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Below is user information for tigerlily401. If you are this user, you can edit your information (or choose what information is considered public) at the Edit Info page.

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User:tigerlily401 (183806) tigerlily401
nothing in Nature's sober found
on a brooklyn night
Website:visual aid
Location:Tallahassee, Florida, United States
Bio:Wine comes in at the mouth
And love comes in at the eye;
That's all we shall know for truth
Before we grow old and die.
I lift the glass to my mouth,
I look at you, and I sigh.

--- Yeats
Memories:69 entries
Interests:145: accents, activism, africa, alcoholism, american art, animal planet, anthropology, antonio negri, archaeology, architecture, art, art history, artichokes, astrology, attics, barthes, batman, beer, bel canto, bellies, blondeness, bones, boys, britney spears, bugs, bunnies, buried cities, caifanes, cartoons, che, chocolate, classics, clove cigarettes, coffee, computer games, cooking, cop shows, csi, curly hair, dancing, death, detective stories, dreams, dumplings and gravy, early christianity, empire, england, ethnicity, ethnography, evolution, fashion, fencing, film, fiona apple, folklore, food, forensic science, foucault, gabriel garcia marquez, garlic, gay, geeks, guadalupe, guitar, honey, hypertext, indiana jones, italy, jeff buckley, journals, judaism, keirsey, law & order, love, lucy, magic, makeup, mass media, melanie klein, men, michael hardt, middle east, mix tapes, monty python, mrs pacman, mtv, muppets, muscles, mushing, music, nerds, noses, panama, pcs, pelvis, photography, pizza, pogroms, politics, pop culture, powerpuff girls, prerafaelites, pro-choice, psychoanalysis, psychology, pumpkin pie, qualitative analysis, quincy, reality shows, recovery, religions, rhizomes, rock stars, romantic poets, rpgs, russian revolution, salsa, science fiction, scrapbooks, secret societies, sesame street, sex, shakira, smoking, socrates, spongebob, star wars, sweaters, sylvia plath, tarot, templars, the muppets, the underground, tiffany, tmbg, tolkien, tori amos, travel, true crime, tugboats, tyrannosaurus rex, urban studies, vodun, war, webcams. [Modify yours]
People63:admlcamus, airbag79, auntiesiannan, bazil, bbuhl, beerfrick, bonsaiposh, chantalthespy, claude_lives, clear_head, dark_faerie7, delirium9, dreamofmykisses, drfhreak, emmycantbemeeko, epimetheos, faerilyn, hacksawbebo, hot_robot_sex, in_oblivion, iopha, japanesefirefly, jawbreaker, judgement_today, jwz, kaelisyn, kosher_pty, kyougi, ladyandthetramp, leoparda, letz, lilith3008, lossfound, masterxmind, merina, mikea, mishmow, necrofish, nialavender, obtuseisis, otoeh, peacevine, peddler, pixelpusher, plaidpants, quikgeek, ramerk, rebelcoyote, satelle, shaniqua, sidselus, sinthetic, sourchris, thekateupdate, total_enigma, tremor_79, triggereflex, vertz, visionaut, whizper, witchyjedi, zeppo, zornog
Communities7:anthropologist, archaeological, csi_spoiler, culturalanthro, pantsketch, peliculas, visual_anthro
Feeds3:beerfrickfeed, motd_feed, shesaflightrisk
Account type:Free Account

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