[5th September 2004 ‡ 09:02pm]

NaNoWriMo 2004

So, who will be participating in NaNoWriMo this year? Show of hands?

Lauren asked all of the old Municipal Liaisons if they wanted to come back again and do the ML thing again this year. I said yes.

I promise to be more organised this year *blush* And have more time to actually GO to the write-ins. It'll help that I'll actually be in Brissie this year so I won't have to travel over 2 hours ONE WAY to get there :)

Good luck to all those doing it!

[mood:  creative]

walk with death -†- 4 kills

[5th September 2004 ‡ 08:27pm]

Various lump of things...

1 - Will be 21 in 7 days. Want big party. Two actually. One for everyone and one for just the girls. It'll be in Brissie. Can't afford a stripper so I'm just going to go to Minx and/or go clubbing.

2 - Mum is getting me a Yankees cap! LiekOMG*squee* :DDDDDD This makes me uber-happy. Just because.

3 - Hugs to all the people in Florida with that bitch of a hurricaine. :( I'm thinking of you.

4 - (Ronnie. 11am. Queen Street.) I'm going to teach you how to snag hot guys off the street. ;) I'll be looking shiny :D Just because I can... and just in case Hudson want me to come in without notice. I told them I'd be available from Monday.

5 - Boss has touched down in Brisbane. Wh00t!

6 - I want to draw some more. I've been going psycho with the 'how to draw manga/anime characters' book. I've done a nice portait of a girl with Breakfast at Tiffany's hair ;)

7 - Still haven't done some of the stuff on my 'before I turn 21' list. Must lose some more weight in a week ;) Which is happening because we have no food in the house and I have no money to buy it. Only money for trains and lunch and trains again.

8 - Can someone push my birthday back a month or so? I'm not ready yet...

walk with death

[3rd September 2004 ‡ 08:20pm]

Leeds Kids

The kids from Leeds have once again let themselves loose on Personality Forge so I'm pretending I don't know English :D

Yes, that's right. I'm pretending to actually know French and am only responding to them in the little French I know.

Me: Merde! Fous le camp!
Leeds kids: Cool! Do you know any swear words?

Oh... for the love of..!

Fuck... I think they just got hold of a French dictionary or something (maybe online)... because I just asked 'Parlez vous Francais?' to piss them off and they said 'oui'.
I know that's not much. Everyone knows 'oui' but I'm worried...

walk with death

[3rd September 2004 ‡ 07:46pm]

Fangirl moment of the Olympic kind

Grant Hackett was no more than 3 feet away from me today. I nearly DIED!
He's so tall! Eek! He and Libby Lenton were walking while the rest of the athletes were on the back of utes ;) LOL. Sitty on haystacks xD

Anyway, today was cool!

Hot boys... on train. 3 of them. I got to sit behind two of them. One got off at my stop. I nearly tackleglomped him. Oh yeah, he was glompable ;)~~~~

Still haven't heard back from Hudson... maybe I will on Monday.

Now have 17 pages of Mina written up ready for typing.

walk with death -†- 3 kills

[2nd September 2004 ‡ 07:39pm]


So, I got in to the Hudson office and was half an hour early :) Ellissa was with another client so the ladies at reception started me on my typing and Word test.
Typing was bad.
89% accuracy with 63wpm (net)/71wpm(gross). Aiyiyi. I mentioned, though, that I forgot to put double spacing after fullstops.

Spoke with Ellissa. She's OMGSocute! Adorable cute... not... you know. Although... :D Heeeeeey. LOL! Anyway, talked with her and filled out forms. She looked at my resume and said "Well... what CAN'T you do?" teehee. We went through my experience and I mentioned that I can learn any computer program and that I'm the go-to girl for pretty much everything. Not OVER selling myself but just enough.

She then said that other ladies would come in to have a chat with me. Wendy (temporary assignments) came in and talked to me about a job she has open to start on Monday ^_^ ^_^ ^_^ It's working for the Government in the Dept. of Education Arts/IT section. Apparently they combined the two sectors and made one. I'd be the receptionist. Well there are 3 other candidates and I find out tomorrow. I told Ellissa that I thrive working under deadlines so she beamed at me. She loves hard workers :D

Anyway, Wendy thinks I'd be great for the job and will give my resume to the employer.

I told Ellissa that I had been nervous and made some mistakes on my typing test so I got to do them again :D
Accuracy: 98%
WPM: 73(NET) !!!!! Yes, that's right... my redone test had better net and accuracy than my previous GROSS results. Woohoo!

Word was 83%
Excel was 81%
Powerpoint was about 69% I think...

So generally I'm advanced for word and excel but intermediate for powerpoint.

I'm stuffed. My hip is hurting like hell. Owies.

David (Preston, our real estate agent) called and we have an inspection tomorrow at 3pm. Cuntface whore. I hate him. He addressed the message to Mum when he knows damn well she's in the States! :P Hates him, precious. Lucky the house is still reasonably clean. Need to clean the bathroom and kitchen. Everything else is done. Just tidied up my room too.

Wrote another 5 pages of Mina Book 2 :) Woohoo! She's getting pissed off at Hikso (the lead male who has just entered and turned her life upside down). I love it! :D I'm evil. Mina is stabbing me in the head at the moment. Just ignore my whining. She's punishing me by making me want to go clean now so.. BYE!

Thanks to Westy and Ronnie for the texts ;) AwwwwsolovedIwannaburst.

walk with death -†- 7 kills

[1st September 2004 ‡ 04:43pm]

Whee! Interview!

Just called Allissa back (since she called me and got diverted to voicemail ^_^;;;)...

I have an interview tomorrow at 2pm!! Yay! Woo! It's going to take 2-3 hours apparently. O_O
Yeah I'm doing all the test things again. Typing, data entry, Word, Excel and Powerpoint. I've done it all before but I want to know how bad I've gotten now that I haven't been working (and typing) for a while.

So, to try and fix this up I'm going to be typing up all of the Mina stuff I've written lately in my story book. All that stuff I've written on trains, in the Blue Room, on the plane, in my room... it's all going to be put on the computer now because I need practice.

I should also stop reading what I'm typing as I go along because I need to know where the keys are.
Okay just did that whole sentence without looking and doing pretty damn well if you ask me because I'm going bloody fast!

Phew. Still got the touch baby ;) In fact I think I type worse when I watch the letters come up on the screen. :P Stupid fingers and brain.

Gotta run! Need to figure out what I want for dinner. Booooooooooo.
This cheese sandwich tastes HORRIBLE. Evil evil processed cheese. Bah.

walk with death -†- 2 kills

[1st September 2004 ‡ 04:11pm]


I'm on level 13 or 14 of Jhudoras cloud quests...

That's a lot of points and a lot of NP I've spent.
So I decide to take up another quest. Right after I do Neopets goes down for maintenance!!! ARGH! I've got less than 10 minutes to get her damned pizza to her or I get reset! Not fair!

;_; I hate maintenance.

EDIT: Okay, was on 16 - now on 17. It was very quick maintenance altho' when I went to the shop wizard it mentioned 'days'. *dies* Okay, all is good. Tai didn't fail the quest. Today was about to be 'all against Tai'.
The phone, all the games I played, Adobe Photoshop, Macromedia Homesite... it's all against me.
Gran wouldn't let me sleep even though I was in bed, facing away from her and going 'yeah, uh huh... alright'. I needed sleep. I'm sick. Sleep + cold = better. :)

walk with death -†- 1 kill

[1st September 2004 ‡ 02:37pm]

Hudson = jobs

Got a call at about 9am this morning from Alissa (candidate manager from HUDSON in Brisbane).

So I decided, hey my head is clear I'll give her a bell.

I went BLANK on her answering mahcine.

Hi my name is Tai Gower I was just returning your call... that you left for me on my... um, voicemail. I'm really sorry I have a cold, I won't make much sense.
Um, so... uh, I was just getting back to you on, er, my um, jobsearch... job searching... um, So sorry I have a headcold I'm not usually like this... My phone number is (number) and if you could get back to me that would be great.
*long pause* I'll be in Brisbane on Thursday and Friday if you wanted to have a chat. Thank you. Bye.

*slams head on desk* Ow. Okay, the phonecall was more painful that THAT!

Note to self: Don't call potential jobsearch people with a cold. It will fuck up your plans big time.

I mourn for my potential jobsearching.

Jobsearching? What the fuck am I? *wails*

[mood:  drained]

walk with death -†- 9 kills

[31st August 2004 ‡ 02:12pm]


I never thought it would actually happen...
I just won the jackpot playing Dice-a-roo on Neopets. :D

2754np isn't as high as it has gone... but DAYUM!

I have a cold. I'll walk to the shops later and buy foodstuffs.


walk with death

[28th August 2004 ‡ 01:14am]


One opinion.

One fucking opinion.

It could've been taken neutrally, it could've been taken in an incredibly horrible way. I meant it in a slightly annoyed way. It was taken way over the fucking edge of how I meant it.

[mood:  pissed off]

[27th August 2004 ‡ 05:28pm]

In other news

A 14-year-old girl was bashed and raped today. --- Update: Actually last week but she was too shocked and traumatised to go to police until today.

Every time I hear of someone getting raped or sexually abused in ANY way I feel sick to my stomach. I get the urge to go and scrub myself red raw in the shower and use acid to top it off. I want to just rip my stomach out of my body and throw it away.

I want to curl in on myself. I can't help but put myself into her head as it was about to happen, as it was happening and afterwards. I can't possibly imagine what she went through and what she is going through now.

How sick are people? I cry for her and I just want to hunt down the bastard that did that to her and ... well, Evil Willow wouldn't have shit on me.

walk with death

[27th August 2004 ‡ 05:19pm]

Drama queens

The Jana saga is starting to annoy me. Almost as much as the Delta Goodreem saga.

Note to Jana: Some people never walk again. Your knee was injured and it got better. It wasn't amputated so chances were it was bound to happen. You are young, if you had missed this Olympics then there's 4 years until the next one. Get over it.

Note to Delta: There are SO MANY people out there with Hodgkins disease. Just because you're 'young' and 'in the spotlight' does not make you Australia's sweetheart. I'm sick of you being on tv everywhere, I'm sick of you being in every magazine I pass just for picking your nose, I'm sick of your albums being stacked at the very front of the store and in many of the isles around it and I'm fucking sick of you taking the spotlight from people that deserve it more. You walked into the Athens airport and got more publicity than the athletes. Stay home, woman! Those athletes worked (and HARD) to be where they are. You... you did NOTHING.

Argh. I'm fucking sick of these idiots.

I didn't cheer for Jana and I don't awww in sympathy for Delta. If someone bags them then they should deal with it. You can't be in the spotlight without it.

[mood:  Over. it.]

[27th August 2004 ‡ 01:07pm]

Olympics cartoon

Snurched from [info]groovekittie...

It's fsking hilarious. If you like the Olympics - watch it. If you don't like the Olympics - watch it! :D It's so funny. A bit gruesome but FUNNY!


walk with death

[26th August 2004 ‡ 09:20pm]

Birthday stripper

Male stripper I want...
Heh heh... yeah :D

I'm searching through Yellow Pages online for male strippers but am not having much luck. We need more hot guys that like to strip for horny women! Dammit.
Is it so hard to find a buff, brunette man that likes showing his package off? Okay, even down to G-string would be fine...

I need to go to Bris to a strip club or adult shop and ask if they know any. I want a guy that looks like George up there ;)

walk with death

[26th August 2004 ‡ 08:14pm]


So, like I said in my last post - met up with Ronnie yesterday after dropping Mum off at the airport *hugshermommy*.

We met up outside Hungry Jacks at around noon. Didn't actually say goodbye until 6:30pm! LOL. We had lunch in the Myer Centre foodcourt and chatted and chatted and chatted. Topics ranged from Gay men to John Howard and Jack Sparrow. *shudder* I'm sorry, Faerie! ^_^;;; I had coke, my head leaves me when I have caffeine of any sort.

Gave her shiny little gifty and card for cheer-up-ness :) She liked. It was glittery ;)

Later moved to Starbucks *hangs head* Had my almost-usual. Tall Caffe latte, 2 shots chocolate, 2 shots vanilla, 2 shots espresso and 1 shot raspberry. Stupid woman fucked it up (as they all do) and did a mocha latte with all shots BAR the chocolate ones. Contrary to popular belief it DOES taste different :(

Strange story from today about yesterday. I walked to the shops today and saw Jasmin (from High School) and had a mini catch up. She asked what I was doing and told her I was moving to Brisbane. She looked at me strangely and asked if I was in Brissie yesterday because Rowan (Peate - I took him to the Year 10 formal) thought he saw me.

The strange part? Brad (French - also from High School) told Rowan that I was dead. I just laughed at her. Jasmin said she'd set Rowan straight tonight on MSN ;) But YAY!! I saw Jasmin and now know what a lot of my friends are doing.
Sasha Lauder is 5 months pregnant, Rosie has a boyfriend of 2 years that she loves then wants to dump (and repeat that a million times), Rowan and Brad are rooming together, Joe (the guy I had a crush on in senior years) is living with two lesbians *big grin*, Kulali is acting still... it's awesome.

I'm going to try and catch up with all of them up there.

September 12 I'm having a b'day party with any luck. I'm going to try and find a male stripper ;)
Oh, and Mum is giving me $500 for my 21st birthday!!! :D WOOHOO!

walk with death

[25th August 2004 ‡ 08:31pm]

Damned train

Met up with [info]ronniefaerie today ^_^ Gave her shiny present that she liked! Whee!

I will post about it tomorrow though. Right now I'm tired and can only remember one thing at a time.

The train. Ronnie was at the teller next to me when I bought my ticket to Robina (homewards).

So I put the ticket in my pocket after showing the ticket guy to get into the train area. Between there and Beenleigh it goes missing. I remember that it was Beenleigh when it disappeared because the ticket inspectors decided my train was the best train to check for tickets.

I spent roughly 15 minutes going through my bags trying to find it. I got off with a written warning but I'm still pissed. I just checked all my bags and my pockets again. Not. Happy. Jan.

walk with death -†- 1 kill

[24th August 2004 ‡ 10:51pm]

Ow ow ow: periods, painkillers and the pill.

Much pain.
I didn't see this coming. Honestly. Ouch. *curls into a ball*

So, when did I realise I had my period? In the car today on the way to Coolie airport today. I don't calculate my periods. They're always different anyway -depending on mood, stress etc...

So today on the way back from Coolie I told Mum I couldn't go grocery shopping and just to get home asap. She said she still had to call into the travel agent for travel insurance (she goes to America tomorrow ^_^) and that took forever just to be told she needed more money. So she went and got money out. Meanwhile I'm about to curl in on myself from the pain. I got dizzy spells as well. I hate that.

You have never seen TMI like this before )

I'm just at that point now where painkillers are going to be needed again... and used at every possible opportunity.

I haven't gone on the pill yet. I guess I'm scared, y'know? Because whenever I've either had a boyfriend or gone out clubbing and seen a cutie I get scared. There aren't many reasons why I'm still a virgin. When I have alcohol there are even fewer.
The fact that I'm not on the pill is one of the reasons I am still a virgin.
It's one of my safety nets. If I'm not protected I won't do it. Simple enough.

Even though Jazz kept on saying he had a condom in his wallet (and I'd had some VERY strong alcohol) I said 'no' because I wasn't on the pill and I didn't want to risk it. That and the fact that I'd only met him the night before and wasn't really ready for that. There is a certain amount of trust needed, ya?

So, heeeeey.... this is me going on a ramble. Period will do that to me. *gurgle*

I have to be awake, up, dressed and ready to go by 7am tomorrow. Gran and Pa are driving Mum and I to Robina Train Station so she can go to the airport and I can go to Central *hugglesnuggles her Mum*. She's going to America (likeOMGWTF????!!11!)

*dances* ALSO!!! Mum's new book is being released in a week ;) It's romantica *winkwink nudgenudge* So those wanting to buy it I'm doing the website up and will post the link to her site when it's online.

walk with death -†- 2 kills

[23rd August 2004 ‡ 06:57pm]

The Olympics

It's funny about the Olympics for me this year.

If Australia doesn't win or doesn't have someone running for a medal I cheer for Denmark. I cheer for Lithuania in the basketball and Iraq in the soccer.

No offence to my Yank friends but I hope you lose badly ;P Hehehe. Heeeeey, come on! A little healthy competition, right?

We will kiXXors yar a$$3$!!! PH34R!! Eat our dust, beeyotches!

When I go to the Olympics you will all worship me ;D

walk with death -†- 7 kills

[23rd August 2004 ‡ 12:12am]

Prints for sale - Sandra (BMB/FH)

[info]saunteringdown is selling some v.nice Friendly Hostility prints.
Padma, Nefertari and Rafi *hearts* ^_^

You can buy them from this thread.

Buy buy buy! All for a good cause and a lovely lady. :D

walk with death

[22nd August 2004 ‡ 09:35pm]

Just Not John (Howard)

Came across this searching for Grant Hackett sites. O.o Yeeaaaaah... *smirk* Hehehe. I find that funny... but anyway...

Just Not John Howard

Damn him! He is going LAST on my voting list for this election. Asshat has ruined our country.

Represting our country, not controlling it. Why does he not remember this? Why don't the Australian PEOPLE remember this? *growls*

walk with death