perigrinations in pointless pretentiousness
quelle alliteration, no?
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Happy Birthday [info]soaringdragon42!
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Current Tunes: Epcot - IllumiNations - Reflections of Earth - Pre-Show BGM

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got a head is about 3 pounds lighter, and I no longer have that Andy Kaufman look going.

*does the happy haircut cha-cha*

Current Mood: bouncy
Current Tunes: Esquivel - Honky Tonk Cha Cha

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my car is having issues with it's front left turn signal.

i checked it out the day before yesterday, and saw scorch marks on the base of the plastic bit that gets seated into the socket. I wiped off the connectors, plugged it back in, and it worked.

Until yesterday. Then it goes out again, and I replace it completely when I get home from work. Oddly enough, when I made sure the bulb was completely seated in the socket, it wouldn't work, but when I pulled it out just a millimeter or two, it did.

Until today. It's currently not working, and I'm torn between going out to adjust the damn thing or just whacking it to little shimmery bits with a hammer.

Current Mood: frustrated

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stop lookin' at me, swan!
we're about to have some massive thunderstorms roll in, so I'm going to sign off for the night.

hasta la bye bye!

Current Mood: excited
Current Tunes: John Williams - Double Trouble

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you meddling kids, always and your meddling dog!
Just in case you missed it yesterday and it got lost in the shuffle...I do have three Gmail invites remaining. If you want one, email me through my LJ account...and for some reason, Google is gonna need your first and last name, as well as a current email address, for the obvious reasons...

Current Mood: listless
Current Tunes: Cirque Du Soleil - A la lune

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I'm bored.

Bored bored bored bored bored.

I undid the minimum security thingy I did to my journal, since, let's face it, a lot of the posts I made friends only didn't really need to be friends only.

So, yeah...apart from that, not much going on.

*eats the half-full pudding cup he got from [info]baylorsr*
*goes off to make a Cappuccino Cooler from the little powdery mix he has*

Current Mood: bored
Current Tunes: Tokyo DisneySea - Deep Water BGM

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Stolen damn near instantaneously from [info]iceraver
I, my friend, have class. I am so not white trash. . I am more than likely Democrat, and my place is neat, and there is a good chance I may never drink wine from a box.
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and in today's news, absolutely nothing happend to Chris
yep, it's true. I've done nothing today.

Tomorrow, on the other hand, I make a flying trip to Chicago with mom to try to get access to my storage locker, and endeavor to find my Windows XP key hidden in some of my boxes down there. Probably bring back as many books as I can fit in the Buick, too.

Complicating this plan is the fact that the interstate is gonna be locked down in a couple spots because Laura Bush is gonna be around for some ungodly reason or other. Ok, someone tell me why the hell a librarian married a man who is anything but the poster-boy for intellectual curiousity? The man has all the intelligence of a bowl of corn flakes. And if there's anything he does not know (and what he does not know is basically the entire contents of the Oxford English Dictionary and Encyclopaedia Brittanica combined), he doesn't feel the need to find out what it is. Why? Why was such an incurious little monkey handed the reins to everything in his life, when it's obvious he's done nothing to deserve it, apart from being rich? I so hope the wheel of karma finally catches up and runs his sorry ass down.

I've been trying to get my LJ linked to and, but have been running into some difficulties. Dunno why, but oh well.

Um, more later, I guess.

Current Mood: meh
Current Tunes: Presidents of the United States of America - Cleveland Rocks

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Help Make Blogs More Visible!

There are by some estimates more than a million weblogs. But most of them get no visibility in search engines. Only a few "A-List" blogs get into the top search engine results for a given topic, while the majority of blogs just don't get noticed. The reason is that the smaller blogs don't have enough links pointing to them. But this posting could solve that. Let's help the smaller blogs get more visibility!

This posting is GoMeme 4.0. It is part of an experiment to see if we can create a blog posting that helps 1000's of blogs get higher rankings in Google. So far we have tried 3 earlier variations. Our first test, GoMeme 1.0, spread to nearly 740 blogs in 2.5 days. This new version 4.0 is shorter, simpler, and fits more easily into your blog.

Why are we doing this? We want to help thousands of blogs get more visibility in Google and other search engines. How does it work? Just follow the instructions below to re-post this meme in your blog and add your URL to the end of the Path List below. As the meme spreads onwards from your blog, so will your URL. Later, when your blog is indexed by search engines, they will see the links pointing to your blog from all the downstream blogs that got this via you, which will cause them to rank your blog higher in search results. Everyone in the Path List below benefits in a similar way as this meme spreads. Try it!

Instructions: Just copy this entire post and paste it into your blog. Then add your URL to the end of the path list below, and pass it on! (Make sure you add your URLs as live links or HTML code to the Path List below.)

Path List
1. Minding the Planet
2. Luke Hutteman's public virtual MemoryStream
3. peregrinations in pointless pretentiousness
4. (your URL goes here! But first, please copy this line and move it down to the next line for the next person).

(NOTE: Be sure you paste live links for the Path List or use HTML code.)

Current Tunes: Lee Press-on and the Nails - Pico and Sepulveda

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thunderstorms and lack of merchandise
well, Target didn't have that Big Bad Voodoo Daddy CD/DVD combo that I wanted, and we've got thunderstorms rolling into the area. whee.

still bored.

Current Mood: bored
Current Tunes: Tiki Tones - Monkey Farm

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still bored
and I want this...debating a run to Target to see if they have it in stock yet...

Current Tunes: Disneyland - Snow Whites Scary Adventures Queue (Dungeon Audio) (Utilidors Audio Broadcasting: Utili

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wheee! I'm bored!
'nother meme )

Current Mood: bored
Current Tunes: Forbidden Broadway - Who's Gay In Hollywood?

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meme-age, stolen from [info]proverb
click me, click me, I'm ever so smart! )

Current Tunes: The Band - Take a Load Off Fanny

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Look out! Quizilla!
The Regular Jo(e)
Category III - The Regular

You are the quintessential standard conjured by the
word 'Friend'.

What Type of Social Entity are You?
brought to you by Quizilla

Current Tunes: Paul Winter Consort - Appalachian Morning

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Well, I'm back...
Got back in last night around 10:40pm. Would've been 9:32, but there was an hour-and-eight-minute delay on the train I was taking back. So I got back to my house around 11:20pm, checked some internet-y stuff, and went to bed and slept for about 13 hours. Mmmmm...sleep.

Today, I will catch up on my LJ friends goings-on, and eat spaghetti later tonight. Whee.

Current Mood: groggy
Current Tunes: Louis Armstrong - Jeepers creepers

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random pondering
i wonder sometimes why there's this weird neurochemical side effect when I take over the counter antihistamines that makes me grumpy.

Current Mood: grumpy

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first quiz in a while...not exactly sure what a folkie is, but ok...
You are a Folkie. Good for you.

What kind of Sixties Person are you?
brought to you by Quizilla
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Got Brains?

Current Mood: busy
Current Tunes: Thomas Newman - The Turtle Lope

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news from the weird
So, first things first, I gave blood today, which is why i picked "drained" as my current state, as I have been, quite literally. I'm a pint lighter.

That said, I was at work on a double shift yesterday, and the earlier part of the evening was quite dead. Our closing server didn't get her first table until about an hour and 15 minutes into her shift. So, in an attempt to keep myself entertained, I came up with a very long list, and wrote it on little pieces of note paper. It was inspired by my recollection of this list, entitled "The 213 Things Skippy is No Longer Allowed to do in the U.S. Army." I started off only being slightly tongue in cheek, and wound up going straight past the "sublime" to grab "the ridiculous" by the throat. It is going behind a cut-tag, since it's freakishly long, although it does not run to 213 entries.

And now, Ladles and Jellyspoons, in the order I wrote them down, I give you Things Chris is Not Allowed to do at Work. )

Current Mood: drained -- literally
Current Tunes: Royal Crown Revue - Spanky's in the Kitchen

who's this guy?
the fat hobbit
Name: the fat hobbit
links so you can jump around a bit
Back September 2004
so to sum up...