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Geek Girl Extraordinaire
Careful, I bite
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Quick! Where is this quote from?

"My eyes! They burn! The goggles, they do nothing!"

...This is driving me nuts.

Current Mood: frustrated
Current Music: "The Internet Is For Porn" (from Ave Q) in my head

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Friends Only from here on in

Once in a while I may post something public, but more often than not, I'll be making my entries a lot more secure. That's that.

Current Mood: sick
Current Music: Avenue Q in my head

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That's it -- As of the next entry, this journal is ENTIRELY Friends-Only. And I'll be editing my friends list. Guess who's going? Wheeee, it's a game, whoopie fucking doo. Tonight I'll put up the banner. Please tell me if you want to stay on board.

Current Mood: aggravated
Current Music: "No Cure For Cancer" - Denis Leary

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I am so smitten... It's awesome!

Got to work horribly late, so I'm cutting this short and really cracking down today. No messing around. Purg has picked up a bit, so there's more to do. Wheee.

Current Mood: tired but happy as hell
Current Music: "Gotta Find My Purpose" - Avenue Q

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I'm SO tired... Didn't get nearly enough sleep last night. I nearly fell asleep at my computer a few minutes ago. I think I'm going to go get some caffeinated beverage. Yes. Mmm, caffeine... Mmurrrrr....

*THUD* head hits desk and I fall asleep on top of the keyboard, causing Purg to freak out and back up sooooo far that I have to do nothing but Purg for the next week, meaning no back registration... WHEEEE! Sounds like a good plan.

No. COFFEE. Must get, now.

Current Mood: so fucking exhausted....
Current Music: coworker on the phone

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Why do I put up with this CRAP??

Current Mood: aggravated
Current Music: "Me Against The World" in my head

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This is incredibly cute. I just wish my Japanese were about 100 times better, so I could actually understand it!!

I need to go make dinner now, buh bye.

Current Mood: hungry
Current Music: the Japanese music in my head

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Oh lord... Shit like this makes me laugh my ass off. Craaaaaazy people.

I'm not going out tonight, which I'm annoyed at. It's so beautiful out and I have no date. I'll probably be going out to dinner with my parents later. Wheeeee.

Current Mood: okay

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It's official, I have spring fever. It's SOOOO nice out, and I'm dying to go out and party! WOOO HOO!

...Yeah. I'm chill. Chill dude.

I just merrily smashed up a solid bag of ice with a can of Sprite and my hand. Now my hand hurts. But I'm in a damn good mood. It's fucking amazing outside!


Current Mood: crazy
Current Music: Freaky Friday soundtrack

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I'm going through this database at work... And I just came upon a guy named Patrick Mayhew. I think he should have been named Richard. "Richard Richard Mayhew Dick"! Unless you've read Neil Gaiman's "Neverwhere", you probably have no farking clue what I'm talking about!

Really, though, I've never heard of anyone in real life with that last name before. I just got a kick out of that. Back to work, la di da...

Current Mood: amused
Current Music: "Space Oddity" - Bowie

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I think I forgot to post this... Seth got into the Japan program. He found out a week ago, I think? Maybe less. He's leaving July 24th. Everyone, be very HAPPY for him!

...Back to work. Booooooooring...

Current Mood: exhausted
Current Music: Labyrinth soundtrack

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SCORE! I just checked my bank account balance, and my tax refunds were just direct-deposited! YAY!

This rules.

Current Mood: cheered up

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I still got it. *grin*

The receptionist, Maren, has a daughter (Maeve) who's been coming in a lot to visit. She often sits at the desk next to me, and plays games on the computer. I suggested a couple sites she could look at, and I always help her plug in the headphones in the back of the computer. She's a cute kid. So today, Maren tells me that Maeve loves me. "She kept saying, 'Lulu is so funny! She's really cool!' You're doing something right," Maren told me. I can't fully express just how happy this makes me. I LOVE kids, and knowing they adore me back is just the best feeling.

I'm thinking that when I get my next paycheck, I'm going to go on a bit of a spending spree. CDs, mostly. I really want the full "Vice City" box set soundtrack, and a few other things. I'm also going to get the "City of Heroes" PC game when that comes out -- Looks awesome.

Back to work, yup...

Current Mood: loved
Current Music: "Sugar Daddy" - Hedwig

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Oy... I left my discman at home today, and now I'm bored out of my mind. No music to listen to while I do this damn tedious work. Blah!

Current Mood: annoyed
Current Music: NOTHING, dammit

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I have a huge grin on my face right now. I just got anonymous feedback email from someone on Literotica, that read: "When I was your age I used to dream of a girl like you. Of course there was no internet (which seems to make everyone braver). Live happy and Good Luck."

This computer is doing weird things to my entries if I try to back and rewrite stuff. Okay, I guess it's time to work.

Current Mood: pleased
Current Music: coworkers chatting

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Do I look like Claire, from "Six Feet Under"? S.W. keeps saying she's like my "twin".

(See here if you need a pic of me for reference)...

Current Mood: curious

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Doing this quiz-survey thing now...

1. Grab the book nearest to you, turn to page 18, find line 4. Write down what it says.
"...become an erotic expert. I've been asked which courses I took for..." - How to Write a Dirty Story: Reading, Writing, and Publishing Erotica

2. Stretch your left arm out as far as you can. What do you touch first?
My ladder (which leads to my loft bed)

3. What is the last thing you watched on TV?
The Sopranos. It was a pretty good episode tonight.

4. WITHOUT LOOKING, guess what time it is.
Um... 12:30?

5. Now look at the clock, what is the actual time?
*looks* It's 12:21. I was pretty close.

6. With the exception of the computer, what can you hear?
A neighbor's TV... Sounds like the news. Something low-key, anyway.

7. When did you last step outside?
A couple hours ago, going to Aggie's to watch The Sopranos.

8. Before you came to this website, what did you look at?
the new photos of me.

9. What are you wearing?
navy blue t-shirt, blue jeans, my moccasin slippers, my black robe, my orangey red bra, and leopard print panties.

10. Did you dream last night?
Yes, disturbing dreams where I somehow caused a glass of wine that was the size of a skyscraper to burst, creating a wine rainstorm.

11. When did you last laugh?
I guess during "Sopranos"

12. What is on the walls of the room you are in?
Okay... This'll take a while... Starting from my door and going clockwise (roughly): On my door, about a zillion magazine articles. Then my "Princess Bride" poster, full-length mirror, corgy dog calendar, various postcards (above my desk), PC Gamer article, Warcraft III poster, Sandman poster, small framed Magritte print, more magazine articles, and "Night of the Living Dead" poster.

13. Seen anything weird lately?
Watching myself pole-dance and looking out over the crowd was pretty trippy.

14. What do you think of this quiz?
more original than most...

15. What is the last film you saw?
in theatres: "Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind". otherwise, "Frida".

16. If you became a multi-millionaire overnight, what would you buy first?
My own apartment in Manhattan. Big and niiiiiiiice.

17. Tell me something about you that I don't know.
I was a musical NUT when I was young. Up until I was 15, I rarely even listened to popular music. It was mostly musicals, and oldies.

18. If you could change one thing about the world, regardless of guilt or politics, what would you do?
That people would stop being so GODDAMN fearful of things they don't understand.

19. Do you like to dance?
Hells yeah.

20. George Bush: is he a power-crazy nutcase or some one who is finally doing something that has needed to be done for years?
he is dumb. I don't like him.

21a. Imagine your first child is a girl, what do you call her?
Cassandra Mae.

21b. Imagine your first child is a boy, what do you call him?
not sure...

22. Would you ever consider living abroad?

23. Will you pass on this survey?
Obviously I didn't... Here it is.

Current Mood: cold
Current Music: "Genius In France" by Weird Al in my head

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Ladies & Gentlemen, my hair.

On my birthday, after the cut, but before the dye. )

...It's so RED!!! )

Current Mood: accomplished
Current Music: Weird Al in my head

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My hair is red again. I fucking LOVE it. Mom took some pics of me, I'll be posting them later this evening. Come back later to see them!

On a side note, right now I am eating the world's BEST strawberries. They're incredibly sweet and delicious.

Current Mood: happy
Current Music: "I Wanna Be Your Lover" - Weird Al

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Gah, men are obnoxious. Last night, I called S.W. twice. The first time around 10 (to ask him something kinda dumb... I was with my girlfriends and we were gossiping), and the second time was around 1. (I know this is okay because he's a goddamn insomniac). The second time was just because I wanted to tell him about the awesome time I had with my girlfriends. Anyway, both times I missed him and just got his voicemail, but didn't bother leaving a message. So this morning (well, afternoon really) when I got up, I turn on my cell and had a message from him. He called to ask why I'm calling him on and off. The fuck? Gee, I'm sorry, I guess I'm not supposed to call the guy I fuck now, since he's not actually my boyfriend.

This whole getting single thing is going to take some getting used to.

Anyway. I had a GREAT time last night. Went out with my girlfriends, first to some so-so bar in the East Village, and split a pitcher of beer there. We hung out and gossiped, and then they asked me (since this was for my birthday) where I wanted to go next. I know nothing about the bar scene, so I couldn't get very specific, but I said "Somewhere with dancing. Ooh, and large hot black men." I think one of them said something like "Lu, I think if we actually found a place that had both those things, we wouldn't get let in because it'd be an exclusively gay [men's] bar." So we went to a dyke bar (lol), Henrietta Hudson's. There was dancing there, and at first the music kind of sucked, and I was hesitant to dance, but as it started getting better, I got into it. For some reason, I LOVE dancing to hip-hop. I don't listen to it very actively, but it's great to dance to. Anyway, I was shaking my ass and having a great time, when I spotted a pole in the corner. People poledanced in this place! At first I was shy, and made Abby get up with me. I couldn't even get up there at first ("Oh wait until the next song! No, this one isn't good enough!" etc)... But once we got up there, I had a fucking blast. I grabbed that pole and danced my ass off. I really felt like I belonged up there, as I told Abby. It just fucking ROCKED!

And the best thing is, no hangover. I RULE. After getting drunk on two no-name mugs of beer, a Screwdriver, and half a Corona, I feel fine this morning. (Okay, AFTERNOON!)

I need food now.

Oh yeah... I saw "Frida" on Friday night (at S.W.'s). I loved it. Go rent it now!

Current Mood: hungry

Geek Girl Extraordinaire
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Name: Geek Girl Extraordinaire
Back November 2004