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User:btvs_slash (635999) btvs_slash
Name:Buffy the Vampire Slayer Slash
About:Buffy the Vampire Slayer and Angel. Slashed. I.E. the characters being with another character of the same sex. Don't like it? Go away. Now.

Those who love it like me? Join! Post fics, pics, manipulations, icons, thoughts, rants, raves. As long as it's slash / femslash and Buffy / Angel the Series related, feel free to post it.

Community maintained by [info]evieoconnell.
Interests:121: andrew/jonathan, andrew/warren, andrew/xander, angel, angel/spike, angel/wesley, angel/xander, anya, anya/buffy, anya/cordy, anya/dawn, anya/tara, anya/willow, bisexual, biting, btvs, buffy, buffy summers, buffy the vampire slayer, buffy/cordelia, buffy/cordy, buffy/dawn, buffy/faith, buffy/willow, chosen two, cordelia, cordelia chase, cordelia/anya, cordelia/buffy, cordelia/faith, cordelia/fred, cordelia/willow, cordy, cordy chase, cordy/faith, cordyslash, daniel osborne, darla/buffy, darla/cordelia, darla/dru, darla/drusilla, dawn, dawn summers, dawn/anya, faith, faith/buffy, faith/cordy, faith/fred, femslash, fred, fred burkle, fred/cordelia, fred/darla, fred/dru, fred/faith, fred/lilah, fred/willow, gay, giles, giles/oz, gunn, gunn/angel, gunn/wes, gunn/wesley, harmony/cordelia, incest, jonathan/andrew, jonathan/warren, kate, kate lockley, kate/cordelia, katrina, kendra, kink, leather, lesbian, lilah morgan, lilah/darla, lilah/dru, lilah/drusilla, lilah/faith, lilah/fred, lindsey, lindsey mcdonald, lindsey/angel, lorne, lorne/angel, oz, oz/angel, oz/devon, oz/giles, pop slash, sex, slash, slayers, spike, spike/angel, spike/angelus, spike/wesley, spike/xander, tara, the host, troika slash, vampires, warren/andrew, warren/jonathan, wes/angel, wes/gunn, wesley, wesley/angel, wesley/gunn, willow, willow/cordelia, willow/faith, willow/fred, willow/tara, winifred burkle, xander, xander/angel, xander/lindsey, xander/spike. [Modify yours]
Members:230: 36_voices, _theonyxhotel_, a_cause, afflict, ajmgirlloveife, akte, amberavalon, amejisuto, ameliacady, americangothic, amynata, anaid_rabbit, anatari, andy1983, angelicsinner, angelussb, anna_maria, antonrex, aqua_unlibra, arabella_o, aralinde, arokka, astarte99, astonish, au_spikefic, auryn29a, babyfirefly, bas1630, bela_lugosi, black_cross, bloodedangel, brynnydd, buffybear89, buggery, bunnyohare, burnt_smore, cadence_k, calystarose, carawj_fic, carawj_icons, catvampcrazines, cheebs, cheezplease, chia_sano, chibikazz, chillguru, chloe_sarai, clex_monkie89, colored_hana, coniraya, darerca_jane, darsy33, delwyncole, dietcokeboy, digitalmeowmix2, dobermanndru, dreaming_solace, eccentrici, endlessfaith, evieoconnell, faerievamp9686, faith_of_borg, femmebiotch, flickgc, fox1013, fragilemadness, frk_werewolf, gillians_gal, girlchild, glenraven, greyorchids, grumpybearbmw, hermionesviolin, higlearn, iamalilcoconut, illiaanya, imperfect_mix, in_d_zone, indelicate_dark, inera, inklacedfeather, inner_pretty, insidiousfly, jachwadi, jade_starlight, jenni_x_penni, jettaprincess, jiffy_spiffy, jinxwatcher, jraven22, justdying2beme, ka0ticangel, kaetian, kay_dee, keelywolfe, keindra, kellirose1313, kimbersdm, kiss_my_bender, kita0610, kity_of_angelus, kleine_daffy, kruel_angel, ladycat777, lafemmedarla, lestat_manson, liliaeth, littleluce, lorlee3, losselen, lostangelrosiel, lytabenten, m_k_f, madders, magickalwillow, majokai, mala_vita, mariposa1962, matchboxstar, maudlin_beauty, meaniemochigrrl, mentalstaples, milady22, mireille719, missfaith, misspandypants, moonlight_dance, moosesal, neynaoe, nikta_w, opheliafic, opheria, opia, osanna, othercat, pangs, persephone0017, piksa, pinkfruitloops, plaidkittykat, plasticshine, poornapoleon, princess_eleni, princesstwilite, prosaicmuse, purpledfreak, purplelust, queenmab_223, queixo, quentelin, rachiemachine, redbrickrose, reinventedmuse, robin_flys_solo, rogue_slasher, rorylie, rosesroses, ryokoblue, saline_joy, sapphire17, sethsangel, sexyjanet, shadowscast, shything, sifelaver, sileya, silly_cleo, slashfemmfaith, slashygood, slayer_chick, smiles79335, smirk_dog, smirnoffmule, social_rebel, softmoss, somuch4daangel, sosias, spaceagetiki, spacenewt, sparkleblsm, sparklingwriter, spikdpunch, spikesbottomboy, spikescrypt, spikess, spoiledcat, starrfire, starrygirl604, strifekun, styrofoam_yeti, sullymick, tabsy, tall_tales, tamaralm30, tamed_soul, taramisu, terrbear, terrible_tues, theantijoss, theothermorgan, therockywhore, thexanman, thexdamned, theyneedseven, tiarrajanae, tigerlily88, utopianbabie, vampedvixen, vampsarecool, vanilla_suicide, venastwin, vickiesr, violentserenity, vish, vita_diabolica, vixen_willow, w1cked_faith, watcherdiaries, when_it_rained, whiskeydear, wildrew, willocwen, willowmoon72, willows_weep, willowschild, willowstwin, willshenillshe, xander_spike, xtorn_agonyx, xxspikefuckerxx
Watched by:203: a_cause, aello_lime, afflict, ahab99, ajmgirlloveife, alice23kate, amberavalon, amejisuto, ameliacady, americangothic, amynata, anaid_rabbit, andy1983, angelicsinner, angelspike69, angelussb, antonrex, arabella_o, aralinde, arokka, au_spikefic, auntyk, babyfirefly, badass_starfish, bcassie, bela_lugosi, brynnydd, buffybear89, burnt_smore, cadence_k, calystarose, carawj_icons, cheezplease, chia_sano, chibikazz, chillguru, colored_hana, coniraya, dancingdragon3, darerca_jane, darkdream23, darsy33, deezaskank, delwyncole, dietcokeboy, diodiva, doyle_sb4, dreaming_solace, druffine, eccentrici, evieoconnell, faith_of_borg, femmebiotch, fox1013, fragilemadness, germaine_pet, gillians_gal, girlchild, girlphoenix, glenraven, graashoppa, greyorchids, grumpybearbmw, hardie, hergirl2000, hermionesviolin, higlearn, hyperionread, iamalilcoconut, imperfect_mix, indelicate_dark, inera, inklacedfeather, insidiousfly, invader_fnord, jade_starlight, jenni_x_penni, jettaprincess, jinxwatcher, jitterbug5bi5, jraven22, justdying2beme, kaetian, keelywolfe, kellirose1313, kerr_behr, kiss_my_bender, kita0610, kity_of_angelus, kleine_daffy, kpbkwrm, kruel_angel, ladycat777, lafemmedarla, lasirenadolce, lestat_manson, life_ironies, liliaeth, littleluce, lorlee3, losselen, lucareverie, lytabenten, m_k_f, madders, majokai, mala_vita, mariposa1962, matchboxstar, meaniemochigrrl, mentalstaples, milady22, mireille719, missiedith, misspandypants, moonlight_dance, myvelleity, nashmaveric, nikta_w, no_absolutes, opheria, orange74, othercat, pangs, persephone0017, piksa, pinkfruitloops, plasticshine, poornapoleon, princess_eleni, prof_humbert, purpledfreak, purplelust, queixo, quentelin, rachiemachine, redbitez, redbrickrose, reinventedmuse, ricktboy, robin_flys_solo, rosesroses, ryokoblue, saifai, saline_joy, saturn_girl, scorpiobleue, sethsangel, shadowscast, shighola, ...
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