Acting: Good news: Was asked by the only attractive boy in the class to be his partner. We're doing Desdemona's death scene from Othello, which means I finally get to die on stage. And he makes out with my cheek.
Bad news: I wasn't paying attention during last class, but apparently he was a little...stiff on stage. I was reading a magazine and didn't see it, but another girl in the class told me that he was wearing those loose, swishy pants (windbreakers?) and his "excitement" was quite evident.
I've heard of people getting off on attention, but I think he's taking it a bit too far.
We met to practice today, and he was very nice and flirted with me, but all I could think about was his penis. And I kind of tried not to touch him, or let him touch me.
Awkwardness abounded. And his cuteness has dimmed a little bit.
I know that it is something he couldn't have helped and that he was probably more embarrassed about it than anyone. But it's still icky.
In less childish news: Taking a trip up to Storrs (UConn, for those not in the know, or rather, not in the Connecticut!) tomorrow to visit Dee and the kids. We're probably going to go out to the Dairy Bar and visit the Horse Barn. I'm also going to meet with a Housing guy to see what my options are for next year. Meep! Exciting!
Current Mood: dorky
Current Music: Somebody to Love-Queen