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FAQ Question #64

» How do I create a custom mood theme?

The ability to create custom mood themes is limited to Paid or Permanent Accounts. Submissions for new public mood themes are currently not being accepted, due to the increase in bandwidth caused by adding mood themes; however, you can create a new mood theme for your own use if you have a Paid or Permanent Account.

Images used in custom mood themes must be hosted by a webspace provider that allows remote loading.

You can create, edit, use, and delete a custom mood theme using the Custom Mood Theme Editor: If you do not wish to use the interactive editor, the lower portion of this FAQ explains how to create a mood theme manually using console commands.

Once created, you can preview your mood theme at<themeid>&ownerid=<ownerid>, replacing <themeid> with the ID number of your mood theme and <ownerid> with your user ID number. Your user ID number is found on the User Info page ( right next to your username in parentheses.


Instructions on how to create a custom mood theme manually can be found at You can view a particular mood theme along with the mood theme IDs by appending &mode=tree to the mood theme URL:<themeID>&mode=tree. Note that custom mood themes cannot be deleted from the Admin Console. If you wish to delete a mood theme you have created, you will need to use the custom mood theme editor.

It is possible to edit your mood theme later, using the same moodtheme_setpic command that you used to initially define the mood theme.

To edit an existing custom mood theme, you need to know the ID number of your theme. If you have forgotten the ID number, you can recover it using the Admin Console ( by executing the following command:


This will list all public mood themes, followed by any mood themes that you own.

To see which moods are defined for your mood theme, execute the following command:

moodtheme_list <themeid>

You will need to replace <themeid> with the ID number of your mood theme. Do not enter the < or > symbols; these are only for reference purposes.


How do I buy a Paid Account?

Why are my images not displaying? What is remote loading?

Last Updated:
janinedog, 2004-08-05

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