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Tuesday, October 12th, 2004 | 12:53 am |
Sneezing was so bad today I took some drugs this morning just to make it stop, and now my head is really heavy. Like, way heavy. I think my brain is trying to fall out of my forehead. It makes thinking rather difficult. Not sneezing any more though!
It was gloriously hot today - hottest October day in 17 years. *happy sigh*
My mum comes back from Perth tonight! Yay! She's only been gone a couple of days, but already the house looks kinda trashed. I'm going to try and tidy up a bit before she gets back though, to prove that we can manage cleaning in her absence - even if it doesn't happen to be true.
( Uni woes )
I have a moral dilema. I have reached an ethical impasse. I find myself....well, you get the idea. See, problem is, I have a list. I have a list of things that I've promised myself that I will never, ever write. Ever. Some because they don't really interest me, but most just on principle. Things like Mary Sues, male pregnancies, serious S&M; between cartoon characters, that kind of thing. But I recently had this idea. This really good idea that I think would be screamingly hilarious if I could pull it off - which I think I can - but the thing is, it involves one of the plot points on my list. None of the above mentioned, but one nonetheless.
Do I betray my principles, break my promise, and write this potentially amusing story? Or do I take the moral high ground, leave it unwritten, and only snicker to myself occasionally?
Knowing my luck, the idea's already been done anyway. Current Mood: drainedCurrent Music: I Turn to You, Mel C | Friday, October 8th, 2004 | 7:49 am |
I may not be smart enough to know everything, but I'm dumb enough to try anything. Lord, I had completely forgotten how much I love falling asleep in the sun. I hate winter. I hate it, I hate it, I hate it. It's my most hated of all seasons - including spring, and I get terrible hayfever. Which I currently have, incidentally, it being spring and all. Oh, but it's warming up and we've been promised a couple of 30 degree days this coming week, so I'm not complaining at all.
jiffy_spiffy, I got your letter! Will reply asap ;) Which will probably end up being a month or so down the track *g* c4c I got your postcard too! I can't exactly reply, but I can love you for it none the less *g* I'm rooting for your netball team! Yay! *pompoms*
I have both good and bad news in relation to my new Teen Titans obsession. The bad news is that my computer has recently begun screwing up, and I think it might have been one of the TT episodes that I downloaded which might have done it. So, in a futile effort to fix the problem, I was forced to delete ALL the episodes I had. Sob. And my computer didn't even fix itself. Pah. I'm going to have to reinstall windows. Again. Fucker. Anyway, the good news is that the show is back on Cartoon Network! Whee! I got some blank tapes this arvo and I'm going to tape every episode that comes on and watch them in good quality! *happy sigh* Only problem is that the show is only on rather early on weekend mornings. But I shall not let this discourage me! I shall prevail! I shall get up at this godawful hour and tape my show, damnit! ....although I'm guessing my determination will hold only a week or two. Or until I'm faced with getting up tomorrow morning. Time will tell. *g*
I have to vote for our new Prime Minister tomorrow. Man, I don't want either one of them to win. They're both as evil as each other, and I'm scared to put either in charge of my country. Still, I guess it could be worse. We could have America's candidates *eg* No offense to the American buddies on my flist ^_~
I am SO behind on DH it isn't even funny. I know I should haul my arse over there, but every time I think about it I get a little discouraged by how far behind I am. Can someone give my insecure arse a good kicking, please? Current Mood: tired | Monday, October 4th, 2004 | 11:51 am |
Tofu? I respect that you don't eat meat. Please respect that I don't eat fake meat. beizy posted a link to an interesting article regarding Sean Astin's book (found here), which deals with several aspects that never even occured to me. Good read.
I finally saw all of Life or Something Like it last night. And I have to admit ( Spoilers )
I've grown really sick of my icons, and feel like making new ones. Anyone want me to make them something? Current Mood: busy | Sunday, October 3rd, 2004 | 4:18 pm |
Eagles may soar on the wind, but weasles don't get sucked into jet engines Let the sound be seen, Let the colour be heard, And let the dead rise.
Today is a really nice day. Doesn't change the fact that I'm still inside, sitting at my computer, but still. It's a really nice day, which is always.....nice? *g*
I finished Sean Astin's book! It was really good ^_^ He took a while to get to the Lord of the Ringsy stuff, and he waffled a bit in places, but I guess that's to be expected from a self confessed motor mouth. Plus the early stuff gave a bit of perspective when it came to his experiences in New Zealand, so I'm glad he put them in. I like the man even more than I did before - there was a lot of personality in his writing, which I quite enjoyed. I also saw 50 First Dates the other day, which endeared me even more *g*
I finished reading Trickster's Queen, the latest Tamora Pierce book too. Love! Love love love love love. I adore the way that woman writes ^_^ It had a number of twists that I didn't see coming (ok, well, maybe only one), which is usually not her style, seeing as she writes children's books and not murder mysteries, but still. I was surprised to learn that the book was the end of the series (can I call it a series if there's only two?), but read in the acknowledgements in the back it was because Pierce realised that she could condense the story into two bigger volumes rather than the smaller four volumes (which she has done for every single other series she's written), thanks to J. K. Rowling showing her that American kids don't mind reading bigger books. So there you are ^_^
Has anyone noticed that you can't reply to lj comments from emails anymore? It's kinda annoying, because I am, was and always will be a rather lazy person, and my easiest method of reply has been stripped from me. Phooey.
Finally got around to seeing the last Monty Python movie, The Meaning of Life last night. So. Funny. The part where the autumn leaf jumps off the tree? Couldn't stop laughing to save my life. Which, ok, sounds weird when taken out of context, but still true. Holy Grail is still my fav though ^_~
Btw, that little stanza thing at the start of the post is just something that popped into my head the other day. *shrugs* I don't know, either. Current Mood: contentCurrent Music: The Galaxy Song, Monty Python | Thursday, September 30th, 2004 | 4:07 pm |
Due to lack of interest, tomorrow has been cancelled Ok, so I went to the movies today to go and see Alien vs Predator which, yes, I did just see recently on vcd but the quality wasn't that good, and I wanted to see it again anyways. So we get to the theatre, only to realise that the session we were going to see actually started a good half an hour after we thought it did (plus we got there early 'cos its the first session of the first day showing, as well as being the school holidays). So to kill time we decide to buy our tickets and head down to the bookstore down the road. And this is where omg I bought Sean Astin's book and Legends 2!! *dies*
Most of you know about the Behind-the-Lord-of-the-Rings book Sean Astin wrote recently, but Legends 2 is this book that I've been wanting absolutely FOREVER - its a collection of short stories by the best fantasy authors in the business, including Anne McCaffrey, Neil Gaiman, Robin Hobb, Raymond E Feist and George R R Martin. I've been lusting after it ever since I first saw it, but I never had enough money, and then when I did, the damn thing went into reprint and all copies in every single bookstore were recalled! And now I finally have it *sniffs* It's just so beautiful.
Ooooh, and also my sis, lamingtonqueen bought the sequal to Trickster's Choice, Trickster's Queen, which was actually due to come out next month and that I have also been dying to read.
So, yes. Probably not going to be online much in the next couple of days. ^_~ Current Mood: excited | Wednesday, September 29th, 2004 | 1:50 pm |
Ignorant? Ha! I don't know the meaning of the word! And then the Nutella said unto the Lainy "Eat me! For I am full of hazelnut chocolatey goodness, and will bring bliss into thy life!" And so the Lainy took up the Nutella and ate it, and lo! it was really really good, and so she ate too much and felt sick.
*sigh* When they were handing out self restraint, I think I accidentally lined up twice for addictive personality.
In other news, am feeling much better ^_^ Although I got so sick of having a blocked nose that I rubbed some Vicks onto my chest, and now I feel about 5 years old. And smell like Eucalyptus. And am not wearing a shirt because it sticks to my chest. *hides behind a towel*
GiP! <3 It's Raven from Teen Titans for those of you who don't know ^_^ I think I'm dangerously close to adding another fandom to my list. Downloading the episodes, making icons, watching music videos....*sigh* It's only a matter of time before I accept my fate.
Um. I swear I had other things to say, but for the life of me I can't remember what they were. Oh well. Current Mood: complacentCurrent Music: Secret Agent Man, Weird Al | Monday, September 27th, 2004 | 8:32 pm |
Its up to you & me, who are out of our tiny little minds, to help these people overcome their sanity I made two iconses today. The first one is of Ron, because I don't have enough Harry Potter icons, damnit!
The quote is from an anime called Naruto (which is all about ninjas and is way more awesome than it has a right to be), said by Kakashi, who completely rocks my socks. ^_^ I think the quote lost something in translation, but I took it to mean that there are people with courage, and that the people below them are nothing. I guess it's open to interpretation though. This second one took me forever to do; there are 75 different pictures in that icon, thankyouverymuch. I thought the graphic would end up being way huge, but it's not. Go figure. Anyway, the idea and the logo belong to AMV.org (The best site ever to download any anime music videos you want). It's actually a banner at the site that I had the brilliant idea of making into an icon, but it turned out to be much more difficult then I anticipated. I wanted the logo to fade in like it did in the banner, but such special effects seem to be beyond my knowledge of ImageReady. *sigh* ETA Otaku are anime fans, by the way. Current Mood: blah | 3:11 pm |
If you want to make a pie from scratch, you must start by creating the universe. Whoa. New update page. *gets all disoriented*
Anyways, just got my internet back from it's broken state (me and my mum fixed it all on our computer illiterate lonesome! I'm so proud of us *g*) and have a couple of days of flist to catch up on. I think I might be a bit slack in that regard.
Couple of things I want to post about. First off, LAN at my place on Sat/Sun was a blast! I think most people had a good time, even if everyone was not exactly using computers throughout the duration. I swear, my bunch of friends are the only people who'd drag their computers over to a LAN and end up playing board games and watching movies on telly. I'm so lucky XD
This is so cool. I want it. I would wear it forevermore. *g*
Urgh. Nasty virus/cold thing has come back with a vengence. Nose is completely blocked and I've lost most of my voice. Again. It seems every time I get sick my voice gives out on me. Quitter!
I watched a couple of episodes of Teen Titans that I downloaded, and I was slightly surprised by how much I enjoyed them. The show was funnier than I was expecting, and I quite liked it. It's like this weird blending of western comics and anime style that shouldn't work, but really does. Of course, I could be all alone in my opinion - the show does have it's obligatory cheesy moments, after all - but there you are. I'm going to download more episodes ^_^
GIP! Who likes my new icon? I do! I can't believe I don't have any OC icons. How much do I suck? The quote is from an online comic called Penny Arcade.
Oh, and jiffy_spiffy, look! I made an icon just for us! And ok, it's really shitty, but it's the thought that counts, right? *g*
Current Mood: sick | Monday, September 20th, 2004 | 7:14 pm |
I don't really enjoy sex. I just say I do to get women to sleep with me Ok, if I see that "Page cannot be Displayed" screen one more time, I'm going to scream. My internet connection has been really shitty lately, and it's really starting to get to me. Every time I find myself holding my breath and preparing to throw my computer out the window, I stop, turn it off and grab a book to read. Hence the reason I haven't really been online much except to update. Sorry people.
In other, less frustrating news, DH is SO much fun! Everyone lookit my new battery! *bg* It's so preeetty ^_^
New Patricia Cornwell book out. Whee! Current Mood: annoyedCurrent Music: Hard Days Night, the Beatles | Thursday, September 16th, 2004 | 8:57 pm |
I can't remember if I'm the good twin, or the evil one Everyone should seriously check this out. It's an lj post where this woman has posted a whole bunch of Lord of the Rings songs that she played on her harp. They're really beautiful, and you should check her out. Current Mood: impressed | 4:24 pm |
If I had emotions, I would tell you to shut up because you're annoying the hell out of me Ok, it's quite possible that I've over-dosed on Violet Crumbles, so if this post doesn't make much sense it's because I'm drowning internally in chocolate and honeycomb, k?
Magical Trevor is just about the best thing ever. He is followed rather closely by Kenya. Don't know what I'm talking about? Haul your arse over there and look! They're so funny! <3
Gacked from just about everyone on my flist, was this ( meme )
You can do it if you like, but I don't mind ^_^ No pressure!
I GOT MY TAX RETURN BACK TODAY! *does a little happy dance of victory* Unfortunately it came in the form of a cheque, so I have to wait three working days for it to clear before I can spend all of my moola. Still, whee! And it's holidays now! I am on holidays as of 3pm this afternoon, so I have free time and lots of moneys. *rubs hands together Mr Burns style* Eeeexcellent.
Anyone know what Rosh Hashanah is? According to my Harry Potter calender, that's what today is. *Oz like Huh*. Well, there you go.
We talked about the up coming election in State, Power and Society today (funny about that). Everyone agrees that John Howard is a tosser, but not everyone is sure about Latham yet either, so we ended up just discussing each party's policies and comparing them to policies of the past. Then we discussed the social values and developments that implemented the changes. It was kind of interesting really, and I hate politics.
There have been some awesome recs over at crack_van recently. Leik, whoa. o.O
( My favs have been... ) Current Mood: hyperCurrent Music: Magical Trevor | Sunday, September 12th, 2004 | 9:47 pm |
Men are from Quake, women are from Everquest Haven't updated in a while. Have become addicted to online hp RPG community. Need help.
Saw The Bourne Supremecy a couple of weeks ago. The movie was good, although I really didn't like the direction the director took the camera work. If you get motion sickness at all, don't go and see this movie. Also, I can conclude that Karl Urban is still gorgeous as a skinny, skinheaded Russian. Yes!
Also saw The Terminal the other day. Tom Hanks was brilliant, and the movie was much cuter than I was expecting. I'd heard only good things, but I still wasn't prepared for so many laugh out loud moments. I loved it even with Catherine Zeta Jones's annoying pressence fogging up the screen.
Next on the list: Aliens vs Predator. Channel 4 are promoting the hell out of it, and the more I get exposed to, the more I wanna see it. Damnit!
I wish my tax return would hurry the bloody hell up and find its way into my bank account. Stupid thing.
Holidays in a week. Hurrah! Current Mood: complacentCurrent Music: Revolution, The Beatles | Friday, September 3rd, 2004 | 2:56 pm |
Don't talk to my breasts. They're deaf. I'm passing this link on, because I found it all rather fascinating *g* This post, made by mona1347, is about how she is doing an Anthropological study on fandom and its participants. She's even created a community where you can join if you are interested in taking part. Please go help her out! It'll be fun ^_^
Hm, there was something else I was going to post, but I can't for the life of me remember what it was. Huh. Don't you just hate that?
I made a couple more icons last night. One ( Harry Potter )
And one ( CSI )
Wow. I can't believe that's my first CSI icon. How much do I suck? And it's a pic of Warrick and Greg of all people. The two character who interact the least in the entire show. I wanted it to be Greg and Nick, or maybe Nick and Warrick, but I didn't have any good pics :( It's really surprising how few decent quality CSI images there are out there.
In completely unrelated news, does anyone else keep writing centre instead of center in their html code in their lj? I do it all the time, and have to go back and fix it cos my entire post centres itself. Stoopid American spelling.
ETA I remembered what I wanted to post! I totally love the most recent Mac Hall comic! Umm....totally meaningful and important, I'm sure *g* Current Mood: lethargic | Wednesday, September 1st, 2004 | 11:56 pm |
My inner child stole your crayon I did my first post over at darkest__hour! Go me! Ok, so it was hell short and everything, but still. A girl has to start somewhere ^_^
I read A Padawan's Guide to Health, Fitness and Living With Your Master by Wombat, and it quite possibly the funniest thing I've read all week, if not month, if not year. I think you have to be part of the Star Wars: TPM fandom to fully appreciate it though *g*
Ok. So I made this Harry Potter icon:
and I like it and all, but every time Hermione flicks past, I can't get over how stupid I've made her hair look. I can't seem to fix it either. I have to have the white background there, cos the actual pics are all mis-matched and look weird if I leave them as are, but I can't seem to do hers without an omg-thats-so-obvious-you-cut-that-out outline :( Stoopid icon. And finally, a meme gacked from jiffy_spiffy: 1. Comment to this entry with a post you think would be totally out of character for me—something I'd never talk about, never discuss, never say, anything. It has to be completely out of character.
2. Post this in your own journal if you want to. Current Mood: annoyedCurrent Music: Sandman, Metallica | Tuesday, August 31st, 2004 | 3:36 pm |
Don't come out of the closet unless you have something FABULOUS to wear Well, I handed up today what my Professional and Technical Writing class has been stressing out over the past week about - a draft copy of our final report. I found it really easy, which makes me incredibly suspicious that I've done something incredibly wrong. Won't know for another week though, damnit. *sigh*
On the plus side, my Media Literacies lecture today was all about CGI and it's impact on filmaking and the lecturer went on and one about Lord of the Rings! Yay! She showed a bunch of footage from tTT: EE about Andy and Gollum and stuff - with interviews from Elijah and Sean. Which, on an 20 foot silk lecture screen makes a very nice change from the usual ^_^ She also showed a bunch of Star Trek and Blakes 7. I felt rather intimidated - my lecturer is old school fangirl. So cool *g*
Anyways. Enough uni stuff.
jiffy_spiffy! There's been a pic!spam that I thought you might be interested in over here.
Still waiting for my tax return :( I hope I get it before the Royal Show starts, because I'm pretty broke.
Biezy has posted the freakiest thing ever. Has anyone ever had that happen to them? I never have, but man. I would just lose my mind and never sleep again. Like, ever. Although I did use to have these dreams where I couldn't see because my eyes were closed, and I spent the whole dream trying to see what was going on around me, and whenever I finally forced my eyes open, I actually forced my eyes open, and woke myself up. Has anyone else ever done that? Everyone I ask looks at me strangely.
Also, I've been wondering. What's the plural on monkey? Is it monkeys? Or is it monkies? I could have sworn it's the former, but I've seen the latter written down a lot lately, and it's messing with my mind. Can someone please assure me that I'm right and it's everyone else's spelling that's suspect for once? I could check the dictionary myself, but I'm far too lazy *g* Current Mood: coldCurrent Music: Wish You Were Here | Monday, August 30th, 2004 | 8:34 pm |
Knowledge is power. Power corrupts. Study hard, and become evil. I'm in a stangely reflective mood today, so I have decided to post my list of:
What I have learned in life
1. There will always be someone much smarter than you are, but there will also always be many people much, much more stupid.
2. Hugging your teddy will make you feel better, no matter how bad the problem is.
3. Traffic lights are always red when you're in a hurry. Every single one of them. They time themselves specifically for this purpose.
4. Bus drivers are only mean when you don't have enough money for the full fare.
5. Never ever, under any circumstances, eat caramel after eating pickled gherkins. Your stomach will hate you.
6. This also goes for eating nutella after olives.
7. Honey on celery, on the other hand, tastes much better than you would expect. Really.
8. Fandom (and all it's components) is the most fun thing ever.
9. Homework is not.
10. If you try to avoid what you are afraid of, it will always come back to bite you on the arse.
11. Thirteen year old girls giggling at the back of the cinema while you're trying to watch a movie is the most annoying thing on the face of the planet.
12. Thirteen year old boys who try to show off and throw things at your car while you drive past come a close second.
13. Confectionary makes life worth living three times over.
14. I would never want to live life three times over.
15. Making a list of things you have learnt in life before you reach the age of twenty might actually be a little stupid. It also might get boring much faster than you anticipated.
16. Being single is much less work then being in a relationship. Being out on your own is also much more liberating than being half of a couple. I have yet to experience anything that makes me believe otherwise.
17. If you use a desk day-to-day calender, you will lose all important dates after the day has passed, cos you throw out the little piece of paper without remembering to write down the date for next year. This means you will have to go around and ask nearly everyone's birthday/anniversary/whatever again. *sigh* Wall calendars are much, much better.
18. If you have posters all over your walls, you will never cease to have anything to look at while you wait for something to load on your computer.
19. No matter how hard you try, you will never completely understand the opposite sex. Ever. They will continue to do illogical things that seem completely retarded no matter what you do, so just accept it and move on.
20. Being able to cook 2 minute noodles is the most useful skill you will ever acquire. Current Mood: satisfiedCurrent Music: Yellow Submarine, The Beatles | Wednesday, August 25th, 2004 | 4:52 pm |
Don't look back - they might be gaining on you. (bumper sticker) Uni was having one of those poster sales again. I bought a big Harry Potter (the standard promo poster for PoA), and a big Lord of the Rings (one of just the ring on a black background, with the inscription). Where I'm going to put either one, I have no idea. But still, whee! Posters! <3
Yes, I know I have a problem. A poster problem. A plausable poster problem with potentiall perilous prospects. Hee! Alliteration is fun *g*
It was gloriously sunny and warm day today. How I have missed this weather. ::tear::
( That meme that everyone's been doing )
I edited it to add in punctuation, because it was bugging me. *shrugs*
Oh, and jiffy_spiffy, I have been suitably impressed with your incredible snark ability over at darkest__hour. I honestly didn't think you had it in you! *bg* Keep it up! <3 Current Mood: okayCurrent Music: Numb, Linkin Park | Monday, August 23rd, 2004 | 5:52 pm |
Download "Life" failed. Would you like to find more sources? Ok, ok. So I was uber slack and forgot to reapply for George Weasley over at darkest__hour, and now both twins are taken. I suck. I know this.
However, told that I can still apply for one of the other characters (and repeatedly assured that I won't completely suck beyond all recognition in the art of RPGs), I have sent in an application for Arthur Weasley. And you know what? I don't care if I don't get the part; it was fun just to write the samples. In case someone might be interested, I'm posting mine, cos I kind of like them ^_^
Sample A
Write a first person journal entry in character, at least 250 words, same set-up used in the game.
( Read more... )
Sample B
Write, in character, another journal entry where your character's family has just been killed. Yes, I realise this is a sad subject, and your character isn't likely to have much to say, but they might. React how your character would react. This also doesn’t mean your character's family will really die, it is just an exercise.
( Read more... ) Current Mood: accomplishedCurrent Music: Here With Me, Dido | Thursday, August 19th, 2004 | 1:47 pm |
Bored now. Gip! <3
Man, I can't wait for this lesson to be over. Then again, I have another lesson after that. *sobs* I want to go home and eat food. :( Current Mood: hungry | 1:11 pm |
Elephant. Ok, I got a little over excited last night. *sheepish grin* But still! 6th Harry Potter book! Who wouldn't? I've heard various interpretations on what the excerpt could mean, and each has been as interesting as the next. People should also go check out the News section of Rowling's site, because she's posted a whole bunch of hints in her latest audience interview. Great stuff!
Also, everyone is encouraged to check this out. First Post. Private. Please.
I'm rather dubious about this sort of thing myself, but there's no harm in spreading the word, methinks.
Hm. 45mins until end of lesson. *twiddles thumbs*
How awesome have the little Olympic pics on the google homepage been?
That's just today's - they've been different every day, as far as I can tell. The fencing one was fantastic, but I forgot to get a screen grab of it :( Anyone online that feels like keeping me entertained? *looks hopeful* Current Mood: boredCurrent Music: Steady hum of the uni computers. |
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