Lysander "I am an Evil Herbivore" Whitephoenix's LiveJournal
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Lysander "I am an Evil Herbivore" Whitephoenix's LiveJournal:
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Monday, August 9th, 2004 | 12:31 pm |
Dusting off DDR Well, apart from the one time I played with Sarah's friend Nick I haven't actually gotten on my DDR pads since I stopped dieting. Today Sarah and I agreed to go back on the diet. I have put on 11 lbs. since I met her, and even though that doesn't make me as heavy as I was when I first started doing the weight watcher’s thing, I would like to get back to my recommended weight before all of my family comes down for graduation in December. So what is the first thing I do this morning? I get up and eat leftover Queso Flameado, and then I go "Oh crap, I was supposed to start the diet today!" So I rush to the Internet to look up the calorie, fat, and fiber content of the Queso Flameado I just ate and I plug it into my Excel spreadsheet to discover that it cost me: 18 Friggin Points!I only get 24 points per day, so that meant if I actually wanted to eat anything else today (and not spend my coveted flexpoints on day 1 of the diet) that it was time to dust of the old DDR pad. So I just spend an hour and a half playing DDR and reclaiming 12 of my foolishly spent points. Ah the fun of weight watchers. Anyway, I'm off to take a shower as I am in dire need of one. Current Mood: tiredCurrent Music: DDR Music still running through my head! | Thursday, July 29th, 2004 | 11:35 am |
Too Many Balls in the Air So this morning my alarm went off, and I got up... turned it off, and crawled back into bed. This is not unusual, as I normally lie in bed for five or ten minutes to awaken fully and get my bearings. The problem today, though, was that I lied there for roughly 45 minutes saying to myself, "Why did I set my alarm so early? I don't have class today until 1. I can't imagine why I wanted to wake up so early." Then, at 10:35 my piano teacher called me and asked me where I was. Crappity Crap Crap!So I threw on some clothes and rushed over to his house. Luckily, his next students were 10 minutes late so I did manage to get in a 25-minute lesson. (I am scheduled from 10:30 - 11, but since I am both a friend of the family and a (usually) dedicated student he lets me come at 10:15 so that I usually get a 45 minute lesson for the price of a 30 minute lesson). I suppose staying up until almost 3 in the morning working on school projects might not have been the best of ideas. The only problem is, said school project is due on Monday. So between actual classes, Sarah, work tomorrow (I am going to do some web design on-site all day tomorrow for a client), Sarah, Schoolwork, piano practice, and let us not forget Sarah, I simply have too many balls in the air at once. The problem is, I can't bear to put any of those things on the back burner. Piano is getting the lowest priority right now, but I have wanted to learn to play piano since I was a child so I refuse to set it aside completely, even for a couple of weeks. I know myself too well, and I know that the couple of weeks will turn into me saying a couple of years from now, "I wish I hadn't quit piano." So I suppose all of the balls will stay in the air, and if I drop one from time to time I will just have to shrug, say "That's Life", pick it back up and put it back in the air. On an interesting side note, I have had a few people ask me about my web comic... and actually tell me that it is really cool and that they want to see the next strip. Unfortunately, while I refuse to put down any of the balls I currently have in the air... I can't imagine adding any balls to the mix either. Maybe I'll work on it during my couple of weeks of vacation between summer and fall semesters. Current Mood: busy | Sunday, July 18th, 2004 | 12:49 pm |
Daffodil Time My life has always had a strange sort of synchronicity to it, so I don't really know why it still surprises me... but it does. Just before Sarah and I met I started re-reading one of my favorite book series, the "Man of His Word" series by Dave Duncan. I was reading several things at once, as per usual, so it took me a while to get through all four books of the series. As soon as I finished the fourth book, I loaned Magic Casement to Sarah, telling her that she had to read the series. The I started on "A Handful of Men" which is a four book series that is a sequel to "A Man of His Word" None of this seemed odd, but Sarah and I had a conversation about flowers and I found out that her favorite flowers are daffodils. I looked around, trying to find somewhere that would sell me some daffodils for our one month anniversary (July 4th) but I was told that they were out of season and that they were only in season from April through June. So here is the weird bit of synchronicity, as I was actively looking for daffodils, I got to a part in The Cutting Edge (The first book in "A Handful of Men") where one of the main characters receives a prophecy that he will meet the woman of his dreams and see her laying naked in a field of daffodils. So the begin referring to "The Daffodil Time" frequently, which is when the daffodils will bloom again and he will be with the woman of his dreams. Current Mood: amused | Saturday, July 3rd, 2004 | 3:01 pm |
In Memory I found out last night that Richard Rangel, the person who I considered my best friend when I was a teenager, died in April. I can't sum up anyone in a LiveJournal entry, and I certainly can't sum up Richard in one. If I were asked who was the greatest influence in my life, apart from my parents, I would be hard pressed to choose between Doug Petersen and Richard Rangel. And now, I will never see either one of them again in this lifetime. I was a very literal child and even though I was somewhat versed in literature, the arts, music, etc. I had a very narrow view of how things should be. I used to get terribly upset and frustrated people for small things, for example I remember getting mad at people for saying "Same difference". People would say it all of the time, meaning "Same thing" and I knew what they meant by the phrase. Nonetheless, I would get upset and tell people that "same difference" was a meaningless phrase since two things that are the same have no difference... so "same difference" is meaningless. Richard taught me to relax. He taught me to stop caring about piddley stuff that really didn't matter. He taught me to say, "fuck it" instead of getting agitated and annoyed. He taught me to appreciate the absurd. He introduced me to Monty Python and Pink Floyd. He drastically altered the way I viewed the world around me, and he gave me a new definition of fun. He made me see that sometimes it is better to color outside the lines. He is responsible for the fact that the clock on my wall is skewed so that the 8, instead of the 12, is in the topmost position. He is responsible for the random and absurd comments that I make, as much to amuse myself as those around me. He is the one that brought me out of my shell and showed me that the world of both stranger and more wonderful than any of us truly realize. We had our fights, but the good times far outweighed the bad and I will always carry lots of happy memories and memorable stories about Richard. Well, seeing as I am starting to cry I think I will just end this post with a few words from one of his favorite songs. This is actually copied from a letter he wrote me, so if you notice that the punctuation is a bit odd, or you think some of the lyrics aren't right... well then I suppose you'll just have to say "Fuck it" yourself. So... so you think you can tell, Heaven from Hell, Blue skies from pain, Can you tell a green field? ...from a cold steel rail? A smile from a veil, Do you think you can tell? Did they get you trade, your heroes for ghosts, Pot-ashes for dreams? Heartache for a cool breeze, Cold cover for change, Did you exchange? a walk-on part in the wall, for a lead role in a cage? Current Mood: cryingCurrent Music: Pink Floyd - Wish You Were Here | Sunday, June 27th, 2004 | 9:20 pm |
Going Buggy My friend (and Swing Dance Teacher) Blake and I were giving our friend Teresa crap a couple of weeks ago because she was telling a story about being at the grocery store and she said she was pushing her buggy. A week or two later (about a week ago) Sarah and I went to the grocery store together and when we walked into the store she looked over at me and said, "Will you get us a buggy?" I just about fell over laughing, with her standing there the whole time saying, "What? What's so funny?!?" Anyway, I just talked to Blake on the phone (I had to turn down a game of Risk because I have school work that needs doing (and that I should actually be doing instead of posting here)) and I told him about Sarah saying buggy, and it occurred to me that I should share with all of you. On an odd side note, the subject line of this post is an inside joke that only Mom and I would get... and since she doesn't ever read LJ I am merely amusing myself (that is, of course, unless Sarah decides to ask Mom about it now that I have opened my big mouth). Current Mood: amusedCurrent Music: Neverending Story (In French) | Saturday, June 26th, 2004 | 2:36 pm |
| Friday, June 25th, 2004 | 10:53 am |
Some Kind of Wonderful There are some arguments that sort of start out slow and then work themselves up to a boil. Then there are the arguments that begin with a certain subject being brought up, where the moment the first sentence is uttered you already know that it is going to involve raised voices. One of the latter arguments Amber and I used to have fairly often began with her saying, "Tell me I am the most _________ woman in the world." where the blank would contain words like "beautiful" and "wonderful". The moment she would say this I knew it was time to batten down the hatches, and then I would fire my return shot. "Don't get me wrong, I like you and all, but in the world? I mean really, come on." Then she would return with something like, "Well, I think you are the most wonderful man in the world." And we were off! That particular conversation would usually end in either her crying or me telling her that she was crazy (or occasionally both). I really did think she was crazy too. I thought she was crazy for bringing it up so often, when she knew what happened ever time she did. I thought she was crazy for expecting me to compare her to the entire population of the world. I understood wanting to be with someone, and sharing your life with them, and even being in love with them. But in my mind, her asking me to say that she was the most __________ in the world, no matter what ___________ might be seemed like her simply asking me to lie to her since no on could really make a comparison like that. While I am not opposed to white lies, that one seemed like a whopper to me and I wouldn't play along. The reason I am dredging up this piece of history is because this conversation, much to my amazement, came up again last night with Sarah. The amazing part is; I am the one who brought it up. I finally understand what I thought for so many years was insanity on Amber's part. The problem was, I just hadn't met the person I actually can honestly say is the most wonderful women in the world yet. So I told her. I told her that she was the most wonderful woman in the world. Then I suddenly thought back to all of those conversations with Amber and I told chuckled. When she asked me what was so funny, I told her that too. So for the record: My girlfriend is the most beautiful woman in the world. My girlfriend is the most wonderful woman in the world. I know there are people who would argue these points with me, but their opinion simply doesn't count... which was the whole point all along. I just didn't get it until Sarah came along. Current Mood: loved | Sunday, June 20th, 2004 | 3:09 pm |
Summer Lawn Mowing There are few things I dislike more than mowing the lawn in Texas in the Summer. I am only allergic to two things that I know of, Sulfa drugs and grass. The former comes up very rarely, the latter all too often. Luckily, my grass allergy is a mild one and as long as I wear long pants while I am mowing the lawn and take a shower immediately after I am done mowing I hardly notice it. If I don't do those things, however, I itch for several days. So in the Summer heat, I have to be outside in the hot sun with as much clothing as I can stand to be wearing. Add in the fact that I don't do well with the heat, and in fact have suffer from heat exhaustion in the past, to this fact and you see that I skate an interesting razors edge. Too much clothes and I start feeling the effects of the heat, too few and I itch for several days. Anyway, if you hadn't guessed I am currently mowing the lawn. I just thought I would share this with you while I was on a water break (I need lots of those as I am leaning toward more clothes today). Current Mood: hot | Saturday, June 19th, 2004 | 12:02 pm |
Wedding Preparations Well, my friend Ralph is getting married in two hours and I am just taking a brief pause from my getting dressed and whatnot to update here. This is the first wedding I have been to since bjorn2bwild got married a little over a year ago (I think... not REAL good with time and dates). More importantly, however, this is the first wedding I will have ever attended with a girlfriend (or a date for that matter). All, or nearly all, of my Fort Worth friends will be there and most of them will be meeting princesssanteri today for the first time. It is almost certainly going to prove to be an interesting day. Perhaps the best, and most amazing part of it, is that I am really looking forward to it. I can't wait to show up with princesssanteri on my arm and introduce her around. And in a weird sort of way, I am looking forward to sharing the experience with princesssanteri. I know she doesn't know the bride or groom, and it is a bit odd for her... but somehow just that fact that she is willing to go to such an important event with me makes me happy. This is a strange step in our relationship, and a step I have never taken with anyone else, but I really have the hope that it will make what we have stronger and bring us closer together. I have never been more in love with anyone before, and I wouldn't want anyone else at my side today... even if it is a wedding of strangers for her. Current Mood: loved | Thursday, June 17th, 2004 | 11:22 am |
Slacking off and Hard at Work? Well, I have felt really bad about my Piano practice this week. When I first started lessons at the beginning of May I was practicing two hours a night. But with the combination of school, my new girlfriend, and getting ready for my friend Ralph's wedding this week I only managed to get in six or seven hours of practice this week. I felt really bad, was calling myself a slacker, and was a little nervous about facing my piano teacher this morning. So I got there, I told him what I had worked on, what I had done well and what I had had problems with. I gave him as complete and accurate description of my practice over the week, both the good and bad, as I could and then I waited for his response. He told me, "You know, you are one of the hardest working students I have?" *blink* *blink* Maybe I should have paid attention all those times over the years when my Mom has told me I am too hard on myself. Current Mood: relievedCurrent Music: Disney - Zip-a-dee-doo-dah | Tuesday, June 8th, 2004 | 10:11 am |
From the Mouths of Babes Well, I have seen all sorts of commentary, memories, and views expressed on Reagan following his death. So, I suppose I should share my memories on the matter. Now, many of you would dismiss my memories since I have no memory of his first election and was only six at the time of his second election. But before you dismiss my memories read on, you might be surprised. I was in elementary school when he came up for re-election and our teacher was telling us about the election process, and she told us that she was going to vote for Reagan. I (a six year old) responded by asking her if she was an idiot. She asked me why I would say that and I told her that Reagan's administration was a joke, that trickle down economics was a stupid idea that wasn't working, and that only an idiot would vote to re-elect him. So that night my Mom got a phone call from my teacher and she said, "I understand you and your husband must feel strongly about the upcoming election, but you really need to talk to your son about not repeating things you have said in front of him." Mom said, "Uh-oh, you didn't bring up Reagan did you?" "Um, yes." she replied, slightly less sure of herself. "Well," my Mom said, "His Dad is probably going to vote for Reagan and they have been arguing about it for weeks. It's probably best if you don't bring up Reagan in front of him anymore." Of course my teacher was flabbergasted, as she had assumed that I had just been parroting things I had heard my parents had been saying... when actually quite the opposite was true. So, if you want my honest opinion on Reagan... it is that I am sorry he died, because I am sorry to hear that anyone died, but that I was vehemently opposed to his policies at the age of six. Current Mood: nostalgicCurrent Music: Moby - Extreme Ways |
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