Monday, July 26th, 2004
4:02 pm - Sorry (crawls in a corner) Author: kermitlover
I feel really dumb about my GMO post. Sorry guys. I was just surprised to learn that info. And I guess I'll just have to watch my word usage next time. Just remember that some people are new to this vegetarian thing, so don't assume we all know this stuff yet. But thanks for the input anyway. :)
(3 comments | comment on this)
5:32 pm Author: queenelle
Hi Everyone...
I'm seriously considering going all vegetarian, due to some researching I've done in the past couple of days about animal cruelty. I was just wondering though, if there was any kind of egg substitute out there that anyone uses. I used to make a lot of egg white omelets, but I'd really rather not contribute to cruelty on chicken farms. Thanks for any information you have!
(11 comments | comment on this)
6:23 pm - 101 Uses for Tahini (hopefully) Author: magenta512
So I made hummus a few weeks ago (which I made WAY to garlic-y, btw) and now I have an enormous jar of tahini in my fridge. I checked vegweb.com for recipes, but most of them were for hummus or salad dressing. Anyone have any quick/easy ideas/recipes that call for tahini? For a womyn that sucks at cooking on a shoestring budget? :) That may be asking too much, but throw me some of your tahini-based recipes and I'll be much obliged. Thanks all! ;p
current mood: hungry (1 comment | comment on this)
4:31 pm - Yves Good Dogs Author: jamesela
I just tried these for the first time last night and they were HEAVENLY! I was a bit worried about a summer w/o Hebrew Nationals, but these definitely did the job wonderfully! I took some olive oil and added some emeril essence seasoning (a quick fix) and brushed the dogs as they grilled. After one bite I got to thinking...I bet these would be delicious cooked in a pan of Vegetarian baked beans with some extra molasses and brown sugar. Mmmmmm, I know what I'm doing w/ my leftovers.
I also grilled riblets and vegetable medley burgers (basted w/ the olive oil). They were a huge hit! My non-veg friends when nuts over the riblets.
Happy grilling!
current mood: hungry (1 comment | comment on this)
9:45 pm - Hi Author: death_bloomz
I'm new to this community too. I'm a Vegetarian, have been for half of my life (I was 10 when I gave up meat after seeing a chicken slaughtered in my neighbours garden). Anyways I have now also started a Vegetarian Society at my University and I'm the president. It's a new society that will start this academic year in October. I would appreciate any feedback or ideas any of you might have. The community for our Vegetarian Society can be found at veggie_soc
(2 comments | comment on this)
1:34 pm - Onions Author: crystalrose
I was chopping onions this afternoon, and I got to thinking (w0w!). I always use red onions (unless the recipe calls for green onions). The reason I do this is because it adds a little "purple food" to my diet (kind of silly, I guess). Does anyone else have a favorite type of onion?
I did a little research and found an article. ( from deliahonline.com )
(9 comments | comment on this)
2:01 pm Author: pupdetofu
I've been on a make-it-from-scratch kick lately. I tested out a couple veggie burger recipes last weekend, including this black bean one.
( Cheap and easy recipe for black bean burgers )
I made these yesterday and pulled one of them out of the fridge for lunch today. It was cold and dry and nasty-looking. Sort of gray and eeew. And they're huge, by the way. I sprinkled it with water, covered it and put it in the microwave, not hoping for much, and heated it until it was really really hot and tender. I put it between two slices of homemade bread, with lettuce, tomato, mayonnaise and mustard...
And it tasted amazing. Seriously. It was spicy and moist and rich. Wonderfully filling, too.
I am definitely making these again.
current mood: full (2 comments | comment on this)
12:18 pm - teafancies Author: amensiak
please join teafancies if you love teas, tea parties, european cafes, victorian antiquity, vintage art, and all things lovely.
current music: cocteau twins (1 comment | comment on this)
11:58 am Author: neolamarie
hi kids! i'm just new to the community, but wanted to ask a couple of guidance questions.
I'm wanting to get totally meat-free as I've been on and off vegetarian for several years now. I got down to only eating chicken and fish and now have cut out the chicken completely. Can someone recommend the best organic soy-based products? Also soy-based cheeses--yes or no? AND, I would love some basic recipes from any of you wanting to share. Cheers! And thanks...
(6 comments | comment on this)
Sunday, July 25th, 2004
9:57 pm Author: kermitlover
Does anyone here eat very many Morningstar products? I just read an article about Kellog's (who makes Morningstar stuff) using genetically modified soy and corn in their products. Apparently they've been lying to consumers, they don't put this information on their boxes. And the corn they use is not approved for human consumption. That really upsets me, I really like the taste of their products. Plus, me being the lazy cook that I am, gives me something quick to pop in the microwave. This may be old news to everyone else, but I just came across this info today. Any thoughts on this?
current mood: annoyed (25 comments | comment on this)
Monday, July 26th, 2004
6:59 am Author: yourbestbet2
is soy delicious good? i got the mint fudge one? let me know...holler
(18 comments | comment on this)
Sunday, July 25th, 2004
3:43 pm - Hmm Author: savoytruffle77
Got myself a question here. It probably is one I could answer on my own, but why do that when there are all these lovely community members to help me out? Right... so on to the question with a bit of an introduction.
I am a high school student who refuses to eat beef, poultry, pork, seafood, the works. I am also someone who does not consume food products which contain animal bits in them. Now am also trying to rid my life of actual products which contain animal byproducts. I have only been beef free for a year and everything else for 9 months and slowly I want to be free of all cruelty products. I want to rid myself of certain cosmetics and so on. Yes, but my question is on glue. What is the story behind modern day glue? Do they still use non-animal friendly processes to make their products or what? Any knowledge and/or advice would be gladly appreciated.
current mood: Sore current music: Our Love Was \\ The Who (17 comments | comment on this)
Monday, July 26th, 2004
6:38 am Author: geekynat
I've been a vegetarian since the age of 12, I'm 22 now.
I am a lacto-ovo vegetarian, I guess. I don't eat eggs, or drink milk but do partake in the occasional chocolate bar, one free from those pesky animal based emulsifiers, etc. I quit meat altogether as soon as I made the decision to become a vegetarian, that includes seafood and chicken, I haven't regretted my choice for a moment.
I check the packets on everything I eat, for any animal based additives whatsoever. I am very strict in that sense, if I don't know what is in something for sure, I will not eat it, that includes bread and foods such as those which might have animal or vegetable based additives.
In Australia, where I am from, we don't have much in the way of vegan and vegetarian based products in our supermarkets. It is like an effort every time, you have to go shopping to keep things fresh. Basically then I mainly stick to fruit and vegetables.
One thing that I have had trouble dealing with as a long time vegetarian is that after all this time I still cop the never ending crap that comes along with not eating meat. The constant, obviously unenlightened questions "So, why don't you eat meat", to the mundane comments such as "Look at this steak dripping in blood" whilst they wave a piece of meat in my face.
Everyone thinks they are saying something to you that you haven't heard a thousand times before. You want to shake them and say "man is that line of questioning old!".
Wonders never cease. :)
The thing is, they think that not eating meat must be hard for me, must be a total chore, that I'm missing out on something good. Well for the first 12 years of my life I ate meat and I'll be damned if I don't already know that I'm not missing out on a whole lot.
current mood: awake (4 comments | comment on this)
Sunday, July 25th, 2004
3:32 pm Author: spitspikepsycho
I'm new, in more ways than one. I recently decided on 'pesca-vegetarian', and am slowly reducing the amount of dairy[and seafood] I take in. The reason I'm still going to eat seafood is because eel sushi has got me by the neck, and won't... you know. let go. but I very rarely eat any type of seafood as it is, (around less than 10 times a year) it's all mostly in the summer, and practically never in the winter/fall. One day I'm aiming to exclude all types of meat, but I only started this a few days ago. My family doesn't know yet, except for my brother. He supports, which was great and surprising news to me!
My name's Shannon, I'm 18 and going to college this fall at URI. I rarely ever ate meat before this, only sticking with some chicken and seafood now and then. I never bought any clothing products with leather or any type of animal in/around them. Always had a problem with the leather. I'd complain to my mother about buying leather belts/jackets/boots/etc all the time. hmph. Well, I think that's my basic story. I wish I decided on all of this earlier, but I just never got the push, and was always horribly misinformed. Now, I'm looking forward to a much healthier and humane lifestyle. :D
current mood: yay! current music: Fiona Apple - Extraordinary Machine (12 comments | comment on this)
11:59 am - South Beach for Me, and South Beach for You Author: hexkitten
...let's eat South Beach in a big brown shoe!
(Yes, I totally get random songs stuck in my head. What're you going to do about it?)
I was wondering if anybody else is doing the South Beach Diet. I know somebody posted the same question earlier, but this is different because (a) I just started my induction yesterday; (b) I'm trying to plug my community.
current mood: hungry (8 comments | comment on this)
9:45 am - College Author: cper
I will be going off to college as a freshman in about a month, and they give you a stinking shoebox of a refrigerator to share with TWO people. Well, the meat eater can of course go ANYWHERE to eat, whereas I am limited and need space to put my lettuce and morningstar products. So I'm going to put up a fuss and demand my own refrigerator! ::throws up arm and gets ready to charge:: Well, I'm going to at least try to in a nice way lol.
Also, does anyone have any ideas of how to tell your roommate that you're vegetarian and prefer that they not eat meat in your room/heat it up in your microwave? Lol, they're going to hate me, but oh well. In addition to their survey of smoker/non-smoker for matching you up with someone they should have a meat-eater/vegetarian section. I'm going to push for that.. definetly.
Anyway, any input would be wonderful!
(38 comments | comment on this)
1:34 am Author: heebiejeebie
Hi, I used to be middleroad , figured I'd finally re-join here.
I'm vegetarian, since last November. Maybe at some point I'll overcome my addition to cheese.
I bought some wheat gluetan seitan (sp?) from Wegmans tonight, as well as some of Amy's gluetan-free soups. The irony...
So, any seitan tips? Do I just pull the fucker apart and grill it up with some broccoili?
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1:08 am Author: xbrokendreams
i was happy. i was having a craving for cheese (dont ask. i have random cravings... for random things...kind of reminds me of what a pregnant lady would want, except i am not even close to being pregnant). The grocery store around the corner was closed already...and I didn't feel like walking to another one (i live in nyc). So i went to the deli. I looked at the less-familiar cheese brands..and i was worried about the rennet in the cheese. I found one, and it said "contains no animal rennet". It made my night. seriously. It was this brand McCadam. Who knows...but i was happy. That is all. :)
current music: Letter Kills - Hold My Heart (Part 1) (3 comments | comment on this)
Saturday, July 24th, 2004
11:04 pm - i was thinking about asking this here earlier, but just decided to try it out myself... Author: simpledarkangel
soy milk + instant pudding = : (
(11 comments | comment on this)
3:00 pm Author: zandria72
I just had a soy chorizo breakfast burrito (has eggs and cheese) from Trader Joes. It was awesome! It was so close to the real thing, I almost felt guilty eating it. ;) The only differences were two things that I think improved the chorizo anyway: it wasn't as oily, and it didn't have the texture issues (bleh) that authentic chorizo can have.
current mood: happy current music: John Fogarty - Deja Vu (All Over Again) (2 comments | comment on this)