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User:all_things_dru (1907681) all_things_dru
The Parts You Can't See
For Love of Drusilla
Name:All Things Drusilla
About:The Vampire Drusilla.

Do you like daisies?


Love of: Drusilla & Juliet Landau.

Post: Opinions, Icons, Graphics, Praise, Rumours, Gossip, Etc.

Interests:79: a:ts, angel, angel the series, angelus, anthony stewart head, becoming, bewitched bothered and bewildered, bianca lawson, bring on the night, buffy, buffy summers, buffy the vampire slayer, carlo's wake, christian kane, citizens of perpetual indulgence, crush, darla, david boreanaz, dear boy, destiny, direct hit, drusilla, drusilla and spike, ed wood, feedom park, fool for love, giles, going shopping, halloween, harmony, harmony kendall, i only have eyes..., innocence, james marsters, jenny calendar, julie benz, juliet landau, kendra, lessons, lie to me, lies my parents told..., life among the cannibals, lilah, lilah morgan, lindsey, lindsey mcdonald, mercedes mcnab, millennium, neon city, nicholas brendon, nikita, parker lewis can't lose, passion, pump up the volume, ravager, redefinition, repossessed, reunion, robia lamorte, rupert giles, sarah michelle gellar, school hard, slayers, spike, spike and drusilla, stephanie romanov, strong medicine, surprise, the grifters, the judge, the master, the order of taraka, the toolbox murders, the trial, theodore rex, vampires, what's my line?, xander, xander harris. [Modify yours]
Members:59: _candy_cunt_, _cryinginside_, _digitalwraith_, anaid_rabbit, anese, angelussb, anno_superstar, bellvampress, blind_maharet, blondiebear21, buffysummerssb, deja_vu_dino, died_tomorrow, django24, dragon_faere, drownedmagenta, drusillax, elwing_alcyone, elyria, excarpx4ta, fahrbotdrusilla, falling_rain_, femme_owl, fireincarnation, fringelement, genesisgurl211, gilltascharged8, hannah_dru, higlearn, iloveyourhate, jade_lightning, julianatheorize, katelegolover, lady_nevermore, liquiddatura, lizzie_hair, lornyloo, mad_dru, malkavsnyx, miriamt, mistik_x_spiral, night_pixie, ollyismaster, pollyannaflower, princess_booka, queststar, raziel23, sadwintergirl, sanda56, spiked_n_bloody, thechelser, tinyrose86, vandersexxx0101, wednesdaya, williamsb, willow_kat, willowbastet, wolviechickie, xxx_madlove_xxx
Watched by:52: _candy_cunt_, _digitalwraith_, _midnight__, anaid_rabbit, anese, angelussb, anno_superstar, bellvampress, blind_maharet, blondiebear21, carlofreak4life, deja_vu_dino, django24, dragon_faere, drusillax, elwing_alcyone, elyria, excarpx4ta, fahrbotdrusilla, falling_rain_, fireincarnation, fringelement, genesisgurl211, gilltascharged8, hannah_dru, higlearn, invisibleglue, jade_lightning, julianatheorize, juliet42, katelegolover, lady_nevermore, liquiddatura, lizzie_hair, mad_dru, miriamt, mistik_x_spiral, night_pixie, ollyismaster, precious_blue, princess_booka, queststar, raziel23, sadwintergirl, spike_vampire, spiked_n_bloody, spikora, tinyrose86, wednesdaya, willow_kat, willowbastet, xxx_madlove_xxx
Account type:Free Account

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