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Most Recent Entries

Toby Gard reunites with Lara Croft

Idle News
[Saturday August 07 2004 01:57] [0 Reads]


Decisive Battles: Game TV

Daves Logs
[Saturday August 07 2004 01:57] [0 Reads]


Unreal Tournament 2004 patches itself again

[Saturday August 07 2004 00:57] [0 Reads]

Unreal Tournament 2004 has yet another patch to download. This one brings the game up to version 3270. The list of adjustments and bug-fixes could fit into a small novella. The boys at Epic have clearly been busy. If you want to play with your frag-buddies you’ll need to be current. Better download this puppy. ...

Wario Ware 2 promises no button smashing

[Saturday August 07 2004 00:57] [0 Reads]

In a recent announcement, it was revealed that the upcoming sequel Wario Ware 2 (GameBoy Advance) will make use of a built-in motion-senor device.  Remember Kirby Tilt ‘n’ Tumble?  Same concept.  If you happened to miss that particular installment of the fluffy pink blob, the basic idea is that you control the game by tilting/jolting the GameBoy in different directions.  Fans of the first Wario Ware should expect more of the same strangely addictive ...

Black Arrow hits stores

[Saturday August 07 2004 00:57] [0 Reads]

Rainbow Six 3:Black Arrow was released yesterday for a reduced price of $40.  The game seems to land somewhere between expansion pack and sequel—some people have been griping that the price tag is still too high.  If you’re not a huge fan of RS3 (you must not have Live) you may want to pass this one up, but for those of us who have made RS3 online a borderline profession, well, we’ve already bought it.  New maps, new modes, and the first Live title to ...

Read more from Joystiq

(Max of 3 posts from a single blog on the front page)

EVO2K4 Competition Shows Off Crazed Street Fighter Skills

Slashdot: Games
[Saturday August 07 2004 00:56] [0 Reads]

Thanks to for its new post discussing one of the highlights of the recent EVO2K4 fighting game tournament, in the form of "a video of the amazing ending to the Daigo [Umehara] vs. Justin Wong match of the Evolution [Street Fighter 3] Third Strike finals." The video shows in-game footage and crowd reaction to Daigo's nearly dead character "parrying each hit [of a super] individually... then going for a jump in combo." Elsewhere, the brief game-by-game results of the popular ...

The Tricky Business of Predicting the Future

Terra Nova
[Saturday August 07 2004 00:56] [0 Reads]

A research firm called DFC Intelligence has released an industry report covering the online gaming market. The Table of Contents is posted on the DFC site.... ...

Majesco/Psychonauts deal official

Idle News
[Friday August 06 2004 21:56] [0 Reads]


Obsidian becomes BioWare 2

Idle News
[Friday August 06 2004 21:56] [4 Reads]


Read more from Idle News

(Max of 3 posts from a single blog on the front page)

More Army Games

Daves Logs
[Friday August 06 2004 21:55] [0 Reads]


General Protection Fault

Daves Logs
[Friday August 06 2004 21:55] [0 Reads]


New Releases

[Friday August 06 2004 20:32] [0 Reads]

It’s Friday! It’s summer! It’s another disappointingly thin games release schedule! Yes, while the US gets Doom 3 we make do with Catwoman and Chaos League. Luckily Doom is out next week so, until then, here’s a rundown of this... ...

Apple Product Cycle

robert zubek
[Friday August 06 2004 20:32] [0 Reads]

Friday fun link: Apple Product Cycle Illuminated As Macworld or the Worldwide Developer’s Conference draws near, the chatter builds to a fever pitch. Rumor sites jockey for position, posting a new unverifiable, contradictory rumor every hour or so. eBay is flooded with six-month-old, slightly used gadgets as college students, underemployed web designers and independent musicians struggle to clear credit card space. Sounds about right, doesn't it? ...

Wrong scoring system

Writing and Design
[Friday August 06 2004 20:32] [1 Read]

How many times have you seen a gaming review site give a score of 3.5/5 (3.5 out of 5) or something similar? Aside from the fact that it just looks a little odd written down like that, it strikes me that they are "breaking a rule" of their own system. Surely the original intention of choosing a five point scoring system was that they would only ever be giving scores that were in fixed ...

Bush tells the truth

jay is
[Friday August 06 2004 20:32] [0 Reads]

It was refreshing today to hear the President being honest with the American people for a change: “Our enemies are innovative and resourceful, and so are we. They never stop thinking about new ways to harm our country and our... ...

A Murder of Scarecrows

jay is
[Friday August 06 2004 20:32] [1 Read]

“One of the many oddities of the English language is the multitude of different names given to collections or groups, be they beasts, birds, people or things. Many of these collective nouns are beautiful and evocative, even poetic.” [Source] A... ...

Serious Games Summit DC announced; discount for WCG readers

Water Cooler Games
[Friday August 06 2004 20:31] [1 Read]

CMP and the Serious Games Initiative have announced the Serious Games Summit DC, which will take place on October 18-19, 2004 in Washington DC. The event is designed to give game developers the opportunity to learn from successful serious games... ...

Building a PC

Doc's Blog ... Confessions of a Game Addict
[Friday August 06 2004 20:31] [1 Read]

Slowly, I'm collecting information and links for building my next PC. I found a fantastic case last night, and thought I'd share the exterior view of my new computer :) Mwahahaha! I have the motherboard, chipset, and CPU picked out... ...

Manhunt mania

[Friday August 06 2004 20:31] [0 Reads]


fenegi- responds to mail again

[Friday August 06 2004 20:31] [0 Reads]

I'm sorry I've been so lazy with responding to emails over the course of this fine website. Part of my resolutions for this month are to answer all the emails I get from now on, so if you have... ...

Most Popular Entries

Carmack: Quake 3 open source by end of this year

[Friday August 06 2004 04:23] [11 Reads]

John Carmack posted on Slashdot that the Quake 3 engine source code will be available by the end of the year. This is in line with their current strategy of making older game engines available to the open source community. The creative assets are not usually released as... ...

Is all Creativty Dead?

Grumpy Gamer
[Friday August 06 2004 04:24] [7 Reads]

No, this isn't about DOOM 3 and it's not really about games either, although it is about computers, so there is at least some string of connection.  I am grumpy about this, so maybe that's all it takes to qualify for a front-page story. There is a new search engine on the block called IceRocket.  It's the latest Google killer, as if the world needs another search engine.  How hard is searching?  You look up words and it returns results. ...

DOOM 3: the reviews

[Friday August 06 2004 04:24] [5 Reads]

We already saw the average Joe impressions—but c’mon, whada they know?  It’s about critical acclaim, right?  What do the ones who get paid-to-play have to say?  Well, the early entries are in and more are sure to start piling up.  Use the link to head over to Metacritic where you can sort through the mainstream reviews.  You may be surprised with some of what you find—then again, most is what you’d expect.  For ...

Game Rumors

Grumpy Gamer
[Friday August 06 2004 04:24] [4 Reads]

This could end up being a fun site: Game Rumors.  You post rumors about games, and they are tracked for everyone's amusement. There are a lot of silly rumors on the site, too many of those and it gets ruined. More... ...

Obsidian becomes BioWare 2

Idle News
[Friday August 06 2004 21:56] [4 Reads]


Bennett writes a letter to Blunkett

[Friday August 06 2004 04:24] [3 Reads]

Roger Bennett, the head of the Entertainment and Leisure Software Publishers Association has written an open letter to David Blunkett condemning the "misleading" reporting related to last week's Leicestershire tragedy, in which the 18+ game Manhunt was implicated. It touches... ...

copyright free collections

m o o n t i d e
[Friday August 06 2004 04:23] [2 Reads]


Nintendo tells Bill Gates: "We're not for sale"

[Friday August 06 2004 04:24] [2 Reads]

In case there was any confusion over yesterday’s report that Bill Gates was looking to buy them, Nintendo would like to make it clear that the company is absolutely, positively not for sale. ...

Latest Reviews

[Friday August 06 2004 08:26] [2 Reads]

Just in case you missed them today - surely not - then the games reviews in Online this week were Fire Emblem (GBA), the long awaited Animal Crossing (GC) and last, and very much least, Catwoman (PS2, XBox). Animal Crossing... ...

Gates drinks bottled water, makes joke; Nintendo unimpressed

Idle News
[Friday August 06 2004 21:56] [2 Reads]



m o o n t i d e
[Friday August 06 2004 04:23] [1 Read]


American McGee's blog

[Friday August 06 2004 08:25] [1 Read]


Idiot Media Fear Mongers

Doc's Blog ... Confessions of a Game Addict
[Friday August 06 2004 08:25] [1 Read]

Several weeks ago, the media wires were aflame with a story about a murder in the UK. Linked to this grisly murder was the "fact" that it had been done in imitation of a video game, specifically "Manhunt". Yes, the... ...

Eidos' Shellshock is coming in September

[Friday August 06 2004 08:26] [1 Read]

While we’re on the topic of Eidos, I thought it might be important to announce that the company’s latest shooter Shellshock: Nam ‘67 has finally gotten a release date.  Eidos has confirmed that its addition to the flood of Vietnam titles hitting the market is set of September 14.  The game looks to be no walk in the jungle, as Guerilla Games (Shellshock’s developer) has tried to recreate the experience of a rookie soldier on his first tour of duty in one ...

So if it ain't Nintendo, then what???

[Friday August 06 2004 08:26] [1 Read]

I know, it’s yesterday’s news, Gates wanted to buy Nintendo.  “It would be a great investment,” agrees Perrin Kaplan, Nintendo’s V.P. of marketing and corporate affairs.  Of course, we all know by now that Nintendo isn’t really for sale.  However, what you might not have heard is that Eidos, which confirmed earlier in the week it was discussing deals for a takeover, would be a much more feasible bet for Microsoft.  ...

The Revolution Will Be Written

The Video Game Ombudsman
[Friday August 06 2004 08:26] [1 Read]

According to Brian Hook, the videogame journalism industry is in serious need of a revolution: No matter how inculcated popular culture may be with games, society still doesn't take gaming seriously as an art form. It's a leisure time activity, a hobby along side golfing, doll collecting, and home theater. As long as this remains, we'll probably find that the quality of reporting in ...

Depression Circuit

Play Cube
[Friday August 06 2004 08:26] [1 Read]

The rats at NIMH are talking about a recent brain imaging study taking a look at depression. By depleting blood levels of tryptophan, a chemical precursor to serotonin, they were able to trigger temporary depressive states in a sample group of depressive patients in remision. PET imaging was used to identify, in the patients, an overactive neural circuit consisting of orbitofrontal cortex, thalamus, anterior cingulate, and ventral striatum. This circuit remains disregulated even when the ...

Global Insults

[Friday August 06 2004 08:26] [1 Read]

Xbox Live, the service that lets you play your Xbox games online, is a generally marvellous thing. Once you’ve got over the not-inconsiderable hurdle of buying a router – most people assume you can plug the Xbox straight into a... ...

ITU wants you
[Friday August 06 2004 20:30] [1 Read]

Open PhD position at DIAC (Department of Digital Aesthetics and Communication). What else can I say? I'd be great to have you around. Keep in mind: deadline is August 26th, noon sharp, so hurry. up. ...

Building a PC

Doc's Blog ... Confessions of a Game Addict
[Friday August 06 2004 20:31] [1 Read]

Slowly, I'm collecting information and links for building my next PC. I found a fantastic case last night, and thought I'd share the exterior view of my new computer :) Mwahahaha! I have the motherboard, chipset, and CPU picked out... ...