....... ..:: .. .: ..:::.
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intothedream's LJ stalker is ender!
ender is stalking you because they have nothing better to do with their time. They are also stalking you in real life. Look out!

LiveJournal Username:

LJ Stalker Finder
From Go-Quiz.com

Heh, if anything, I'm probably stalking him. Just because....


My magical name acronym )

For The OC Ficathon

Not all of you are subbed to [info]blackwidower so here it is, not friends locked. Sorry if some of you end up seeing it twice.

Yaoi/slash, m/m threesome. Thank you to [info]luckykitty and [info]aeristerra for beta'ing. Hope you like it [info]emthornhill since it was written for you.

Yeah, it's a Black Widower ficlet. My request was for: yaoi, lemon, vampires, night and fireplace.

Here. Not work safe.

Birthday Wish

Happy Birthday [info]moogle_of_lulu!

Hope it's a fun one!

Current Music: key of the twilight
Zounds, I Didn't Know

Hope it's not too late....

Happy Birthday Gorgeous!

It's Three Hours Behind There So I'm Not Too Late...

Happy Birthday [info]tammylee!

May you always wake up on the right side of the bed!

Just As I Was Wondering About It...

I got my notification about who I get to write for in the OC ficathon.

I get to write the same stuff I usually write. Sweet!

Now I'm curious about who has me. My interests were... *cough* shall we say on the kinky side? It'd be so funny if no one wrote that type of stuff and I ended up with no one writing for me! *laughs*

I know several of you on my friends list are in the OC ficathon. What ya'll get?


You ever get bugged by someone over and over and over and you can't get rid of them, no matter what you do?


Consider yourself lucky!

[info]lj_serialadder has taken my account hostage and will not let go!

Even fucked up my "Friends Of" section and now I have other "Stalkers"

Fuck, give a tech savvy geek an LJ account and he thinks he can take over the world.

#$@#@$! )

New Journal For My Ever Fleeting Ideas

Or just snippets before they're ready for public consumption (or shown to people on the [info]blackwidower journal. Or just musings to not spam the friends list. So I have an ever ready place to jot down ideas so I don't forget them.


I won't LJ cut stuff there. It may be racy, it may be obscene, it may be disgusting, it may just be the weird idea for a fic I have at that moment but if you want to see how the crazy Janette mind works, you can friend it.

I want a place where I can feel open to post any idea I have without worrying about offending anyone. It's an all holds barred LJ.

Raw Janette, before the nicities. You may even read my rants about the story. Or a fan of the story. Or anything. I figure, most people won't be interested and that's cool, but there are a handful of people who'd probably be pissed if I hadn't given them the chance to friend it at least.

It's an experiment of sorts, I suppose. To see if I give myself permission to not hold back, if I'll really do it.

And yes, [info]barbs_d you can stop the smirk right now.

Current Music: Dishwalla - Counting Blue Cars
What Makes Gender

Really. )

Current Mood: contemplative contemplative
Current Music: Neko Case - Deep Red Bells
Phone Post: My First Phone Post

131K 0:34
“Hi, this is Janette, and I'm doing a phone post for the first time. Because I figured, why not? I have a paid account, let's try it. Just saying hello to everybody. This is what I sound like, hopefully it doesn't disappoint you too much. Hope you all enjoy your weekend, sorry if I may be inaccessible. I'm doing this from work to give you a hint of how crazy things are. But I love you all, and don't get too wasted, ok? (We love you too. :3)”

Transcribed by: [info]aeristerra

Because I Know Many On My Friends List Write OC Fics

OC Ficathon!

I'm participating and if you write original fic, this is an excellent opportunity to motivate yourself and read original fics! This is the great idea of Tsuki No Bara!

*crawls back under the rock*

Public Service Announcement

Janette is MIA a lot of the time now. You may catch her online if she has no work to bring home or isn't brain fried but she can't predict when she'll be around. She looks forward to when she has a life again and can claim time to be her own.

I say this because my time is extremely unpredictable. Starting Friday to Sunday, I will be working mega long hours and chances are, I may not be as reachable,though if you email me, I'll see it, just may not respond to it that quickly.

Also, if you find me online, my moods swing like crazy now, depending on where I am on this project that has eaten my life.

[info]chilayse, email me and give me your cell and a phone number you can be reached at. My time is so crazy, I want to see you, if I can't see you tomorrow, will you be in Delmarva for the rest of March?

Fear of Freaking Out Readers

I have to admit, part of what fascinates me about vampire fics -- yaoi/slash or otherwise although I admit, I don't usually read het -- is the idea of blood drinking. Feeding upon another life. Consuming it. Symbolic maybe? But I am also fascinated by shapeshifters and although I hinted at a lot of things where my boys are concerned, I've only gone so far, with the fear of freaking the readers if I explore the parts that really fascinate me. The bestial part of it.

On one hand, anyone who has read Black Widower or any of the side stories would probably not be shocked if I actually show parts I've hinted at.

But I posted it on the [info]scarletdrop as well. I created that community for yaoi/slash and yuri/femslash lovers to post their fic but since there are people in that community who are not familiar with my writing and are there because they love other vamps (Arcana for one) they might be freaked out with the cannibalisticness and violence. Sometimes I get the feeling that the people who love vampires or love my stories or Arcana or any other vampire fic, love the romanticness of it. And of course, I write graphic sex. But they don't want the other parts, the part that drove me to write vampire fic in the first place.

Well, let's see how this goes. And if you want to read it [info]luckykitty since I think you're like me in that regard, I'd be curious to know what you think.

Janette's Excellent Canadian Adventure

Thank you to everyone who welcomed me back, I missed you all so much!

Now, on with the adventure!

awesome dude!  )

Current Mood: pleased pleased
Current Music: Matchbox Twenty - Unwell
My Personality Type

Brazenly stolen from [info]tammylee and [info]foxysquid

Conscious self
Overall self
Take Free Enneagram Personality Test

Scale (|||||||%) results:
Enneagram Test Results
Type 1 Perfectionism |||||| 30%
Type 2 Helpfulness |||||||||||||||| 70%
Type 3 Image Awareness |||||||||||||||| 70%
Type 4 Sensitivity |||||||||||||||||| 73%
Type 5 Detachment |||||||||||||| 58%
Type 6 Anxiety |||||||||||||||||| 77%
Type 7 Adventurousness |||||||||||||| 54%
Type 8 Aggressiveness |||||||||||||| 57%
Type 9 Calmness |||||| 22%
Your Conscious-Surface type is 6w5
Your Unconscious-Overall type is 4w5
Take Free Enneagram Personality Test

Somewhat accurate. Maybe a little too accurate. *sighs*

I'm Back

I'm back my dears. Had loads of fun, was very busy, have to work tomorrow. (bleh)

I will post about my adventures some time in the next few days.


Le Schedule...

Monday: finish laundries and start packing

Tuesday: leave work on time and finish packing having the hubby bring the suitcase downstairs.

Wednesday: get taken into work by co-worker at 6AM (yes kids, that's 6AM I have to be OUT THE DOOR. Get picked up by boss' driver and taken to Dulles Airport. (why the tickets weren't ordered from National is anyone's guess.)

Flight at 4:30 to Toronto.

Flight at 6:45 (I think( from Toronto to Victoria)

Collapse at 10:45 PST.

Training on Thursday at 9:AM PST.

After that, it's anyone's guess!

Pimpage of a New Webring And *blushes* A Plea

While updating some things on my website, I had the "seemed like a good idea at the time" idea to create a yaoi/slash and yuri/femslash vampire webring, for people who have that type of fic on their website. I'd always flirted with the idea of managing a webring but since I hadn't true html skills I thought it was out of my reach. Well I created one called Sex and Drugs and Rock and Roll Join Here!.

Only one problem. When I got the handy dandy email letting me know it's been created, they also said:

-- Upload a 250 x 250 (maximum) image in Edit Ring Logo to make the Ring Hub Page of your new Ring attractive to visitors (and new applicants).

-- Upload a 50 x 50 (maximum) image in Navigation Code to display on your navbar, or customize your very own navbar!


I can probably create the image but I don't know how to put it with the navbar. Perhaps someone here *bambi eyes* can help me with that?

Current Mood: bewildered
Current Music: X Japan - Blue Blood
We Interupt This Public Service Announcment

If I'm not as accessible or forget e-mails or to post fics (the contest fics especially) please bear with me. We're bringing a brand new database live at work and I'm involved in the prep work to get it up and working. Working long hours and long weeks and weekends make Janette even more scatterbrained than she already is.

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