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(24 waves | surf your world)

[22 Jan 2003|12:30am]
okay guys I have a friends only journal now
i added ya'll
so just add back

(surf your world)

[21 Jan 2003|10:40pm]
oh frig it...

i'm cutting the label off my pants which i am making something out off.. and my X-Acto knife, sliped and jooked and cut my finger

(surf your world)

[21 Jan 2003|09:53pm]
damn Niki I wish u were on right now..
need to ask ya something again ahahaa

(surf your world)

[21 Jan 2003|09:28pm]
I think everyone of my friends list should block annoymous commentings !!!

please do this if you want to stop getting those comments from that shit ass whoever is doing that.

(2 waves | surf your world)

[21 Jan 2003|09:10pm]
is it possible to make my friend's part of my journal friend's only??

so whoever the person writing to my journal friends, telling them shit.. about themselves and me... won't be able to..


(surf your world)

problems [21 Jan 2003|08:59pm]
I am never gonna tell Dan's Mom any more personal stuff.

I am starting to not want to tell anyone about my business.
except you guys of course..

mmm so Dan gets the invitation to Andrew's wedding, and he said this is for you and your family...
I guess I am not I do feel left out. Cause I honestly thought I would also be invited, being with Dan for 3 years.. come on !!

So I ask Dan lets go see Lord of The Rings... he says no cause why he gonna see that for etc etc... tonight he tells me he is going to see it with his Dad..
Joel called I told Joel about it to see what he thought.. He said it's nothing personal, cause he told Joel the same thing. Maybe cause he didn't want to say No to his Dad.
I guess that is acceptable.

(2 waves | surf your world)

[21 Jan 2003|04:05pm]
well i think i have been cursed with bad luck..
my shoe burst while going upstairs to class.. :(

day was shit.

(surf your world)

[21 Jan 2003|12:24pm]
uhhhh okay I am off to class now :P

later stroodle heads !!

(3 waves | surf your world)

[21 Jan 2003|11:42am]
yum yum the smell of rain !!! :P

(surf your world)

weeeeeeee [21 Jan 2003|11:26am]
Dan asked me if I wanna go Tobago for Carnival.
I hope my parents let me go !!!!!

I was making a bag a while ago.. but something happened.. like the needle stuck.. and I think I frigged up my mom's sewing machine :(

anyway I am gonna bathe and get ready for class.

(surf your world)

what a pissy morning... [21 Jan 2003|11:23am]
[ mood | pissed off ]

My day has started off very very shitty.

Went to the gym and right as we were walking in I was telling Dan how I am gonna straighten back out my hair and dye it..
he told me I am a wanna be blonde and whatever I do to my hair it always looks bad.

Later when I told him I didn't like what he said, he said he was joking etc etc

okay nps there

Next in the gym, one of my trainers (the lady) was like how why I went and complain to Daniel's Mom about I not getting enought cardio etc etc...

I never said "oh I want cardio" geeze..
and well she made me go on the bike for 15 mins..
and I cried a lil (no one saw)
I was just truly hurt at that point where I was just so upset.

So I didn't really talk to her much, thank god my next instuctor took me today.
And she was also being like how I complaing alot etc etc
and how I can go back and say something to Dan's mom..
What the fuck...


(4 waves | surf your world)

i dream of an *angel* [21 Jan 2003|08:25am]
I drempt of Bon Jovi again !!!!! And this time Daddy had to go pick him up from the Airport, but in the end.... I didn't see him. :(

Dan was in my dream earlier too, and we were looking for a parking spot and there were like all these Coconut trees on the ground and all over and it was just a horrible place to drive. But Dan is like a pro driver. *blush*

I have gym at 9... and I couldn't seem to get off my bed this morning.
I am just feeling so tired and lazy. :(
I have to try to go to bed at least a bit earlier tonight and stop staying up to watch Boy Meets World and The Nanny. The 2 show I loveeeeee... especially Boy meets world !!!


(surf your world)

[21 Jan 2003|01:39am]
oh oh
my mirror fell and broke

7 years bad luck :(

lets not believe those things k !! :P

(surf your world)

messages [21 Jan 2003|12:38am]
so messages back and forth tonight..

Me text messaging Analisa, and Abby (girl from class)

it was fun.
But the messages taking long to go through, which sucks :(

I can't wait to see Analisa this weekend :)
Pics most definately ! :)

(surf your world)

just plans..and talk [20 Jan 2003|10:03pm]
So I didn't do anything tonight.
Tomorrow morning I have gym and then class. :P
Dan has his Day off tomorrow... lucky brat !!!

Analisa sent me a message on my cell again tonight asking if I am doing anything Friday.
So I guess Friday we may lime. *smiles*

I am talking to Maria now and watching "The Colour of Friendship" on Disney.
It is really a nice movie.

I miss Dan tonight. :(

(24 waves | surf your world)

A Smile [20 Jan 2003|05:29pm]

A smile for all my LJ friends !!! :P

(4 waves | surf your world)

weeee pierced ear pics [20 Jan 2003|05:24pm]
[ mood | bored ]

So I got bored, and decided to take the pics now instead of later..
Oh and my top says "It's a good thing you're cute, because you're really dumb"

...Piccies... )

(surf your world)

[20 Jan 2003|04:11pm]
Weeeeeee I peirced my ear today !!!
Pics up later on that !!! :)

(6 waves | surf your world)

[20 Jan 2003|12:37pm]
Class calls for Lulu
Lulu calls for her bed !!

(surf your world)

[20 Jan 2003|11:45am]
Damn... I got up a lil while ago.. and now I have to get ready for class...

ahhhhhhh I just wish I could of just stayed home and sleep !!! :(

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