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Below is information about the "Rouk" community on LiveJournal. To join this community, click here. You may leave the community at any time.

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User:rouk (1137048) rouk
Rouk's Icons
About:This is [info]roukzeptea23's icon journal. There are lots of icons here with new ones being posted all the time. This journal will be friends only, but everyone is welcome to join. Thanks. ^.^

There are currently over 2700 icons on my journal. Categories include StarWars, LOTR, Homestar, Sandman, signs, alphabet letters, Absolut ads, lightbulbs, phones, food, Cowboy Bebop, other anime, song sets, Matrix, jewelry, colors and boxes, explodingdog, and so much more.

If you are interested and want to be added to my friends list, just comment on this post

The graphics for my layout were made by me.

If you wish to link to me on your userinfo or webpage, feel free to use this button. You may direct link it if you want.

Icon Awards

Hold your mouse over the icon to see what award it won.

won Out of the Box at the_icon_ritz won Best Still at midclass_icons won (2nd place) Best Animation at midclass_icons

won Best Animation at midclass_icons won (2nd place) Best Art at midclass_icons won (2nd place) Best Camera midclass_icons

won (2nd place) Best Humour at midclass_icons won Best Humour at midclass_icons Won best photo at midclass_icons

won Best Still at midclass_icons won Best Wordless at the_icon_ritz


Icon Journals and Communities

These are other journals and communites you might also enjoy looking at. If you want to be added to this list, just contact me and tell me the name of your journal or communitiy.

  • [info]animeicons
  • [info]__dirrty
  • [info]stormwindicons
  • [info]deconstructor
  • [info]pixelbunny
  • [info]__graphics
  • [info]purplecathedral

  • [info]iconaddicts
  • [info]muse_calliope
  • [info]iconofied
  • [info]argelfraster
  • [info]blonde_crown
  • [info]audraisaudra
  • [info]17837649
  • [info]i_contest

  • Buttons and Links

    Fun Links to fun stuff. Let me know if you want me to add you.

    ***some of these images are mine, pictures that I have taken. Others are pictures that I have gathered (such as from movies). I have put a lot of work into these icons: choosing pictures, resizing them, adding lines, text, and other embelishments (which takes some creativity). I do not take credit for all these images, I only take credit for making these images into icons and adding embellishments to them. All original icons and personal images are © roukzeptea23. If you have any questions, e-mail me. Thanks
    Members:248: 0mph, 71089, ____oh, __espionage, __mymymetrocard, __video, _anus, _bamboozled, _catastr0phe, _cherry_crush_, _crescendo, _defectiveheart, _jaymie, _leitmotif, a2pak7, acadeczombie, alienstranger, amethyst_soul, ana, anewgirl, ankhet, anniewisc, applelard, aquastarr, arcanedelusions, arkanefyre, armabee, arnique, awshucks, balthaser, barefootsailor, be_it_let, beetwo, bl00dyvalentine, blumchen, bohemienne, boom_, break_me_gently, brokentreadmill, bryiarrose, bumsrmyfriends, care_chan, carrot_princess, ceciliamarie, chikwtheadfones, cicatrix_zero, cincodemaygirl, cindyloohoo, citygurl02, colorthemuse, crantz, crimsoncat, crimsonice, daisieswave, dakouyome, danisse, darkavatar, dawnsshadow, dejavoodoo, dieforyourcause, dragonelf_2002, dramaqueen709, dusty_screams, eaw0216, eilanhp, electrickat, emerald_sea, emirichan, eowyn_luthien, estrange, fadetosilence, faerishimmer, fairewench, fall3nfromgrace, faulty, flippant303, flourescent, flyingcheerio, foodismycocaine, forever_alone, foursixtwo, frosted_stars, gemdol, ggdsbuckeye, gigaflarex, ginamarie973, gloss_, greekbarbie, greenumerismnes, guliety, hailebop, halona, hannah_kim, harmatia, heatherbird, helyanwe, hijaxie, hockeykitty09, holula, hourstilldawn, i_need_a_life, icones, idril_telemnar, imaginarylove, industria, infinite_time, inkytwist, insidemymaze, intellijente, irishlass5383, ixixdemonxixi, jade_okelani, jadedmisery, jcwoman, jedipenguins, jennifersaid, jessicarulz, jillandrhodry, jimmyeatworld79, joaninha, junedreaming, kaeli, kawaii_jay, kawaiimiaka, kellwood, kelufeng, kileann, kilin_me_softly, kimberstarr, kittenkatt, kktws, knocked_socks, kovah, kurokaen, la_vie_secret, ladymalen, ladyofthellama, lauravivianne, lilimarleen, lilsinsual, lilxdemonx18, lisabird, loketari, lone_kitty_kat, loneraven, lucyforever, lunatone, magandalotus, magses, mako_anime, marshallbmdaiii, mascara_envy, mavisclayne, megaphone2752, mellow_yellow, merky, mibbit, midorichan, mistryl, mss_vampy, muruch, mysticmoron, naeelah, natsruk, nika, nikko_nikko, nokomis1339, nomadcaravan, notashamed, nousatsu, noxious_, obi_wansgirl, ohliz, ok_ok_emily, omgthatsgay, orimornie, pas_ici, patriciaofoz, peacefully, phoenix_scorned, phoenixstar21, phunkiejunkie, pink_socks, pirate_lass, pixie_alice, pixilicious_, psychomaggot, psychoticwonder, purre_sweetnes, quartzpebble, queendisko, quiche_meister, ratherodd, redrubylips, retroheart, rockchickie, rockstargrrrl, roukzeptea23, ruedifference, sailorflare, selphish, shadowblossom, shann, shimmeryelf, sifaka, silvernoone, simplygood, sinsofdesire, snaztastic, snowygal18, sorano, sparklysara, sparksandclocks, starrynights75, starzindanite, stellabymoor, steph70288, stephibug, stickynikki17, stillastranger, stupidteeny, sublimekel, sunburn2, survivalmode, sweetpanda, tamiflu, tanizard, tattooed__heart, the_silent_one_, theskyfell, thisismytear, trinamanoose, tristjessa, twirlingvixen, utreehuginhippi, vanillagoodness, walerich, wanderingdream, whurledpeaz, wu_chan, xbroken_again, xedge_of_summer, xkaitlynx, xnotyourstar, xorangejuice, xperfect_flawsx, your_smile, yumyumyummy808
    Watched by:448: 0mph, 17837649, 71089, 81803, ____oh, __dragdoll, __espionage, __firecracker, __focused, __innocence, __mymymetrocard, __perdono, _anus, _bamboozled, _catastr0phe, _cherry_crush_, _glitterdoll, _jaymie, _kyri, _leitmotif, _metamorphic, _moment, _paroxysm, _preciousheart, _rogue, _vulva, _walkonwater, a2pak7, acadeczombie, agatha_potter, albanix, aliciamichelle, alienfirst, alienstranger, amberhime, americandreamer, amethyst_soul, amurana, ana, anewgirl, ankhet, anniewisc, applelard, aquastarr, arkanefyre, armabee, arnique, asrei, asukamisu, audraisaudra, aurora_dark, avallone, awshucks, bakachan, balthaser, barefootsailor, be_it_let, beer_there, bitterblue, bitterend_x, bl00dyvalentine, blacksilver, blonde_crown, bloo_otaku, blue_dreamer, blue_night, bluefaerydaze, blumchen, bohemienne, bomb_shell, boom_, brat1307, breatheonlyme, britishchapx, broken_trust, brokentreadmill, browneyedgurly, browneyedgyrl, brwneyedrabbit, bryiarrose, bumsrmyfriends, caitlinjf30, care_chan, carrot_princess, cataclaw, ceciliamarie, charrey, cherry_chan, chicha, chikwtheadfones, cicatrix_zero, cincodemaygirl, cindyloohoo, citygurl02, clicktastic, colorthemuse, copaesthetic, countingtozero, crantz, crazyinlove__, crimsoncat, crimsonice, curious_duel, cuteskatergurl, daisieswave, dakouyome, danisse, darkavatar, dawnsshadow, defaultcrush, deibido, dejavoodoo, demonic_neko, dieforyourcause, dinanimo, dirrtysuthrngrl, disconscious, dngrous_beauty, doubtful_salmon, dragonelf_2002, dramaqueen709, dreamiflame, dstroyed_star, dusty_screams, eilanhp, emerald_sea, emilychrist, emirichan, endotoker, eowyn_luthien, eruantale_arte, estel_sparks, estrange, eternallynumb, evealynn, evereven, evildevilwhit, ezzvaldez, fadetosilence, faerishimmer, fairewench, fall3nfromgrace, faulty, fealindale, feedmydisorder, felicioria, figmentofurmind, fiinegirl81, flourescent, flyingcheerio, ...
    Member of:2: blend_it, i_contest
    Account type:Free Account

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