HAVE YOU EVER~~~~~
    BEEN IN LOVE: yes
    BROKEN A BONE: yes
    CRIED IN SCHOOL:9th grade

    ~~~~~DO YOU BELIEVE IN~~~~~
    LOVE AT FIRST SIGHT: well im still with jason rite!
    MONSTERS: no
    HOROSCOPES: occasionally
    ALIENS: no
    HEAVEN: yes
    HELL: no

    ~~~~~WHICH IS BETTER~~~~~
    COKE OR PEPSI: pepsi
    SPRITE OR 7UP: sprite
    OBESE OR ANOREXIC: anorexic
    GIRLS OR GUYS: jason
    FLOWERS OR CANDY: I dunno both
    QUIET OR LOUD:sometimes both
    POOLS OR HOT TUBS?: hot tubs
    BITCHY OR SLUTTY: bitchy
    TALL OR SHORT: short
    PANTS OR SHORTS: pants

    ~~~~~THE PREFERRED SEX~~~~~
    WHAT DO YOU NOTICE FIRST: facial features
    MUST- HAVE PERSONALITY TRAIT: samrt, funny, caring
    BEST THING TO DO: kiss, look into each other eyes, be romantic
    WORST THING TO DO: cheat on someone
    BEST PLACE YOU KNOW OF TO GO: there are many places
    SHORT OR LONG HAIR: either
    PEIRCINGS OR NONE:as long as tehre arnt millions its cool
    EXPECT FROM THEM: to understand
    USUALLY WANT FROM THEM: to be loved

    ~~~~~THE LAST TIME~~~~~
    SHOWERED: I took a bath today
    HAD SEX: today
    HAVE BEEN TO A PARTY: long time
    HAVE BEEN TO A DANCE: on oct 13.. my homcoming

    ~~~~~WHAT IS~~~~~
    YOUR GOOD LUCK CHARM: my purple gem, and my black and white dice
    PERSON YOU HATE MOST: erika keyes...laura turner
    THE WORST SONG YOU'VE EVER HEARD: I dunno alot of songs suck
    THE NICEST THING ANYONE HAS EVER DONE FOR YOU: asked me to be theres forever... jason did
    COLOR: purple
    MOVIE:dracula 200, final fantasy, and freddy got fingered
    ON-LINE BUD(S): lots
    JUICE: pineapple, pink lemonade, apple, and apple cider
    TYPE OF MUSIC: electronica,trance,techno, hip hop, anything with acustic guitar
    CARS: spiders...eclipses
    FOOD: I like lotsa food... hanis, mongolian bbq... chicken clubs
    ICE CREAM: m&m; mc flurry..extra m&ms;
    SOFT DRINK: red pop...fago
    SPORTS TO WATCH:hockey
    SEASON: autumn..and summer
    OBSESSION: jason, animals, movies, art, photo..succulent babies
    BREAKFAST FOOD: waffles with bluberrys, or vanilla danno yogurt with lots of brown sugar
    PLACE TO GO WITH YOUR HONEY: as long as im with him I could go anywhere
    PLACE TO GO WITH YOUR FRIENDS: anywhere..to harasss helpless people..

    MAKES YOU SMILE: jason
    HAS A CRUSH ON YOU:jason
    WHO DO YOU HAVE A CRUSH ON: jason.. and bree...jk
    GIVES YOU KISSES: jason, and my dogs
    DO YOU LIKE TO KISS: only jason

    ~~~~~DO YOU EVER~~~~~
    SAVE E-MAILS: no
    WISH YOU WERE SOMEONE ELSE: somtimes I wish I had different things
    CRIED BECAUSE OF SOMEONE'S MEAN WORDS: i have, and I have made jason cry for that also... im sorrrry

    SONG LYRICS: lol hero.. inrequi igleseas
    COLOGNE: anything from vitoria secrets... ralph lorean romance, and curve for girls.... polo sport for guys
    PERFUME:allready wrote it above
    KISS: jason... french. and soft sweet kisses
    ROMANTIC MEMORY: when I first met jason, and when he made me happy cry at the hot tub place
    ADVICE YOU'VE GIVEN:i love you

    Current Mood: disappointed

    (spit on hobos)

    Wednesday, October 24th, 2001
    2:36 pm

    A Bold Words Fairy Tale

    Once upon a time, there was a smelly, stinky girl named Ashley. Everyone loved Ashley, but that didn't matter. You see she was pretty and in love with jason, who happens to hate pretty girls. Ashley tried very hard not to be pretty. She even tried pooping . But that didn't work.

    Then one day while humping through a very cute michigan, she hummped upon a jankey dog buddy. This jankey dog buddy spoke to Ashley and said, "If you can answer my riddle I will grant you a wish."

    Well Ashley pooped. And she happily said, "What is your riddle, looser dog buddy?"

    The dog buddy replied, "If a leopard has a toliet, how many terds does it jumped?"

    Ashley thought about the riddle and answered, "15!"

    The dog buddy began sleeping, than it died, and turned into a stripper. The stripper crapped and said, "You are correct! You turned this old dog buddy into back into a handsome stripper. What is your wish?"

    Ashley was so happy! She knew exactly what she wanted, "I don't want to be pretty any more! That way jason will fall in love with me."

    The stripper then threwup his jankey moon and Ashley was no longer pretty! She left the michigan to find jason. When she did, she found him crapping megan, the fart head girl from birmingham. And jason and megan lived faggotly ever after. Ashley, on the other hand, died a fag spinster.

    The end.

    (1 people spit on them,good job!%% | spit on hobos)

    2:30 pm
    hhahah funny thing
    Once upon a time, there was a pretty, jankey girl named megan. Everyone loved megan, but that didn't matter. You see she was sinky and in love with jason, who happens to hate sinky girls. megan tried very hard not to be sinky. She even tried humping. But that didn't work.

    Then one day while laying through a very poopy michigan, she layed upon a adorible dog buddy. This adorible dog buddy spoke to megan and said, "If you can answer my riddle I will grant you a wish."

    Well megan sat. And she danced said, "What is your riddle, fag dog buddy?"

    The dog buddy replied, "If a leopard has a toliett, how many craps does it dance?"

    megan thought about the riddle and answered, "15!"

    The dog buddy began sleeping, than it slept, and turned into a student. The student ran and said, "You are correct! You turned this old dog buddy into back into a handsome student. What is your wish?"

    megan was so happy! She knew exactly what she wanted, "I don't want to be sinky any more! That way jason will fall in love with me."

    The student then walked his adorible jason and megan was no longer sinky! She left the michigan to find jason. When she did, she found him pooping bree, the penis man girl from birmingham. And jason and bree lived loosering ever after. megan, on the other hand, died a looser spinster.

    The end.

    (spit on hobos)

    2:14 pm

    (spit on hobos)

    2:14 pm

    (spit on hobos)

    1:34 pm
    hmmmm SCHOOLsux
    hmmm well im in "class" rite now.. except everyone in aerobics decided to leave becuz we had an old man as a sub.. and didnt want his perverted ass to watch us work out.. and seeing that my phone is broke and wont be fixed trill fri or sat.. i decided why not go to the library and dick around on the computers! hmm sooo i guess i should write about the past few weeks.. ebcuz i didnt have much time to give details..
    HOMCOMING: ok soo the saturday before last saturday was homcoming.. it was alot of fun... i woke up at 12:00 took a shower.. and blow dryed my hair.. i left the house at 2:00 and got to jacobsons in b;ham at 2:20... sheryl did my hair... she put it up in a really sexy/prewtty updo... then after the 1 hour and a half was finished.. i went down stairs and purchased a black strapless bre.. it was coo.. i decided that i didnt want to do my makeup this year soo i went to the lancome counter.. and waited another hour till elizabeth had finished the girl before me's makeup.. then i sat in the chair and got my makup done.. every one said i looked soooo beautiful! so then my mom bought 80 bux worth of makeup.. and then we went to the flower store to pick up jasons bootinear.. i cant spelll it..lol it was a red rose with ivy leaves and whispy ferns and baby breaths... it was pretty.. so then i went home.. and waited for my mom to sew part of my dress.... my dress was black, slong, sleek, and had a slit that went up to my thigh almost my asss... it was speghetti strapped; the material that the straps had was the same material that the strap in the front that went across my chest soo there was this opening had..... and the back went into a v shape.. and there was a strap in the back too.. it was pretty.. the shoes were also cute... ok soat like 5:00 i think it was or 5:30 jason came over.. and he was wearing a suit with a blue tie.. that went with my nails, and toe nails... i recieved a 2 white rose corasage with baby breath and whispy ferns with a light bule bow.. it was pretty. then i recieved an anniversary/ sweetest day gift.. it was a sweet high tech olympus camera from sharper immage.. whihc costed jason quite alot of money... geez... i love that camera... ok soo then jason and i finnally left after we took pics at my house, and then we went to his house and toook pics with the new camera... then we left and went to my house, grabbed some cd's and then we went off to my school.. which we showed up tooo early at... we got there at 7:30 and the dance didnt start till 8:00... it was funy... sooo then we went down stairs to the cafeteria, and ate some food, jumpped in this moon walk and then we went up to the stop of the court yard.... there were these light sabers there and jason is obbbbsessed with star wars sooo we jacked one of them, becuz jason pointed out to me that it was the darth maul one.. hes soo silly.. then we laughed alot about jacking it.. andin between all that happeneing i introduced him to all my friends.. and then we decided to leave.. sooo we left and went to chillies becuz we didnt plan out anything special for dinner... after we finished ewating we were going to go dancing outside, but it suddenly got freezing cold.. soo we went back to his house.. and i dont really remember what elese we did.. i think we watched a movei.. and i kno that we got it on... but thats like all i remember... and also this.. that that night was the most magical, specialistt night i have ever had... it menas alot to me to know that i am apprciated and that i found that somebody out there that is sooo special, and means the world and the universe, solar system, u get the picture, to me.. i feeeel soooo happy when im with jason and its got tobe like the best feeling and thing that i think i have ever experenced.
    Ok Ok Saturday was ..sweetest day... it was cute , becuz Jason and i went to the cider mill and ate doughnuts and drank cider down by the river.. it was soo romantic, even tho there were whiney children surrounding us... i block all the negative out when im with jason... ok soo then after that we decided to go to the pumpkin patch on woodward, and pick some pumpkins that we thought we were going to carve that nite but endded up carving them on sunday.. the next day... after that we went to jasons hosue to eat, and we thought that we were gonna go to kensington park, but the bitch cloud came iver me and smothered me with bitchness and i refused to go, becuz we were supposed to go to a haunted hosue that nite, which didnt happen..... after that we decided to watch the movie we rented the nite before... called the people unde the stairs... a wes craven movie... i enjoy wes craven's movies hes good.. sooo anywase it was a weird movie, then we left and i think we went out to dinner at national coney island.. which i love doing.. becuz they have these awsome...starwberry sundaes that are just to die for... after that i think we went yes we did.. we went to party cirty becuz we were bored... soooo then we decided to buy this darth maul mask for jasons holloween costume.. it was on sale, soo we bought that, and then we got these fake lookin vampire fangs for me.. we were going to get coffeee, but we thought we were going to a haunted house with megz and aaron.. soo we called them and then we all decided to go this coming up weekend... jason and i rented anotehr movie.. hannible.. soo we watched that and it was neat.. then i dont remember what elese happend...

    ok MONDAY THE 22 was our anniversary.... it was cute jason and i hung out after i got out of school... i dont exactly emeber what happend.. maybe we played scrabble.. then we hung out and ate food and watched friends.. we had fun but i dont exactly remember every little thing that we did..

    in the past few days this is what i have done.. developed alot of pictures, and went job hunting with jason to find my lazy ass a job, and rented go.. whioch is a really goood movie! it was fun... on monday i found out some bad new about myself.. whihc only jason and my mother know about... i wont tell anyone elese... not even my best friends becuz i dont kno if i should....... sooo if u guys read this dont be mad.. its just somthing that should stay between myself, my mum , and my lover..JASON... anywase.... i found out i wasnt doing too well in my gym classes but oh well i dont give a fying fuck, and now im hear typing in my journal becuz these gay ass ramming computers wont let me sign on aol.. to read my email... and i needed to add more detail to my journals becuz i have been told that i have been lacking details latly... wellllllll i love you jason... and i lvoe all my other friends.. ta ta for now! :)

    Current Mood: amused
    Current Music: i dont think there are any songs stuck in my head

    (spit on hobos)

    1:34 pm
    hmmmm SCHOOLsux
    hmmm well im in "class" rite now.. except everyone in aerobics decided to leave becuz we had an old man as a sub.. and didnt want his perverted ass to watch us work out.. and seeing that my phone is broke and wont be fixed trill fri or sat.. i decided why not go to the library and dick around on the computers! hmm sooo i guess i should write about the past few weeks.. ebcuz i didnt have much time to give details..
    HOMCOMING: ok soo the saturday before last saturday was homcoming.. it was alot of fun... i woke up at 12:00 took a shower.. and blow dryed my hair.. i left the house at 2:00 and got to jacobsons in b;ham at 2:20... sheryl did my hair... she put it up in a really sexy/prewtty updo... then after the 1 hour and a half was finished.. i went down stairs and purchased a black strapless bre.. it was coo.. i decided that i didnt want to do my makeup this year soo i went to the lancome counter.. and waited another hour till elizabeth had finished the girl before me's makeup.. then i sat in the chair and got my makup done.. every one said i looked soooo beautiful! so then my mom bought 80 bux worth of makeup.. and then we went to the flower store to pick up jasons bootinear.. i cant spelll it..lol it was a red rose with ivy leaves and whispy ferns and baby breaths... it was pretty.. so then i went home.. and waited for my mom to sew part of my dress.... my dress was black, slong, sleek, and had a slit that went up to my thigh almost my asss... it was speghetti strapped; the material that the straps had was the same material that the strap in the front that went across my chest soo there was this opening had..... and the back went into a v shape.. and there was a strap in the back too.. it was pretty.. the shoes were also cute... ok soat like 5:00 i think it was or 5:30 jason came over.. and he was wearing a suit with a blue tie.. that went with my nails, and toe nails... i recieved a 2 white rose corasage with baby breath and whispy ferns with a light bule bow.. it was pretty. then i recieved an anniversary/ sweetest day gift.. it was a sweet high tech olympus camera from sharper immage.. whihc costed jason quite alot of money... geez... i love that camera... ok soo then jason and i finnally left after we took pics at my house, and then we went to his house and toook pics with the new camera... then we left and went to my house, grabbed some cd's and then we went off to my school.. which we showed up tooo early at... we got there at 7:30 and the dance didnt start till 8:00... it was funy... sooo then we went down stairs to the cafeteria, and ate some food, jumpped in this moon walk and then we went up to the stop of the court yard.... there were these light sabers there and jason is obbbbsessed with star wars sooo we jacked one of them, becuz jason pointed out to me that it was the darth maul one.. hes soo silly.. then we laughed alot about jacking it.. andin between all that happeneing i introduced him to all my friends.. and then we decided to leave.. sooo we left and went to chillies becuz we didnt plan out anything special for dinner... after we finished ewating we were going to go dancing outside, but it suddenly got freezing cold.. soo we went back to his house.. and i dont really remember what elese we did.. i think we watched a movei.. and i kno that we got it on... but thats like all i remember... and also this.. that that night was the most magical, specialistt night i have ever had... it menas alot to me to know that i am apprciated and that i found that somebody out there that is sooo special, and means the world and the universe, solar system, u get the picture, to me.. i feeeel soooo happy when im with jason and its got tobe like the best feeling and thing that i think i have ever experenced.
    Ok Ok Saturday was ..sweetest day... it was cute , becuz Jason and i went to the cider mill and ate doughnuts and drank cider down by the river.. it was soo romantic, even tho there were whiney children surrounding us... i block all the negative out when im with jason... ok soo then after that we decided to go to the pumpkin patch on woodward, and pick some pumpkins that we thought we were going to carve that nite but endded up carving them on sunday.. the next day... after that we went to jasons hosue to eat, and we thought that we were gonna go to kensington park, but the bitch cloud came iver me and smothered me with bitchness and i refused to go, becuz we were supposed to go to a haunted hosue that nite, which didnt happen..... after that we decided to watch the movie we rented the nite before... called the people unde the stairs... a wes craven movie... i enjoy wes craven's movies hes good.. sooo anywase it was a weird movie, then we left and i think we went out to dinner at national coney island.. which i love doing.. becuz they have these awsome...starwberry sundaes that are just to die for... after that i think we went yes we did.. we went to party cirty becuz we were bored... soooo then we decided to buy this darth maul mask for jasons holloween costume.. it was on sale, soo we bought that, and then we got these fake lookin vampire fangs for me.. we were going to get coffeee, but we thought we were going to a haunted house with megz and aaron.. soo we called them and then we all decided to go this coming up weekend... jason and i rented anotehr movie.. hannible.. soo we watched that and it was neat.. then i dont remember what elese happend...

    ok MONDAY THE 22 was our anniversary.... it was cute jason and i hung out after i got out of school... i dont exactly emeber what happend.. maybe we played scrabble.. then we hung out and ate food and watched friends.. we had fun but i dont exactly remember every little thing that we did..

    in the past few days this is what i have done.. developed alot of pictures, and went job hunting with jason to find my lazy ass a job, and rented go.. whioch is a really goood movie! it was fun... on monday i found out some bad new about myself.. whihc only jason and my mother know about... i wont tell anyone elese... not even my best friends becuz i dont kno if i should....... sooo if u guys read this dont be mad.. its just somthing that should stay between myself, my mum , and my lover..JASON... anywase.... i found out i wasnt doing too well in my gym classes but oh well i dont give a fying fuck, and now im hear typing in my journal becuz these gay ass ramming computers wont let me sign on aol.. to read my email... and i needed to add more detail to my journals becuz i have been told that i have been lacking details latly... wellllllll i love you jason... and i lvoe all my other friends.. ta ta for now! :)

    Current Mood: amused
    Current Music: i dont think there are any songs stuck in my head

    (2 people spit on them,good job!%% | spit on hobos)

    Tuesday, October 23rd, 2001
    8:04 am
    The weekend
    Ok so this weekend was sweetest day? and jay and I went to the cider mill and then we went and got pumpkins at this pumpkin patch on wooodward! It was a lot of fun! We then went back to his house and watched a whole bunch of movies that we rented! Such as hannible and the people under the stairs? it was funny they were all supposed to be extremely scarry but I didn?t find them horrorifying.. hey is that even a word? Ha? welll anywise ya then on Sunday I finnnalllly hung out with megan.. I havnt seen her in awhile.. we went around and harassed people.. then she left and jay came over.. then we started to carve pumpkins and megans calls her and aaron got into a fight soo she came over and watched us carve.. then she wanted to carve sooo we went to the pumpkin patch andgot another pumpkin to carve for her? then we all carvd them! It was a lot of fun?. Then jay and I went back to his hosue and watched tv and then I went home? yesterday was our anniversary? we have completed like 4 months and we started on our 5 months yay for us! We just hung out and I told him some stuff! I had soooo much fun the whole weekend! I love you babe! Welll I gotta get a job before Sunday also but jahThe song from the golden girls

    (2 people spit on them,good job!%% | spit on hobos)

    Monday, October 15th, 2001
    12:19 pm
    horrraaay! i finnallly had homcoming! it was the best evcer.... jay went with me.. of course.. and i gt my hair and makeup done and i looked sooo great! i was happy! jay bought me a camera.. a reallly great camera... i really like it alot.. itds like high ech and stuff.. its sweet... we ate at chilis.. im pissed to... i want to see him but i cant... arrrrrrrrrr.... wellllll anywase ..... i dont want to go camping either fuckthat, i will talk later i love u jay...

    Current Mood: pissed off

    (1 people spit on them,good job!%% | spit on hobos)

    Thursday, October 4th, 2001
    8:41 am
    hmmm todays thought on jobs... why fucking have a job..... i am here to tell iu the reasons... homcoming.... neeed lots of money... and for a new car.... why quit your job..... becuz bernie is a faggot and he is captin jankey.... jasons car broke.. and im helping him buy a new car.. :HEART:: <3 welll im in school ite now.. photot class.. my fav. classs... horrrayyy.. jason isgoing to rent a car rite now... horray wel i must be going now.. goodbye!

    Current Mood: hot
    Current Music: fuck you

    (1 people spit on them,good job!%% | spit on hobos)

    Wednesday, September 26th, 2001
    11:50 am
    work+Jason=Good Work+Berni=fucking hell
    well well well if it isn't me... ashley! geez i have been slakin off with all the internet shit... i have not been updating like i was on a daily basis... please forgive me.... soo the whole court thing.. well this is what had happend.. i am on probation for 4 months.. blah hahahah thats not alot... well i get off probation on feb 21 2002.. and yay.. well i was supposed to have comunity service.. bhut then the judge decided not to give it to me.. well i asked for anger management becuz i despertly need them, and i have to tour the o.c. jail and talk to inmates there... and then i may have to go to watch felons get convicted... at stupid court sessions.. welll i see my po on monday.. wow! and my principle here tried to suspend me for 2 weeks... then my mom told her no.. sooo she wanted to suspend me for like 34 das.. and my mom told her no again.. soo i didnt get any detention or any suspension.. all this shit is becuz of skipping.... note to self and everyon elese: DONT SKIP.. U GET IN BIG SHIT IF U SKIP.... well anywase i wam pretty happy that i didnt get in any trouble, but if i skip i get grounded, and i also get suspended.... but whatever... welll briana is getting a new car tommoro! how cool... but it is soo sad becuz she wont be driving the truck anymore... that makes me sad.. but whatever now we have the explorer.... ok and work before yesterday was great... yesterday i got into a big fight with the assistent manager.. what a ffag... i bitched him out for like 7 mins.. adn the whole intire store stopped what they were doing and started laughing there asses off becuz i told bernie off pretty well.... welll i got jason all pissed ebcuz of that... but anywase.. whatever....... Well jason and i ad just had our anniversary... we are going on 4 months now.. wow... its been along time.. it feels like it has beeen way way longer than that! i love him sooo much.... wehad a pretty fun time on sat... we went to the cider mill... and then to his hosue and went to the hot tub place and watched some movies and then other stuff.... it was fun! i love that guy... he is the most sweetest, sincerest, loveliess, georgous, adorable, sweetest, greatest, makes me soo happiest, and makes me feel lovedest, caringest, nicest, cutest, always makes u appiest, if your having a shity day and u s3ee him u forget about anything that was bothering youest guy ever... In other words he is perfect! hes gods gift to me.. i dont want to write women becuz i am his woman.. and i will always be! lol well anywase we both dont have work today1 YAYAYAYAYAYYAYAYYAYAYAYAYYAYAYAYYAAYYAYAYAYAYYAYAYAYAY!!!!!! thats a first! we alywase work and dont see each other for like morew than 1 hour total every night/day.. but today i can see him and cuddle with him all i want to! and tontie the season primere of star trek is on.. the new episodes.. jason and i are very excited... we are going to watch it together! im sooo happpy! and i get to take pictures today as well.... what elese is really neat is that fact that homcoming is what ... next weekend.. sat the 13! and my brother tim turns 14 on the 12! i already have my dress.. and i have already made my hair appointments... hoooorrrrrraaaaay! and iswear to god if my owkr dosnt give jason and i that day off i willl quit soo fast that they wont even know what happened... i hava been looking forward to going to homcoming forever.. and i cannot wait! i have to get my nails done that day as well.. and order a beuotinere... and i thing we are eating at this resteraunt called booodles! the one i had talked about in previous journals... well im sooo excited! i cant wait! its going to be such a spicial, romantic, evening! JASON YOU ARE MY DREAM COME TRUE!!!!!! I LOVE YOU! well i gotta go .. school will be out pretty soon1 horray.. i hvae aerobics next hour and then jason is picking me up from school! which is great! then we have to stop at the store to get film, and then we are gonna go and take pictures today! it will be fun! i have to take pictures for my photo class.. whihc is like one of my fav. classes, because we do sooo many fun things in there... welll i think i should get going now.. soooo ta ta!
    Love all of ya alll!
    AShley aka COIL

    Current Mood: happy
    Current Music: none..im in school...unless songs in your head count haahaha

    (spit on hobos)

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