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[wkg - con.sequence, aya-sena] [03 Jun 2004|10:30am]
[ mood | exhausted ]

uh, yeah, so I had to go back and watch the pertinent episode before writing this, only in the middle of it I needed to check my e-mail, so I paused the .avi file, switched windows, and forgot about it for the next quarter of an hour. Eventually I realized, Hey, I need to hurry up and write this damn thing, so I minimized the other windows only to come face-to-face with a GIGANTIC CLOSE-UP OF YOUJI'S EYE, PEERING AT ME FROM THE SHADOWS.

"AIIIEEEEEEE," was my completely logical reaction.

In conclusion, as if I needed another reason to hate Youji and/or to point out that I do, indeed, have the memory-span of a goldfish. blorp. <{{{{<<

con.sequence: weiss kreuz glühen, post-episode eight (instant karma), aya & sena, writing prompt of 'regret', 982 words. summary: aya = 'ANGER!' and sena = 'eep. -_-! ANGER!' and 'bri = 'crap, deadline! ANGER!' )

turned the wrong way.

handwriting meme [02 Jun 2004|05:00pm]
as the subject line says. ^^ )
9  turned the wrong way.

request meme, dos [30 May 2004|12:12am]
[ mood | busy ]
[ music | The Wallflowers // Witness ]

harry potter: neville gen, for may. (dead horses included at no extra cost?) about 350 words. )



6  turned the wrong way.

In honor of a school-less life, or, Ye Olde Spamme. [28 May 2004|09:44pm]
[ mood | ditzy ]

Strange things I have skimmed over lately:

- Remus = the Bastille. (... yeah, i don't know, i was busy hitting the back button.)
- Any of several metaphors involving moonlight and [completely inappropriate object for comparison, e.g., tea].
- Aya's lust-filled amethyst eyes. My own eyes tend to cross when I read eyes = gems comparisons, but especially when things get mixed up like this. Do you ever look at jewelry or gemstones and go, "ah, look at the perfect color! the quality of the stone, the lust-filled facets"? no. no. no. END OF STORY.
- constructing metaphors about one's mother when one is having sex. draco? i didn't want to know. i really didn't. also, that one story where they were like, making comparisons to hagrid and gardening, also during sex, when hagrid was in no way involved. actually, thinking about hagrid during any sort of sexy act should, uh. be an effective deterrent to ever doing anything ever. look, even the shift key flees in fear.

This is a pretty good case of Why One Should Read Genfic, huh? (actually, er, if anyone has any genfic recs, please pass them on. <3)


I've been reading over Order of the Phoenix lately. I still find it jarring and in need of an ellipsis purging, but then I get distracted by the crazy incestuous hijinks of pureblood wizards and Neville's parents and the gum wrappers and the Slytherin boy who can see thestrals and Hermione's talking planners and detention with Umbridge and the Pensieve chapter and like eeeeeeeeee. And, you know, the obvious OTPness of Sirius/Lupin.

(relatedly, speaking of separated at birth, I have a hard time deciding whether Joffrey Lannister or Draco Malfoy's more annoying. Or whether Draco's just Joff reincarnated, but then, I think of Lucius as more Frey-ish than Lannister, really. Well, depending on how much fanon I've been smacking my head against. That wedding story, what the hell.)


hmm. So I am girding myself for battle and peering back into dusty Nano-files, and the fanfic part is not /too/ bad, considering it was gratuitous parody and full of florist assassins to boot, but the origfic bit, man, I don't know if I can look these guys in the face(s) again. I suspect this time around I should stick to YA-fantasy-style writing; lord knows I've been around that enough.


omg chapter 217 wtf.

9  turned the wrong way.

request meme, take one [26 May 2004|12:27am]
blanket statement: apparently the exchange rate for love to good fic is not very high. i apologize profusely, and next time i'll have the sense to leave memes like this well enough alone, yo.

naruto: kakashi/sasuke sort of, for bing. (and look, gaara! about 600 words. kind of all over the place but ah well. )
17  turned the wrong way.

I enjoy the sound of my own voice. Uhm. Text. Er. The end. [25 May 2004|12:34am]
hahaha a chance to be all narcissistic and stuff! you know, unlike THIS ENTIRE JOURNAL. probably i've done this one before. (probably not at one a.m., though.) ganked from [info]skylark97.

writing meme )
2  turned the wrong way.

And in the second hour, we move on to spam. [24 May 2004|02:28am]
(so very sorry to those who have my split personalities friended. :\)

So. Uhm. Introduce me to a journal that I do not already have friended! Recommend me a fic! Or a new TV show, or a song, or a new way to tie shoelaces, whatever.

[edit 4 a.m.: and after this one-inch ant (i wish i were exaggerating but) just crawled over the keyboard and, indeed, over my pillow, i am now going downstairs to sleep on the couch. augh.]
turned the wrong way.

naruto! 216! [21 May 2004|04:51pm]

naruto 216, after reading the raw - initial impressions - aaaaaaagh aaaaah ahhhhhhhh. )
5  turned the wrong way.

Inaccurate Trojans are teh awesome. [20 May 2004|09:30pm]
I think there is a spiderbite on my arm. So far the only thing I've been able to do is run into walls, not up them, but I am still crossing my fingers.

Anyway, a rather more learnéd review of Troy is here (a non-ranty one from someone who has studied the original story -- and you thought the Tolkein fen went batshit), and here is a post that links to an absolutely hilarious clip of Eric Bana (Hector) imitating Orlando Bloom. I am dead from squee. omgtheirloveissopure Ahahaha kidding. But the sad thing is I have seen enough interviews to appreciate the Amazing Bouncing Ferret impersonation. -_-;;;
6  turned the wrong way.

naruto 215 [16 May 2004|04:27am]
[ mood | blank ]
[ music | Lagwagon // Coffee and Cigarettes ]

dear orochimaru,

wish you were here! weather's great so far. still too early for swimming, but as you can see from the front of this postcard the view is gorgeous. gaara's pissy because i can't cook anything but barbecue and he says he doesn't trust me not to take spare ribs literally. he'll come around.



p.s. never get into a sandcastle-building contest with gaara, he cheats.

naruto 215 feeds the eyeliner love so much. )
12  turned the wrong way.

[naruto] i like my sentimentality the way i like my eggs: overdone. [13 May 2004|10:57pm]
[ mood | etc. ]
[ music | Hawksley Workman // Jealous and Young ]

(somewhat like a half-finished drawing, that is, lacking even the pretense of being acceptable.)

naruto prose-sketch. yashamaru, gaara, a lack of capitalization, a day in the life of demon-possessed ninjas & their handlers, et cetera. )

edit ... *thumbs down* so apparently yashamaru is ... not a she. YOU TOTALLY CANNOT TELL I SWEAR. i wish i had the raws so i could look at the way s/he talks but i do not. *sits and is bitter instead*

14  turned the wrong way.

PSA [13 May 2004|04:06pm]
[ mood | grateful ]

I heart Jan so, so, so much that my poor misanthropic self explodes from all of the <3-ing.

*draws hearts all over walls*


turned the wrong way.

Bioethics!!!11eleventyone, a request, etc. [11 May 2004|07:22pm]
[ mood | curious ]

[info]missliddell will appreciate this: we are now watching Gattaca in Biology ^^. There are so many things wrong with that movie, I know, but I adore it anyway. Jude Law, man. The six-fingered pianist!

And posting this here because I think I have more international people on this flist than on other journals: Yankee/Dixie dialect quiz. As expected, I speak with a Midwest flavor (who calls a bag a poke?!), but I'm interested in seeing which sort of dialect non-U.S. residents use and am wondering if any of you would indulge me? (what do you call carbonated beverages? And the shoe one, and the drinking fountain one...)

[edit: the 'night before Halloween' one? I've never heard the term that's supposed to be used in Michigan, and I've lived here for nearly a decade and a half. You don't call it anything, damn you. *OUTRAGEOUSLY BITTER* I bet it's some weird Upper Peninsula thing.]

15  turned the wrong way.

Summary meme [10 May 2004|04:40pm]
[ mood | avoidant ]

... once I managed to fail a class because I didn't turn in a single assignment during the entire semester, and not only did I not do the final project, but on the last day I walked out in the middle of class and never came back. Which means I still have the textbook somewhere, er.

So, uh, the exam I took today was a lot like that. Only I wasn't allowed to leave. And the test packets were pink.

fic-a-minute summaries. because yeah. actually better than the fics themselves, guaranteed. )

6  turned the wrong way.

[naruto] [gaara & sand village; drier than death valley & 2x as dull] [09 May 2004|11:10pm]
[ mood | sulky, yet not inebriated.huh. ]
[ music | Gackt // Oasis ]

i rain excessively on your parade. and i kick puppies.

vague references to gaara backstory, but mostly just boring extrapolation. in tiny and only vaguely-related fragments. like the first part has nothing to do with anything. and the whole thing has everything to do with nothing. thus.


naruto. gaara, and odds & ends on becoming a hidden sand genin. 590 words, timed exercise. massively unedited. far too dry and expository to be a proper fic, but unfortunately not structured enough to be an essay or something either. it is, however, better than talking about kimimaro's piscine feet, so yeah. )

10  turned the wrong way.

HP rec (slash, nc17/heavy r-ish) [09 May 2004|02:08pm]
[ mood | lazy ]

Close Enough

I am not a big Ron fan. And I despise Harry/Ron either as a concept or as executed in fic. And well, I'm not particularly fond of the HP fandom in general.

I was halfway through this story before I even realized I was reading something that should have given me automatic hives. So. Go. Read. This has probably been rec'd to death, with good reason, but I'm adding my vote in too. wah.

5  turned the wrong way.

[08 May 2004|06:28pm]
If I have ever owed you a piece of writing -- and you still want something, which I don't automatically assume, because, er, anyway -- could you please comment and remind me? I had a list scribbled onto a notecard, but much like my free time & memory it seems to have vanished into the ether. Or, you know, if I can do something else to make it up to you (I can ... I don't know, I'm not very good at juggling & I don't have any children to sell), name it and I will comply as soon as possible.

:\ Figure I'll have time after Monday & thus conclusion of AP exams to write during class. Er. More than I already do, I mean. Uhm. Moving on.
21  turned the wrong way.

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