I am a lonely painter. I live in a box of paints.
May 2004
Thursday, May 20th, 2004 09:59 pm
Excellent Days of my Life

Why you might see me catch me in a good mood in the next couple of days

1. Have lost 7 pounds and 13 inches in the past three and a half weeks
2. Am almost 98% sure that I made straight As this semester.
3. Kittens!
4. Summer! (at least until my philosophy class starts on June 7)
5. My Harry Potter scarf looks most excellent.
6. RotK verrry verrry soon
7. Anna's back at work
8. I feel pretty, oh so pretty.

That's about it, but I think that's enough. I've managed to not kill/not talk to idiot college page Gelena at work. She wore STRETCH pants today. Full on, Peggy Bundy strech pants. The only thing missing was the fanny pack. And it was definitely in a non-ironic way. My spine hurts from laughing.

Tomorrow is another day of Lazing.

I love these days.

Current Mood: happy

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Thursday, May 20th, 2004 12:41 am
Wish I had something insightful to say about "Angel"

I got nothing.

On the other hand, "Buffy" is a different story )
I am a ginormous dork, and I'm fine with that.

I'm keeping my fingers crossed that I'll have the internet when I get up tomorrow, but this potential SBC strike might affect that. Ah well. I'll just make do with my huge Harry Potter scarf and the last three seasons of "Friends"

Current Mood: annoyed

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Monday, May 17th, 2004 02:26 pm
One last Chem Class/Final at 5:30 and I'm done. And I should be studying. But the siren call of the computer is hard to resist. I've lingered at fandom_wank far too much these past two days. Now I'm getting into that "Everybody is a stupidhead and you should need to pass a test to use the internet" mindset. I'm working through it by reading my old entries in here. I was most definitely a stupidhead in the not so distant past. Hell, I'll probably be embarassed this version of myself in a couple of years. I just wish you could tell other people how to get through the hard stuff. But I know that's impossible and it makes you sound like an ass when you try. So I'll just tell my kittens how to live their lives. They don't sass me back

Stolen from someone on my friends of friends list:


What color is your LJ name?

Replace [ ] with < > [font color=yourLJname][b]yourLJname[/b][/font]

Current Mood: blah

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Wednesday, May 12th, 2004 10:15 pm
I'm hot and sweaty, and not in a good way. It's like 85 degrees at fucking TEN. No way. I'm off to Alaska.

Except I'm not.

Gah. I just want this week to be over so that there are no more doctors appointments, no more finals, no more anything. I've given up on the whole "enjoying life" thing. At least for the next three days. Now it's just about survival.

No more yucky sweat.

I potentially aced my Children's Lit final.

I made thirty bucks off books that cost me sixty.

Kitties don't have to go back until Tuesday.

Pretty boys on my desktop make me smile.

Current Mood: hot

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Sunday, May 9th, 2004 10:37 pm
lyric meme answers from ever ago )

My first real exam is tomorrow in Acting. Yet, I haven't really practiced the scene. And I'm a little scared that my partner is going to murder me on stage. Because he seems to equate smothering with breaking my neck. And then burrowing his face in the back of my head. Which makes me want to laugh, which I'm almost positive Shakespeare didn't intend Desdomona to do after she was dead(ish).

I'm such a whiner. Blah. Sorry.

oooh! Good news! I've been to Curves enough times to get a free water bottle. I think I left it at work on Saturday. But I still earned it!

And I have watched 12 hours of "Friends" so far this weekend while bonding with the kittens. And I must say that I have a newfound crush on Matthew-Perry-addicted-to-pills Chandler. And while that may make me a terrible person, I can't help but prefer him to puffy-and-whipped Chandler from season 5 on. This new addiction is going to be so bad for my computer since I'm going to have to download the rest of the episodes. Stupid library DVD budget cut-backs. Stupid Doug.

Current Mood: amused

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Friday, May 7th, 2004 06:29 pm

Guess how many cavities I have. No really. Guess.

FIVE. I have never once had a cavity in my life, and not only that. I get to have all four of my impacted wisdom teeth extracted this summer. Joy abounds.

But I have two gray fuzzy kittens to comfort me in my dental woes.

And apparently I have "beeeeautiful teeth" according to my dentist. At least on the outside, before you get to the dirty cavity center. But isn't it really that shiny white outside that counts? What's that you say? No? Eventually that shiny white will become chiclet yellow? Oooookay.

But why why why did I have to get the wisdom teeth news today too? I guess its punishment for not having gone to the dentist since I was a junior in high school. The dental gods obvously don't look kindly upon those who take a three year sabbatical from their worship.

Blah. I need something sweet to cheer me up from my dental nightmare.

Hmmm. Think I might have just stopped the cause of the nightmare.

Current Mood: pissed off

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Friday, May 7th, 2004 09:25 am

Current Mood: confused

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Thursday, May 6th, 2004 11:12 pm
New Monabood mood theme, because I can. And because they're just so damn pretty and my free photoshop trial runs out in a few days.
Also note the new icon, which is a scan of the card I bought for Madre.

Tomorrow is finally the day of kittens, fingers crossed. Mom always says we won't get anymore. And then we do. She is a sucker and I am VERY persuasive when it comes to cats. Though I've never had any luck with dogs or ponies.

Laura and I were both sucessful at getting our Mother's Day gifts. The first store we went into in North Hampton-Ten Thousand Villages- we both immediately found great gifts. Made by fine Vietnamese artisans. It's almost exactly like the watch she specifically asked for. Almost.

It's no good when a vein starts popping out of your ankle. It is always a bad sign. Don't believe anyone who would tell you otherwise.

I'm going to be a wimp and crash. I have a big day of excercise, dentistry, and feline babies. Though, after watching Friends, I really really really want a duck. Or chick. Or both.

Current Mood: accomplished

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Sunday, May 2nd, 2004 05:32 pm
Stolen from a multitude of people

On your current playlist, hit shuffle and pick the first twenty songs on the list (no matter how cheesy or embarrassing), and write down your favorite line of the song. Try to avoid putting the song title in the line. Then have your friends comment and see if they know the songs. (You don't have to, you know. I'm against forced participation. But, conversely, I'm a big fan of comments. So, make of this what you will.)

Meme )

That was pretty relaxing.

Signed up for housing at Uconn yesterday. All four of my choices were some variant of the single room. I know I'm a slob and very difficult to live with. I can barely spend over 16 hours with people I love love love, let alone a stranger.

I'll try and make the best of any situation. Or else, try and develop a disease which requires some sort of valuable drug that requires me to live by myself so nobody tries to steal it and resell it. That's the ticket!

Current Mood: sore

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Friday, April 30th, 2004 03:58 pm
Because I am very proud of my "plague victim" skin color, I lathered on the 30 SPF this morning before a kayaking jaunt with Dad and Ja. However, I missed one three inch strip of skin on my lower arm which has turned an alarming shade of red. Given that the rest of me practically glows in the dark, this red is fairly noticeable. Kind of a photgraphic negative of a skunk effect.

I have the house for the rest of the evening and all I want to do is curl up and watch good television. Ha! Ha, the world says to me. Lifetime movies with Lorenzo Lamas and Scrooged are not my idea of good afternoon television. Give me "Made", or an interesting THS at least. Or even Mad TV or one of those "Au Pair" movies from ABC Family. Sigh. I guess this means I'm going to have to venture out to Blockbuster like I had orginally planned. But I'm so LAZY! I mean, tired. That's really what I meant. Isn't there some kind of service that will do immediate delivery of the essentials like movies and video games? I could pretend to be an invalid if that would help!

Ah Well. Just need to make it till the new Joan tonight. Only four hours to go.

Gosh. I'm just a tad pathetic. Well, could be worse.

Current Mood: exanimate

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Tuesday, April 27th, 2004 09:36 pm
Ah! GIP!

Okay, don't mean to be Posty McPosterson, but I had to do a GIP because this is my first ever animated icon that I made allll by myself. Yepppperoo. And I know that it's sheer crap, but it makes me hap-hap-happy! Meep!

ETA: It's possible that you might not be able to see it. Sometimes I can, sometimes I can't. Not completely sure how to correct this problem, so I'm just going to leave it be for the time being.

Current Mood: ecstatic

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Tuesday, April 27th, 2004 08:02 pm
La la la. Shin splints, Shin splints, Everybody get some shin splints.
Or just plain ole shin pain. I've got one of the two.

I also have a super righteous wrap from Brazil courtesy of Miss La-aura.

In other righteous news, my Children's Lit teacher wants to submit my poem ) for MCC writing contest, or literary magazine, or some such nonsense. She's a very sweet lady. I kind of feel badly for skipping her class so often since she always gives me very positive feedback on my writing. But, only two more weeks, and then I suppose it won't matter.

I'm ignoring the fact that I have lines to learn and the rest of the "Left Behind" series to finish because the former reminds me how uncomfortable I am playing a weepy push-over and the latter is just creepy. I mean, I'm all for finding God and being confident in ones beliefs, but...well, I have a lot of things to say about this subject and not enough energy to type it all out. So I'll save it for another day.

I have my friends of friends page up, and someone has one of those seizure inducing icons that goes rillyrillyrilly fast. I think I'm going to go lie down now.

PS: I miss Jesse, Zippy, Kasey, Molly, Ciara, Bunce, Shannon and JoMo. Very much. I also miss Jaime, but I'll be seeing her tomorrow (as long as she is strep-throat free) and that eleveates my pain.

Current Mood: thoughtful

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Sunday, April 25th, 2004 10:32 pm
Burldg. What I thought were just seasonal allergies have morphed into a full-scale cold, burldg feeling included. But I am determined to work through the pain and make tomorrow good for the following reasons:

A. Jawitz is home! Huzzah!
B. I haven't been to Curves since Friday due to their wacky weekend schedule, so I'm ready and raring to bounce around with some soccer moms.
C. A week of the Cabbage soup diet starts tomorrow and if I don't keep my morale high, I won't be able to survive on fruit and soup for 24 hours.
D. Have lost weight. Not certain of the poundage since I refuse to step on a scale outside of the club, but some chub is gone.
E. If I make tomorrow good, it is more likely that the rest of the week will follow suit and then I can get to Friday quicker. For Friday is my day of rest and reward and "Love, Actually" and "Win a Date with Tad Hamilton".

Hey, like the lady says, everybody got their something.

Now my head is all tingly and I'm suppose to wake up in time to go to the club before 9:30 class. Here's hoping I don't have creepy Bruce Willis/Snake dreams like I did last night. Brrrr. Scary.

Current Mood: groggy

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Saturday, April 24th, 2004 06:23 pm
I will not talk just to hear the sound of my own voice.
Goes double for LJ posts.
Words are important and wasting them is a crime.

I will not be responsible for anyone else's happiness.

The opinion of a bright seven year old is more valuable to me than the opinion of anyone over the age of thirteen.

I was stupid when I was sixteen, seventeen, and eighteen. I have sensed the pattern and I think that's a major battle won in my personal war against ignorance. Nobody has answers and experience is the only solution.

Whinge is a much better word than whine. And I will fling a thing at anybody who whinges excessively.

I don't miss anyone I have permanently lost contact with.

Disney music should never be turned into techno

Current Mood: determined

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Wednesday, April 21st, 2004 08:21 pm
Acting: Good news: Was asked by the only attractive boy in the class to be his partner. We're doing Desdemona's death scene from Othello, which means I finally get to die on stage. And he makes out with my cheek.

Bad news: I wasn't paying attention during last class, but apparently he was a little...stiff on stage. I was reading a magazine and didn't see it, but another girl in the class told me that he was wearing those loose, swishy pants (windbreakers?) and his "excitement" was quite evident.

I've heard of people getting off on attention, but I think he's taking it a bit too far.

We met to practice today, and he was very nice and flirted with me, but all I could think about was his penis. And I kind of tried not to touch him, or let him touch me.
Awkwardness abounded. And his cuteness has dimmed a little bit.

I know that it is something he couldn't have helped and that he was probably more embarrassed about it than anyone. But it's still icky.

In less childish news: Taking a trip up to Storrs (UConn, for those not in the know, or rather, not in the Connecticut!) tomorrow to visit Dee and the kids. We're probably going to go out to the Dairy Bar and visit the Horse Barn. I'm also going to meet with a Housing guy to see what my options are for next year. Meep! Exciting!

Current Mood: dorky
Current Music: Somebody to Love-Queen

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Sunday, April 18th, 2004 10:27 am
Tom is over. As some of you might have been able to tell because

a. We/He/Me left random comments in your journal
b. We/He/Me pestered you on AIM
c. We/mostly me got involved in the Crystal Gamgee wank. Because it was too much fun not to. And I got called a hobbit! And that I need to find something else to waste my time with. Which may be true, but I'm really not going to accept any kind of an insult about what I do with my time from someone who photoshopped Dom lying on her bed.

Tom dissaproves of my girl status because I don't know how to play Cat's Cradle

I do know how to wear umpire masks though. Well, just one really. They're a little too bulky to wear more than one at once.

Tom has lead poisoning. We're making Tim G. come over and save him.

I have to get dressed so Tim G. doesn't see my googly bits. And Tom has to put on pants.

We have a lot of fun at the expense of other people. And that's the way I like it. Uh-huh, uh-huh.

Current Mood: cheerful

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Saturday, April 17th, 2004 05:01 pm
Finally heard from UConn

totally got in.

With housing, which I didn't expect. Which I don't know if I want anymore. I'd almost rather live with Joe and Dee and the kids. Be their Mary Poppins. Without the umbrella. But with the singing.

It's funny how relieved this makes me feel. To know that a B.A. in English isn't that far off. And that I won't have to scrounge around to find interesting courses next semester at MCC.

Apprehension, too, is worming its way into my stomach, up my throat, onto the back of my tongue. But some O.J. ought to clear that right up.

But anyway. I am happy, though I wish I felt like clebrating with good food and laziness, but that would make me feel more guilty. So I shall try and be productive with my parent-free weekend. Cleaning is probably in order so that I can make it from my bedroom door to the bed without stepping on most of my wardrobe.

Current Mood: accomplished

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Friday, April 16th, 2004 02:30 pm
Warning. This post contains a candid picture of me that might frighten children and bunny-phobic ad

Made it into the newspaper yesterday, still for the Peter Rabbit thing. But this time my head was visible. And quite puffy )

Whatev. Any publicity is good publicity, right?

Todays activities include:
Reading "Left Behind" (UGH. GROSS.)
Working on Acting journal and lyric journal.
Calling "Curves" to sign up for a introductory appointment
Avoid thinking about anything chocolate-y and delicious.
Avoid spending any money.

Hopefully something creative and non-dumb will come out of today.

Current Mood: thirsty

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Tuesday, April 13th, 2004 11:19 pm
I may have gone over the anal-retentive line. I've drawn up an hourly(ish) schedule for the rest of my week. I'm just sick of forgetting to do things, or wasting hours that could be productive. Now I just have to remember where I left the paper I wrote it all down on.

In addition to crazy lists, I have also managed to write the beginnings of a generically angst-y LoTRPF. Which is utter crap, and not just because it was written in the midst of a terrifically boring Chemistry class. I need to work out my inspiration problems, because being inspired by other people's work is all well and good, but it often leads to unintentional imitating. Which frustrates me more than anything.

Except whining by teenaged-boys.

And terrible poetry.

And this cut on my arm which is in the process of becoming a scar.

But I made it into yesterday's paper, albeit in a rabbit suit. Still, my name and picture, though no part of my body is actually visible. I think it's the one where I gave a little girl an autograph as "Peter", which was incredibly difficult given that my hands were incased in gigantic furry mitten-type-things. The girl didn't seem to care, though.

Thursday: James Marsters shaves his head on "The Ryan Seacrest Show". I will have to write this into my schedule. Because I want to be among the first people to see if he does indeed have a lumpy head.

Ahh! According to my schedule, I need to be asleep by 11:30. Must run. Entirely obsessive-compulsive!

Current Mood: ditzy

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Sunday, April 11th, 2004 11:49 pm
When in doubt about what to do on a major holiday, go to the movies!

Perhaps "Ella Enchanted" wasn't my best choice considering that I wasn't really in a mood to deal with children. But it was fine.

It seemed as if a few unlucky aunts and uncles had to take many many sugar hyped nieces and nephews out to an afternoon movie while the other adults prepared the hams. Because the children far out numbered the adults at the theater I went to. But I think most of them fell into sugar-induced comas as soon as the previews started because they were (almost) all well-behaved.

Ella thoughts )

Ego boost of the day: While in the ladies room after the movie, a mom at the sink next to me told me I looked like Anne Hathaway. I really don't know how to reply to compliments from strangers, so it was a little awkward, but sweet nonetheless.

I don't understand why I get compared to such a wide range of celebrities though, to date I've gotten: Kelly Osbourne, Kelly Clarkson, Monica Lewinsky ("But in a good way, dear!"), Lisa Loeb, Avril Lagvine, Alison Hannigan, Jennifer Aniston (Okay, this lady was a little near-sighted. Or possibly entirely blind), and now Anne. I think it mostly has to do with whatever shade and length my hair is. And now I feel entirely too vain that I remember all these comparisons. I don't think I look like any of these women at all. I look in the mirror and see all my imperfections and inability to apply make-up to cover them all up. In a healthy way, I think. Because it's not that I can't see beauty in myself. It's just not usually in a physical sense. Mirrors and other people lie, sometimes.

I like the skin I'm in
and the fact that the soles of my feet are toughened by
barefoot moonlight walks
and my hands are soft.

Current Mood: content

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