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Below is user information for nessa. If you are this user, you can edit your information (or choose what information is considered public) at the Edit Info page.

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User:_bachelorette (2114602) _bachelorette
cinnamon girl
Location:Boca Raton, Florida, United States

“ you know why they call you goon? it’s because you’re retarded, and you’re ugly. you’re an ugly retard. ” - billy brown, buffalo ’66

Memories:2 entries
Interests:51: 80's, art, astrology, audrey hepburn, autumn, blowing bubbles, books, butterflies, cartoons, christmas lights, cigarettes, coffee, comfort, cowboy bebop, cuddling, dr. seuss, dreams, eating, fashion, feeling, foreign films, incense, indie, kissing, liberal, libraries, love, magic tricks, my flip flops, ninja turtles, painting, pajamas, photobooths, photography, poetry, politics, pretty colors, pro-choice, psychology, reading, romance, scented candles, scooby doo, sex, sleep, thinking, thriftstores, touch, vintage, weird movies, writing. [Modify yours]
People16:____heartichoke, __bangbang, _bachelorette, _unravel, anti_hero, charmo, deadpynk, dontbustmychops, heartcrime, jone2tone, ledestin, m_r_b_e_l_l_, morphrose, pinkvinylstar, silhouette__, sulleby
Communities43:70shorrorfilms, 80s_cartoons, _against, _whatascene, art_sluts, art_vintage, associationword, birthcontrol, bombshellz, booktards, cigarette_pants, cinema_obscura, creativegirls, crimethinc, customers_suck, cute_as_hell, femalemusicians, good_books, happiness_is, horror_movies, hot_fashion, i_think_that, i_want, icon_amore, ihearttattoos, indiefilms, indiefucks, indiemixtapes, librarylovers, ljforchoice, lo_fi_forme, mondo_macabro, queensoffright, rockyhorrorshow, sextips, soflarock, starbuckswhores, t_shirt_surgery, thriftwhore, vaginapagina, weirdmovies, wildwomen, wings_unfurled
Account type:Free Account

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