January 18th, 2005
10:10 am and travis has my keys...yay
we are late...oh well. Current Mood: hungry
09:51 am off to school...still need to read for my war class blah. did my feminism stuff last night so hopefully my email got through with our list....blah so much work.
Am 20 now....my mom got me a massage for friday which will be good cause this week seems stressful and kevin got me a rose (he is adorable). also have a hair appt wednesday so it will be a week of nice thigns for me heh.
well gotta get going...so sleepy. Current Mood: sleepy
January 16th, 2005
12:51 pm So first week of school is done... I have about 450 (225 pages of that is because I have to have a whole book read for my War class) pages of reading to do by Tuesday....ack. Switched my schedule a little. Decided to drop American Constitutional Law because the teacher is scary-hard and I rather take him during a semester where I don't have already hard/lots of work classes. But it worked out well because the Middle East class I wanted opened up and was at the same time so now I'm in that.
Final Schedule:
10:30-11:45 CPO4123 Government and Politics of Great Britain
12:00-1:15 ASH3223 Modern Middle East
1:30-2:50 PHM3123 Feminist Theory
3:00-4:15 AMH3562 Women in American History II
and then just on Tuesdays
6:00-8:50 INR4932 Special Topics-The Nature of War
my books are going to be like crazy expensive..probably around $600.
My feminist theory class is so much work...we have tons of reading and stuff do like everyday but it seems interesting. The teacher seems really cool and is all about us learning stuff that is relevant to our lives and stuff. Anyways...this semester is going to be hard but interesting so we will see how that goes.
Went shopping Friday and yesterday. Got a large chunk of my school books and then went to the Express sale with Travis, Kevin and Jimmy. Kevin got a cute tshirt with a crow on it that I like. I bought myself a cute little button up brown shirt, a long sleeved kinda light lavender (but not a pastel lavender) shirt, and some nice striped dress pants. I need to get them hemmed....way to long for me. Stupid short legs. Want to get some nice tall boots but they never fit me right and the pair I found in Charlotte Russe had way too pointy toes. Bought a cute journal yesterday too. Its like red suede leather with a rhinestone outline of a heart on the front.
Nothing much really going on. Tomorrow's my birthday. Going to be 20...weird. Kevin and I had our joint birthday dinner at Red Lobster Friday with everyone. It was fun...brought home like 3 boxes of biscuits.
blahblahblah bored...procrastinating reading.
gonna go eat..harass travis into doing something with me...blah Current Mood: cold
January 14th, 2005
January 11th, 2005
08:53 am - Happy Birthday to my baby!! <3 School starts today...I woke up way too early...spent some time looking for classes again which I will be doing till add/drop is over. Switched my International Political Economy class to a Feminist Theory class. I'm hoping this was a good idea. The Feminist Theory class looks kinda more interesting and I need to take it for Women's Studies minor. And it would count toward a Philosophy minor too which is good ina n efficient way.
So here is my schedule currently: TR
10:30-11:45 CPO4123 Government and Politics of Great Britain (with Dillon's brother apparently...how odd)
12:00-1:15 POS4604 American Constitutional Law II
1:30-2:50 PHM3123 Feminist Theory
3:00-4:15 AMH3562 Women in American History II
and then just on Tuesdays
6:00-8:50 INR4932 Special Topics-The Nature of War
Whee...Kevin and I have the same schedule so now I don't have to drive myself to school which is good because driving to school is a serious deterrent to me attending class hehe. But I'm going to be good this semester and go to class and do good...
well gotta go shower and stuff...and wake Kevin up...hopefully today will go well and all my classes will be great and interesting and I won't want to swtich them around some more....and hopefully they will let out early since this is "Read the Syllabus Outloud" Day
off I go
PS-I want my car back! blah Current Mood: excited
January 5th, 2005
09:01 am - boredboredbored Getting ready to go to sleep...have properly fucked up my sleep schedule...i woke up at like 6pm yesterday...have been up all night playing WoW, watching Monk, making troll character with Kevin...blahdidah
Going shopping later today. Going to probably buy table for the porch and anything else useful in prettying up the porch. Christmas giftcards are great excuses to go shopping. Also thinking about going to Victorias Secret and getting some pajamas. Bought my mom some for Christmas and now I want a set.
Things have been going well. I want another kitty but that is not new. I always want new animals (we shall forget the finch...um...issues). Kiera has been behaving much better and has gotten the whole housebreaking thing down much better. We can leave her out for like 10 hours or whatever and not have to worry about her going everywhere. Now when she needs to go she just runs, sits by the front door, and maybe scratches at it until we notice. The biggest problem we have with her now is her eatting the fluff out of the couch. And as usual the kitties are adorable and psychotic.
Had been considering switching my major to Biology for a little while now and becoming a vet instead of a lawyer but have decided not to. Have decided to stick with History and Political Science and am probably going to pick up Women's Studies (bah feminism) and Philosophy (bah philosophy but looked favorably upon by law schools so i say what the hell) minors. Still can't decide what langauge I wanna take in fall....either go German to be easier or pick something random and harder like Arabic or Chinese.Mayeb russian again but who knows...
I think I partially attribute my decision to stick with History and becoming a lawyer to watching way to much West Wing lately. Kevin and I watched the whole first season together hehe. Now we have to watch seasons 2 and 3. We have no lives heh....typical night: Kevin makes steaks, I make pasta, we watch Law and Order or West Wing, etc. Maybe throw in some WoW...
Blah stupid Travis....he was supposed to be coming home tonight but now hes not coming back till Saturday...picking him up was gonna give me something to plan on doing today...now I'm dissapointed. hmmph.
School starts next Monday...eep...I'm excited and optimistic...that feeling will probably not last very long and turn to apathy and laziness but I'm going to try and make more of an effort this semester. Want straight A's...
blahblahblahblah...I've been talking to much...what else to say...no clue
Kevin and I are doing good. Just passed the year and a half mark. He bought me necklace and a sweater for Christmas and I bought him a motherboard...he stay here at my aprt with me which I am happy with cause then I can nap with him when I want and he cleans the aprt =). and because he is adorable.
Birthday is coming up soonish....gonna be 20...which is strange.
Ok I'm done. cant think of anything else...I really did type too much...ok I'm done with this. Current Mood: blah
December 24th, 2004
04:20 am - interesting news i just heard I just read that Joss Whedon is being considered to direct the next X-men movie since the other director switched to directing the Superman movie. That could be interesting...
late for early christmas eve stuff at home and still havent bought my dads present...oops Current Mood: late and still sleepy
December 23rd, 2004
12:29 am - Funny Law and Order SVU moments... 1. Guy finds out his girlfriend who he was in love that was murdered was his sister and that he had gotten her pregnant....throws up and has to be restrained by Stabler.
2. Guy finds out his girlfriend is really a man. Goes crazy....kills himself (though that part was sad and the rest of the episode is depressing)
They're reactions are classic...Kevin kept laughing during the first one.
Anyways just thought I'd share....I'm bored.
Off to buy eggs, make muffins and watch Hidalgo and maybe more Special Victims Unit. Current Mood: amused
December 22nd, 2004
02:04 pm
You have the Rossetti girl look. You are the kind of girl pre-Raphaelite painters admired; tall, slender, and fair as a lily flower. The pre-Raphaelite girl had dramatic beauty; long neck, large soulful eyes, full shapely mouth and masses of wavy hair. The pre-Raphaelites painted girls like this, they showed them in dramatic situations dressed as famous characters in legends, plays and poetry. The favourite colours of the artists were russet, green and gold. The following artists would have loved to paint you; Holman Hunt, John Everett Millais, Edward Burne-Jones, William Morris and Dante Gabriel Rossetti.
'Pretty As A Picture' - Which Artist Would Paint You? brought to you by Quizilla Current Mood: blah
December 1st, 2004
November 18th, 2004
01:42 am just watched like a billion episodes of law order with kevin. we are the weirdest couple. we got really far behind in our law and order (mostly SVU) episodes because we were playing WoW. we're so sad....we had like 20 episodes to watch hehe. probably off to bed now....
You Are From Saturn |
You're steady, organizes, and determined to achieve your dreams. You tend to play it conservative, going by the rules (at least the practical ones). You'll likely reach the top. And when you do, you'll be honorable and responsible. Focus on happiness. Don't let your goals distract you from fun! Don't be too set in your ways, and you'll be more of a success than you ever dreamed of.
Current Mood: law and order-ish Current Music: doink doink
November 5th, 2004
03:22 pm - but of course...
You Are a "Don't Tread On Me" Libertarian |
You distrust the government, are fiercely independent, and don't belong in either party.
Religion and politics should never mix, in your opinion... and you feel opressed by both.
You don't want the government to cramp your self made style. Or anyone else's for that matter.
You're proud to say that you're pro-choice on absolutely everything!
October 23rd, 2004
08:36 am Puppy Pictures (and a few of the kitties)
( My babies ) Current Mood: productive
October 22nd, 2004
03:34 pm and little kitty just threw up on the carpet... Current Mood: annoyed
03:28 pm Hehe...Kiera is adorable!
I just got her back from this groomer I decided to try...I had her shaved down in the "corgi cut".
She has a little halloween bandanna and an adorable bow around her tail/nub and her nails are painted orange and she smells nice hehe.
I took some pictures before she chewed the bow off. Gonna have kevin do the camera thing when he gets home and then I'll hopefully post them.
She's so cute =) Current Mood: silly
October 20th, 2004
11:28 am I find this to be adorable....
Current Mood: dorky
October 18th, 2004
October 16th, 2004
October 12th, 2004
08:40 pm - very bored...
Current Mood: borrowing
October 11th, 2004
12:54 am there's some weird ass cat on my porch right now, yowling and screaming fairly loudly. i have no idea why. it's freaking big kitty out. it seems to be settling itself down to stay by the garbage can.
hmmm...i dont trust this cat...i've pet it before but its always been kind of shifty. not like the nice stray kitties i feed. those are such pretty cats, especially for being strays, and the one kitten is veyr affectionate. oh well....
off to shower and bed i think.