Mutant Enemy (Buffy/Angel) Discussion's Journal
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Below are the 20 most recent journal entries recorded in Mutant Enemy (Buffy/Angel) Discussion's LiveJournal:

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    Monday, January 24th, 2005
    9:43 am
    just a wondering....
    what do you think xander and buffy would have thought of angel and cordelia falling in love? i mean, xander pretty much hated angel and buffy was angels true love. i mean, i know they all sort of moved on and it was 2 different shows, but c'mon, theres always still connections. i watched "awakening" from angel S4 last night, and when angels in that fantasy and he sleeps with cordelia, right before he loses his soul, he says "buffy" what does that mean? i mean, was he thinking of buffy when he was doin it to cordy or what?...and also, when angel went back to sunnydale in season 7 of buffy, no mention of cordy and him being in love. i just wonder what xander and buffy would have thought of it...
    2:19 am
    ROMANCE AND THE SLAYER: The Boyfriends of Buffy
    WARNING: Spoilers for entire BTVS series

    Rewatching BTVS season 5 )
    Saturday, January 22nd, 2005
    5:58 pm
    not quite philosophical, but...
    My husband's curious.
    Who was Sarah Michelle Gellar's stunt double?

    Current Mood: curious
    12:19 am

    So I'm watching "I Love the '90s Part Deux" on VH1 and it's '98 talkin' about Buffy.

    Favorite quote ever:

    "Reading is a gateway to witchcraft and lesbianism" - Weird Al

    HAHAHAHAHAHAHA. Oh Willow, such a role model.
    Friday, January 21st, 2005
    11:57 pm
    ..The First is corporeal?
    Did anyone else wonder about this? In Amends The First (as Jenny) touches Angel and I think at one point knocks him down. Now, in Season 7 The First was incorporeal. While this might just be a mistake, I somehow can't see Joss and the crew letting something that huge slip thru. Does anyone know why?

    O, I was also just marveling at how long that story arc took. It started in season 3 and then was dead until 7. And, if Buffy hadn't been picked up by UPN we never would have known about The First. That seems odd to me somehow.

    Thoughts, comments, kittens?

    Current Mood: contemplative
    12:26 pm
    In re-watching season 7 I have a question about the origins of the slayer.

    So, do I have this right in thinking.....
    The first 'men' of the earth
    (the shadow men)...found a girl tied
    her to the earth and forced her to absorb 'evil'
    (the black cloud) So she could become the strong fighter-slayer?
    If she was absorbing pure evil, then why would she fight 'against' the demons?

    also, I know they abandoned a lot from the movie but I was sitting here last night trying to see if all of the potential slayer girls had 'big hairy moles' lol
    12:30 am
    I Love the 90's
    I'm just letting everyone know that I Love the 90's Part Deux: 1998 premieres tomorrow night at 9 on VH1... As you know, they've already done this once before, but apparently they're actually gonna talk about Buffy this time. :D
    Thursday, January 20th, 2005
    9:40 pm
    Point Pleasant
    Anyone else watching Point Pleasant? Marti Noxon is the creator/writer, so I had high hopes for it. I think it's a little too early to pass judgement, but so far.... eh. But I think it does have potential. Any other opinions? It seems maybe a little too religious for a broad audience.
    Tuesday, January 18th, 2005
    10:53 am
    I wrote this in my own journal, but am cross posting it here.

    I'm beginning to like Riley more now that I've watched some of Season 5 again. I'll never be in the Riley fan club, because he is pretty dull, but I do feel for him. All he really wants is for Buffy to love him, but she can't. And he is good for her, despite - or indeed because - of his dullness. He's reliable and caring, and though those aren't lauded as sexy qualities, they're important. But Buffy still thinks that love has to be about high drama and angst, when in fact if the person you love is making you cry all the time, the love you have is really not that great. It may make good poetry - and good TV! - but it's not what true love should be built upon. So yeah, I feel sorry for Riley, though I can't exactly get too upset about him leaving the show. Still, it makes me a bit more pleased for him when he pops up in season 6 with his new wife, who seems in many ways Buffylike, but is prepared to love him.

    Of course, Riley has many faults, such as being intimidated by Buffy's strength, and maybe a more traditional girly girl would have been better for him so he could feel macho, but I still have sympathy for him.

    What do you think?
    Monday, January 17th, 2005
    8:40 pm
    Buffy's future soul mate
    Poll #419768 Buffy's future soul mate
    Open to: All, results viewable to: All

    Who would you like to see Buffy end up with in the future?

    View Answers

    52 (32.9%) 52 (32.9%)

    59 (37.3%) 59 (37.3%)

    4 (2.5%) 4 (2.5%)

    0 (0.0%) 0 (0.0%)

    7 (4.4%) 7 (4.4%)

    1 (0.6%) 1 (0.6%)

    The Master
    1 (0.6%) 1 (0.6%)

    1 (0.6%) 1 (0.6%)

    4 (2.5%) 4 (2.5%)

    none of the above
    29 (18.4%) 29 (18.4%)

    Wednesday, January 12th, 2005
    7:07 pm
    just wondering
    i watched the extra stuff on season 7 of buffy and i know that joss didnt want to kill off any of the original characters(ie:buffy, xander, willow, giles)...but then why on angel were all the original characters killed off...i mean, gunn and angel were there, but the only actualy original, from the beginning character was angel...why wouldnt of he wanted cordy or wesley to live on...i was just wondering...i know fred turns into illyria, but technically she dies...but i just thought that was kinda weird
    2:52 pm
    just thought i'd share...
    So this is not exactly philosophy--more like astrology--but I just discovered that I share a birthchart with Amber Benson. Capricorn sun, Mercury & Mars, moon in Leo Venus in Pisces... We were both born January 8, 1977 the same day Elvis was born, the same year he died, exactly 30 years from David Bowie's birthday. Happy belated birthday Amber.
    12:07 pm
    "We're not demons"
    In the realm of possible foreshadowings, I just noticed this one while watching Season 4 closer "Restless". It's the scene where Dream Buffy is conversing with Riley and another guy, this guy being the human part of Adam.

    OTHER GUY: She's uncomfortable with certain concepts. It's understandable. Aggression is a natural human
    tendency. (Looks at Buffy) Though you and me come by it another way.
    (Shot of Buffy with the dark-haired creature behind her.)
    BUFFY: We're not demons.
    OTHER GUY: Is that a fact?
    (Shot of Buffy. The creature is gone.)

    And of course there's the cryptic:

    TARA VOICEOVER: You think you know ... what's to come ... what you are. You
    haven't even begun.

    I never did fully understand this latter, assumed in the end that he just had to do with the whole "death is your gift" thing in Season 5. But perhaps the "what you are" aspect was a hint at Season 7's "Get It Done" revelation that the First Slayer was created through infusion of a demon spirit into a girl. The fomer conversation certainly to me seems to be such a hint.
    9:15 am
    Viewed once- very good condition
    Video System: NTSC
    Video Format: Widescreen format
    Color: Color
    Spoken Language: Original English
    Subtitles: English / Off
    Region code: Free
    Released in Asia, Chinese texts printed on DVD case & disc. DVD in soft sleeves

    and hard paper box

    Accept Paypal Only- if not satisfied, will refund.

    Green box version

    leave comment or e-mail if interested
    Tuesday, January 11th, 2005
    4:53 pm
    For people in Austin, TX... Two episodes of Buffy show for free on the big screen every Tuesday Night at 8pm in the backyard of SpiderHouse, 2908 Fruth (just off the Drag). We're right in the middle of season seven right now, so come on over and check it out if you like to sit outside, drink coffee (or beer), and watch Buffy the Vampire Slayer with people who won't make fun of you!
    12:38 pm
    Something just occurred to me. I've heard a lot of people talk about how bring Spike back to life on Angel discounted his heroic sacrifice in "Chosen". I personally don't agree with this. But what I have realized is that I've never heard anything like that regarding Buffy being brought back to life in Season 6 after sacrificing herself. Isn't it the same?
    4:15 am
    The First
    This has probably been discussed before, but it just occurred to me. In Conversations with Dead People, I know that it is the first that is with Willow in the library, but what the hell is with Dawn? It can't be the first because A) it appears as both Joyce and the demon on top of Joyce on the couch B) It swings an ax at Dawn and C) if scratches Dawn's face. So, what is it suppossed to be? Was it just before the rules about the first were made?

    Whatever it is, is sure is creepy and mean.
    Monday, January 10th, 2005
    7:23 pm
    Two years of French in high school has gotten me nowhere with this.

    In "Restless" Xander goes to Giles and asks for help. Giles tells him something, but it's dubbed in French, and Xander can't understand him. Then Anya comes along and gets dubbed, too, causing much confusion for Xander.

    Since the DVDs have French audio, I was curious to see how this situation would be handled, would a French-speaking Xander not understand a French-dubbed Giles?

    I listened to it, and it sounds like on the altered audio parts (when Giles and Anya get voice overs), it's just the French version of, "blah, blah, blah, blah," but I'm not sure. Can anyone let me know?
    Sunday, January 9th, 2005
    8:53 pm
    Anya's Income
    I'm not sure if this question has been asked before, I tried to look in prior posts but couldn't find it.

    I've been watching Seasons 4 and 5 and something has been bugging me. How did Anya support herself in-between high school (and when she lost her demon status) and when Giles hired her on at the Magic Shop? Also, where did she live? I know that she had her own place, but how did she pay for it? No longer being a demon, she couldn't just "conjure" up room and board any longer.

    Is this something that Joss, ME and company just want us to gloss over? I know it's nitpicky but there's so much attention to detail in the Whedonverse and this seems like a pretty big issue especially considering what a big deal Anya made over Xander's lack of income and own place in The Replacement and other eps. Also I know we are supposed to suspend disbelief when it comes to Buffy's wardrobe and hair in Seasons 6 and 7, and I'm willing to do that, but this thing with Anya is harder to do it with.

    I guess what is bothersome is that vocation seems to be such an important theme in the Whedonverse, even for characters outside of the core Scoobies, yet for Anya, the only vocation of import is her status as a vengeance demon and Xander's girlfriend at this time. Yes, this changes when she works at/runs the Magic Shop, and then it becomes a huge part of her personality, but this gap for this long period of time has the effect of making me connect less with her as a character (I'm not at all an Anya fan) and seems like a big hole in her identity.

    crossposted to [info]buffyfan

    Current Mood: gloomy
    Current Music: Jazzanova Radio Show
    3:49 pm
    2 questions!
    hi guys!
    As of yesterday I ahve seen every single last one of the 144 Buffy episodes! Now on to Angel... ^_^

    anyways, my "Once More With Feeling" planning is going well, but there's this roadblock called getting the rights, which has the potential to stop this dead in its tracks.
    so I scoured the internet, and was wondering--
    can anyone confirm that you can contact Joss via any of these addresses?

    Joss Whedon
    c/o Mutant Enemy Productions
    P.O. Box 900
    Beverly Hills, CA 90213

    c/o Buffy the Vampire Slayer
    c/o UPN
    11800 Wilshire Blvd
    Los Angeles, CA 90025

    c/o Mutant Enemy Produtions
    1800 Stewart St. 2nd floor
    Santa Monica, CA 90404

    And while I was searching I saw a billion sites that were talking about some confusion as to who sired Spike-- What's with that? Did I miss something really huge? And if Drusilla didn't do it... who did??


    Current Music: Frank Ticheli- Vesuvius
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