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The Presidential Prayer Team is a spiritual movement of the American people which is not affiliated with any political party or official. It gains no direction or support, official or unofficial, from the current administration, from any agency of the government or from any political party, so that it may be free and unencumbered to equally serve the prayer needs of all current and future leaders of our great nation.


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August 5, 2004

As President Bush addresses members of the Press in the Rose Garden, he is joined by his security team. Mr. Bush announced new initiatives to strengthen the intelligence gathering efforts of our nation. Photo courtesy of the White House.

Pray for Director Tom Ridge and the Department of Homeland Security as they respond to serious new threats against the financial services sector in New York City, Northern New Jersey and Washington, D.C. With the security threat level raised to orange in those specific areas, and with the governors, mayors, and homeland security advisors and local security personnel in the affected locations on alert, pray for the safety of every person involved, and pray that any plots being formed will be foiled. Pray for vigilance on the part of all.

As the President and his team face an enemy that is sophisticated, patient, disciplined and lethal (words from the 9/11 Commission Report) pray that the wisdom of God which is above all powers and principalities will overrule the most cunning plans of America's enemies.

Pray for the President and his team as they consider the newly announced changes to America's intelligence-gathering abilities. Pray for wisdom in the choice of a new National Intelligence Director to coordinate the nation's 15 intelligence gathering agencies.

Give thanks for the re-opening of the Statue of Liberty, closed after the 9/11 attacks. Pray for her protection and for the safety of all who visit, that they may value and appreciate the tremendous freedom we enjoy in America.

As new grant money has just been made available, pray for Director Jim Towey and the ongoing efforts of the Faith-Based and Community Initiatives as they seek to support organizations and ministries around the country that provide hope for people in need--the poor, those at risk and those who are addicted. As the FBCI works to remove discrimination against faith-based groups, pray that the funds will be distributed to those places most needing assistance, and pray for the success of each organization's efforts so that hope to be restored to many Americans.

As thousands of athletes from around the world prepare to compete in the Athens Olympic Games, pray for the safety and security of all, particularly the official delegation from the White House which includes former President and Mrs. George H.W. Bush and their granddaughters Jenna and Barbara. Pray for those working to make that city and the surrounding area secure, and pray for Christian ministries who plan to share the Good News during the Games.

Give thanks as well, for the tremendous milestone being met by the members of the Iraqi Olympic Team, that all countries gathered will be able to cheer for these athletes, now freed from the torture and tyranny they formerly experienced.

Pray for the efforts of PPT Honorary Committee member, Luis Palau as he and his team launch an evangelistic crusade in downtown Minneapolis this weekend, August 7-8. Pray for many people to be reached and the response to be great.

Pray for the President as he welcomes to the White House Prime Minister Marek Belka of Poland on August 9. The leaders will discuss their efforts in the war on terrorism and our bilateral economic relations.

Pray for the troops who continue to safeguard our liberties across the globe and in Afghanistan and Iraq. Pray for the family members and loved ones whom they have left at home, and pray for their safety as they serve.


Therefore let everyone who is godly pray to you while you may be found. I will instruct you and teach you in the way you should go; I will counsel you and watch over you.
--The Bible, Psalm 32: 6, 8 (NIV)

The Lord will keep you from all harm, He will watch over your life; the Lord will watch over your coming and going both now and forevermore.
--The Bible, Psalm 121:7-8 (NIV)


Photo of Admiral Stone courtesy of the TSA.

Director of Homeland Security—Tom Ridge

Director of the Secret Service—Ralph Basham

Acting Administrator of the Transportation Security Administration—Admiral David M. Stone

Deputy Secretary of the Department of Homeland Security—Admiral James M. Loy


This week we asked if you'd watched the television coverage of the Democratic National Convention. About 1/3 of you reported that you had. Here are some of your comments:

I watched just so I could be informed on the other party's views/ideas/strategies. I can't very well argue against their ideology if I don't understand their views firsthand. I would like to listen for myself and make up my mind from what I hear.

I am surprised that more people did not watch. Whether you are a Democrat or a Republican, it is important to hear what both sides have to say. This allows us to not only make an informed decision, but also strengthens our positions on the issues and thus the candidates. It is more than our right, it is our responsibility.

I watched a little bit of it. I pretty much knew what the slant would be. It strengthened my resolve.

My only reason to watch is to pray that the Lord's will is done in this election year and that Christians will pray as never before for this nation.

I thought I would watch the convention so that by listening to what the speakers and commentators had to say I would be able to develop an informed opinion about what is important to our nation. I have decided that the only way I'm going to be able to deal with this is to pray. I will pray especially for those who are current leaders of our nation, including the presidential candidates, John Kerry and John Edwards. I had not previously joined the Pray the Vote campaign but I am doing so now and will commit to making a difference that way instead of being bothered and upset about what I cannot control. Thank you for providing a way for our nation to do this.

I do not watch political conventions as there is normally very little of interest that happens. The delegate is already known and the VP nominee is also known. The news will give me the highlights.

I prayed that there would be safety all through the campaign.

I like to be well informed regarding both sides.

Watched some of the coverage, just to be informed and to know how to pray for our President for his upcoming convention.


Portrait courtesy of

Prayer is the creator as well as the channel of devotion. The spirit of devotion is the spirit of prayer. Prayer and devotion are united as soul and body are united, as life and the heart are united. There is no real prayer without devotion, no devotion without prayer.
--E. M. Bounds, 19th century pastor and author


Photo courtesy of the Library of Congress

We must remember that the test of our religious principles lies not just in what we say, not only in our prayers, not even in living blameless lives--but in what we do for others.
--Harry S. Truman



Though it took 21 years from the time of its conception as a magnificent idea in the mind of its creator to the completion of its construction, for the American Public, the Statue of Liberty was a monument worth waiting for.

Edouard Laboulaye, chairman of the French anti-slavery society first discussed the idea of a monument to liberty and U.S. independence in 1876, America's centennial year. The Frenchman discussed the idea with fellow countryman and sculptor, Frederic Auguste Bartholdi. Five years passed before Bartholdi began sketches of a lady with a large torch.

Evidence would indicate that the two men intended the precise moral effect they have achieved so many years later. In fact, at one point, Bartholdi told Laboulaye to "Go see that country…if you find a plan that will excite public enthusiasm, we are convinced that it will be successful on both continents, and we will do a work that will have far-reaching moral effect."

After several trips to the U.S. and a series of fundraising efforts on both sides of the Atlantic, in 1886 the pieces were assembled around an intricate infrastructure designed by Alexander Gustav Eiffel (as in Eiffel Tower). President Grover Cleveland shared these words at the dedication, October 28, 1886: "We will not forget that Liberty has made here her home, nor shall her chosen altar be neglected."

Since that day, the Statue of Liberty has stood as one of the greatest monuments to freedom in the world. The 25 windows in Lady Liberty's crown symbolize Heaven's rays shining over the world. The seven rays of the Statue's crown represent the seven seas and continents of the world. The tablet which the Statue holds in her left hand reads (in Roman numerals) "July 4th, 1776."

Built not only as a monument to freedom but as a symbol of the strong alliance between post-revolutionary France and the United States, she has served as a highly visible symbol of the promise awaiting millions of immigrants to our shores.

This week's re-opening of the renowned monument will again make it possible for millions to pay tribute to the beloved symbol of hope and freedom. As our thoughts turn to the Statue of Liberty this week, let her serve as a reminder to give thanks to God for the priceless gift of freedom we enjoy in America. That's one giant prayer reminder!

It is for freedom that Christ has set us free. Stand firm, then, and do not let yourselves be burdened again by a yoke of slavery. --Galatians 5:1



Do you think that Americans are still concerned with what happens in Iraq?

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Michael W. Smith accepts a wall plaque depicting the seal of the PPT from Karen Randau, PPT’s Communications Director.

"If you love this country, you'll vote," says Michael W. Smith

Christian artist Michael W. Smith met with a representative of The Presidential Prayer Team on July 29 to receive a thank you gift for serving as Co-Chair of PPT's Honorary Committee.

"President Bush knows about The Presidential Prayer Team," said Smith. "His eyes get misty when he talks about all the people praying for him."

The meeting was part of a pre-concert gathering in Glendale, AZ, for which a handful of fans won backstage passes. Deborah Keen of Tucson was one of those fans, and she captured a photo of Smith accepting the gift. "Whether or not you agree with the political views of those in office doesn't matter," said Keen. "What does matter is helping them get some divine guidance and making morally sound, informed decisions."

When asked what he wanted to say to PPT readers about the upcoming elections, Smith, who took time to personally greet each person at the reception, said, "If you love this country, you'll vote. I can't tell anyone who to vote for. That's a personal choice. But I encourage everyone to pray for God's wisdom before stepping into the voting booth."

Keen, who is administrative assistant of Tucson's American Evangelical Lutheran Church, used PPT materials to develop a brochure to distribute to her congregation. "Thank you for the service you provide," she said, and then added, "Pray the Vote! Support our troops!"

Have you checked out the resources and materials available to help you promote Pray the Vote in your church? Click Here to view a church bulletin insert and other helps.

Have you registered to pray for the upcoming elections? Learn more here.


President Bush greets members of the Afghan girl's soccer team at the International Children's Games and Cultural Festival in Cleveland, Ohio, July 30. Photo courtesy of the White House.

In this world of rapid change, some things will never change. Our conviction that every life matters and every life counts will not change. Our belief in liberty and opportunity and the non-negotiable demands of human dignity will not change. The individual values we try to live by—courage and compassion, reverence and integrity, hard work and duty—won't change. We'll always honor the institutions that give us direction and purpose, our families, our schools, our religious congregations. These values and institutions are fundamental to our future. They deserve the respect of our government.
--George W. Bush, July 30, 2004



Dear Father, in Jesus’ name I lift up our president to You. I know that our leader’s heart is in Your hand, so I ask You to guide the head of our nation in the way You would have him go.

Father, I pray that You would surround our president with wise counsel—men and women of integrity who place Your agenda and the good of this nation above their own and whose motives are for that which is right.

I pray that You would give our leader discernment, understanding and knowledge so that our nation may know stability internally and abroad.

I give thanks for our president according to Your Word and thank You for working in and through his leadership so that we might lead peaceable lives in godliness and honesty (I Timothy 2:-12).

Have you ordered your copy of Pray for Our Nation? This helpful resource will guide you wisely as you keep your commitment to pray for the president, his cabinet and the nation! It offers scriptural prayers for our leaders, for the issues that concern our country and for the protection of Americans, using every day words. It’s also filled with inspirational quotes by great leaders of our nation, from George Washington to Harry Truman to Ronald Reagan.

Click here to order your copy of Pray for Our Nation.


Photo courtesy of the United States Army.

Thousands continue to pray for our troops through the Adopt Our Troops initiative of The Presidential Prayer Team. Have you adopted a troop in prayer? There are few things you can do that will mean more. Here are some of the latest ways in which God is answering prayer for our troops:

Bobby is still in a dangerous area right now. The artillery is still coming and it's been very close. God is continuing to protect Bobby and his fellow soldiers at the hospital. Please just keep Bobby close in your hearts and prayers. He appreciates this and so do I. Praying him home...

Jeramie is keeping upbeat. He homes to be back in the states by August 2005, and then serve a year in the states before his time is up. Pray for him and his roommates as they deal with the struggles that exist because of the war. Bombings are an everyday occurrence near him, please pray that God will keep him safe.

Just to let everyone know Eddie, a Marine, is doing fine. He is back from Haiti. His family thanks everyone who has been praying for him. He has a heart searching for God.

Dan is officially in the "thick of things." I told him that I have his name on this site and that people were praying for him. He is very grateful. Thank you for praying for him.

Jonathan is back home safe and sound and bringing truth to those who will listen! He tells of the great and ongoing successes in Iraq and the fact that we are indeed winning this war, in spite of those who wish our nation ill.

Sean returned to the states last week and is currently on leave at home in North Carolina. He is having nightmares about near-death misses in helicopters in Iraq the last 16 months he was deployed there. Pray that he will be strengthened in his faith and will work through these traumatic episodes he is encountering. Thanks to each who prayed for my nephew these last many months. Continue to pray for the assignment he will receive once he returns to his base.

Sgt. Ferber is stationed in Iraq in a combat area. He thanks you for your prayers. He reports "your prayers and everybody else's have been working great. Too many close calls to be anything please keep them coming."

Thank the Lord Stephen is home! Thank all of you for your prayers. I have no doubt that God heard them. At this time I am not sure if he is going back or not. He got home on July 7.

Jon returned home for 30 days leave last week, and he will be returning to Germany next month to continue his tour of duty. He says that his unit will very likely be returning to Iraq sometime next year. I appreciate all the prayers that have been offered for him by those who sponsored him! He has told of several close calls he and his platoon had; I know that it was the faithful prayers of those praying for him that protected them. Thank you all!



Sermon on the Eighth Commandment Nets Returns

The pastor of a suburban Twin Cities church has been pleased by the reforms evidenced in his parishioners after he preached a message on stealing. Pastor Derek Rust put up special "amnesty bins" in the aisles of the Hosanna Lutheran Church, intended to encourage his members to return anything they had stolen.

Rev. Rust's message, one in a series on the Ten Commandments, generated a response that surprised even him. Members have been coming into the 2,000-seat sanctuary to return stolen items during the week, affording them a bit of anonymity. Items left in the bins include men's shirts, a rubber toy eagle, a soldering iron, CDs, baby clothes and towels pinched from hotels and motels. One woman gave Rust $30, payment for several years' worth of snacks, taken from a convenience store where she worked.

The local Police Chief, not present for the message, thought it was a great initiative. "It's a great idea," he said. He said churches can fight crime by getting to the root cause -- the motivation of the violator. "If you look at the big picture, you have to ask: 'Why don't you commit crime all the time?'" Rust believes the impact goes beyond the bins. "The Ten Commandments should be lived," he said. "That's what sermons should be about, applying truth to our lives."

Rust got a similar response to his sermon on adultery last month, noting that ten parishioners approached him, seeking counseling about their adulterous affairs.