21 birthdate: June 16, 1981 occupation: student major: Japanese Language location: California, USA email: totchiko @ aim: totchiko icq: 16317520
to my livejournal! After a full year of writing my every move and
thought here, I have finally gotten sick of the 'generator' style
I had been using. Hence the new look! TADA! This layout came into
being one night as I was playing around in photoshop with no aim and
nothing in mind.
Not really much to it. It's pink. Very pink. I'm sure many of you
would think TOO pink.. but what can I say, I like pink. ^^; The images
up top are my user icons. I didn't think actual images would fit in
with the layout, but there was too much deadspace.. this way is a
sort of a comprimise between the two. The bug and title for this version
are both borrowed from FAKE?.. I've been listening to them a lot and
it seemed to fit in in some strange way.
This is actually one of two versions of my livejournal I have floating
around. Why two? I'm not completely sure, it just ended up that way.
This is the onsite version, meaning that it is the one that is actually
located on the livejournal servers for other livejournal users to
see. As such, it is the simpler one. The
other one is hosted offsite at JRISS!.net
by the oh so wonderful Myrrh. That's the one that's connected to all
my various rings and lists and is where people who aren't on livejournal
can see me. What's the point for having two? None! well, almost none.
I just like having more things to play with I guess.
But enough babble for now. That's what my actual journal is for. =D
viewed with Netscape 6+ or IE 5+, 800x600 resolution or higher.
Sorry, but I can't be held responsible for how it turns out in previous
Thursday, February 26th, 2004 4:21 pm
"You broke my lump!"
Heh.. it hailed today. Big storm. Glad that I have the day off and don't have to go anywhere.
It stormed yesterday morning, too. Really hard. By the time we left at 11:20ish it was over, though. When we got to school the traffic lights were down and there was a police officer directing traffic, I think I commented that the storm must have been worse than I thought. So I headed towards class and Eric headed towards the animation room. We didn't get that far, though. I only got to the Student Union before I noticed this BIG white board annoucing that "ALL CLASSES ARE CANCELLED" O.o; I sort of stood there for a moment wonering "all WHAT classes? PE? Stuff in the Union?" Before heading towards Humanities and trying to call Eric. When he picked up he was like "are all your classes cancelled, too?" Apparently there were signs all over the Fine Arts building, too. We met up by Humanities with some other confused Japanese students and, sure enough, there were signs posted on the doors there, too.
See, at this point any sane person would hightail it home shrieking in glee. But we are not sane people, we are Japanese majors. -_-;; So while everyone around us was fleeing the campus, we gathered outside of HUM 132 and waited to see if Matsumoto-sensei would show up. He did. I asked if class was cancelled and he looked confused and said "no." I mentioned the signs and he was like "ehhh?" and ran out to check. Then he went to ask the department head, and yes, it was true.. all classes cancelled... Except japanese. ROTFLMAO. Well, that's not entirely true. Japanese was cancelled, too.. we just still had class, and the 10 of us that showed up got extra credit.
Just before the end of class Nick-san showed up in the doorway to make sure we would all be going up to business writing. He was like "Minami-sensei IS having class. So make sure you come!" Of course it was revealed when we got up there (again, about 10 of us) that the only reason we had class was because Nick poked into Minami-sensei's class to ask, and he was like "Ah! Nick-san is here, that means we can have class!" ROTFLMAO. SO, more extra credit. We pretty much just watched SmapxSmap and sang that damned song again. Minami-sensei also defaced the "ALL CLASSES CANCELLED TODAY" sign on the door by writting "Except 南!オレはやるぞ!!" in marker on it. LOL. Eric took a picture with his phone. It was funny. People kept passing in the hall and giving weird looks at us for not only actually having class, but for singing crappy japanese pop, and half of the class (including Minami-sensei, Takata-senpai, Nick-san & Eric O.o;) doing the hand movements along with the video. LOL. At one point McKeon-sensei poked her head in and was like "先生、クラスはキャンセルよ". Minami-sensei laughed and was like "はい、遊んでるよ!". Everyone laughed. ROTFLMAO. He also corrected me when I mentioned Matsumoto-sensei and said it was "Macchan" ROTFLMAO. O.o;
At the end of class Nick-san was all "Asano-sensei cancelled, you know" and left, which confused us, because Mana-san had run into her earlier and been told to "SHOW UP!". So we waited around a little in front of the room to see if she'd come. By this point there were only 5 of us (plus Eric makes 6) left. We knew she was in her office, but didn't know if she'd come. After little while I suggested we decend upon her office "en masse" to ask. And so we did. She was surprised, to say the least, but we had class. LOL. Very informal, we just sat around and asked questions about stuff for the hour. It was fun. We learned all about sumo trivia and.. stuff.. that I can't remember. LOL. She said that when she told Mana-san to come to class she had NO idea that classes were cancelled, so that's why she said it. LOL.
After class we went to the Student Union to meet with Yuko and have food. That was interesting, and it's NEVER beed so easy to find a place to sit there. LOL. Yuko had her little english notebook with her, and I had a LOT of fun looking through that. All sorts of random stuff. Like someting about "Mr. Blown" and comments on "lump breakage" and random engrish that's always fun. We talked for alittle over two hours before heading home. It started raining just as we turned onto our block. LOL. GUDDO TAIMINGU!! Home consisted of spending time with our respective computers, and then watching Eric play Ratchet & Clank on the PS2 until really late. You know, same ol' same ol'.
So yeah. We had class. LOL. It turns out that even though it wasn't raining when we got there and all the lights were on in Humanities an all, the storm had hit the campus pretty bad. There were power outages, and a landslide by the baseball field, and it was rumoured that the basement of Burke Hall was flooded waist high (acording to Mana-san). Heh. It was interesting seeing the campus that deserted, and hey I got some Extra Credit out of it. That's always good. LOL. So all in all i think it was a rather successful day.
I'm hungry. Time to eat, methinks. And then time for FFX.
Today I stated home and played video games. =D w00t. Yay for having a 月水金 schedule. ^_^ Eric had class until 4 pm, and then stayed after to go to some teacher film screening or something. He's waiting for the M back home now. I hope it doesn't take too long, because we decided to go to Hanabi tonight for sushi, since quesadilla's dont's sound appealing for a second night in a row, and we have to save the turkey loaf for lunch tomorrow. And because Eric wanted sushi. mmm. I love having so many good restaurants so close. ^_^
Um. Sunday night Eric had another bad stomach ache. Kind of like the one he had the morning after the Chinese New Year Parade, only not quite as bad (thank god). This time he let me nag him into going to the helth center about it, though. They gave him some pills and told him to stick to mild foods and come back in two weeks. heh..
EDIT: aw damn. Eric just called again, his bus *STILL* isn't there.. that means we won't be able to get to Hanabi before it closes at 10 pm. Damnit. ;_; He said he'd see if the burrito place is still open when he passes it, otherwise it'll be scavenging for us again. ;_;
EDIT DUEX: Or maybe Eric will change his mind AGAIN and we'll end up at Chilli Cha Cha instead. X_x;;.. oh well, we haven't been there in a while.. like at LEAST a month, and I miss my pad see-eu. Thank god Safeway always has those coupons. Actually, if they didn't we'd just order, and wouldn't have to actually walk the two blocks to eat there... eh.. I'm off.
So we went to Foreign Cinema last night. It was good, but not THAT good. I definitely don't think I was worth what we ended up paying. It came out to $470 for the six of us *chokes to death* Mostly because Lou ordered this HUGE oyster plate thing and wine, after we'd all have drinks to start with. Eric had to put in like $160, which I think is a load of shit because I didn't HAVE any of the oyster plate, OR the beef carpaccio that everyone split, and my entree was several dollars cheaper than everyone elses. Stupid Lou. I mean ROY'S was cheaper than that and MUCH better.. and even the Grande Cafe gave us more food for that price. Hell, I think both of those times I brought home more food than I ate THERE, but we brought nothing back from Foreign Cinema. -_-;;
We finished with dinner at a little after 11 pm, and it was decided (not by us) that we would all head over to this bar/club two blocks away on Mission. So we all walk over, and it turns out to be like the crappiest place I've ever been to. First of all it was crowded as FUCK, like SOLID people in a really tiny place. Second of all the drinks sucked. My Sex on the Beach tasted like rubbing alchohol.. at least Lou paid for that. Third of all EVERYONE was smoking. I swear to god. Even some of the STAFF was smoking (what was that about there being a no smoking law?). The air was so thick with smoke that it made me sick. I had to go outside several times throughout the evening because I was dizzy & nauseous.
Of course, no one listened to us when we said we wanted to go, so we ended up staying there until it closed at 2 am. During that time Eric spotted his math teacher and the girl who did the study abroad talks, and Lou (of course) ended up flirted with them for the rest of the night (only Lou -_-;). Then Lou's jacket got stolen. Lou's nice, expensive, "I AM SO FUCKING RICH ONLY I CAN AFFORD THIS" jacket. With his keys, and his wallet. He was pissed. Fortunatly he had happened to leave his credit card with the $100k limit at home that night. Several other peoples' cell phones were also stolen. And to top it all off, when we went back to Anna's car it was locked inside the parking garage.. which had closed at 2 am..10 minutes before we got there. So we had to take a cab back home. I tried not to do the "I told you we should have left" thing, but I don't think I was that sucessful.
um. Today we slept in.. and I played FFX all day while Eric worked. I'm doing all the side questy things, and they are driving me NUTS. Oh well. I better go to bed, school tomorrow.
Many S.F. churches voice support "We want queer couples and their friends and families to know that there are Christians who celebrate these marriages and a God who blesses them."
S.F sues over legality of same-sex marriages "San Francisco officials went on the attack Thursday in their fight over same-sex weddings, suing the state on the grounds that laws defining marriage as between a man and woman illegally discriminate against gays and lesbians."
Apparently some people are worried that Chicago and New York may decide to follow San Francisco's lead. I really don't think that that would be very likely AT ALL, but it would definitely be awsome if they did.
Um. Apparently we're going to Foreign Cinema tonight for dinner w/ Alex & Anna & Lou. We haven't been there since Lou's birthday, and we didn't actually eat there that time, just had dessert, so that should be good. They're supposed to be playing Blade Runner or something (I think) which I've never seen, but all I really care about is the amazing lemon-lavendar creme brulee we had last time. *_*
Uh.. and I'm making a mp3 CD for Mana-san, because he mentined on friday that he needed to hear some good Japanese rock. It's always so damned hard to pick tracks for one of these things, though. LOL. And I talked to MARGEAUX today!! I haven't talked to Margeaux in MONTHS. ;_;
Well, we stayed up a little later than I'd anticipated, and didn't manage getting out of bed 1:30 today, so I could go downtown. I'm disappointed, but hopefully things will go well and I'll be able to go next week. And even if they don't go well, at least I was there once day, you know?
Oh well.
So thursdays are our day off duringg the week. I have Tuesdays off myself, but this is the only one Eric has as well. He'll probably be working the whole time, since he's behind on stuff for Brad. I think I'll spend some nice quality time with my dear friend PS2 before working on some kanji. That sounds like a plan. I probably won't get too far, though. Last time I stopped just before a big boss thingie in Zanarkand, and I have a feeling it will be kicking my ass repeatedly all day. -_-; Oh well.
And I think I'll have some fruit, too. mmmm fruit. And I'm off.
Eric's got smashing pumpkins on and is regaling me with stories from time spent with billy.. again.
I've gotten more comments in the last 2 hours than any single day in probably the last YEAR. Why aren't you guys always this responsive? ROTLFMAO. ^_~
Anyway, now that I've read through practically every gay-marriage article on "the entire inTARnet" as Eric says, it's time for an actual post about what I've been doing in my actual life. Other than being really happy about the whole marriage issue, that is.
Well, today I had classes. Exciting, no? We had a test in 401, which I hope I did well on. It was very easy to comprehend, but, since it was entirely composed of short answer questions, I may get docked for dumb grammar and sentence structure mistakes. Blah. Asasno-sensei's generally really good at getting stuff graded and returned, so I should have it back by monday at the latest. *prays*. We spent the first half of 395 today.. of ALL THINGS IN THE WORLD.. watching SPAM SMAP on the overhead projector and being encouraged by Minami-sensei (who had passed out the lyrics) to sing along. WHY GOD, WHY? WHY does Smap follow me everywhere? Even to the places it should be LEAST likely to show up.. like, oh say, a class on how to write BUSINESS LETTERS in JAPANESE? *bangs head against desk*
At 3pm Eric and I met up with his new conversation partner, Yuko. We talked until about 5 pm, covering such interesting topics as: religion, smoking laws, & tongue-twisters. LOL. She was nice. I still haven't managed to email my new partner. I need to do that soon. Her name is Futami. She's a business major. That should be VERY helpful.
Um. Yeah, that was today. Tomorrow more City Hall for me. Then Friday back to class, & those three weekly quizes I have. bleh.
Now That's San Francisco "Nothing like a few thousand gay marriage ceremonies to reignite your urban pride"
Read this one. I swear to god I could have written it myself, and it's VERY true. Everyone I know is high off city pride right now. EVERYONE. It's awsome, I can't remember the last time we all felt this united and proud of our home and our government.
I think it's noteworthy to point out that I witnessed for that last couple. *beams* Basically what happened was that we were told there would be only one more couple to be married for the day, and they were on their way, but then TWO came instead of just the one. I took the younger couple (who showed up first) while another volunteer took the older couple behind them. The couple I got had a fullblown CAMERA CREW with them, and I wasn't sure why until I got home and read articles. Apparently they didn't make the cut-off and were so distraught that they burst into tears. The cty officials felt so bad for them that they broke their own rules and took them after saying they were officially closed. So yeah, my name is on their wedding lisence as "witness". I'm proud. They were cute. I was only able to take three not so good photos on their camera, though.. because the stupid press people were in my way and I couldn't get a clear shot. Stupid press.
Okay, who wants to go to LA with me in May? ROTFLMAL:ASD:LAKSD.
Dear GOD someone up there wants me to fail all my finals this semester. DAMN YOU!! I can't miss a full professional orchestra and 32 member chorus doing 2 HOURS of Final Fantasy music.. I just CAN'T. It's be too painful, ESPECIALLY since I'm hearing about this while I'm close to finishing FFX O.o; ACK.
Eric thinks I'm nuts ;_;
But seriously, anyone want to go? All I need is a YES and I will SO be there with you. o.o;
I went to take pictures, and I did. The lighting sucked, though, and it turned out that Eric's battery was low, so I didn't take many good ones. Before the battery ran out (about 3 pm) I stopped and started witnessing instead. The articles I'd read all said that volunteers were being turned away, but since today everyone was back at work I guess they didn't have that problem. I personally stood and signed as official witness for four couples, and as unofficial for a LOT more than that. The number would have been higher if I'd gotten there before 2 pm, but oh well.
Words can not describe to you how amazing it was to be there and see it all happening first hand. There was a long line going into a back room where people actually got their licenses, and from there they'd go to the main hall and stand in a MUCH shorter line to be picked by a marriage official, then they'd pick a spot and get a volunteer witness (if they didn't have one or were from out of town) and get married. I witnessed two lesbian and two gay couples. One of the lesbian couples had flown in from New Jersey, the other (the last couple I witnessed today) had a camera crew following them. The second of the gay coulpes was my favorite, though. Eric & Earl. We got Bill, who was the most awsome of the officials there, and he took us way up onto the balcony for the ceremony. Most of the other officials went through very fast, but Bill took 15 to 20 minutes on this one couple. They had roses, and a little gift bag with their rings inside, and they were so nervous they were shaking a little bit. Eric started crying amost as soon as the ceremony started, and continued until about 5 minutes after it ended, he set the rest of us off, too. After they were pronounced 'Spouses for life' they just held each other (so tightly I almost thought they would squeeze themselves into one body) for several minutes while Bill and I signed all the paperwork. They said they are going to email me the pictures I took of them. I can't wait.
Bill performed two of the weddings I witnessed, the others were done by a youngish man, and an older woman, both of whom had gotten married this weekend. At the end of the day, when all the couples had been married who wanted to, I heard her say excitedly "I just got to say 'hang on, let me call my wife first'!" And I got asked twice at least if I'd gotten married earlier, too. *LOL* It was so awsome, though.. SO damned awsome.
I'm planning on going back on Thursday much earlier if I can. But I guess it depends on the courts at this point.
Yes, more news links. It's a big story right now, and even bigger to those of us who have been waiting for most of our lives to see something like it.. so, yeah.
They're actually here to work on the bathroom today. w00t!! Mike said that they'll be mudding on Thursday, and that's HUGE progress. Remember that we've been putting up with plastic drapped around the shower since early December, and haven't had a sink & vanity in there since everything was ripped out in OCTOBER. So hopefully we'll have a nice, new, working bathroom soon. *prays*
Okay, back to FFX for me.
EDIT: Screw it, I'm going to City Hall *grabs Eric's camera*
Marriage Mania in SF "The couple, who have been together for six years, had purchased two plane tickets to San Francisco and two matching rings Saturday night."
So I didn't actually get around to playing with chocolate itself today, but I did buy some chips, nuts, strawberries and stuff. I wanted to buy block chocolate, but they only have chips at safeway, and I'm just experimenting right now, so whatever. I tried to make a soft caramel today, but forgot to get a candy thermometer while I was out, so it didn't go so well. I had to guess when it was hot and cool enough, and that wasn't very fun. I also managed to use the bad burner on our stove to cook the sugar, so one part of the pot got much hotter than the rest and I was afraid I'd burned the hell out of it, but surprisingly it came out fine. It's a very, very dark caramel, but it doesnt taste burnt, and it's the PERFECT consistency. As in, it's softer than caramels that you buy (probably wouldn't hold it's shape if you left in on the counter for an hour or more) but is hard enough to cut and pull into shapes.. mmmm. SO I guess I've got my caramel recipe figured out. Tomorrow I'm going to get my thermometer so I try lighter caramel, and I'm also going to coat some of the stuff I made today with a sweet chocolate, because I think that would complement the dark caramel very well. I'm also planning on playing with the macadamia nuts and strawberries I bought today.
But now I'm heading back into the TV room to watch Firefly with my "Valentine" *COUGHGAGCOUGH* O.o;;
Sooo.. an embarassing thing happened this morning afternoon. See, Alex & Anna were out, and it's Valentine's Day and all, so of course it was decided that there should be lots and lots of sex. So there was. =D Anyway, so about one third to half of the way through, while we're on a little bit of a cuddling break, the doorbell rings. We, of course, ignore it completely. Then it rings again. And again. And again. FIVE times total. By that time we kind of figure that Alex &/or Anna had most likely locked themselves out or something. So we continue to ignore it. Then we hear a knock at the back door and Alex's small little voice calling "AGNEW?"..
Sayeth Eric "Oh shit, the back door's locked, too"
Sayeth maya "So?"
So we continue to ingore them. *coughcough* A few minutes later we hear voices upstairs mumbling something about "mumblemumble lost keys mumblemumble" and lots of moving around. So, about 10 to 15 minutes after it all started, Eric finally got up to let them in. From my nice warm spot on the bed I heard "we were kind of BUSY, you know.. *coughcough*" and then Anna's shrill voice declaring, quite loudly, so that all in the house could hear, "THEY WERE HAVING SEX!!!" and a LOT of laughter. O.o;
So Eric came back into the bedroom and was like "what does she mean 'were'..?" LOL. 5 minutes later they slid condoms under the door. ROTFLMAO. How middle school. We gave 'em back later and said we didn't need them, and there was more laughter.. and um.. yeah. That's my embarassing thing for today.
I voted for Matt Gonzales, not Newsom, but I'm still terribly impressed. (That's why having an election where the two candidates are Democrat and Green Party is a GOOD thing, even if Green loses you win =D [yes I'm one of those VERY liberal people.. bite me])
Ammiano (I voted for him two [and three] elections ago, but he lost ;_;) and Leno are both gay, so they'll fight for this pretty damned hard.
heee.... I know it's kind of a long shot now that California has become a REPUBLICAN STATE (*coughchokesputterDIEFROMPENCILSTABTOTHEEYE*).. but it's better'n nothing.
I am loved by 69% of the population, including: 2834 people who love geeks 2247 people who love women 2220 people who love people who like vegetablesIn return, I love 37% of the population, including: 282 gays 832 west coast people 426 puppies
ROTFLMAO. That's the lowest percentage I've seen for this quiz. I guess I'm just really picky when it comes to who I love online. ^^;
In other news, we saw MATT today. I havn't seen Matt since the first day of school (after which he dropped all his japanese classes -_-;). He was on campus with his new roommate (he moved to the Castro during break, so now he's within walking distance). We all (Matt, his roommate [didn't catch his name], Eric, Namiko, William, & I) are going to get together next sunday at Matt's for a lunch party. His roommate is going to make us something, and there will be daiquiris and ice cream and some not-yet-determined dessert to be made by me. Matt wanted pumpkin pie. I said NO. I might just make nectarine crisp, but I'm kind of sick of making that. I want to try something new... uhh.. so that should be fun.
oh, and yesterday night (after a 3 hours worth of failed attempts; admitting defeat; 7 hours of leveling up [minus 2 hours for the blackout -_-]; and much STRESS) I FINALLY beat Seymour Flux on FFX. w00000t!! It wasn't so hard after I realized I needed to actually have my Aeons overdrive-ready going into the battle, but since I kind of don't use them that often outside of major battles it took me a while to figure that out. -_-; oh well. I've had the Mt. Gagazet music in my head all day.. I NEED that soundtrack. X_x;
So yeah.. I've been really crappy about updating my livejournal lately. Again. Still. But I'm alive, and I keep meaning to write, so it's okay.. right?
Um. Well. I have no idea where to begin. The last thing I wrote was that we were back from Wisconsin and I'd write about it soon, but I doubt that just one long entry about the trip will suffice after so long. So I'll just say that Wisconsin was fun, and pretty, and not nearly as cold as everyone kept telling me it would be (some kind of heat wave). It only snowed once (on Eric's birthday [he's 28 now.. he's oooooooold]) in Racine. Menomonie had a nice thick layer of snow on the ground when we got up there (24th) but it melted down to very little by the time we left four days later... oh well. It was nice while it lasted. Of course, a week after we got back it was -10° in Racine and much less in Menomonie.. quite a bit colder than the 20s and 30s while we were there. Oh well, more later on when I actually get around to writing a Wisconsin entry, if I ever do.
Being back in San Francisco was weird at first. We had to get used to being here and having roommates again and stuff. I had a bit of a problem getting used to their issues and was really touchy and tempermental for a few days, but it passed. Eric started working a lot pretty much as soon as we got back home, so I ended up spending most of my time playing Zelda on his GameCube. Somewhere in the middle of January I went home to Babysit my brother for a few days. The first time was from Wednesday to Friday, and then from Sunday to Tuesday. It was very odd being back there for the the night, since I haven't been since August. I took the GameCube with me and played MarioKart with my brother, it was cute. ^^; At first when I told Eric I'd be going home for a while he was like "GOOD. That way you won't be bugging me and I'll be able to get some work done." But then when it was time for me to actually go he pouted a lot, and when I got back he was super bouncy and happy and observed that the house was 'empty' without me. *eyeroll*
The tuesday I got back from my second stay at home Eric gave me my christmas present (cuz Christmas is January 13th, of course). He had spent the last 3 months convincing me that he was getting my the 2nd Fushigi Yuugi DVD set because I got the first for my birthday, but apparently that was a deliberate attempt to keep me from guessing.. -_-; So I got home and there was this little DVD set shaped package wrapped in lavendar and set between FY1 and Moulin Rouge on my DVD shelf. I was like "why did you even bother wrapping it?" and to that he just shrugged and jumped on me until I opened it. Of course, it wasn't FY2.. because that would have been the natural conclusion to three months of hinting.. it was actually Final Fantasy X and Castlevania (which he actually bought for himself) wrapped together to LOOK like FY2. I was confused for a second because I didn't actually OWN a PS2 on which to play said games.. but that passed, and Eric got the other, much BIGGER package out of the hall closet for me to open, and all was right with the world once more. tee hee. ^__^ So yeah, I finally got a PS2, and I spent the next week or so playing FFX almost constantly. I still haven't finished it, though.. because the last week of break Eric and I ended up marathoning through the first 3 seasons of Babylon 5 and then school started, but I'm close to the end. I've been kind of stalling and going really slow when I get a chance to play, though.. because I don't want it to end. ;_;
Umm. So school started. I have classes. They are very classlike. Eric and I actually have a real (read: not kanji) class together this semester. JAPN 395 - Business Writing with Minami-sensei. It's... hard. Our textbook is actually called "Patterns of English Business Letters" and is written for Japanese students taking an English business class.. and it has enough kanji to look like Chinese in some places. X_x;; Other than that I'm taking JAPN 401 - Japanese Way of Living with Asano-sensei; Kanji; and JAPN 309 - Advanced Reading with Matsumoto-sensei, who is the NEW sensei at SFSU. He apparently taught at the University of Oregon up until this year. He's very cute. The typical TINY 30s/40s sensei. He says that the five important aspects of Japanese are reading, writing, listening, speaking, and karaoke. LOL.
Um. I got called for Jury duty for last week, which REALLY sucks. I had to miss class on wednesday for it, and then had to go back on thursday. They never finished picking the actual jury like they were supposed to, though.. so I got friday off because there's no court on fridays, but have to go back on tomorrow for the final selection. I REALLY hope they don't put me on the jury. I can't afford to miss any more class. All my teachers said that I'll be fine coming just on friday for a week or two excpet for Asano-sensei. She said to come talk to her next friday if I get picked, which sounds somewhat forboding.. so I really hope they don't pick me.
uh.. Wednesday after.. well, after Jury Duty for me and class for Eric, we went out for dinner. It was nice. I was exhausted from spending the day at the Hall of Justice and really didn't want to forage for dinner, so I asked if we could go to Chili Cha Cha instead. Eric was very much against the idea at first, because he didnt' want to spend the $20 or so that it normally costs to eat there, but I wore him down with a phone call or two. When he actually got home he was like "I don't want Thai food, let's go to 2223" though, so we went there instead. Ended up being five times more than what we would have spent on Thai, but it was yummy. Not quite as good as the Grand Cafe, but still really fucking good. We split a salad, and then I had herb roasted chicken w/ mashed potatoes, green beans & onion rings while Eric had some kind of beef tenderloin, and there was wine, and desserts, and dessert wine.. so all was good. =D
Yesterday I went out shopping with Namiko for a few hours before we meet up with Eric to see the Chinese New Year Parade. I got some cute new panties at Victoria's Secret, she got pants for her new volunteer job at this information center by Powell. It was fun. I also stopped by Macy's to scout for new sheets, since Eric's been a PAIN in the ass about finding some. See, a week or three ago we found a small tear near the top right hand side of our fitted sheet.. this was bad. It made Eric very unhappy, because he really liked his sheets. So we headed off to Bed, Bath & Beyond to get replacements, but since the sheets were about four years old and colors change every season, we didn't find a damned thing that Eric liked enough to buy, despite being there for well over an hour. He, of course, refused to settle for anything other than the ones he had, so we came home empty handed (well, actually we came home full-handed, but that was Office Max's fault). So while Eric was refusing to buy new sheets the tear got bigger, until it was finally a whole three inches long. At this point Eric decided we should flip the sheet so the rip was out of sight.. BAD idea. I warned him, but.. well.. no one ever listens to me. So anyway, sometime during that night i moved, and there was a huge RIIIIP as my foot got caught, and the next day we were the proud owners of a sheet with a two foot GASH in it. So that's how I ended up at Macy's. ^_^ Anyway, I found one set that was the same brand as the old ones (Wamsutta) in a grey-ish blue that I liked. I figured they would be the best bet, so I got Eric to look at them after the parade and he agreed to buy them and all was well in the world once again. =D.
So by that time it was 8 pm, and we were at Macy's, and Jesus was there, too.. and I hadn't seen Jesus in several months.. and he was getting off at 8:30, so I convinced Eric to wait around with me so we could all go out for drinks afterwards. The original plan was to go to the cheesecake factory, but the wait was 2 hours, so we ended up at Equinox instead. It's this fancy resturant on the top floor of the Hyatt Regency at Embarcadero that spins. It was awsome. It's 16 floors up and takes about an hour to go all the way around and the view is AMAZING. Eric took some pictures of the Bay Bridge all lit up, but I don't know if they came out or not yet. We split some nachos and this "Molten" chocolate cake thing with ice cream, and Jesus had Coronas while we had daiquiris (they had lime! no one EVER has lime!). It was damned expensive, but totally worth it. The atmosphere was just.. nice.
Anyway.. that's my brief catch up post. I'm obviously leaving a lot out, but it's pretty long as it is, and I'm tired. We have to get up and shower before 8 am tomorrow because someone is (supposedly) coming to work on the bathroom finally. It's been well over two months since anything was done in there, and at least four months since they started.. and i really miss having a barthroom sink and vanity, damnit. Not to mention that having 50 tons of tile and supplies taking over the study is a pain in the ass, and showering with plastic covering the walls is just not fun. So yeah, I hope they start tomorrow, and I hope they work fast.. at least faster than Juan's guys did (the one coming tomorrow is A New Guy).
Hey all.. I'm BACK! =O From Wisconsin, in case you missed that. I'm kinda pissed right now, though.. because the LONG phone post I called in on the 22nd is nowhere to be found. -_-; GAR. Did anyone see it? Or did it just not go through at all?
Oh well. I'm going to post a really huge long entry later on detailing the last nine days.. just have to rest a little first.. you know.. gather up all the strength it'll take to sit still for a few hours and write about all that stuff that's been going on. LOL. Wisconsin was fun. Which is an odd thing to say.. but it was. I had a good time. =>
uh.. back to catching up on livejournal... and then unpacking and stuff.. O.o; more later.
“hey.. okay. So, I ha-didn't actually have time to call in another entry since the last one which was I think.. the day before Eric's birthday, but I can't quite remember. Umm.. I'm not really gonna say much now, I'll probably end up writing a huge big thing once I get back, soo I'll just leave it til then.. but um, we're at the airport.. at Midway, and it is.. what time is it? it's 5:15 am.. umm.. Chicago time, which means like 3:15 San Francisco time.. umm.. Eric just went off to go get us breakfast from McDonald's cuz it's the only thing around and it's not that bad anyway so, yum. Ummm.. and I'm sitting here waiting. We're gonna probably start boarding the plane in about 45 minutes, and take-off is supposed to be at 6:25.. and.. then we'll get back in at 9:06..ish, and my mom is going to pick us up, and so then.. we'll probably go back to- well, I don't know if we're gonna stop at my mom's, we'll probably just go back to Eric's.. and stuff and.. get re-used to.. err.. readjusted to being at home and stuff.. ummm. I think that's about it. I'll just update the rest when I get back. kay.. bye.”
And it's only been about two days since the last one, yay for me.
So what have I been up to? Well, I spent much of monday on campus doing finals and waiting around for Boy in the animation room and such, and then tuesday I went home to watch my brother while my sister went to go get her braces on (ouch!). I pretty much fell asleep face down on the bed while he read me several books, woke up, had enough time to finish the last of the Mint Cake with Odin, and then came back here where I goofed off until around 9 pm, and then started with the massive amounts of frantic studying.
So I stayed up until 4 am doing that.. went to bed.. got up again at 7:30.. resumed studying.. left for campus with Boy at around 11:30.. resumed studying.. missed the first 1.5 hours of the final to continue studying, and then.. with about 12 out of the last 16 hours being spent writing stupid kanji, headed off towards class. Ick. I forgot a LOT of the writing.. but I think I did decently on the reading, so.. hopefully I'll pass. O.o; I swear to god I couldn't feel my fingers by the time I finished that test, though. And I was getting shooting pains halfway up to my elbow. It sucked. =P But at least now Kanji is OVER! =O
After the test we spent a couple hours in the animation room while Boy copied his scans and stuff off the computers, then we came back home for a little while to kill time. The original plan was to watch part of the Two Towers, but that was nixed when we found out that Alex doesn't actually OWN it on DVD (SHOCK! something he DIDN'T BUY!) So instead we just fucked around on line until 8:30ish. I much in favor of getting to the theatre at like 8 pm, but of course, no one ever listens to me, so we got there at 9 pm, which is never a good idea for opening night of something like LotR. But anyway, we got there at 9pm and printed our tickets from the little Fandango machine thing.. we got an IMAX showing. w00t!!! I was really afraid that we we were going to end up in one of the other theatres and break our streak of seeing LotR in the insanely large glory of IMAX, and that just would have sucked.. really. LOL. So we got one of the few IMAX showings completely by chance, AGAIN. yay! Anyway, the line was pretty damned long when we got up to the theatre, but we still got decent seats. Way up three or four rows from the top to the right side, just a little lower than where we were seated last year.
Um.. not going to say anything about the movie, because I value my life, but it was DAMNED good. WOW. ^____^ Go see. Not that any of you are dumb enough to be planning NOT to, that is. ^^;;
So anyway, since we got the 10 pm showing we were out of the theatre and waiting for the bus just before 2 am (*COUGHCOUGH*), got home at about 2:30, and went straight to bed after that. Nothing much happened today worth mentioning, and I have a my 302 presentation for tomorrow to do, so I better get going and start on that. Presentations are from 10:45 to about 1:15 tomorrow, and we plan on going christmas shopping after that, since it'll be pretty much the only time we'll have to buy gifts before we leave Sunday morning. So.. um.. yeah. That is all.
So sunday we went to my house for dinner & chinese food and I picked up my Buffy Season 5. w00t. Then I stayed up all night working on final papers and stuff. UGH. I got one hour of sleep, and then stayed at school until 7 pm because I'm DUM. um.. so yeah. three out of five finals are over and done with. Kanji final is tomorrow (EEEK!), and then 302 presentation on friday, then I'm FREE!
uhh. Today I'm going home to watch my brother while my sister has her braces put on. This is Bad. I don't think I'll be able to get much studying done with him around.. and I REALLY need to study for kanji so I can pass the damned class O.o;