::.:.:. .: .:.:.:. .::::...:
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No! Don't take me away from the compuuuuuter!

gakked from ska_girl over at 20six.co.uk....

My threes:

Three People Who Make Me Laugh:

01 | Raven
02 | A-M
03 | My boss, but NOT in a good way....


Three Things I Love:

01 | Sex
02 | Food
03 | Books
(not necessarily in that order....)

Three Things I Hate:

01 | Hypocrisy
02 | Cowardice
03 | My job


Three Things I Don't Understand:

01 | Myself
02 | Exactly how stable isotopes work ;)
03 | How I can speak Russian in my sleep but not remember it when I'm awake.

Three Things On My Desk: (it isn't actually my desk, I'm using Sam's PC...)
(I don't have a desk! Ack! ::looks around frantically at nearest flat surface::)
01 | Roses I bought R after she had a stressful day
02 | Sharpe's Sword (the book, not the actual sword, obviously)
03 | A large bowl of conkers and feathers


Three Things I'm Doing Right Now:

01 | trying to stay on the bed despite the best efforts of my suitcase
02 | smelling drilled jet
03 | thinking about sleep

Three Things I Want To Do Before I Die:

01 | Have a book published (no - many books. Why think small?)
02 | Be able to financially support those I love
03 | Get married - legally.

Three Things I Can Do:

01 | Write
02 | Snark
03 | Fuck


Three Things I Can't Do:

01 | Count
02 | Remember
03 | Earn a living


Three Things I Say The Most:

01 | Bounce!
02 | Squee!
03 | Fuck off and die!


Three Things You'd Like To Learn:

01 | Japanese rope bondange
02 | More languages
03 | Shorthand


Three Beverages You Drink Regularly:

01 | Coffee
02 | Tea
03 | Even more coffee & tea

Things I Have Tried To Forget So Far

1) Passport
2) Money
3) Flight details & e-ticket

Am rapidly overdosing on technology before I'm ripped away from my cyborg parts and plunged into the wilds of rural Texas.


Energy for ALL our luggage arriving in the right place, at the right time, please. (Same goes for us, of course.)

See you on the flip side.....


My motto today: Don't kill her - she's not worth the calories. (Mad props to whoever first said this to me, possibly [info]alisondudgeon.)

Woohoo, off to Texas tomorrow! The flat smells of amber dust from Raven's mad drilling, I have had a tremendous fight with my sleeping bag (I hope the airline guys don't take it into their heads to open my bag - it's going to be like one of those snake-in-a-can things....) and I fear I'm not going to get to bed between now and 5 am, which is when I need to get up. But yay, Texas; I'll bring you all back an armadillo or something. ::grin::


Why is it that so many people *don't* consider, "Die, bitch, die!" to be a sane and proportional response to someone who's annoying you? ::puzzled::

pre-holiday stress

Meu deus, I'm going to kill the lot of them. Not Spokes, you'll be glad to hear, but my coworkers. Manager is not in today, and I swear I have not had a single minute in which someone has not wailed my name wanting help. If I hear my name wailed ONE MORE TIME I'm going to bloody change it.

Still have to pack. Argh. No chance of going home early as EVERYONE ELSE SEEMS TO BE (still have Evil Intentions of sloping off after A. Manager has gone.....)

I'm hoping to be able to check my mail briefly sometime between now and Camp A., but had probably better announce radio silence now just in case. Will be back at the end of the month! Love you all, wish you were coming with.


How common are snakey's interests
books (186866)
cats (129870)
chocolate (102422)
food (133234)
poetry (197457)
reading (351744)
sex (163327)
tattoos (111695)
writing (349986)
coffee (91123)
fantasy (63566)
girls (94580)
sleep (74237)
bdsm (17291)
blood (40008)
boots (18451)
buffy the vampire slayer (27631)
chinese food (31359)
cutting (13611)
knitting (15358)
knives (19223)
leather (20270)
mythology (42841)
orange (13098)
puppies (24303)
red (32103)
scars (11323)
science fiction (32066)
tarot (17588)
tea (37061)
trees (21957)
witchcraft (14856)
arguing (4922)
bones (4008)
bourbon (1492)
curry (2794)
divination (3787)
edward gorey (7777)
femmes (1436)
fishies (1163)
fisting (1245)
ftm (1972)
genderqueer (1364)
greek (2249)
jack daniels (5846)
jasmine (1355)
language (6717)
leonard cohen (5496)
lilies (2299)
my girlfriend (4113)
noodles (4072)
orchids (3701)
pablo neruda (3267)
plants (7523)
polyamory (5976)
queer (5458)
reptiles (3968)
seafood (4865)
sharks (3322)
silliness (3986)
spike (7914)
submission (6333)
transgender (3147)
umberto eco (1274)
whips (6704)
aeschylus (198)
amy ray (193)
andalucia (69)
anna akhmatova (167)
anubis (905)
arianrhod (42)
aristophanes (253)
artemis (826)
athene (61)
basque (141)
bitch goddesses (14)
bites (312)
bloodsports (164)
bluebells (52)
brighid (134)
carnelian (40)
chillies (60)
coriander (50)
corsica (111)
deconstruction (802)
dionysos (132)
duende (74)
eliot (205)
feri (142)
fineliners (17)
grim (155)
guy gavriel kay (668)
herne (73)
inanna (214)
ishtar (204)
italo calvino (791)
jargon (96)
labradorite (67)
labradors (441)
lorca (270)
mari (105)
moleskine notebooks (32)
murakami (473)
mycenae (26)
orange blossom (26)
peppers (398)
punctuation (943)
reading dictionaries (23)
reclaiming (159)
satsumas (69)
sekhmet (355)
seville (370)
sharpe (469)
skadi (38)
snarks (32)
soy sauce (416)
stationery (930)
strawberry dacquiris (33)
sunstone (16)
susan cooper (410)
sweet potatoes (204)
t. thorn coyle (12)
the dark is rising (345)
the furies (48)
tom lehrer (912)
topping (171)
trannyboy (53)
tyr (194)
ursula le guin (297)
weaving (890)
yeats (865)
antinarrative (1)
black annis (7)
carolyn hillyer (6)
chesca potter (2)
dorothy carrington (1)
giant squid! (1)
kumalak (1)
label fetish (3)
natural dyeing (6)
nicola bailey (1)
obscure and irrelevant facts (1)
perverse academia (1)
rebel play (1)
robert fagles (8)
submissive sadism (3)
sweaty butch women (1)
the picos de europa (1)
village bakery carrot cake (1)

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Am suffering the death of a thousand paper-cuts. ::whinge::

Time & Tide

Mep. Under a week 'til Texas!! Only 3 more days at work! (have Monday off, yay)

The only downside to this is that November is coming up *far* too fast. I had wanted to take a few days in October for NaNo, since Spokes is going to eat a chunk of the month in which I will be unable to write. (I know it's "cheating", but I don't have a lot of spare time atm and don't see why I should be cheated of what I have by taking minutes for Reclaiming, grumble grumble.) But I'm *definitely* not going to have time before we fly out on Wed. Dread creepeth....

Around this time last year I wrote:
"Woke up with the ghastly creeping sense of dread that besets one when one awakes with a very muzzy head and the suspicion that one may have done something extremely foolish the night before whilst not quite in one's right mind - got married, enlisted in the army, signed up for NaNoWriMo....."

All I can say is that there's some as just won't learn....

Butcher's Bill

- incompetent, hostile and unpleasant superiors
- rebellious, resentful, worn-out colleagues and subordinates
- shoddy equipment
- lack of funds
- uniform code that no-one pays attention to
- crappy wages
- outnumbered by the enemy customers
- ghastly weather conditions
- insufficient food
- physical discomfort
- tedium interspersed with chaos
- little chance of promotion from the ranks
- fighting a thankless losing battle (with paperwork)

Jesus wept.

And bonus points if you get the joke, with the possible exception of Raven because she has an unfair advantage.

Current Book: that would give it away, wouldn't it?

Just had a good bitch with one of the AMs about the ghastliness of our workplace - which is to say, the ghastliness of the Senior Management (such as it is). Only vast amounts of coffee and a policy of total immersion in the Peninsular War is currently saving my sanity.

Current Mood: stressed stressed
Current Book: Sharpe's Eagle
Snakey makes....soup?

So I tried to make soup. And I kind of did. At least, it was soup-shaped. And just about soup-coloured.

Raven, very nobly, ate a bowl of it.

fannish tragicness

OH MY GOD! Raven just noticed that Sharpe's wife's boyfriend is Wesley from Angel! ::blinks::

Of such simple things is a pleasant evening composed.....

Current Mood: hating Jane Sharpe

I am staggering through this day on the hypothesis that, eventually, it will end. So far, there's little evidence behind this hypothesis - it does, in fact, appear to be getting longer instead. This is logically improbable, but empirically true.

ETA: The day seems to be getting longer, not the hypothesis. See what I mean about my grammar?

Current Mood: exhausted exhausted
Versions of the Charge, for [info]ardraraith

Or, Why I Don't Like Starhawk's Version.

Compared to the other extant versions, the language and metre of Starhawk's version is positively impoverished (say that ten times quickly....) - yet I keep finding it all over the net. *Why*? I understand why it's used so much in Reclaiming, mind. With commentary, and stuff on ye/thee.

Listen to the words of the Great Mother..... )

mine the scourge and mine the kiss.... )

There's also the Charles Leland version, allegedly from a north Italian witch, but according to scurrilous!gossip, made up by the man himself. This is the version on which the others are all based, and to my frustration I can't find it. Ack.

Starhawk says that the archaic language of the originals sounds too weird to American ears. Verdicts?

Am mad as *spit* that the outline posted to the community for the Brit. Rec. Samhain ritual includes part of a Carolyn Hillyer song and *it's not credited*. Seriously. It's off "Songs of the Forgotten People", and since Carolyn is a genius she *should* be acknowledged, referencing issues aside. One doesn't necessarily stand up in a ritual and say, "this chant I'm about to use is by X", but in a written outline IT SHOULD BE BLOODY CREDITED, *especially* when it's NOT a chant but part of a song by a very talented woman who makes a living out of her amazing music and art.

Grrrr. ::is protective of Carolyn::


So I signed up for NaNo, and now I'm being attacked from all sides by vicious plot bunnies. This, of course, is because I can never finish any one thing, but have to work on infinite numbers of projects at the same time. Avaunt, damn ye! ::shakes vicious bunny off ankle::

Ugh, my grammar has become *disgusting* since I've been doing this job. I can't believe I actually used "that" in that way in the last post, and after a comma....ick, ick, ick. If I wasn't at work I'd go and have a shower.

Gods musings

Question: do those of you who are vegetarian (for moral/emotional reasons, rather than practical ones like you just don't like or can't tolerate meat) work with the Hunter? If so, how?

Was thinking about this because of a chunk of a poem I posted to BRDL-C, that reflects on my childhood experiences hunting. I was brought up hunting and trapping for the pot, and those memories are, at least in part, how I connect in to the Hunter. Raven constantly jokes that we can't afford to feed me, which is actually pretty true, so I'm probably going to go out with the gun with my father (it's so long since I've shot, I'd rather be in company - my height of skill was at about age 11, last time I tried I hit about one in four clays, which is just *pathetic* - plus if we go lamping, two people are better than one), and for that I tune in very definitely to the Hunter archetype and the sacredness of hunting as a conscious practise (as opposed to sport-killing).

It also got me thinking about whether there is an equivalent Gatherer deity - we work with hunting and agricultural deities, but don't normally think about gathering. Picking up chestnuts today, and the other day out blackberrying and collecting beechmast: what deity rules this? Would it be the Green God - gatherer and gathered, devourer and devoured, in the same way that the Hunter is hunter and hunted?

I must be insane. I just registered for NaNo. ::makes mental note to get laptop repaired *before* Nov 1::


OK, because I'm broke and desperately need to raise money to a) get out to Tejas and b) get out of this flat, I'm starting to market my services as a Tarot reader again. If any of you want a reading, and want to make a donation, please let me know!

I also do other forms of divination, including runic, natal astrology, geomancy (traditional European) and others.

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