User: [info]ti
Name: Tara
Website: My Journal
Back June 2004
About this journal
"I'm persnickety sometimes. And that should make you feel safe. You know that I've got your back. If the vikings are coming and raiding us -- and I don't mean the football team -- if you feel that blade hit the back of your neck, you know that I'm down. That, to me, is a heart of gold. That's a friend: ferocious."
-Tori Amos
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*Winter Faerie*

hi, welcome to my journal. i'm in the process of making my entries friends-only, but feel free to browse around what's left, and leave a comment here. if you're interested in reading what's been made friends-only, leave a comment and i might add you to my friends list.

ps if you're already one of my friends, and just need a code, email me and ask for one! i have more than enough!
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totally thieved from [info]ladeda. go do this. for me, please?

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i'll be in new hampshire this time next week. wheee! yay almost-canadia!

hot-shower soon. after the washer's done washing clothes. i feel icky from work. work was slow. i did okay, except for a party of about 25 (a baseball party.. 10 kids + parents.. just pizzas and pitchers of soda) tipped me only around $7 on a $52 check. if you have that many people, and take up that much of restaurant, and you have me set up and break down everything, not to mention clean up accidental soda spills, you can AT LEAST tip 20%. at least.

ooh, this turned into a rant i didn't want to go on about.

i am mad at the world. and it's not even fucking pms. this house is making me crazy. report cards came today for em & deirdre. judging by the attitudes of my parents, they weren't all that hot. fuck.

Current Mood: dirty
Current Music: tv.

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they say if you want something done, to do it yourself.
okay, so i'm posting too much. i suppose it's because i'm bored. and, because i'm bored, in some books, that qualifies me as boring. i guess i can't argue that, much.

anyway, i read that nursing is where the big money is. maybe i should go and change my major, though i will be very happy with my paid-half-as-much-money-though-my-job-is-just-as-important teaching job, if anyone will hire me.

with regards to my subject~ i found my glasses. i had asked amy and deirdre to help me find them, since i took my contacts out before i knew where they were (and it's not like i could put my contacts back in, since they need to soak in the solution for at least 6 hours). so, anyway, i found some other contacts in my prescription (same brand and everything, i just think they were emily's old lenses), and put them in. when i finally went upstairs to bed, i looked for my glasses, because not knowing where they were was bothering me. they were under the sink, mostly in plain sight. figures, eh? 2 other people look, and no luck.

work in a half-hour. blech. my stomach is really hurting me.

this keyboard is ghetto. i'm finished here. for now.

Current Mood: cranky
Current Music: tv.

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i've a stomachache. i'm going to bed. i can't find my fucking glasses.

work yesterday, 11-2, 5-11.
work today, 10-2, 4-9.
work tomorrow 12-4, 5-9.
monday 11-2, 4-9
tuesday 11-4
wednesday 11-2, 4-8.30
thursday 5.30-8
friday 11-2, food shopping adventure
saturday 10-2, leave for canada! yeah!

Current Mood: tired
Current Music: avril lavigne~ complicated

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i am going to see dmb at the tweeter center, july 17th. i am likely tailgating with amy, and my cousins. how odd. but, whatever.

there's a big nasty bug flying around. eeew.

deirdre is still up. what the fuck's up with that?

Current Mood: blah
Current Music: road trip

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did you put in your 2 weeks, or just quit?

check your phone messages.

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i get made fun of for the order i eat food in. to try to help me win this argument, please vote in this poll.

Poll #41912 eat this.
Open to: All, results viewable to: All

if you have a burger (however you like it), fries, and a pickle on your plate, which do you eat first? (if you don't like anything of those 3, substitute it for something you like-- like a veggie burger, chips, and steamed carrots, or whatever)

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2 (18.2%) 2 (18.2%)

6 (54.5%) 6 (54.5%)

3 (27.3%) 3 (27.3%)

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yeah, you're right. i only ever think about myself, and i only want to sleep my life away. right.

Current Mood: annoyed
Current Music: hoobastank~ crawling in the dark

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edy's makes a powerpuff girls ice cream.
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new discoveries minorly get on my nerves. not enough to really stop me, though.

my bubble chocolate and i are hitting the sack. school tomorrow, after all.

Current Mood: bitchy
Current Music: alanis~ ironic

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why'd you delete your journal?

riding the cotton pony! ha!

yay, bubble chocolate! yay canadia!

The Vague But Nice Quiz by blusteryvirgin

Current Mood: cranky
Current Music: your mom!

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did you not like the questions i'd asked?;=277861

(v,w,x of my alphabet survey)
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apparently this is for real.
maryanne sent it to me... also, while reading this, think of how just this past summer, the alumni of my school went and purchased a large by-the-road nice sign that says 'immaculata college'.

from a note from s. marie roseanne (read: president of the college)...

>>Good News!

The Pennsylvania Department of Education sent a letter informing us that approval has been granted for university status.


Until that time, please continue to use Immaculata College, or simply Immaculata, on correspondence and in any reference to the institution.

We will inform you as soon as this has been determined.

In the meantime, let us rejoice in this new level of achievement for Immaculata.<<

ha. achievement? whatever. imagine that.

Current Mood: blah
Current Music: tori~ heart of gold

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yay. mom's in a bad mood.

yay. i get to go back to work.

Current Mood: cranky
Current Music: incubus~ warning

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I'm '97 Bonnie and Clyde

"Just the two of us"

You're very mothering and kind to those in your life, particularly children. You would do just about anything to ensure the happiness of those around you, including sacrificing your own life. Your one flaw however, is that you believe too much in your ability to change people, which leads to you being caught up in possibly dangerous situations (both emotionally and physically). You are always there when people need you. You have a tendency to blame yourself for everything that goes wrong, though - the whole world is not your fault! Try to put blame where it belongs, and give yourself some of your own nurturing care.

"There's a place called heaven and a place called hell"

Which Strange Little Girl would you be?

This quiz made while Angel was procrastinating her ass off.

Current Mood: blah
Current Music: don't wanna go to work.

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yay for getting to leave early because it's slow.
yay for going out to dinner with mom, dad, and deirdre.
yay for going out to breakfast with amy, dad, and deirdre.
yay for dad liking father's day giftages.
yay for canada.
yay for blockbuster rentals.
yay for alias on tv.
yay for sleepiness.
yay for school on tuesday and thursday.

fuck you to my job.
fuck you to work tomorrow.
the end.

Current Mood: sick
Current Music: alias on tv.

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okay, so my first shift bit the big one. slow, boring, cheap tippers. whatever.

i just hope my second shift (beginning in about 15 minutes) isn't as bad. i don't even care if it's busy or not. i just hope it's... interesting. also, nasty customers from 2 weeks ago better not come in and sit in my section. that's the last thing i need.

also, i am in a rut. same shit, different day mentality. gotta break free from that. hopefully my vacation! will help that.

*sigh* oh, well. off to work i go.

Current Mood: blah
Current Music: vanessa carlton~ 1000 miles (in my head)

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who's going to canada? i'm going to canada!

Current Mood: happy
Current Music: yay canada!