LiveJournal for aLice.

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Wednesday, August 25th, 2004

Time:3:31 pm.
Mood: busy.
I have a gmail account... would someone like it? :)
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Subject:transitional period..
Time:2:15 pm.
Mood: excited.
Bleh. I'm getting horrible at keeping up with this journal. Again. Every once in a while, I go through some crazy transitional period and feel that writing anything down would be fruitless. If that makes sense.

Looking back at what I just wrote, I'm pretty sure that it doesn't.

Home for a couple of days, I go back to school tomorrow morning. Working at Mugsies for the rest of the week, hoping that my boss smartens up and hires another person. Apparently he's convinced that even though 1500 people are moving back into town, we won't need more than 5 "full time" and 2 part time workers. Right.

Looking at grad schools. The University of Maryland School of Music looks particularly interesting to me. Their facilities are phenomenal and they have all the programs I'm interested in. (Voice, Opera, Music History and Literature, and.. maybe Music Theory, but I'd have to grow quite a pair in order to go into that field.)

I can't wait to get out of here. One more year and I'll be on the road, finding an apartment in a brand new place. Maybe I'll finally get a cat.. there seem to be so many maybes right now, and it feels so exciting. I know doing apps is going to be a serious pain in the ass, but it's a necessary step in the direction that I want to go in. SO many possibilities..

So exciting. So exciting.
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Saturday, August 14th, 2004

Time:4:16 pm.
Mood: loopy tired.
So opening at the coffee shop is rather interesting. I think I like people in the morning and afternoon.. mostly because most likely their day hasn't had a chance to get shitty yet, therefore they are still in a good mood. Spent lots and lots of time with the boss, which was.. interesting. *twitch*

Missed one of Justin's shows last night since I had to open this morning. Felt like ass for the last few days. I don't know what kind of bug I caught, but it seems to have abated for now. Hopefully the effects I'm feeling now are merely remnants. AlkaSeltzer cold and sinus has been my savior lately. Strange thing about this drug is that it has opposite effects on me depending on when I use it. I used it during the afternoon, it cleared my sinuses beautifully and let me take a nice long nap. I also took some last night around 10pm when I went to bed.. and ended up tossing and turning for two hours.

Mom's coming to pick me up in ten minutes or so. Driving home and meeting up with Justin at 6pm, then it's off to another show. Not particularly fond of the bar we're going to tonight. It's visually appealing, but rarely ever exciting and quite a bit too small for my taste. Hopefully I'll get to spent more than a little time with my family, I've hardly seen them at all this summer. Mom said she wants to take me shopping for school (!), which I admit, had me shocked. I'm 22 years old, going into my 5th year of undergrad, and my mother wants to take me shopping for school clothes? Isn't 22 a bit old for that?


Of course I said yes. Free clothes? Yay!

Will be back on Monday to work the lunch and afternoon shift. I best enjoy my Sunday off, seeing as it's the last day I'll have off until next Sunday. Wow, this is almost like a real job.

HAHAHAHA, wow... that was funny. Pardon my sarcasm.

Annnnnd, off to the rents' house.
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Thursday, August 12th, 2004

Time:11:02 pm.
Mood: tired.
It's either ragweed or an oncoming summer cold. It feels like someone stuffed tissues in my ears and up my nose, my head's completely loopy, I sound like Sneezy the Dward and my body feels like it's suddenly aged to 65.

.. and I have to open the coffee shop tomorrow. Rise and shine at 5:20am. Open the shop at 6:00am. Spend an entire hour with my most loathed, icky, bitchy, creepy, sockless-loafer-wearing-homophobe favorite boss.

I hope I have some really strong drugs in my medicine cabinet. Maybe I can dope myself into an antihistamine stupor so I'll forget that he's there.

Maybe I just won't take anything and hope he notices that I'm really sick and asks if I want to go home.


Or maybe I'll just make myself puke in the kitchen so I get sent home.


I'll let you guys know what happens.
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Tuesday, August 10th, 2004

Time:7:38 pm.
Mood: productive.
Random haitus, sorry about that.

[info]s8venus, you rock my world girl. The mail art you sent me was freakin gorgeous, you are so incredibly talented :)

General news:

- Having french tips put on is weird. I can't type for shit. Yea, they look pretty, but they're entirely stupid when it comes to doing anything productive.
- Mom's getting a new computer that comes with a printer. She said it's not as nice as the printer she has.. so.. guess who's getting a new printer. *BFG* !!!!
- I can't wait for everyone to come back to college, I've had enough of this one horse town bullshit.
- On the other side.. I don't want to go back to class. Balancing two jobs and being a full time student should be interesting.
- Some kid we fired from work stole $70 out of the tip jar last week. I felt bad for him at first, now I'm kinda pissed.
- I swam today, actually did a decent job at it.
- I need to stop being such a slacker in this journal.




Worked, swam for half an hour, tanned for twenty minutes.. cleaned up most of the apartment.

I have tomorrow off. Blessed, blessed event. Hopefully going swimming again with Brian and Tom. (Cutest couple I know..)

< /random post>
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Tuesday, August 3rd, 2004

Time:12:16 pm.
Mood: melting.
Random updates need follow, too hot in the apartment to think. Must escape heat...
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Sunday, August 1st, 2004

Subject:swiped from [info]sebatical
Time:2:10 pm.
Mood: amused.
So refreshing to hear this...

Nancy Reagan to Bush: 'We Don't Support Your Re-Election

“Mrs. Reagan does not support President Bush’s re-election and neither to most members of the President’s family,” says a spokesman for the former First Lady.


During the week of Reagan’s funeral, the former First Lady “went ballistic” when she learned the Bush campaign was test marketing new ads that used Reagan’s photos and speeches in an effort to show he supported Bush and his re-election. She personally called Republican Party Chief Ed Gillespie to demand the ads be destroyed.
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Friday, July 30th, 2004

Subject:meme of the day..
Time:4:24 pm.
Mood: sore.
my color.. )

Rather appropriate really..
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Subject:sitting is good...
Time:3:08 pm.
Mood: sore.
This week has been a mad house at work. The Missionary Conference is at WC, so there's about 1500 more people in town right now. (Which just about doubles the population.) These people are coffee FIENDS, they're coming in morning, afternoon and evening.. in droves and droves. This morning, we couldn't even keep up with brewing regular coffee, we must have gone through at least 15 urns by 12pm. I can't wait until these people are gone. Yea, it's nice when you're busy because time seems to pass quickly.. but enough is enough!

Get the religious fanatics out of my town, please!

Lots of shit has hit the fan at work this week. Josh was put on "probation" again, which means that we were down one employee all week. It was nice to pick up a couple of hours, but I don't understand this whole probation thing. If you fuck up at work, they won't put you on the schedule for a week, how fucking lame is that?

They tried to tell Sarah that she wasn't going to be on next week's schedule. The mess ups that occured were not her fault, and there was some shady business with customers saying that they were "kicked out" at 11pm. Wtf? We close at 11, which is an hour later than normal because of the conference. Most of the people had to leave before 11 anyway because of their curfews. If someone asks you kindly for "last call," it isn't the same as saying, "get the fuck outta my store." She started bawling when Bo told her the news, she has tons of bills to pay and barely gets enough work between two jobs. Her lame boyfriend isn't pulling in the money he should, so she's also been paying his part of the bills lately. Fortunately, he put her back onto the schedule, which is good. However, the fact that he thought he could pull off putting her on "probation" really irks me.

The worst part is, Sarah was never confronted with any of this information before they were going to take her off of the schedule. There was no warning, no pulling aside to let her know what was going on.. etc. I'm so fed up with the way they run their "management" here that I'm going to say something. I'm the golden child at work, or so they say. Little do they know that I never pay for the shit that I eat there, unless a manager is around. I've come to work stoned more often than not, just to take the edge off of dealing with my bosses. Yea, I'm probably their best employee there, and I rarely fuck up any drinks.. but I'm not perfect.

There has to be some kind of diplomatic way of saying that they need to define disciplinary actions and have a set list of rules, etc. I know I'm going to have to do this in writing, so at least I'll be able to revise what I say. If I actually talk to Bo in person, I'm afraid that I might lay in a little too hard. I doubt that, "Hey Bo, stop being such a fucking TARD," would go over very well..

I hope that most of you have received your mail art.. I'll be working on another batch soon, so if anyone would like to receive some pretty mail, email me your address and I'll be sure to send ;)

:( My shoulders hurt so much from work.. I'm all knots and bumps. I need a masseuse big time..
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Wednesday, July 28th, 2004

Subject:Random chipmunk...
Time:9:44 pm.
Mood: amused.
Took this a while ago, came across it while looking for images to funkify for my next website..

He was eating seeds out of my hand =^.^=
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Subject:*neck roll*
Time:4:34 pm.
Mood: exhausted.
Today was the busiest, longest day at work. No breaks, no sitting, no breathing.. it was fucking crazy as hell.

My feet normally don't hurt until about an hour of sitting at home. They were hurting while I walked to my apartment..

Gonna pass out now.

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Subject:Haha... I'm a pink one..
Time:2:30 am.
I am flower named ladyd !
I consist of my friends!
Are you flower too?
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Tuesday, July 27th, 2004

Time:9:51 pm.
Mood: curious.
Finally found the Barnes and Noble Gift Card that my Uncle Dan gave me this Christmas..

Ordered Mirrorball, can't wait, can't wait, can't wait to get it.


You know.. I've been toying around with the idea of putting one of my recital's pieces online for you guys to listen to. It's classical music, but I'd kind of be interested in hearing what you guys had to say about it..

Any takers?
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Subject:I'm baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaack...
Time:6:26 pm.
Mood: triumphant.
Ocean City = mmmmmmm

That was one of the best vacations I've been on in a while. I got away from Amishville for almost 2 weeks, every minute of it was heaven. (Ok, well.. of course that would be a lie.. but..)

Here's a tiny run down of what happened on vacation. Details and whatnot later:

   - Justin's car overheating right before the Chesapeake Bay bridge
   - Twice
   - Not getting sunburned (a first..)
   - Pink hair. Used to be hot.. now it's baby.. kinda like it better baby.. pictures soon.
   - My phone's battery died
   - I didn't smoke any MJ for a week.. (TADA!).. *twitch*
   - Saw lots and lots of jelly fish
   - Was annoyed to all shit by Justin's grandmother. (BIG story later)
   - Jet skiing.. scared me to death
   - Swam in the ocean.. first time I wasn't freaked out
   - Got hit on by random guy driving by, saying, "You should fuck her, I did!" to Justin. (his reaction was cute)
   - Hit up the Salty Dog Saloon twice, fun place.. (Pittsburgh fan owned.. weird)
   - Had wonderful lobster ravioli..
   - Mako sharks is really, really good.
   - I got a blinkie light thing..
   - Ate enough crab and shrimp to start growing a pair of claws and a tail..
   - Swam in da pools.
   - Achieved "shunned" status from the grandmother (rofl)
   - Had a gorgeous, wonderful time
   - Took pictures.. on Justin's cam, gotta get the cable to dl them..
   - Stayed at home for two days after we got home
   - Took care of the kitties while mom and dad were away
   - Got a new battery for my phone ($50 wtf? they said there was water in the battery.. wtf?)

Will jot down more details later. Mail art was sent out today, I apologize for them being horribly late.. but to those of you who I told you'd get letters.. you will, just.. not today. Couple days :) Promise.

And now I get to unpack. Joy of joys..
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Thursday, July 15th, 2004

Time:9:50 pm.
Mood: amused.
Go to google and type in "bush's foreign friends".. include the quotes.
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Time:5:49 pm.
Mood: exhausted.
Soo... as of Friday, I will no longer be a red head.

Medium golden brown underneath and in the back.. platinum blond and hot pink chunky highlights all throughout the rest of my hair ;)

Hair appointment is set at 3:30. Pictures will follow tomorrow evening...

RPG meme.. )
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Wednesday, July 14th, 2004

Time:10:34 pm.
Mood: geeky.
[info]s8venus, click here Click on "tattoos," then on the first image for "color work" (second one down on the left), look 3 down on the right and click...

I thought you would enjoy this..
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Subject:One of the most important posts I've made...
Time:6:32 pm.
Mood: tired.
I'm making this post for two main reasons. First and foremost, Tom Donohue is a friend of mine and one of the most wonderful and courageous people I have met in my entire life. Secondly, as a "member" and activist of the LGBT community, I feel it is my duty to share knowledge with others.

My friend Tom has HIV. He was diagnosed in October of last year. He was the first person that I knew to be diagnosed positive. Most people that are confronted with a positive test don't know what to do.

Tom knew what to do. He had to tell people.

In December, three months after finding out he had HIV, Tom Donohue began a project called "Who's Positive." It began as a few speeches around his local area. Today, Who's Positive has gone national, and Tom continues to speak in schools around the country, bringing light to the fact that HIV is everywhere.

"Makes HIV very real - gives it a face and a story. You don't often think about it as someone you know having it. It usually feels very foreign and this program breaks that barrier" - gay male, 21-23 years old, a survey from Penn State

So I'm asking you guys to get the word out. Send it in an email, post it in a community, in your livejournal, wherever you believe that it will make the biggest difference.

Click to visit the website..

[info]romanticcuddler - His journal...
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Tuesday, July 13th, 2004

Time:7:30 pm.
Mood: sad.
Levi's leaving tonight.. I almost want to cry.. I'm going to miss this kitty so much.
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Monday, July 12th, 2004

Time:2:47 pm.

drawing paper
64 Crayola Crayons (oh fun..)
a nice new pen
glue stic


mailart... funness.
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