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User:power_play (3135737)  
Power Play
An Angel: the Series RPG
Location:Los Angeles, California, United States
About: season five to Angel in which Angel takes over Wolfram and Hart and Lindsey returns to fight him for it. Buffy, Dawn, and the Scoobies return to Los Angeles and are working out of the Hyperion. Cordelia, ever disapproving of W&H;, has taken over Angel's old office, vision style. Lindsey and Dru (with help from a Scoobie) bring Spike back. Lindsey brings Darla back. The answer to the everpresent Shanshu question is revealed.

Character List:

Wolfram and Hart

Angel: [info]broodlust
Lindsey McDonald: [info]lawyer_lindsey_
Fred Burkle: [info]wini_fred
Wesley Wyndham-Pryce: [info]wesley_w_pryce_
Charles Gunn: [info]counselorgunn
Lorne: [info]xgreen_machinex
Lilah Morgan: [info]wicked_lilah
Harmony Kendall: [info]_harmonica_
Melissa Wor: [info]bitch_of_witch


Buffy Summers: [info]_not_the_one_
Faith: [info]wickedslayer
Kennedy: [info]potentialslayer
Eliza "Hellcat" Reno: [info]eliza_hellcat
Lily Baker: [info]lily_baker
London: [info]__london__
Serine Andersson; [info]typ_nej
Zoe Johanson: [info]slayer_zoe


Giles: [info]_ripper_g
Brandon Ryan: [info]brandon_ryan
Andrew Wells: [info]007_andy
Quinn Killion: [info]quinn_killion
Amanda Reece: [info]watching_dark

Helping the Hopeless

Cordelia Chase: [info]__visiongal
Vanessa Mihalis: [info]vanessa_mihalis
Anne : [info]___anne___

Nobody's Side

Darla: [info]amidarla
Spike: [info]buffys_bitch
Drusilla: [info]lovely_nut_case
Connor: [info]puzzled_by_life
Ambrosia Wor: [info]ambrosia_wor
Pat Siler: [info]pat_siler
Tiara: [info]__tiara__
Harry Doyle: [info]harry_doyle


Dawn: [info]_dawn_
Xander: [info]xandman
Willow: [info]spiritus_willow
Oz: [info]dingosatemybaby

Anybody else you deem necessary or fit. Originals welcome. Contact [info]amidarla, [info]lawyer_lindsey_ or [info]wickedslayer, or check out [info]power_ooc for more info!
Memories:55 entries
Interests:51: a:ts, angel, angel: the series, angelus, buffy, buffy summers, buffy the vampire slayer, charles gunn, connor, cordelia, cordelia chase, cordy chase, darla, deeper well, demons, doyle, drogyn, drusilla, eve, faith, fred, fred burkle, gunn, gwen, holland manners, illyria, liaisons, lilah, lilah morgan, lindsey mcdonald, lorne, prophecies, rupert giles, senior partners, shanshu, slayers, spike, the host, vampires, watchers, weapons, wes, wesley, wesley wyndham-pryce, william the bloody, willow, willow rosenberg, winifred burkle, wolfram and hart, xander, xander harris. [Modify yours]
Members:46: 007_andy, ___anne___, __london__, __tiara__, __visiongal, _harmony_vamp, _jera_, _not_the_one_, _ripper_g, _wicca_willow_, ambrosia_wor, amidarla, anne_lily, bitch_of_witch, brandon_ryan, broodlust, buffys_bitch, counselorgunn, dingosatemybaby, eliza_hellcat, halfwitharmony, harry_doyle, lawyer_lilah_, lawyer_lindsey_, lily_baker, lovely_nut_case, more_manly, one_of_the_kind, pat_siler, pi_john_doe, potentialslayer, puzzled_by_life, quinn_killion, qwahazahn, slayer_zoe, spiritus_willow, typ_nej, vanessa_mihalis, watching_dark, wesley_w_pryce_, wicked_lilah, wickedslayer, willow__witch, wini_fred, xandman, xgreen_machinex
Watched by:54: 007_andy, __london__, __tiara__, __visiongal, _harmony_vamp, _jera_, _not_the_one_, _ripper_g, _wicca_willow_, alice23kate, am_i_normal, ambrosia_wor, amidarla, annies_rps, ashlyn26, bitch_of_witch, bittersweet_art, brandon_ryan, broodlust, buffys_bitch, counselorgunn, dingosatemybaby, eliza_hellcat, fan06, gabe_w, harry_doyle, laurelin_kit, lawyer_lilah_, lawyer_lindsey_, lily_baker, lovely_nut_case, magnolian_lily, more_manly, not_audinary, pat_siler, pi_john_doe, puzzled_by_life, quinn_killion, qwahazahn, rpgherald_mod2, scorpiobleue, shadowlongknife, slayer__, slayer_zoe, spiritus_willow, tokeepanotice, voodoobanshee, wesley_w_pryce_, wickedslayer, wickedstah, willow__witch, wini_fred, xandman, xgreen_machinex
Account type:Free Account

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