No! Don't take me away from the compuuuuuter!
gakked from ska_girl over at
My threes:
Three People Who Make Me Laugh:
01 | Raven
02 | A-M
03 | My boss, but NOT in a good way....
Three Things I Love:
01 | Sex
02 | Food
03 | Books
(not necessarily in that order....)
Three Things I Hate:
01 | Hypocrisy
02 | Cowardice
03 | My job
Three Things I Don't Understand:
01 | Myself
02 | Exactly how stable isotopes work ;)
03 | How I can speak Russian in my sleep but not remember it when I'm awake.
Three Things On My Desk: (it isn't actually my desk, I'm using Sam's PC...)
(I don't have a desk! Ack! ::looks around frantically at nearest flat surface::)
01 | Roses I bought R after she had a stressful day
02 | Sharpe's Sword (the book, not the actual sword, obviously)
03 | A large bowl of conkers and feathers
Three Things I'm Doing Right Now:
01 | trying to stay on the bed despite the best efforts of my suitcase
02 | smelling drilled jet
03 | thinking about sleep
Three Things I Want To Do Before I Die:
01 | Have a book published (no - many books. Why think small?)
02 | Be able to financially support those I love
03 | Get married - legally.
Three Things I Can Do:
01 | Write
02 | Snark
03 | Fuck
Three Things I Can't Do:
01 | Count
02 | Remember
03 | Earn a living
Three Things I Say The Most:
01 | Bounce!
02 | Squee!
03 | Fuck off and die!
Three Things You'd Like To Learn:
01 | Japanese rope bondange
02 | More languages
03 | Shorthand
Three Beverages You Drink Regularly:
01 | Coffee
02 | Tea
03 | Even more coffee & tea
Page Summary
Things I Have Tried To Forget So Far
1) Passport Bounce!
My motto today: Don't kill her - she's not worth the calories. (Mad props to whoever first said this to me, possibly alisondudgeon.) Mystified
Why is it that so many people *don't* consider, "Die, bitch, die!" to be a sane and proportional response to someone who's annoying you? ::puzzled:: pre-holiday stress
Meu deus, I'm going to kill the lot of them. Not Spokes, you'll be glad to hear, but my coworkers. Manager is not in today, and I swear I have not had a single minute in which someone has not wailed my name wanting help. If I hear my name wailed ONE MORE TIME I'm going to bloody change it. amused
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Am suffering the death of a thousand paper-cuts. ::whinge::
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Time & Tide
Mep. Under a week 'til Texas!! Only 3 more days at work! (have Monday off, yay) Butcher's Bill
- incompetent, hostile and unpleasant superiors
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Just had a good bitch with one of the AMs about the ghastliness of our workplace - which is to say, the ghastliness of the Senior Management (such as it is). Only vast amounts of coffee and a policy of total immersion in the Peninsular War is currently saving my sanity.
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Snakey makes....soup?
So I tried to make soup. And I kind of did. At least, it was soup-shaped. And just about soup-coloured.
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fannish tragicness
OH MY GOD! Raven just noticed that Sharpe's wife's boyfriend is Wesley from Angel! ::blinks:: I am staggering through this day on the hypothesis that, eventually, it will end. So far, there's little evidence behind this hypothesis - it does, in fact, appear to be getting longer instead. This is logically improbable, but empirically true.
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Versions of the Charge, for ardraraith
Or, Why I Don't Like Starhawk's Version.
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Am mad as *spit* that the outline posted to the community for the Brit. Rec. Samhain ritual includes part of a Carolyn Hillyer song and *it's not credited*. Seriously. It's off "Songs of the Forgotten People", and since Carolyn is a genius she *should* be acknowledged, referencing issues aside. One doesn't necessarily stand up in a ritual and say, "this chant I'm about to use is by X", but in a written outline IT SHOULD BE BLOODY CREDITED, *especially* when it's NOT a chant but part of a song by a very talented woman who makes a living out of her amazing music and art.
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So I signed up for NaNo, and now I'm being attacked from all sides by vicious plot bunnies. This, of course, is because I can never finish any one thing, but have to work on infinite numbers of projects at the same time. Avaunt, damn ye! ::shakes vicious bunny off ankle::
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Ugh, my grammar has become *disgusting* since I've been doing this job. I can't believe I actually used "that" in that way in the last post, and after a comma....ick, ick, ick. If I wasn't at work I'd go and have a shower.
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Gods musings
Question: do those of you who are vegetarian (for moral/emotional reasons, rather than practical ones like you just don't like or can't tolerate meat) work with the Hunter? If so, how?
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I must be insane. I just registered for NaNo. ::makes mental note to get laptop repaired *before* Nov 1::
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OK, because I'm broke and desperately need to raise money to a) get out to Tejas and b) get out of this flat, I'm starting to market my services as a Tarot reader again. If any of you want a reading, and want to make a donation, please let me know! I also do other forms of divination, including runic, natal astrology, geomancy (traditional European) and others. |