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Below is information about the "Bi_Australia" community on LiveJournal. To join this community, click here. You may leave the community at any time.

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User:bi_australia (325884) bi_australia
Bisexual Australia
About:The Bi_Australia LiveJournal is a community designed specifically for the needs of Australian bisexuals and their partners. It is an open community, and all bisexuals, and bisexual-friendly people are welcome to join and post.

It is hoped that this community can help to bring bisexuals together, to share common needs, goals and desires. Once united nothing can stand in our way!

Please note: Advertisements and links to porn, or other unrelated material are not welcome here!
Interests:40: australia, bi pride, bisexual visibility, bisexuality, bisexuals, bois, boys, clubs, coming out, compassion, equal rights, families, fighting homophobia, friends, fun, gay marriage, gays, gender, girls, grrls, lesbians, lifestyle, love, lovers, mardi gras, networking, partners, peace, popular culture, problem-solving, queer as folk, queer theory, queers, respect, sex, sexuality, socialising, straights, support, understanding. [Modify yours]
Members:40: akire_yta, angel01_mandy, arashi_storm, artisticspirit, ashilleong, becc, black_star_, bloodedangel, chyla, dicegirl, digitalcutie, djs_specs, emilyevil, end0rphin, fairystale, grrlee, hewhorambles, hiphopstar, hopeforyou, ireth, itches, ivannaseto, john_howard, kath_ballantyne, kindred77, kitten_kiss, miheyla, mistressemma, mix_o_choc, nyssi, outrage, puzzylickr4u, rainbowcastle, simcard, teal7, thorfinn, tricky_21, whereisbeck, whoretic, xcrazy
Watched by:31: akire_yta, ashilleong, atraya, becc, black_star_, dicegirl, digitalcutie, djs_specs, end0rphin, fairystale, grrlee, hewhorambles, hopeforyou, ireth, itches, ivannaseto, john_howard, kath_ballantyne, kindred77, lunar_mortuis, maddirose, mistressemma, nyssi, outrage, puzzylickr4u, rainbowcastle, simcard, teal7, thorfinn, whereisbeck, whoretic
Member of:1: aliensusa
Account type:Free Account

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